{8} The Princess (Part 1)

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Moon slowly walked into her second period class, looking for a familiar boy. It took quite a moment to spot him, however, because he just blended so well with the crowd— she felt so much emotions in her chest... Anger? Hate? Confusion? Pity?

She slowly walked to his desk, tapping the notebook he was busily writing on. "Turtle?" Moon said, flashing a smile at him. He seemed startled and confused at first, but when he spotted her Walkman, he turned pale. "We need to talk, buddy."

Turtle gave her a frown. "What do you mean?"

Moon crossed her arms. "I mean the tapes. I mean the thing you did to Winter. Can you explain something to me? Please. I must know why you did what you did."

"I don't have to tell you anything." Turtle said simply and went back to writing at his notebook. After a moment, Moon grabbed it and hid it behind her back, furious. Turtle let out a yell.

"You killed someone, Turtle," Moon spat. "You don't think that's important? Going  back to writing your notes? You just can't answer a simple question, can you?"

Turtle sneered. It was the first time she saw him act like this. He seemed sleep-deprived, like he hadn't got a wink of sleep for days. His eyes were bloodshot and he was pale and thin.

But why? "You think you're better than me? Better than us? You killed him too." Turtle stood up, and his chair screeched, making the classroom silent.

Everyone turned one by one to them, having a sudden interest in a fight between the most quiet boy in the world and the nobody-ever-notices girl.

"You." Turtle's words were like daggers, piercing her skin, her bones, sucking the life out of her—! "Killed." I killed Winter? "Him. You broke him. You healed him, then reopened his wounds. You aren't better than any of us, Moonwatcher Everfrost."

Moon opened her mouth to protest, but she was quickly silenced by Turtle's shouting.

"Why I did what I did... I don't have to tell you. It's not any of your business. Stop poking at everyone's life like you're a detective. Nobody needs anyone annoying the heck out of them. And that's what you're doing right now. To me."

"Look here, Turtle." Moon felt cold, like the room had dropped to below freezing. Why was everyone acting like this? "It is sort of my business, because— well, b-because..."

Turtle laughed mockingly. "What? Because what? You finally realized you loved him, didn't you? Isn't that funny? You loved him with all your life, but you killed him. It's like a game. Everything's a game." He choked at his words. "Life is a game. And I think I failed it."

"I— I didn't —!" Moon protested. His words echoed in her head: You finally realized you loved him, didn't you?

Then the bell rang, and the teacher came in. Moon clenched her fists. I can't let Turtle push my emotions around like this. Be strong.

"Turtle—" Moon started.

"Ms. Asha, can I go to the nurse's office? I feel sick," Turtle said loudly.

Asha looked at them, surprised. "Wow, Turtle, you look terrible. Of course you can, dear. Hope you get better, eh? Your mother won't like for her darling son to be that thin. I surely wouldn't."

Turtle snatched his notebook back from Moon. "Actually, I don't think she even remembers my name."

He ran out of the classroom, and as he did, he threw his notebook in the trashcan, making it land with a thud.


First, the princess. Then the Queen. A cruel ruler among the students among the school, obsessed with boys and jewels. Daring anybody to challenge you and having pleasure in pain and torture. Having an obsession over someone. Thinking it was love.

I won't judge you yet, no, since I don't know your story. Perhaps you have a good explanation for everything you did. Maybe you were broken, maybe you were never healed. I can't be sure.

But today, it's time for us to hear my story.

"Welcome to your tape, Scarlet Sky"


"Who is Scarlet?" Moon whispered, furrowing her eyebrows. She slowly chewed her lunch, sighing.

"You don't know her? Do you live under a rock, Moon?" Kinkajou gasped. "She's a year older than us... A monster, but she's so pretty and powerful that nobody dares to challenge her. And if you do..." Kinkajou ran a finger over her neck.

"Oh. What does she got to do with Winter?"

Kinkajou shrugged. Then she lowered her voice and quickly pointed to a crowded lunch table. "That's her. Red hair."

Moon looked over and saw immediately a fiery red-haired girl. She seemed... Beautiful. Stunning. Like a masterpiece made by a prodigy. She was surrounded by friends, and she was laughing at a joke. Moon closed her eyes. She seemed too perfect.

"What tape was Scarlet again?" Kinkajou asked.

"Seven." Moon eyed her yogurt. "Why?"

Kinkajou smacked her head. "Have you seen the note yet?"

Moon blinked. "What note?" She felt a small dread. Had she missed something?

"For the seventh tape, there's something... A note. Then you'll get the idea what happened. It's pretty nasty, what she did to him."

Moon sighed. "Why couldn't he have told anyone before he decided to commit suicide, though? Like me?"

Kinkajou laughed. "Oh, yeah? I bet he would've if you didn't talk to Qibli so much." Kinkajou wriggled her eyebrows.

Moon felt hear rising to her cheeks. "I— Qibli doesn't feel that way about me!"

Kinkajou took a bite out of her apple. "I know he asked you out yesterday. He told me."

Moon frowned and kicked her chair. "I wish he would stop doing that."

"He's turning pretty desperate, eh? To be honest, I don't think it's a completely horrible idea. You guys could... What was the words?"

"'Heal each other'?" Moon guessed, rolling her eyes.

Kinkajou grinned. "Exactly."

Moon sighed. "I don't want to hurt his feelings, but what can I do? I just don't feel the same."

"Do what you have to do, my dear old friend," Kinkajou replied, winking.


Moon slowly opened the shoebox, making sure to look around the garage so her mother wouldn't catch her. To imagine the horror at her mother's face as she found out what her only daughter was listening to... Moon shuddered.

As she looked around the box, there were so many things she hadn't noticed before— a couple of pictures, notes, and maps.

"What is this?" She whispered as she stared at them. She grabbed a small piece of carefully folded paper.

It was a... love note.

Moon felt confusion, furrowing her eyebrows. What is this, a prank?

This didn't match Kinkajou's words at all... It was nasty, what she did to him... Moon shook the thought away. She would find out soon.

Dear Winter,

Love is a funny thing, isn't it?

I promise this isn't a normal love note. I'll keep it short, you're a busy man. I'm sure you get plenty of those love notes. This, my darling, is an invitation.

An invitation for power. I could make you so much more. I could make you anything you want. And I will.

All it takes us your heart.

Moon shivered, thinking about the girl she saw at lunch earlier. Who would resist such a thing?

Moon felt her heart drop. That was it. Winter got himself into something. He forced himself to love a girl he didn't love. And it turned out nasty.

She quickly grabbed her Walkman and placed her headphones against her ears, closing her eyes. Her heart was drumming against her chest.

Did you read the note? You can find in the same box as the cassette players. The note... It meant everything. Why didn't I just goes in the trash like I did with all the others?

It had your name.

Scarlet Sky. You were the Princess. You were untouchable. You were every boy's dream. Your fiery red hair, your sparkling eyes. Of course I thought about you. Maybe once or twice. Who hadn't? But you were known to be horrible, and I didn't want to do anything with you.

Then the note came.

Your love note... You offered me power. Just for my heart? What a small price, I thought. It was already empty. Already broken. Nothing mattered anymore. All I cared about was pain.

With you, nobody would ever hurt me anymore...right?


But I didn't think about the fact, what if you did?


There will be a part two! Tell me what you think of this chapter ;) please voooote and cooomment! ❤

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