Healing Hugs

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Hugs are actually so underrated, especially those hugs that are so tight you can hear the person's heartbeat and for a moment, everything feels so calm and safe like no one can hurt you.


Dave’s POV.

Three days. I did not talk to Kath for three days. I was just so angry at her irrational decision to go off on her own without letting anyone know. Kath tried to apologize to me every time she saw me but I always ignored her. I started eating my food outside because of her.

“Dave, stop being stubborn and tell Katherine you accept her apology” my mom commanded, glaring at me. “that angel has been so sad and upset that you haven’t forgiven her. I taught you to forgive and forget, are you doing what I taught you?!”.

I sighed, “mom, don’t try to blackmail me. And also, Kath isn’t sorry. I don’t believe she is. How could she have left the house and not urgh?! She is 22 and yet she always behaves so childishly”.

“I understand your frustration Dave but you are hurting her by being this way” Mom replied softly.

“I’m leaving mom, bye” I said and went inside to drop my empty plate of food. I bumped into Kath on the way but I didn’t look at her. I walked past her and left. She needs to learn a lesson on being responsible. She is not alone, nor will she ever be again so she should stop thinking only about herself.

Oh God! I can’t stop thinking about this girl.

I gritted my teeth, upset at myself for caring so much. I went to a job interview and luckily I got the job. I have decided to work some more for a while so I can start a catering business by the time I return to Lagos, then I will have a restaurant.

I can see it happening.

After a while, Sandra and I met again at a bus stop near her work place. Since the event of Kath’s disappearance disrupted our day, we agreed to meet again today. “Wow, you look very upset Dave. What happened?” Sandra asked.

“really? It shows on my face?” I asked in disbelief.

“Yeah” Sandra laughs, “it’s like a storm cloud over your head. Filled with lightning and rain, very stormy”.

I laughed a bit, then frowned, “yeah. It’s just Katherine. I am just so angry that she left the house that day. She has the tendency to do irrational and spontaneous things. She always puts me in trouble”.

“but that’s not why you are angry right?”.

“yeah” I sighed, “I am angry at how scared I was that something may have happened to her and I wouldn’t be able to do anything. Kath is my responsibility and she makes my work harder by just…uff!”.

“okay, that’s enough Kath talk” Sandra said holding my hand, “let’s go to my house. I can tell you need a break”.

“Okay” I nodded and followed Sandra to her one room apartment. Unfortunately, it wasn’t very nice. The environment was just cramped and dirty. “Sorry about everywhere” Sandra apologized sheepishly, “I would have moved out but since it’s only me staying here, I haven’t seen any reason to”.

“It’s okay” I sat on the couch and Sandra went inside to change. She came out with her memory box and I grinned, “you still have it?”.

“yes, what about you?” she answered, setting the box down in front of me.

“I still have it” I smiled, looking at a picture. “old times, it’s been so long but it is really great to be going through them. It’s like going back in time”. Sandra laughed and we kept on going through the pictures.

“So much has happened since then” Sandra sighed with a smile and I looked up realizing something.

“What happened to your boyfriend? Harry?” I asked.

Sandra frowned, “ we broke up a long time ago, it has been more than six months since then. He was an asshole”.

“you broke up six months ago?!” I exclaimed, “why didn’t you tell me?”.

“it wasn’t important, would it have changed anything?” Sandra asked turning to me.

I smiled shrugging, “I guess not”. Sandra and I talked about how life had been and all we missed. My phone rang and I saw it was Kath. I wanted to ignore her call but I was also itching to find out why she was calling. Sandra noticed.

“Kath is calling you, won’t you answer?” Sandra asked.

“I don’t know” I said, holding the phone in my hand softly. “I want to hear what she has to say but, I really want her to learn from her mistake”.

“just answer it and see what she wants. It’s not that hard” Sandra said and I looked at the phone.

“Okay” I agreed and answered the call.

“Dave? Hello, thanks for answering the call. Can you please come home right now? It’s important you come back home now”.

“Why? Did anything happen?” I asked worried.

“just come back and I will explain” Kath simply answered and hung up. I looked at my phone surprised.

“what happened?” Sandra asked.

“She said I should come home immediately but she didn’t tell me why” I answered, getting up. “I have to go. Who knows what sort of trouble Kath could have gotten herself into?. Thanks for the talk Sandy, I will see you later”.

“sure” Sandra nodded and we hugged, then I left.


Katherine’s POV

I can’t handle Dave being so upset at me. I know I made a mistake by not telling anyone where I went to but does he have to be so unfair to punish me this way? I sulked as I ate the breakfast Mrs Uwem prepared for me.

“You look so sad, it’s not a good look for you Katherine” Mrs Uwem said, taking a seat next to me.

I looked up, “I can’t help it. I am really sorry for what happened but Dave doesn’t believe me. He isn’t willing to listen to me. That is very unfair”.

“I understand you are sorry for what you did but Dave is hurt and he tends to ignore people he is angry at” Mrs Uwem said.

“Then, I need to think of something that would make him forgive me” I said thoughtfully, “what can I do to make him forgive me?”.

“I have an idea” Mrs Uwem said and I grinned.

“really?! You are going to help me?!” I asked excitedly. Mrs Uwem nodded silently with a smile and I squealed. I hugged her, “thank you Mrs Uwem! You are the best”.

Mrs Uwem told me her idea and it gave me a better idea. I started preparing to carry out my idea and by the time I was done, it was already nightfall. Sam hadn’t returned yet so I could carry out my plan and wrap everything up before he returned. This surprise was only meant for Dave. Since I was done, I called Dave to tell him to come home without hinting anything. It  worked quite well. I sat outside the front door waiting for him.

Dave ran in and stopped in front of me. He panted, “what happened Kath? What did you do?”.

I was taken aback, “excuse me?! What did I do? Do you really have that little trust in me? I don’t always mess things up”.

Dave smiled sweetly but his eyes showed what he was going to say was nothing sweet. “no sweetheart, I have the greatest trust in your ability to cause trouble wherever you go”.

I frowned at him despite the strange flutter I felt in my chest when he called me sweetheart. Dave can be so infuriating, it’s making me rethink this whole apology thing. I shook my head and grabbed his arm, “forget it, follow me”.

“Where are we going?” Dave asked but I ignored him. There was no light so I used a torch to see where we were going. I dragged Dave to Sam’s room since that is where he is now sleeping and stopped him there. Dave looked puzzled.

“Stay here” I said firmly and went inside. I checked the things I put in place then nodded satisfied. I opened the door and dragged Dave in.

“Hey! What are you up to?! On the torch Katherine!” Dave yelled.

The room soon lighted up. Lights lighted up in specific places in the room highlighting the cards in some parts on the room. I turned to Dave and he looked stunned to see the cards. The word SORRY was written on every card there.

“I am really sorry Dave, I promise. I understand that you felt bad, that you were worried, that I were your responsibility and you couldn’t watch over me” I started apologizing, “whatever happened was my fault. I never should have done something so irresponsible”. Dave just gaped at me.

I panicked, “If you don’t forgive me, I can try apologizing in a different way”. I held my ears and squatted, “I can apologize Indian style. Sorry, I am sorry. Please forgive me”.

“Kath I–“.

I interrupted him, “no Dave, I won’t stop until you forgive me. You have to listen to me now. It’s not fair that you are doing this to me. You didn’t talk to me for three whole days, is that how little our friendship means to you? You didn’t even think of how I would feel, you are my first friend Dave. How could you–”.

The words died in my throat as I felt myself being pulled and arms wrapped around me. Dave was chuckling and hugging me. “Shut up” He said sounding amused, “was that how to apologize or…”.

“I’m sorry” I said. Dave’s left arm tightened around my neck and his right arm under my armpit. He cradled my head in his chest and I breathed in his scent. This hug, his presence…made me feel safe. I hugged him back.

“You did all these?” Dave asked.

“Yes, your mom came up with this though. She is a very kind person, she reminds me of my own mom” I smiled, thinking of her.

“Hmm, so why should I accept your apology? After all, you weren’t the one who came up with it? I’m sure your idea was to threaten me like you did now” Dave said still sounding amused.

I frowned and looked up at him. “if you do that, I will send my dad’s men after you”. Dave threw his head back laughing and pulled me back in his arms.

“So do you forgive me Dave?” I asked meekly.

Dave sounded happy, “sure. But never do that again, promise me you will never do that again”.

“I promise” I smiled happily. We stayed that way for a while before Dave pulled away. “I need to clean up” I said.

“I will help you” Dave said and we started cleaning up. I watched Dave as he was cleaning and I smiled, he looked so cute. I chuckled and blew confetti paper at him.

“Hey!” Dave yelled, “where did you get this confetti from?”.

“it was on the floor, didn’t you see it?” I asked laughing.

Dave pouted his bottom lip out and hit me with a pillow. “hey!” I yelled back and hit him too. “Kath!” Dave laughed back and we started fighting with the pillows.

“Ah!” I jumped  on the bed laughing and Dave followed me. “Dave stop!” I laughed as Dave pelted me with pillows. I tried to drag the pillow from him but he had a firm grip on them. He had his arms wrapped around my waist as I tried to drag the pillows.

“Kath! Stop struggling!” Dave laughed.

“No! Ah Dave!” I squealed as we fell on the bed with a thud. Luckily, the bed was below us and soft. I cringed once we landed. I was below Dave.

“Kath, are you alright?” Dave asked worried. He looked at me anxiously.

I nodded, looking below me to see if I injured myself. I smiled at him, “yes, I’m fine. the bed broke my fall”. I looked at Dave and froze. He was on top of me and staring with a dazed look in his eyes. His right hand was propping him up to prevent him from falling on me and his left hand was gripping my waist tightly.

The stare he was giving me was so soft and beautiful that I couldn’t stop myself from staring back. My heart beat had increased and I couldn’t understand why. Dave had never made me feel this way before. “Sorry” he apologized and turned so he dropped to the side.

I sat up and turned so my legs would dangle off the bed and Dave got up. “I’m going to leave you alone so you can clean” he said.

“Hey, I thought you wanted to help me” I huffed in displeasure.

“yes but with both of us in the same room, I don’t think that will be possible” he chuckled. I was about to speak when the power came on. Dave sighed relieved, “Thank God. Have fun cleaning”.

“Dave wait” I stopped him, “can we go out tomorrow? Just you and me? We haven’t gone out together for a while”.

“sure but tomorrow isn’t a good day. Sandra and I are going out again. How about next tomorrow?” Dave said, “I just got a new job and I will start on Monday so let’s do all we can soon”. I nodded after thinking it through. It’s not like I have another choice.

Dave left and I cleaned the room myself just before Sam came back home. I went back to my room and slept off happily, knowing that Dave had forgiven me.


The next day, I decided to follow Mrs Uwem to her store in the market. Dave did not look happy about it.

“….mom, take care of yourself and keep an eye on her” he gave me the stink eye, “Katherine has the tendency to get into trouble. Make sure that no matter what, she never leaves your sight”.

“she is a grown woman Dave. I am sure she can take care of herself well” Mrs Uwem deadpanned and I stuck out my tongue at him. Dave narrowed his eyes at me.

“let’s go Mrs Uwem, have fun Dave” I smirked, drawling out his name as I followed Mrs Uwem. Dave did the ‘I’m watching you’ sign and went back inside. I focused on helping Mrs Uwem and entered a Keke with her.

We arrived at the market and I followed Mrs Uwem to her store and she opened it. I helped her set it while I watched the activities. Everywhere looked so lively. Different people were selling wares, children were playing, it felt so amazing. I wanted to get up and explore but I promised Dave I wouldn’t take off without informing anyone or taking permission since I don’t know this place so I stayed still. I saw some Kites.

“Kites” I smiled broadly, “I should buy some. Maybe Dave and I could play with them. I will buy four, one for Sam and the other for Ayo. I wonder if Ayo will come”. I turned to Mrs Uwem, “Mrs Uwem, I want to buy something. It’s just over there”. I pointed to a stall in the corner.

Mrs Uwem looked a bit hesitant to let me go but she agreed. I went to the kite sellers and bought the kites. “Oh, you bought Kites” Mrs Uwem smiled, “they look beautiful. How much did you buy them?”.

“700” I answered.

“that is very expensive. You shouldn’t have bought it”.

“no, it’s okay” I said, “I bought it for me, Dave and Sam. The last one is for a friend”.

“that is very nice and thoughtful of you” Mrs Uwem said impressed.

I sighed, “I also want to buy something for Dave. He has helped me so much and I don’t think I have ever gifted him something to show how much I appreciate him”. I huffed in thought. I watched people pass and I saw a man hawking pots and pans.

Suddenly, a brilliant idea came to mind. “of course! I know what to buy!” I cried out in excitement. I looked at Mrs Uwem, “Mrs Uwem, do you know where I can find top quality kitchen utensils”.

“not really but there should be stores like that around” Mrs Uwem asked puzzled.

“I need someone to show me to them then. I know what to buy Dave” I said excitedly.


I returned home happily. I couldn’t wait to give Dave my gift. I changed into my pajamas then waited in the living room for Dave. He arrived home and I sprang up immediately. I grinned, “good evening”.

“good evening” Dave greeted back, eyeing me warily. “Why are you still up?”.

“Because I wanted to give you something” I said, biting my bottom lip to stop myself from smiling. The box was behind me.

“Okay…then what is it?” Dave asked looking a bit worried but intrigued.

“Ta-dah!” I grinned, holding the box in front of me. Dave took it from me. He asked, “what is this?”.

“Look inside and see” I said.

Dave tore open the box and saw a pot set with complete cooking spoons. “These are a new pot set and cooking spoons. You bought this for me?”.

“Yes. Those are a new pot set buuuut, they are even better than the normal ones. You can cook and easily wash them. It is easy to remove stains out and they have longer durability than any other ones in the market” I told him excitedly.

Dave looked at me in disbelief, “and you bought this for me? How much did you spend to get it?”.

“It wasn’t that expensive so you don’t need to worry” I said, waving my hand dismissively. I then looked at him anxiously, “Do you like them? I hope you do, I bought this to thank you for everything you’ve done for me. I really appreciate you. Nothing I can do can show you how much I appreciate you”.

“I was thinking you bought this to bribe me” Dave joked, standing in front of me. I laughed and looked at Dave. He was watching me with a smile on his face. I smiled back.

“Thank you Kath. It was very thoughtful of you” he said.

“I’m glad you like it” I said suddenly feeling shy. I then remembered something and perked up, “I also bought kites for me, you and Sam. We can fly them some day”.

“that sounds fun but right now, look forward to our day tomorrow” Dave said. I nodded and walked away happily. I stopped, then ran back to hug Dave briefly before turning away again.

3162 words. Longest chapter I have ever written. Please VOTE, COMMENT and SHARE.

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