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13 Wishes

Venture outside your comfort zone,the rewards are worth it.

Copyright ©2019.
All rights reserved. No part of this book maybe reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems without written permission from the author.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters,places and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons living or dead,is entirely coincidentally.

ORIGINAL: 28th December 2019
REWRITTEN: 14th February 2021
ENDED ON: 25th May 2021

Welcome new readers and re-readers.

Thanks for stopping by,this is the rewritten version of 13 wishes-and much better version if I say so myself-and it is available on Webnovel as a paid story with two special chapters you do not want to miss,trust me so support me as a writer. Go Purchase coins and read 13 Wishes over there. This is just the beginning,one day,I will publish all my stories and make them TV series. That is a promise I make to myself.

This is my first Nigerian story rewritten. The setting(time) is kinda off so ignore it. Re-readers,please do not spoil the story. Let the new readers enjoy the adventure.

I hope with all my heart that you enjoy this story. The wonderful story and adventure of Dave and Katherine.

I also made a 'video'. Watch it on my YouTube channel 'Iteramah Okieoghene' and please support me. Hope you love it 😁

Welcome to 13 Wishes.


In the city of Lagos,Nigeria. In Lekki,a white modern duplex is in a beautiful estate. Loud music is playing and disco lights flash brightly in the compound. Some men are dancing, singing and drinking beer.

Upstairs,in a dark room. A woman placed some pillows on the bed,covering them with a blanket then puts a wig on top.

She went to the window and opened it,cautiously looking around to see if anyone is below. A ladder is leaning on the wall right below her window. There is no window bar there so she climbed down,landing carefully on her two feet.

"Mary,I need help" someone said, passing by the woman but not noticing her. She sighed in relief,tiptoeing to the back gate. she brought out a key from her pocket and unlocked the padlock,sneaking out. As soon as she is out of the gate,she ran away not looking back in the slightest.

"Finally...I'm free" she laughed.


In the house,an older woman holding a tray of food entered the dark room. She turned on the lights.

"Katherine, Kath,I know you're upset" the woman said walking to the bed,she sat down. "Your father and I love you but...".

She placed her hand on the hair but it feels too soft to be human.

"Katherine? Kath!" the woman drew the blanket off and she saw pillows. She gasped in shock. A piece of paper catches her eye,she picked it and read.

Mom, Dad,anybody who's found my letter...I have run away.

I am tired of being kept in the house. I am tired of being protected.

I want to live life to the fullest and it can't happen if I remain here. I need a life.

For that reason I have left but I will return after fulfilling my 13 wishes.



"No..." the woman shook her head,trembling in pure shock and horror. "JOHN! JOHN!".

The woman ran downstairs to the frontage where the men are partying. "John! Katherine is gone" she said tearfully.

A plump man gets up immediately. His look is intimidating but he is worried "what do you mean gone?!".

"She is gone,she left this" the woman handed him the letter. She shook crying,a young woman puts her arm around her consoling her.

"Did you know about this?!" He asked,turning to the young woman consoling his wife,Meredith.

"No father" The young woman shook her head. "I didn't know. She didn't tell me anything".

He looked angry,pointing to some men. "You! find my daughter! I want her back here safe and sound!".

"Yes sir!" the men got up,answering their boss. They left immediately.

"They must find my daughter" John,the plump man said. He clenched his fist trying to hide his worry.


Katherine ran as fast she could reaching the main road. She stopped,panting heavily "I get out...of here before they find me. I won't go back. I won't be a prisoner anymore".

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