Falling into Temptation

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I’ve decided to take this unrequited love and quietly put it away in a corner of my heart as a bittersweet page of my youth. It’s unfortunate but I’m fine with that.

Wish #13: Sleep with someone.


Dave's POV.

I spent the rest of the day happy. Kath and I had resolved our differences so she would return soon. I felt so happy that I took Sandra out on a date. We had a lot of fun and I was happy, until two days later. Sandra and a few of my friends went out for a hang out.

“Hey man”.


We exchanged pleasantries and talked. The guys and I watched football while the ladies talked. I also drank a bit but I tried not to get drunk. Sandra didn’t like it when I was drunk. My phone rang and I took a look at it. It was Ayo. “Excuse me guys” I said, getting up. I went outside and answered the call. “Ayo, what’s up?” I asked.

“What? You…where are you? Why aren’t you here?” Ayo hissed. He sounded upset meanwhile I was confused. I furrowed my brows in confusion, “what do you mean? Why am I supposed to be there?”.

“For Kath’s final wish, didn’t she tell you?” Ayo asked puzzled. I realized what had happened again and I cursed. “Dang it Kath!” I scowled, “she did it again. What is she doing?”.

“um, her last wish. You remember what it is right?”.

I fell quiet in thought and it clicked. The realization of her wish made me more furious. “That girl” I growled, “what is she doing? Who is she with?”.

“She is with Kyle , she plans on doing the deed with him” Ayo answered, “you better come here now and monitor her at least”.

“Monitor her?! How do you expect me not to stop her from doing something extremely stupid?” I exclaimed unhappily.

“Why didn’t you say that to her before now?” Ayo accused.

“I didn’t think it through” I snapped, “now text me the address and I’ll be there. We are wasting time like this”. “Okay” Ayo agreed and hung up. I held my phone in my hand waiting for the text. I went back to my friends. “Guys, Sandra, I have to go something urgent came up” I sort of lied. I didn’t want Sandra to feel bad or jealous that I was leaving because of Kath so I lied.

“Really? What happened?” Sandra asked worried, “is it mom?”.

“No” I shook my head, “I’m not sure exactly what but I have to go. I’m sorry Sandy, I will see you tomorrow”. Sandra looked sad and I felt bad. I am sorry Sandra but I have to go and knock some sense into Kath. I walked out and held my head. I was getting dizzy, the alcohol was starting to take effect.

I shook it off and left. I drove my bike to the address.

It was an apartment hotel kind of place. Ayo told me Kyle is a partner in the hotel and I was amazed. Kyle is really wealthier than I thought. I met Ayo at a lounge outside. It was very impressive, there was even a swimming pool nearby.

“There they are” Ayo said pointing at a laughing Kath. Honestly, as soon as I saw her, I was amazed. She looked so beautiful and next to her was Kyle. My fists clenched in anticipation. “Kath is slightly drunk, I am not so sure about Kyle though” Ayo said, “I think she didn’t tell you because she imagined you would act this way”.

“Whatever” I shrugged it off and approached Kath and Kyle. I crossed my arms in front of them and narrowed my eyes. “Ahem” I cleared my throat and They turned to me. They looked surprised.

“Dave?” Kath said uncertain. She squinted her eyes to take a clear look at her face and I notice that her eyes were sort of clouded and she was shaking. She is drunk. “What are you doing here? You are not supposed to be here, go, go away” she looked away, pushing me.

I frowned, “I thought we had settled things?”. Kath refused to look at me, “go! Go!”.

“I won’t until you come with me”.
“hey” Kyle cut in, “she came with me and we are not done talking, right darling?”. He grinned at Kath. She smiled but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. I glared at him darkly, “she is not interested in doing anything with you so back off”.

“Go away Dave, stop interrupting me and Kath” Kyle said, waving me off and he even had the guts to kiss Kath in front of me. Kath looked a big hesitant to kiss him back but kissed him anyways and I flared. How dare he?!

“Get your hands off her!” I yelled angrily and dragged him by his collar. Kath got up gasping and I threw Kyle to the floor. “Dave?! What are you doing?!” She exclaimed shocked. She didn’t look angry, just shocked. Even Ayo was surprised.

Because Kath got up suddenly, she swayed to the side in a bout of dizziness but I caught her by the waist immediately. We had gotten everyone’s attention. Ayo watched us, shaking his head.

Kyle got up and glared at me. “what is wrong with you?! How does what I do with Kath affect you? Is it your business?”. He dragged Kath away from me. “Kyle, I am warning you. Stop this stupidity, leave Kath alone” I warned.

“Go away Dave” Kath said dully. I glared at her, “shut up! You are such a coward, you run away from your problems and you break promises. You are going to be punished for this”.

Kyle laughed mockingly, “punished? Who is going to punish her? I advice you Dave. Go away, Kath is happy with me. Why do you insist in the foolishness? Don’t embarrass yourself more”. He looked at Kath, “dear, let’s go somewhere quiet”.

Kath nodded and that infuriated me more, why is she doing this? I won’t let her. “Come back here!” I yelled and dragged Kyle with me. I punched in squarely of the face and he got knocked down. His nose began to bleed. “Seriously Dave” Kyle looked at the blood in disbelief, “you attacked me for what exactly? Her or something else?”.

I stayed quiet as everyone continued staring. I said coldly, “that is not for you to know but don’t you ever try this again. Whether Kath tells you to do it or you are interested, do not try it in your life”. Kyle glared at me but there was nothing he could do. He walked away, bowing his head.

I turned to Kath, ignoring everyone’s stares. “Let’s go Kath” I said, holding her hand. She dragged it away, “no! How could you do that? That was wrong?”.

“I’m not in the mood for drama Kath” I said impatiently.

“Really, but you had time to cause a scene with Kyle. Why are you being so hypocritical?”.

“and why are you being so stubborn” I hissed, “I still haven’t mentioned the facts that you are keeping secrets from me. What are you thinking?” I ended up asking.

Kath fell quiet. She looked away, “it doesn’t matter. I’m going to my room”. She turned to leave but I grabbed her hand tightly. “you are not going anywhere” I said in a low dangerous voice. She flinched.

“no” she shook her head and I carried her easily and threw her over my shoulder. Her head was at my back and it bounced with every step I took. “Ah! What?! Put me down Dave?! How dare you?!” She yelled but she couldn’t do anything. Ayo slapped his forehead and followed behind us.

He showed me Kath’s room in the hotel and dropped her on the bed. Kath sat up and glared at me. “Was that necessary?!” She snapped, “you just like embarrassing me”.

“If anybody embarrasses anyone, it is you” I retorted and sat on a chair to rest. We glared at each other but backed down later and looked away. We stayed in silence for a while and I stared at Kath’s observantly. She had relaxed now. “Why didn’t you do it with your mystery man? I thought you loved him” I asked curiously.

“I told you before that he doesn’t love me so how will he be willing to do something so big for me?” Kath said sadly. She laid down on the bed, staring at the ceiling. “I wouldn’t want to force him or put him in a hard spot so it’s okay” She paused and turned her head to me, “I am definitely not doing this wish am I?”.

I pursed my lips, “it seems like so. I can’t imagine leaving you alone like this”. Kath sighed and turned to the ceiling. “Why are you here anyways?” she asked.

“I would find time for you Kath, you are important to me” I answered. Kath kept quiet and after some time, she spoke, “you should go, I will be fine”.

“I’m not going to leave you like this?”.

“Then what are you going to do?”.

“I am going to wait till you fall asleep, then I’ll leave”.

Kath chuckled harshly, “I am not a baby Dave, stop treating me like one”. She sat up, frowning at me, “you keep treating me like a baby. I’m your responsibility but don’t treat me like a child”.

“What is wrong with you?!” I exclaimed, getting up. “you are the one causing problems. I just want to help you to support you like a friend, don’t you have any idea how much you mean to me?”.

Kath kept quiet and looked away. She got up and went to the wardrobe. She took out some clothes and went to the bathroom. I looked away studying the room and Kath came out. She was dressed in a light top and shorts. I couldn’t help but stare at her legs.

“Ahem” Kath coughed. I snapped my eyes to her and looked away embarrassed. Luckily, someone knocked on the door. Kath went to open it and Ayo came in. “Hey guys, I got you some food” he announced cheerfully. He held plastic bags in his hands, “I hope you guys have made up”.

He looked at us hopefully and Kath and I exchanged a look. We turned away and Ayo sighed. “I can see you have not” he said and dropped the food. Kath took a bag and grinned on seeing the food, “nice”.

“Thanks, here is yours Dave” Ayo said handing me a bag. I wasn’t hungry but it wouldn’t be nice of me to refuse the food. We ate and Ayo made the room lively with his loud talk and opinions of things that didn’t really matter. I could tell he was trying to lighten up the atmosphere.

We finished eating and Ayo took the nylon bags. “I’m going to leave you guys to talk” Ayo said, giving both of us a look, “I don’t like seeing my two closest friends fight. Don’t leave this room without talking okay?”. I glanced at Kath and said nothing. Ayo nodded as if we responded and left.

I stood looking at Kath and when she didn’t make any move, I headed to the door. “I will see you later” I said softly and reached out for the door knob.

“Wait” Kath said just as my hand was about to touch the knob. I turned around and looked at her. She refused to meet my eyes. “I…am really sorry Dave” She apologized, “even though you had offended me by persisting to know the…I should have accepted your apology when you apologized. I should not have broken our pact, I am sorry. You are important to me too, you know?”.

Is it wrong to admit that while she was saying this, I could only stare at her lips. The way they moved seemed to be calling me and it was so wrong. I suddenly began regretting not kissing her back when she kissed me. I snapped out of my thoughts and smiled. “I am also sorry but pushing you, it was wrong and I should have respected your wishes. I just care for you a lot Kath. Frustratingly to the point where I am a bit possessive over you” I admitted sheepishly. “sorry”.

Kath smiled softly, “I like that you care so much. Thanks Dave”. She looked up at me and I smiled, “you’re welcome”.

“Can we have a…friends again hug?” she asked uncertain and I chuckled. “Sure” I said and opened my arms wide. She laughed and hugged me. I hugged her back.

“We shouldn’t ever fight again” I muttered, burying my face into her prickly hair. “I agree” Kath mumbled in my chest and we stayed like that for a while. It felt so strange that I didn’t want to let go. I pulled away reluctantly and I couldn’t help but be aware at how…sexy Kath looked.

What am I thinking?! Stop thinking this things! Staring at Kath for a while, I looked away, feeling heat rush to my cheek. I cleared my throat and nodded to the door. “I should be going” I said heading for the door.

“Okay” Kath’s face fell, “I will come back tomorrow”.

I smiled at her, “good, mom and Sam really miss you”. Kath smiled broadly and I turned to open the door but paused. I turned around and walked to Kath. “Can I see the tattoo now?” I asked feeling a strange urge to stay. I was only trying to stall.

Kath looked caught off guard by the question. She looked unsure, “the tattoo?”. “Since we are friends now, I should be allowed to see it right?” I blackmailed. I stared at Kath intensely, waiting for an answer.

“Al-Alright” she stuttered and went inside. I waited for a few seconds and she came out with a blanket over her body. I stared at her enraptured. Is she…I didn’t complete the thought as she stood in front of me with her back turned. “Here” she lowered the back of the blanket gently so I could see the tattoo and I couldn’t help it, the sight of her bare back turned me on.

I looked carefully at the rose and the writing on it but I couldn’t read it because the room was dimly lit. I found myself lifting my hands and tracing the tattoo with my fingers. I felt Kath shudder and I liked it. I didn’t know why, it seems I drank more alcohol than I thought I did because there was no way I was doing this with my sane mind.

My fingers crawled up to her shoulder and softly push the blanket from the shoulder. Kath still held on to the blanket but her shoulders and back were bare to me. “D-Dave?” Kath whispered softly and it drove me mad. “That voice…” I found myself saying huskily. I said nothing and dipped my neck in the crook of Kath’s neck.

I kissed it softly and Kath threw her head back, resting it on my shoulder. “Dave…” she whispered and it only inspired me more. I couldn’t stop myself, I wanted to kiss her, I wanted to feel her skin in mine.

I gripped her shoulders and sucked harshly on her skin. “Ah” she moaned, “please…continue”. My arms ran up and down her bare arms and I sucked and bit her shoulders hard. The blanket Kath used to cover herself fell at my feet and I sucked in a breath. Kath’s bare back were on full display for me. How would her front be?.

I found myself taking of my jacket and turning Kath to face me. I didn’t waste any moment in smashing my lips on hers. We moaned in pleasure and I kisses her harder. Kath welcomed it. Her hands grabbed my T-shirt tightly and I knew she wanted to feel my skin, but first, I wanted to explore every inch of her.

Our tongues battled each other and I swore, this was the greatest kiss I had ever had. I pulled away and took off my top leaving my bare chest. Kath placed her hands on them and they burned. I panted heavily and raked my eyes through her half naked form, she looked so beautiful.

I took a step forward and with every step, she went back until she fell on the bed and I set myself on top of her. “you look so beautiful” I muttered as if in a dream. I took her hand that was on my chest and brought it to my mouth. I sucked it hard and Kath gasped in anticipation.

I leaned down to her and buried my head in her neck feathering it with kisses. “Ah, Dave…please” she moaned, arching up her chest to me. Oh my…she is just so tempting. She took my hands and placed them on her chest. She groaned on the feel and I felt myself getting harder by the minute.

“Not yet princess, I want to savor this moment” I whispered and peppered kisses down her neck to her chest. I sucked on the space in between her breasts and she moaned, wrapping her legs round my waist. “j-just do it, D-Dave” she shuddered. I shook my head, “not yet”. I kissed her chest and enveloped her nipples in my mouth. I sucked hard and nipped on them and Kath panted in pleasure.

I kissed lower to her waist and she writhed in pain. Her shorts were still on. I loosed the rope knot with my teeth as if teasing Kath and she groaned. “Why do you like torturing me Dave?” She moaned.

I chuckled and took of her shorts. I stripped her off her clothes and she laid in front of me bare. “Damn” I cursed and took off the rest of my clothes. I kissed her on the lips harder and faster and Kath kissed me back with the same intensity. She liked this, rough and fast and I gave it to her exactly that way.

The night was filled with our screams and passion. I wasn’t sure if I would regret this tomorrow but I sure didn’t now.

Well, that was the 13th wish for you. Did you like it? Also, I can’t believe I wrote something so detailed, bleh!

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