The Pact

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I promise and when i promise something,i never ever break that promise. Ever.


Katherine's POV

I woke up with a splitting headache. I stifled a pained groan and lifted my sleepy eyes sluggishly. My eyes analysed the unfamiliar room and I found myself shooting up immediately.

Where am I? Wasn't I at the beach with Ayo and Dave? How did I get here? I stood up and stretched,trying to rid my body of the tiredness I felt. I slouched,walking towards the door with a lazy smile. I opened it and walked out.

This place looks sort of familiar. I thought.

"Good morning Kath!".

I jumped in shock,staring at a preppy Ayo. I sighed in relief,shooting him the nastiest look I could muster. Of course,it faded into a smile, "morning Ayo".

"Sorry if I scared you" Ayo said but he looked anything but sorry. I decided to ignore that.

"So,where am i and what am I doing here?" I asked,looking around but it was only me and Ayo. In a narrow,tacky peach colored passageway—I just don't understand how Ayo can stand the sight of this color everyday—that was close to the living room. I could hear the TV sounds from way over here.

I finally looked up,remembering Ayo. He had this creepy look on his face as he studied me intensely. He walked closer to me and I stepped back but I hit a wall. I furrowed my brows in displeasure,realizing I was dressed in shorts and a tank top. How did I sleep like this last night?

"Okay,what's going on Ayo?. What's all this?" I asked,frowning.

"I'm hurt you don't remember what happened last night..." Ayo said in a husky voice. He leaned towards me,a hand on the wall trapping me by the side. " was the best night of my life".

What?! What the heck did I do?!

I felt my eyes widen and a look of horror was surely on my face. There is no way I could have done that right? I know I want to fulfill my wishes and all but I'm not stupid!

"Stop lying to her Ayo" A voice boomed separating us. I looked behind Ayo and saw Dave.

"So nothing happened?" I asked,glancing back and forth between Ayo and Dave. Dave smirked and nodded. I pushed back Ayo who was laughing.

"Very funny Ayo" I said sarcastically,scowling. "So what really happened last night?". I followed Ayo and Dave to the living room.

"Nothing much,you got drunk, we brought you home" Dave said,giving me a cup of tea "hey, do you have an headache?".

I shook my head and sipped the tea.

"That is weird,you are supposed to have an hangover" Dave muttered.

"That doesn't happen to me very often" I said, "I drink but I rarely get hangovers".

"That's cool" Ayo said.

"I am going to shower and you mister are not going to work" I told Dave.

"Said who?" He asked dryly.

"Me?" I pouted. "We have crossed out 4 wishes,we are making faster progress than I expected".

"You are lucky my shift starts late today" Dave replied,narrowing his eyes at me. I couldn't help but grin. I drank the rest of my tea and walked to the bathroom to take a bath.

Now in my temporary room,i realised Dave brought my clothes here and I smiled at how thoughtful he was. He really comes in handy. I wore a white short sleeved lace top and jeans shorts. I went to the living room where Ayo was watching football and Dave was in the kitchen.

"I got food right here" Dave waved a spatula,getting my attention.

My stomach growled on cue and I shot Dave a sheepish and grateful smile, "....thanks Dave". Dave nodded in response and walked away,humming a tune.

I took the plate and went to the living room. Ayo was watching a match between Manchester United and Barcelona.

"...Come on,come on...,score aaannnd...GO BALL!!!" Ayo yelled in excitement before clutching his head,wincing and sitting down.

"What's up with you?" I asked him,sitting on a couch close to him. I began to eat.

"Slight hangover" he answered and I nodded. I finished my food quicker than I thought would. Turned out I was extremely hungry.

Dave joined us too,eating his food and glancing at the TV occasionally.

"No no no!" Ayo yelled,his eyes widening in shock and his intertwined hands at the back of his head. Man U lost the match. My lips curled up in a smirk and I remembered my family. We used to watch football matches like this all the time,we would always throw tantrums whenever our favourite clubs lost. My Dad would curse in Igbo then threaten to destroy whoever annoyed him,Mom would have a deep frown all day,Chika would rant on and on for hours about the unfairness while I would mope around family got emotional whenever we watched football.

It was the only time my family would gather not caring about my father's illegal businesses or my....

Let's just say,Football was a very emotional subject for my family.

"It's okay" I said dismissively, "Man U was never any good anyways, Liverpool is the best".

Ayo looked at me like I had grown two heads. "What are you saying?! Liverpool is horrible!" He yelled indignantly.

"You better take that back!" I yelled back. We began to argue over who was the best football club of all and Dave watched us, amused at our argument.

We stopped arguing after Ayo complained about his hangover which meant....

I won the argument! Yay me!

"Hey,do you have a boyfriend?" Ayo suddenly asked me. Dave's head snapped up from his phone and he opened his mouth to say something but closed it. He looked at me curiously.

"Jeez,no" I scoffed. "If I had a boyfriend,he would have been the one to take me to the beach,not Dave".

"Why would a pretty girl like you not have a boyfriend?" Ayo asked with his usual flirty grin on.

I chuckled and saw Dave rolling his eyes. "My dad" I looked at Ayo, "he is a crazy,controlling and infuriating man but I love him".

"Aww,daddy's girl" Ayo cooed,pinching my cheek. I slapped his hand away,laughing.

After a while,Dave decided it was time for us to leave. I went inside to change while the guys waited for me outside. I changed into a red long sleeved shirt and black leggings.

"Will you hurry up Kath?! I have a lot of things to do today?" Dave yelled impatiently.

"Stop being impatient and hold on,I'm coming!" I yelled back,a smile on my face. I heard Dave grumble and my smile grew wider. I never imagined one day,I would be able to go out and someone would be waiting for me,that I would have a felt so unreal.

I am so scared that this is all a dream and it would vanish once I woke up. Subconsciously,I pinched myself and hissed in pain, "ouch...".

Yep,this is real. I couldn't help but grin widely and skipped to the living room. Ayo and Dave turned to look at me. 

"You have finally decided to grace us with your presence my lovely tardy queen" Dave said in a sarcastically,exaggerated voice.

"First of all," I said holding a finger. "A girl takes her time to look good,so she looks like a queen like you said. Two,tardy? Really?".

"Now if you are done,'queen'" Dave said,putting air quotes on 'Queen'. "Can we leave?".

"Queen? Is that what you plan on calling me?" I asked,ignoring the latter question.

"Does it really matter?!" Dave whined,groaning exasperatedly,
He looked like a child and it made me laugh. "You have been treated like a queen since you were born,so...queen" he said,shrugging at the last part.

"Hmm,I never saw it that way" I said tapping my chin and humming as if musing on the thought. I just did it to rile Dave up and it was working. He was frowning so deeply and I couldn't hold back a grin. He sighed in defeat once he saw the grin.

"Are you guys flirting indirectly?" Ayo asked,making us notice him. Was he here the whole time?

"No!" We exclaimed at the same time.

"What the hell dude...?" Dave said,glaring at Ayo.

"Why would we flirt? We are just friends" I said confused over why Ayo would think that.

Ayo chuckled, "okay, you guys should get going".

Dave waved,walking out. I hugged Ayo, "thanks Ayo,you made yesterday a great day". I felt him smile.

"I am happy you feel that way" I heard him say and I pulled away, kissing him on the cheek.

"I hope to see you again" i said looking at him. He had a silly grin on his face.

"Maybe you would give me a kiss on the lips then" he said hopefully. I laughed,patting his back.

"Not going to happen buddy".

Dave stifled a laugh and Ayo shrugged. "It was worth a shot".

"Bye" I smiled.

"Bye you two,come visit again" Ayo nodded and Dave and I left. I skipped happily in front of him.

"You throw kisses around a lot" Dave said, "and I was beginning to think you appreciated my help at the beach".

I turned around facing him so quickly, "whaaat?!".

Dave had a slight smirk, "don't you remember last night? You kissed me on the cheek".

I searched my brain trying to understand what he was talking about. After replaying what happened last night,I sort of remembered,it was a bit blurry though.

"I'm sorry,I didn't mean to,I hope you aren't angry" I apologized profusely not looking him in the eye.

Dave laughed, "I'm not angry Kath. I was just teasing you".

I huffed, "asshole".

"Okay,I'm angry. Continue apologizing" Dave said walking past me. I ran,catching up to him. I knew he was joking so I ignored him.

"We have fulfilled 4 of my wishes left,you know. We made fast progress in only a week" I said. "But you still have 9 wishes left to fulfill".

"What do you think I am? A freaking genie?" Dave said flatly. I walked backwards facing Dave "well you have granted four of  my wishes so...".

I felt my legs kick something and my body lose balance but Dave quickly caught me.

" are such a gentleman" I said,standing properly.

"And you are such a klutz" Dave said,letting go of me. We were almost out when we passed a strange man. He was dressed in a white gown, a white puffy hat and he was barefooted. He looked really weird.

I tried to ignore him when he brushed past me and let out a sigh of relief i didn't know I was holding.

"Katherine Okafor,David Uwem".

I froze in my steps just as Dave did the same. We exchanged looks. I wanted to turn around but I couldn't,I was frozen in this unnatural state of fear.

"There is something strange about you David that you do not know of,something that has shaped your destiny from day one" I heard a calm voice say. The first thought that came to me was that it was the strange man in the gown saying it. "Katherine...," my heart pounded so loudly it was the only thing I heard, "there is more to your secret than you know".

"Both your fates clash but you were destined to meet. Calamity is the only outcome,beware,you will be betrayed by the ones you trusted the most".

Finally,the frozen spell was off and when Dave and I turned around,the man was gone. Dave and I exchanged looks.

"T-That was w-weird,am I right?" I forced a smile,attempting to lighten up the mood. My smile came across as a grimace and I winced.

"Forget what he said" Dave said,brushing it off. "It was just a prank or something. Maybe he just wanted to scare us".

I said nothing,staring focused at the floor. Dave looked at me and took my hand,I didn't realize I was trembling. I looked at Dave.

"Don't be like that Kath,ignore what he said" Dave said,trying to assure me. "I don't like seeing you worried,if you get worried,I will get worried too".

Dave was staring at me with a worried look in his eyes. I smiled,I don't want him to be worried. He has been so kind and helpful to me,the least I could do was cheer up.

"Yeah,you're right" I stared ahead. I looked at my hands in Dave, "let's go".

Dave and I left to my relief and we got back to his apartment. I slumped on the couch with a sigh. "I'm missing Ayo's house already".

"Then stay with him,i'm sure he won't mind" Dave answered,flashing me a small teasing smile.

I pursed my lips,crossing my arms "gross,no way". Dave went in and came back. I looked at him, "Dave?".

"Yeah?" He looked back at me.

"Thank you for yesterday,for today,thank you for everything. I know its not easy and sometimes I am unbearable but I really want you to know I appreciate you".

Dave smiled and sat next to me. "It's what I would do for a friend".

I smiled then looked down,fidgeting my fingers. I looked up again, "Dave? Can we make a pact?".

"A pact? About what?".

"My wishes,I want us to make a pact that we would complete it together. You and I" I said nervously. He might refuse,I don't want him to refuse.

Dave stared at me for a long time before nodding. "Okay".

I snapped my head up, "really?".

"Anything to make you happy Kath" he said with an half smile.

I smiled too and we connected our pinkies. "We, Dave and Katherine will complete the rest of my wishes together. We must not break this pact for any reasons that may arise".

"I promise you Kath,we will fulfill your wishes together" Dave smiled.

"Thank you" I smiled back.

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