I Debate Who I'm Hurting First

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"Can I just see him already?" I begged. At this point I felt like I was being bullied. Teased around with for a joke. Something that always hurt.

"Yeah sure. Whatever." Appley said. She snapped her fingers. A figure fell from the ceiling, landing on the floor in a heap. That figure was my brother. Hansel had cuts all over his body. Bruises filled his arms and legs. His skin was unhealthy pale. His lips and eyes were swollen. He looked horrible. I ran up to him.

"What did they do to you? What happened? What's happening?-" I started firing questions at him. Appley kicked me in the back. I slapped her foot away. I didn't pay her any attention. She killed Hansel harshly in his stomach. He groaned in pain, and started coughing up blood. I snapped my head towards Appley.

"Figured that would get your attention." Appley said. Hansel started coughing up more blood. Appley looked at him in disgust. I didn't know what to do, he needed a doctor, or at least to get out of here. I'm sure I could take care of him once we got home.

"What did you guys do to him? Why are you such cruel people?" I asked them. I turned my attention back the Hansel. I tore a piece off of the ending of my clothing and tried dabbing some blood off of Hansel.

"Yeah! Why did we do that to him? I don't like being called cruel!" Pan yelled.

"Shut up Pan, just cause another pretty girl comes in the room doesn't mean you go all googo on her." Redline snapped. I barley heard her words. Hansel's breathing was getting weaker.

"He's going to die soon! Just let me bring him home! I'll take care of him, and then do whatever you want me to do." I told them.

"No!" Redline shouted at me. Her face was getting as red as her dress. I inched further away from her, trying to sit in front of Hansel.

"We have other...arrangements for Hansel." Appley said.

"Well those arrangements are going to have to change." I told them.

"We didn't vote on that arrangement-" Pan started saying.

"SHUT UP PAN! NO ONE EVEN WANTS YOU HERE!" Redline shouted. Surprisingly, Pan looked hurt. Very hurt. Like there was some story behind those words. He flew towards the wall, and flew right through it. Even the other legends looked surprised by it. Redline tried going through the wall, but she just hit her face and fell on her bottom. Cindy looked like she was trying to hold back a laugh. I tried dragging Hansel away while they were all busy. I burst of light hit Hansel all of a sudden. He gasped, but his body went limb. More blood flowed out of him. I fell next to him, crying. Crying, because no matter what world I go to. People are still cruel.


Author's Note

I think this chapter was a little longer than usual, but still short compared to other books.

Well, what did ya think of the chapter?

Word Count: 519

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