{16} Eyes

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She didn't know what she was expecting. Anger? Betrayal? Hate?

... Love?

Instead, this was what she got:


"Do I know you?"


She didn't know what to say. Yes, Winter, you do. The kiss in the rain. Under that black umbrella...Where you said you loved me.

But do we, though? Do I really know you? And...do you really know me?

We see each other's happiness, the smiles and the joy.

We don't see the pain, the suffering; we don't see the tears, the screams.

So...do I really know you? Do I really know your deepest secrets, Winter? I didn't, but now I do.

Do I wipe your tears and shine on your darkest days?

How can I? I killed you.

...Or I thought I did.

She wanted to give him an accurate answer. His eyes were blank, like a snowing day. Does he really know me? Winter. I loved you. He didn't know her. You hated me. Why? Why does it hurt thinking about you?

She didn't know. But she was telling lies. To Qibli, to Winter, to everyone. She stared at him straight into the eyes. "You may not know me, Winter. But I know you."

Winter stared at her. "I don't...understand. I...Someone told me..." He stared at her. It hurt to see into his eyes again. It hurt to find him alive, when she grieved so much for his death.

Was it lies, Winter? Was everything ...everything you said... lies?

"I can't remember," he said helplessly. And that was what hurt the most. It hurt, remembering him so clearly, remembering him until her heart ached and tears fell from her eyes. Remembering him. It was painful. It hurt seeing that he didn't didn't remember any of it. You. Me. Us.

Us. It tasted bitter in her mouth.

Did we...did we ever love each other? Everyone started to panic. Some were unable to move, their eyes focused on the door. They couldn't believe he was alive, either. It was like a dream. All of it. Was any of it ever real?

Why did it hurt so bad? This pain? Did everything have to happen like this?

So many responsibilities, so many things to make sure of. She was tired. Terribly tired.

Was this how Winter felt when he made the tapes?

"Who are you?" Winter asked, his eyes full with wonder. Then she realized why he felt so familiar, more than the one that she knew before it all ended.

He had that innocent eyes, likes waves in the sea, like snowflakes falling gently on the ground. Ocean eyes. No pain, just confusion.

"Me?" She heard herself say. Everyone was watching them. They were staring at the one boy who they thought to be dead.

Lover. Friend. Kisses in the rain. Smiles. Blushes. Blue eyes. Horses. Smell of a faint memory. Remembering. Pain. Fear. Hatred. Love. Love. Love. Confusion. Hate. Pain. Love.

She managed to choke out a few words. "I...I was your best friend. Before you died." But you didn't. "B-before you...disappeared. We thought you were dead. We were worried. Sad. Devastated." She frowned. Heartbroken.

"Is it really you?" Qibli said from the back. His voice was trembling.

"What do you mean?" Winter said. "I...I woke up in a hospital. I don't know what told me to be here...or why I came." He motioned to his head. It was surrounded with bandages. "I don't remember anything... But you must be mistaken. I was told my name was Hailstorm." The puzzlement was clear on his face.

"That's your brother," she said calmly. Yet, she did not feel calm.

"I don't understand!" He suddenly shouted. "Who's lying? You or them? You or Darkstalker? Or is it one of the tests?" He wrapped his hands around his head, like a loud voice was bothering him.

When he looked up, his eyes were full of tears. "Am I going insane? How do you know all this?"

She slowly walked to him and gently laid a hand on his shoulder. He flinched. I'll protect you. "I know what's real. You can talk to me." Her voice was soothing, calm. I'll give you everything you want. Everything you need. She closed her eyes. "You see, it's all in your eyes. Your pain, your suffering, your life. They...they tell a story. An important story." She pointed at his heart. "I know you, Winter Absher. I know who you are. And eventually, you'll learn who I am."

She smiled. "I see you."


No fair
You really know how to make me cry
When you give me those
ocean eyes
I'm scared
I've never fallen from quite this high
falling into your
ocean eyes
Your ocean eyes


"He escaped."

He was trembling with anger. "No. He couldn't have. I stationed a hundred guards by that door. And you're telling me that he escaped? I'm his damaged state? He might as well be a FBI agent, Tundra."

Tundra narrowed her eyes. "I told you it wouldn't be enough. We trained him. He was a weakling, but he had powerful teachers."

"Silence!" His voice boomed throughout the room. Tundra flinched. "If he escapes a hundred men, I shall double the amount."

Tundra shook her head. She gracefully sat beside him on the large bed. She was a beautiful tool, but a tool nevertheless. "Darkstalker, dear...You get the game, but only the beginning. I know my son. He will escape hundred men, no, perhaps a thousand. He is good at avoiding things, you see." She wrapped her pale arms around his neck.

"What are you suggesting, woman?"

Tundra's blue eyes gleamed in the dim lamp light. "Ah. You, no we...we have come so much. We assassinated Narwhal and we succeeded in getting the last heir alive. Your plan is perfect, as always."

"Yes, it is. It just isn't enough." Darkstalker narrowed his eyes.

Tundra laughed. "If we can't get to him, we bring him to us." She touched his cheek. "Love is a strength, but also a weakness. Kidnap the weak, get the strong."

Darkstalker raised an eyebrow. The thing she said was very true. You should listen to your own advice, woman. She was blind to believe he really loved her.

Her next words sent tingles down his spine.

"We can kidnap Moonwatcher Everfrost."

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