{22} Tape

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I had a dream

I got everything I wanted

Not what you'd think

And if I'm being honest

It might've been a nightmare



He fell halfway down the tree. Trembling, he got up. A pain shot through his ankle, but he barely felt it.

And then he was walking. To anywhere. It didn't matter. It never had mattered.

And he felt miserable. Not that he thought about it, he had always envied Moon's house. Every time he came to work on a science project, he had envied her.

My first memory. Someone's house.

The warm, cozy house. The biggest room was as twice as small as his bathroom, but he envied her. Whenever he saw Secretkeeper, he felt so happy. She seemed like what a real mom would be: warm, supportive, and funny. And so much more.

Every time he went home, he felt horribleand hated himself that he thought of his parents that way. It was simply disrespectful, but every time he went to Moon's house, he couldn't help it. He would have traded anything to have a family like hers.

But he knew now.

It was warm because it was full of love. Secretkeeper's love for Moon, Moon's love for her mother.

Happiness isn't where you are. Happiness is who you're with.

He blinked, trying to think of a place that made him happy.

Home? He didn't have a home. It was never a home. He could tell from the nightmares.


He tried to think. He wanted his memories back, desperately.

He began to tremble in cold.

I can't go anywhere, he thought. But he kept stepping. He kept moving.

He saw a row of houses, and he narrowed his eyes. I've been here before.

Even though he didn't know where it was, his body did and it took a step towards one. It was like a habit.

His eyes began to close. And he realized he was tired. Terribly tired. Tired of being himself, tired of not knowing anything.

When was the last time I slept?

He saw people. They formed a circle around him, sneering and smirking.

Moon was with them.

The one with red hair. He had seen her in the room. When he went to the school. She was crying, he remembered.

Her hair, fiery and scarlet.

He felt a jolt. That was her name. Scarlet. Scarlet...Sky.

Then the one named Qibli. And next to him, Umber.

He turned and faced her. Moonwatcher. She was smirking.

Nobody in their right mind would ever, ever love you.

He felt a jolt of pain in his heart, and he turned away, gripping his head. "Stop!" He shouted.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a woman.

A woman with icy, cold blue eyes. The one he saw in the mirror every day. He screamed, and she gave him a look of disappointment.

He jolted awake. He had collapsed on somebody's doorstep.


He shivered.

Welcome to your tape, Tundra Absher...

He opened his eyes. He was at someone's house.

..."Please give this to Icicle," he whispered. "This is really important, Kinkajou. Please."

He was at Kinkajou's house. He had taken himself to where the tapes were.


She was involved in this.

He passed out.


To anyone who might care

Thought I could fly

So I stepped off the golden

Nobody cried

Nobody even noticed

I saw them standing right there

Kinda thought they might care



"So you're back."

She narrowed her eyes. "Darkstalker. It's really nice to see you again."

"Is it?" He laughed. He had a fancy suit on, and his dark hair was perfectly pushed back not one piece of hair sticking out. He spread his arms. "I thought you swore to not get involved in this. In me."

"I changed my mind." She shrugged, staring at the same blank, white walls. "Also, you kind of threatened to kill my dad."

"Which you don't give a crap about, surely?" He said, inviting her to sit at the opposite sofa. "Besides, that wasn't me."

She sat down slowly. "To be honest, Darkstalker, I kind of wanted to see you."

I hate you.

"Really? I'm flattered," he said. He seemed impressed. "Sweet little Moon. Are you ready to forgive and forget? After all he had done to you?"

Moon blinked. "I just want to see him."

"Oh, you will." Darkstalker smiled at her. A fondly smile. After everything, she had gained one thing: his trust. "But I'm glad to see you too, Moon. After working all day with fake people, it is a relief to see a friendly face."

"You don't have to do this, you know," she said gently. "I sometimes think your talents are wasted. What do you gain from killing people?"

"Revenge. Money. Fear." He gave her a toothy grin.

She raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. "That's your reason for taking hundreds of lives?"

He shrugged. "You sound like someone I know."

She narrowed her eyes. "Who?"

He stood up and motioned for her to follow him. "Clearsight."

"Who is that?" She asked. He opened the door she followed him outside, where there were two guards standing. He kept walking.

After a pause he answered. "She was the world's greatest gift and enemy. You could say that."

"That doesn't make sense?" She said, almost pacing to keep up with him.

"I loved her. She loved me. I knew we had a future together. A beautiful future. But she doubted me. All because of Fathom."

"Fathom?" Now that's a weird name, she thought. But at least it's not as creepy as Darkstalker.

"I thought he was my friend. But he betrayed me and filled Clearsight's head with lies. If only I had taken care of Indigo sooner...he wouldn't have betrayed me. She wouldn't have left."

He entered a room. She was too focused on Darkstalker's story to pay attention to anything, but when she looked around the room, she saw that they were in a dark room.

"You can choose now, Moon," Darkstalker whispered. "Do you want to fight beside me, or fight against me?"

She couldn't speak. Instead, she was staring at a man's body, cold and lifeless.

He looked like Darkstalker.

He did it. He killed his own father.

She could barely breathe. The room stank of the dead body, and as much as she wanted to look away, she couldn't.

Winter's next.


Would I do it again?

If they knew what they said

would go straight to my head

What would they say instead?

If I knew it all then would I do it again?

Would I do it again?

If they knew what they said

would go straight to my head

What would they say instead?


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