{20} Judgement

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It was Qibli.

(How did he get into the house? Idk. Who cares bro? Nobody locks their doors anymore. This is fanfiction. Nothing makes sense. Okay? Okay.)

"Wow bruh, Winter! So good to see you man!" He said, high-fiving Winter.

"Ew don't touch me you filthy creature!" Winter squealed. Moon snorted. "My father will here about this! Oh wait, he's dead."

Qibli's face contorted. "Bro. Why is Moon in here? Who just happens to be my freakin girlfriend? Bro. Answer me."

(Nobody mentioned it was Moon's room, because in this fanfic nobody has common sense.)

That was when Winter growled. "I challenge you for Moon's never-ending love!"

"I accept!" Qibli growled back. (Is this some kind of barking challenge? How do you growl while talking anyway?

They suddenly transformed into knights and started fighting like crazy.

Moon thought, Is this the part where I sob and tell them to stop fighting for me? Like the princesses in Disney movies?

Instead, she got popcorn. (Because she wasn't a princess. She was a freakin qUeEN)

Then something bizarre happened: both of the knives fell out of their hands at the same time.  Complete silence filled the room, except Moon eating popcorn.

"We can't best each other," Winter breathed. (How do you breath while saying words? I mean I guess you can. Wut???)

"Yeah...bro." Qibli's eyes were sparkling.  (Thus the bromance started)

"Bro." Winter blinked. (I can't imagine Winter saying bro, but oh well. This is a fanfic.)

That was when they realized they were meant for each other, got married, and lived a happy life without ever thinking about the tapes again.


Ok, just kidding. Back to the story. It was fun while it lasted 😂


Winter reacted quicker than lightning.

He dropped to the floor and rolled under the bed. It was almost like watching the Avengers.

A pause. It was like the person behind that door was hesitating. She hastily dove into her covers.

"Moonwatcher?" A soft whisper.

Her heart thumping, she closed her mouth, not answering. The person seemed to relax.

The person came up to her and touched her cheek. "My poor, poor diamond."


"It must be so hard, what you're going through...but believe me when I say I know the pain."

She sat down on the bed, and Moon's heart skipped a beat. If she sees Winter—

"I didn't tell you something. I couldn't bring myself to. We didn't divorce, he left me. That bastard." Secretkeeper laughed, a bad, full-of-pain laugh. "For...for a different woman. Bridget? No...Blister? It doesn't matter, anyway.

"I never had the courage to stand up for myself front of Morrowseer. I was so afraid, Moon...I know you wouldn't know the feeling, because you're such a brave little thing..."

I'm scared too, Mom. 

"And after that boy died, I can't even imagine what you are going through. I know I treat you like a little kid, but I know that you loved him. I'm not saying in what way. You can love a person and not have eomantic feelings for them. But I was so scared of you making the same mistake as me...being too attached to a person, no natter how bad."

Oh, Mom. What did you have to go through?

"But I know you're too strong for that. You are the watcher of the moon, after all. You look at the divine, and you are divine." She kissed Moon's forehead. "You protect me, more than you know. You protect so many people."

I love you, Moon."

With that, Secretkeeper held her hand lingeringly. Then she let go and walked slowly out of the room, sighing. When she peeked at her, Secretkeeper's eyes were full of tears. It broke her heart.

As her footsteps faded aeay, Moon touched her forehead. You're an angel, Mom.

"You can come out now," she whispered.

Winter dragged himself out from under the bed. "Your mom...she's really awesome." He seemed sad, longing.

She stared at him. Then, a ring from her phone.

"Sorry. Excuse me." It must be Qibli.

She stared at the message, and then sighed. "Excuse me, Winter. I really have to use the restroom."

Winter seemed surprised. "Sure."

She gave him a smile. "Thanks. Excuse me for a moment, and be prepared to hide again if my mother comes."

Winter nodded.

She tiptoed to the bathroom as silent as she could. Smiling, she closed the door.

Then she slowly fell to the floor, gasping, leaning on the wall.

With shaky hands, she read the message again:


If you report us to the police, or tell anyone, we will find you. We will kill your mother and your friends.

We will kill you too.

But jf you come to us peacefully, we won't do all that. It's your choice, Moonwatcher.

The thing is, we have your father. If you want to save him, come to us. We will have a chance to discuss normal terms then.

Don't let anyone follow you. If anyone comes to help you, they will be killed.




Winter: You can say "Have a nice day!" without a problem

Winter: But you can't say "Enjoy the next twenty-four hours" without sounding threatening.

Winter: Isn't that strange?


Moon: How did you get into my house?

Sorry for the sloppy chapter :( I have good ideas for the next one tho!

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