[4] Tape 1, Side B, Scarlet Does It Once Again

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Tape 1, Side B

"Welcome to your tape, Scarlet Burn"

You knew I was vulnerable. And you always hated me, because you liked Riptide for his good looks and was always jealous of me. At least I think.

You knew many things; who was matched to who, who had ruined their lives, who was popular and who was not....

What you didn't know, however, was that I always wished to be like you. Your perfect red hair and your sparkling eyes. You were always surrounded by friends and when you cheered, everyone watched, amazed.

Bonus: you had a boyfriend. Not just a boyfriend, though. An extremely hot one named Leo.

Maybe I was crazy. But I was determined to be friends with you so I maybe, just maybe, could be popular as you in my sophomore year. People didn't call you Queen Scarlet for no reason.

I created an image in my head— that you were the friendly, pretty, kind and popular girl that I wanted you to be. The image you had carved for yourself. The image everyone said you were.

The image you were not.

And when Riptide left me, I was determined— although I was naïve and stupid— very determined to hurt him back.

And you were the right person to help me.

But now that I look back, I can see that you saw me hurt, and you wanted to increase my pain. You took pleasure in my suffering. You laughed at my struggles.

That was the person you were.

I wasn't in my right mind, I don't doubt that. I left my friends to ask you if I can sit at your table. I wanted so desperately to be friends with you.

I could hear part of your conversation —

"Sophia is so annoying. The cheerleading coach let her fly when it was my turn, let's bully her."

"Isn't he hot? I want to date him."

"I broke up with my boyfriend. I hate him now, he's so gross. And I think he cheated on me, but I don't care because he's not even cute anymore."

"I think I like him. I'll work on him next week. I like his brother better, though."

And when you and your friends stopped the conversation to stare at me, I should have realized that it was crazy. Stupid. Impossible.

But that was the whole point, after all: I didn't.

"Can I join you guys?" I had the nerve to ask. Dear, dear Scarlet, the only thing I could see was your power. Your friends. Your beauty.

You were sitting with your boyfriend who was a junior, an year older than you. I wanted that. I wanted to be so attractive that guys from older grades would like me.

I admired you so, so much.

I should have realized you weren't the person you were said to be. I should have realized it when I saw the lust for pain in your beautiful, sparkling eyes.

After a moment of silence, one of your friends sneered at me. "Go away, freak."

I was about to run when you gave me a blinding smile. "Hey, hon! Sure, you can sit with us." You winked at your friends and they giggled. You looked at me again, your eyes wide. They had a hungry look on them, but I was so excited and relived that I didn't notice.

You patted the space next to you. I sat down, and you immediately started a boy conversation.

"Poor thing! Didn't Riptide cheat on you? I heard that he was ignoring you now," you said with fake sympathy, patting my hand to add on the act.

"Yeah," I disliked talking about it, but I didn't mind talking about it with you. I was such a fool, but I believed that you wanted to help me. Like a mentor. Like a friend.

"You know what?" You said with a sharp-toothed grin. "I have a party planned this weekend. I can find you a boyfriend there." You winked at me, looking like a model. "You know...so you can make your ex jealous."

In that moment... you read my mind.

I thought it was real. I thought your help was real, I thought you were real.

Nothing was more fake than you, I learned to realize.

But I didn't know it then.

And, thanks to you, Scarlet, I can not, even now, tell the difference in fake and real.


"How was school today?" Deathbringer's mother asked. "was it okay? "

"It was fine," he lied. In fact, it was the opposite of fine. But his mother didn't have to know that.

Morrowseer gave him a disgusting smile. "Did you hear about our engagement?"

He pursed his lips. Don't. Yell.

Keep calm.

"Yeah?" He raised a queer eyebrow and shrugged. His voice was sharper than he thought. "So?"

Morrowseer laughed. "Glad you're okay with it, buddy. Don't take it personal, though. I'm marrying Quickstrike for her and her only. I don't give a crap about you."

Quickstrike blushed.

Mother, are you stupid or blinded by his evil schemes?!

He had no idea what she saw in him.

"I never said I was okay with it," he hissed. "And I'm not saying anything not because I like you, it's because my mother does. Do anything bad to her and I swear you won't live another day. "

Morrowseer sneered. "What a charming son you have, Quickstrike."

His mother gave Deathbringer an irritated look. "He's not going to hurt me, dear. Go to your room. That wasn't a nice thing to say to your stepfather."

Morrowseer smirked at him triumphantly and took his mother's hand. "Ah—"

"Dont. Touch. My. Mother," he seethed.

Morrowseer ignored him. Quickstrike gave him a glare and pointed to his room, fuming. Her expression was like a snarling lion.

He got up angrily and stormed into his room and banged the door shut. Anger sputtered in his chest like a volcano, ready to erupt at the smallest touch.

He inhaled and exhaled, imagined punching Morrowseer on the face, and pressed his head to the door.

Then he picked his headphones up and pressed Play.

The party was at a late Sunday night.

I had nervously picked my best skirt and shirt, got on my best dress shoes and even let my hair loose. I probably changed my clothes a hundred times in that three minutes. Nervous to prove myself. Nervous to look good for my future "boyfriend" you were "going to introduce" to me.

And when I was at your house, I was anxious. I wanted to prove that I was worthy of your group.

I wanted to be your friend.

Your friends were touchless, never teased or mocked. I wanted that. I needed that.

When I rang the doorbell, you answered. You were wearing a showy croptop with ripped jeans. I wondered if I overdid it; but when you welcomed me with a smile without even a look at my outfit, I stopped worrying.

You led me to your room, where you and your friends were. "Glory, I found a perfect guy for you!" You squealed. "he's super hot, but, you know, like, in your league."

You and your friends snickered. But I didn't notice. I was too grateful, too happy.

I thought I finally found my friend. A real friend.

You seemed so powerful, maybe like a goddess; you didn't seem human. You ruled the whole school when you were only a senior.

I was blinded by your power.

You linked arms with me. "His name is Max. He's not here today, but I promise he'll show up tomorrow. He goes to a different school, but he's been, like, stalker-crazy about you. You'll like him. He's super gorgeous."

"Really?" That was all I could say. My mind was whirling with different possibilities and I missed the fact that your friends Peril Goldenberg and Rachel Yellup were giggling like crazy.

You looked smug. "Of course, darling! He asked you to meet him at the fountain at the school entrance."

I didn't have to say anything. I was awed.

"What does he look like?" I asked you.

You had to wonder for a moment. Now I realize why, but back then I didn't mind because I figured, heck, this girl knows so many people. She probably has to think.

You answered carelessly. "Blue eyes, brown hair. Super hot. You'll see."

Then you led me to the hallway and to the living room, where you introduced me to alcohol. I didn't want to seem like a dork, but I refused.

I should have ran away from the house and never look back. It was illegal to drink. Was I crazy?

But I didn't.

I watched you flirt with some boys. I learned the simple tactics and flirted shamelessly with guys I found attractive. They never asked me for my number or asked if I wanted to be their girlfriend. They only flirted back and played with me.

I was enjoying myself until you led me out of your house. I should be ready for tomorrow, you said, with a hint of annoyance. I didn't see that then, though. Everything about you was good in my head.

I agreed and went back to my house.

I played different scenarios in my head. I had so many what ifs— would we share a kiss tomorrow? No, we just met...would we like each other?

I imagined a boy with blue eyes and brown hair— and, before I knew it, I had fell in love with a fictional character I had created.

At school, I sat down with you and your friends. I was—

Deathbringer abruptly stopped the tape. He remembered now— Glory had sat briefly with Scarlet and her gang at lunch, although he and her friends had begged her not to. A couple days later she came back to their lunch table and refused to tell them what had happened.

But Glory was never the same.

—wearing a green dress, which you complimented that it brought out my eyes.

After school, I waited at the fountain. Everyone washed out of the school like a tsunami, but I remained.

I didn't see you and your friends.

I waited for a few hours.

He still did not come.

He never came.

Do you know why? If course you do. It was your plan all along, wasn't it, Scarlet? He never came. I never saw a pair of blue eyes that day, nor a guy named Max that had brown hair. Why, you ask?

He didn't exist.


"Deathbringer, it's twelve o'clock!" The door opened, and he turned, hoping to see his mother, but instead saw his stepfather.

"What?" He snapped. He quickly pressed Pause.

Morrowseer smirked. "Your mother— what is that?"

Deathbringer glared at him. "Why do you care?"

He came into his room and kept staring at the cassette player. Deathbringer forcefully pushed him away.

"Don't you dare come into my room," he growled.

Morrowseer seemed alarmed. "What the heck are you listening to, boy?"

"None of your business."

Morrowseer took him by the collar. "I—"

"Honey?" The sound of Quickstrike's footsteps filled the hallway.

Morrowseer finally let him go. "We will talk about this later, emo boy," he hissed.

Quickstrike walked to his room, looking at both of them. "Uh....honey, wait downstairs. I'll see if I can get that cup of beer you wanted."

Morrowseer slowly walked downstairs, grumbling.

Quickstrike hugged Deathbringer, way too tight to be real. "Deathbringer, I know you don't like Morrowseer much, but I promise he'll get better. He's a good man." She released him and wiped her arms like she was infected with the Black Death. "He's sweet."


"Now, when do you have to take the tapes back?"

He answered quickly, not able to meet his mother's eyes. "In a few more weeks. Then I have to write a report about it."

Quickstrike nodded sharply. "Good night. Sleep and get ready for school. Disobedience will not be tolerated."

He sighed mentally. "Good night."

She walked downstairs, and he quietly closed the door behind her. He then grabbed his cassette player and put it under his covers and replaced his headphones with earbuds.

He shut his room light and pressed Play again.

When I went back I school that Friday, your lunch table was full.

You didn't notice me.

It was a coincidence, I told myself. I couldn't accept the fact that maybe you ditched me. I told myself, again and again, that your lunch table was full on accident. Not on purpose.

I ate lunch outside, alone.

Days after days, you ignored me.

I was starting to wonder if you were doing it on purpose.

One day, I finally caught up with you.

I asked that if everything was okay between us. I asked if you forgot to ask Max to meet me. I babbled on without our answer, because maybe even then I knew what had happened.

I never will forget the smile you gave me, Scarlet Burn.

"Max? Darling, do you think he ever existed?"

And, with your little words and smiles, you crushed my heart, my life, my soul. That was when I realized: your eyes, your smile, your beautiful, godlike face... Hid a monster, and you were secretly enjoying the revenge.

You cut my life like a scissors on a piece of long thread.




Just like that, you ruined my life.


Long chapter! XD enjoy, guys!

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