Chapter IX: Grey Slasher

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"Officer Thomas, here is the report." Someone awakened an officer from his sleep as he wait on the office.

The man take the paper and scan it with his tired eyes. He's been researching for a whole night, and yesterday he's just done discussing it with the higher ups of the police.

"Strange... How could so many people disappear so fast? Where they go?" He stroke his thinly shaved beard as he read the document.

Three days ago, every people in the four star hotel, Royal Vestige, disappear without a trace. No sign or clue until today. No culprit, no evidence, just nothing.

While it's not the first disappearance case of humanity, this one is beyond any logical and reasonable explanation human could do. What seems to be a quake happened only around the hotel, then everyone simply disappear.

Abduction and murder is not their prior suspect, because there is no way to hide more than 300 bodies in just an hour. Scientist and police had their own explanation to do, but public and about almost everyone would said that it's a work of alien abduction.

"No trace and dead end with many casualties, then public start assuming their own theories about it... Made me remember that old case, isn't it, Aston?" He close his eyes and smiled, still not believing that one of his old friend also got pulled into this disaster, being away, or maybe already died. He suppose to be there after he retired from the police, and yet dragged into the center of the case itself, and one without a single clue.

"Haha... Silly. Maybe it's actually the alien to blame...." He thrash the papers around the desk and get up. He opened the window of his small police post and looking at the sky.

He didn't know what happened, but for some reason, his instinct told him that something bigger just about to happen soon... =


Meanwhile, on the other side of the world...

The group of survivor rest on one of the room. There is nothing unusual such as leaking water or everlasting rain, but now the architecture of the hotel is what made it weird: Everything is made with metal, almost everything. The floor, the wall, the ceiling, and even the door. Other than that, all the furniture and tools are still the same, and fortunately, the bed is still an ordinary spring bed.

Three men just entered the room. It's Brian, Daniel and Faiz.

"Other than the fact that the building is made by metal, we had not much of a problem about the building architecture. Just be careful not to break any of the electrical equipment because things would get messy if it conduct the floor and walls. For precautions, here." Brian report their research and gave everyone some gloves. "It won't kill, but static electricity will still hurt."

As everyone wear the gloves, Ellyn speak. "Found the source of the strange noise yet?" Daniel shook his head. "Well, the clockwork-like sound is not a big deal, but this does." He take out a damaged, rusted kitchen knife. Aston and Ellyn examining it, and realize the word "Stainless Steel" on it. "A stainless steel rust this bad? How could?" She asked.

Brian cough, signaling that he's going to start his fun fact again. "Stainless steel is highly resistant to corrosion, but doesn't mean it's impossible to rust. I most likely won't rust naturally, but in a certain condition, it could." Faiz then nod. "So, it must be done purposely... It must be one of 'them'."

Everyone nod, and then a chuckle heard. "I ain't even surprised." Russel slowly get up on the bed, joining the talk. "You're awake, Russel?" Daniel asked, and the man only have him a tired eyes. "How someone simply rest with all this weird noises?" True, since the machinery sound is repetitive and quite loud, or simply bothersome, depend on the rooms.

Ever since they entered the third floor, everything already like that. The floor clearly accessed through a staircase that connected from the second floor, but it seems like a whole new world now. Not only that the building is made with metals, there also a machine-like sounds of engine or clockwork heard from the walls, or from somewhere else.

"Anyway, there another clue that might help us." Brian said as he open his notebook and show a sketch of a certain symbol. It's circle with knife drawn over upside-down. "We found this symbols on wherever there is a dead body. Not only that, the victim also killed in brutal, savage way. Whoever in charge of this area must be really love to torture peoples." Everyone get cold on their spine as they hear the description.

"Oh god, it's the Grey Slasher! We're dead!" Mary suddenly spoke, and she's really pale, staring at the symbol. "Grey Slasher? Who's that?" Brian asked his little sister, and she gave him a surprised look. "Never heard of him? He's a famous urban legend that killed his victim with the most cruel, horrible way! He tortured them, slash them open, and do all those bloody stuff that so disturbing, even police will be scared!" Everyone look at her with unimpressed look since she mix around legend with real life. However, Aston seems to react differently.

"Now I remember it... Grey Slasher, yes I remember it! That bastard is once famous when he do all of these disturbing gory murder, and among all serial killer, he's few that manage to made my superior disturbed! He said that this symbol is always on the crime scene, but I'm not sure 'cause if I ever see the crime scene, I'll vomit. The victim always mutilated in such horrifying way, like... Jesus Christ, this guy is sick!"

Now that they heard it from the actual reliable source, the whole group shudder. "If I'm going to die, I don't want to be tortured in such way..." Faiz gave them a bitter smile, and he know that everyone would agree. "Me too, obviously." Daniel reply, and Brian following with a nod. "Hell, me too! I rather put a bullet on my head, but I ain't got one!" Russel also replied, with bit of comical remark at the end.

Aston sighed, nod as well in agreement. "Honestly, I partially felt bad about you guys because if we manage to catch him, we won't be facing him now." Daniel look at him, and ready his cleaver on his hand. "Well, it's now our chance to end him, right? If we kill him, no more victim will fall, the judgement of his crime will be delivered, and we survive this. This is good for all of us, right?" Everyone on the group look at him, rather speechless, then smile and nod. "You're right." Faiz agree with him, and so does everyone else.

"Well then, we had an agreement." Aston stand up from the bed, and take out his knife. "We'll defeat the Grey Slasher and send some justice to his face! Everyone agree?" He grin wide, give some courage to the team, boosting their fighting morale. "Not like we could escape. All that we could do now is to hunt or be hunted... But I like this." Brian approved his speech.

"Alright, first we need a formation. Me and Daniel stay in front. Behind us will be Ellyn and Brian as our support. Mary, you protect the kids. Russel, you're not in your best condition yet, but you could attack from the far, so you stay beside the kids. Aston, you stay in the back in case they would do a surprise attack, so you need to protect the one on the middle. Any words?" Faiz suggest them a formation. Everyone agree, and they ready to scout the area together.

Searching for more symbols as a clue, they manage to found the remaining of bloodshed around the whole floor, along with the dead bodies. "No good, this one also unarmed." Faiz casually observe the dead bodies along with Daniel and Aston, meanwhile Brian could only sweating at how could they do it as if it's not a big deal. Some of the corpse killed by just simple slash attack, but some of them actually mutilated in horrifying way. Of course, they won't be observed the heavily disfigured one without repulsion, and they surely won't touch them.

Continuing their journey, the design of the hotel start to deviate from the original one, which mean they goes deeper into the area. Metal staircases goes up and down like a tall skyscraper mall and their elevator, unless this one had an empty bottomless abyss deep down there. Chains and other weird tools scattered around, but unfortunately they can't be used since they attacked so deep into the floor or wall around. Compared to the previous floor, this one looks far more psychedelic, like a purgatory.

"So far, no weapon to use, and no other survivor exist..." Daniel continue watching his surround, observing the faraway floor of the hotel. He know that each of this otherworldly-like dimension divided by each different floor, but not on the literal way, since each floor seems to reside on different dimension that it's impossible to break through by force. "I think we should check the upper floor- I mean, area." He just realize that it sound confusing since the term floor both used on the figurative pocket dimension of where they are now, and the actual literal floor.

The group had a giggle. "I think we should call the floor, that refer to the dimension, as level. To avoid confusion." Brian speak as he walk up the stairs, and everyone nod. They keep going upward, and soon reach the top area. They gaze at the interconnection walkway from there, and then, Daniel spot something moving. There is someone. "I see someone!" He shouted spontaneously, and they look at where his finger pointing at. The group nod, seeing that it's worth a try to investigate the area. "But remember, it could also be a trap." Brian add a note, and the rest agree.

Running to the direction after circling the floor's walkway, they reach the corridor that lead deeper into the hotel, and soon reach an open area resemblance a plaza. Unless the tree, the ground below it, and the glasses, almost everything made of metal.

In there, a young girl sit on the edge, seems to be daydreaming. The group immediately could spot her from her short messy black hair, half dyed with bright pink. She wore dark-colored hoodie, a short, wearing sport shoes, and seems in the age of high schooler, though she didn't seems like one because she wore many piercing and her outfit is punk-ish.

"Ohh? Another survivor!" She shouted, jump down from the edge and heading toward the group. While everyone seems going to greet her, Faiz, Aston, and Daniel seems to be wary. Something is off. "Who are you?" Daniel asked, and the girl stop at once.

"You followed me before, right? I've seen you guys on the railway, so I lead you here for a better place to chat!" She cheerfully replied, seems taking everything abnormally casual. Could she be a good fighter too like Faiz, so she take everything easily? Something from her just seems to be off, Daniel thought.

"What is your name?" Faiz asked, however, try to stay away from her. His instinct said that she's dangerous. "Me? I'm Rebecca, but my friends called me Zeca, and I prefer that since Rebecca sound so girly. You?" She asked back. "Faizal Abdulah. Anyway, what you're doing in here?" He asked back.

The girls did not answered and just walk around. "Do you know where is this? Such a twisted, bizarre world, right? Somehow I like it. I felt like home in here..." She start what seems to be talking to her own self as she look around to another direction. "Are you lost?" Ellyn asked, though even she know that there is something wrong with this kid. Rebecca ignored it and continue asking. "Or do you know what will happened here? Or what is on this world?"

She seems very calm, not worrying a bit. Could she had a mental issue? Or she figure out everything already, like Faiz? She could be one of the main victim of this floor by that assumption, but she seems rather more like an airhead instead of knowing the situation. She's so unpredictable.

"You don't know? No idea? Come on, gave me some answer..." She seems bored, turn her eyes back to the group. Daniel sighed and finally talk. "Anyway it's dangerous in here. You should join our group before the Grey Slasher come." He warned her, and her expression change quickly in respond of the name.

"Oh my god, you know that name!" She seems surprised, though it's not fear that reflect on her eyes, more like amazement. "Many people already forgot about Grey Slasher unless very few people! I didn't expect to find some that know about him, and it's good!" She speak in a rather lighthearted tone. They assume that she said it since she also know that Grey Slasher is the one who take charge of the floor, and it's helpful to find people who actually know about him.

However, Aston seems find something strange. His instinct told him something is screwed, or just triggered.

"You also know about him? That's great. because the more info the better!" Brian smiled, opened his notebook in anticipation of any information. He await for her, which seems to be doing some brainstorm.

After humming around, she approached them in slow stride. "Do you know who Grey Slasher is? A cruel, sadistic murderer who love blood and gore! Among all other, Slasher is few who actually found a way to effectively torture the victim swiftly, mercilessly, quickly, but as painful as he could get, but also not depending on nasty torture stuff such as fire or such! Truly, just like the modern day Jack the Ripper!" She start telling information, that start like a tale.

Rebecca continue approaching the group with a grin. "They though the man is gone, but that's not true! Grey Slasher still exist, and though didn't appeared for long, this serial killer itched to start continuing it all again..."

"Then why don't he do it already?" Daniel asked, start to get crept as if she's his biggest fan or something. "Of course Slasher want, but no, something prevent it..." She sighed, start approaching them again.

"But that day finally end!! The Gray Slasher can finally return!!"

Suddenly, she moved in and lunge to the group with knives in her hand, aimed at Daniel. Aston quickly react by defending with his large blade, causing sparks and loud metal friction sound.

She grin wide in psychotic look, seems impatient to slash them already. 

"I am the Grey Slasher!!"


Author's Note

Sorry for not updating for many months, but I'm stuck on a certain fight and just manage to continue recently. QAQ Also I'm focused on Crossing Illusion on last month, so it can't be helped.

Also, starting from this arc, it's a brand new writing for me and not rewriting. I do write first half of this arc long ago, but that's all. Since shifting between the rewriting (which is harder because need lots of re-reading and took longer time to do) to totally new writing (took less time, more free and fun, but also require lots of brainstorming for a long time) isn't so smooth, I need extra time on that. I'm done with it and soon this will be whole new things to write, which excite me since I can finally set my own standard and not be bind by my old draft. :3

New chapter would probably be ready one or two weeks later, depend on my condition.

Oh btw, I literally had huge hard time writing Rebecca's line since she is the Gray Slasher, and she is female, but everyone thought Gray Slasher is male. So that's why she use genderless/ambiguous words instead of he and she. 

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