I'm Gunna Burst Your Bubble

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You know how in every book the day always starts normal and then the huge change happens?

Well hate to burst your bubble. But this story doesn't go like that. It isn't like the other books, so you might as well get used to it.

Oh and this isn't a book. It's my life.

The wonderful joyful day started with me being chased by a donkey. Yup a donkey. I don't know why. I was walking to school, and then poof! A donkey comes and starts to chew my hair. I start running and guess who follows? Yup. The donkey.

You know once I climbed that big maple tree I thought the donkey would just go away and I could get to school. Nope!

The bird had to come. This huge white bird. It started peking my head until I fell down the tree.

It was a tall tree. That fall hurt. But I had to get up and run, because a donkey and bird were no chasing me. Some thing happened with the lion, money, penguin, dog, and white tiger. I had a whole zoo after me.

Then this strange girl in red popped up.

"Are you going to chase me too?" I asked trying to catch my breath. 

"No." She said shortly. She grabbed my wrist and the world went black.

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