Chapter VIII: Predator of the Deep

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With the heroic act of Ellyn, the survivor manage to destroyed the hydrochamber and made Clark fall into his knees...

But the true terror start now.

As he get up slowly, his laugh of insanity howl on the large chamber.

"That's it.... Your outrageous act..."

His voice distort into a savage roaring.


His body degrade down to liquid and fall into the abyss below us. Soon, a massive maelstrom of doom formed below us, and we definitely know what come next...

"Shit! He's going to show his true form!!" Aston run quickly, followed by Daniel behind him. "It's the same one like what Karl did! Run!!"

Water burst from the pipes, leaking down. The room shaken, no, the whole building does. With the quake start to intensify, everyone run into the exit. Soon the water pool will flood the whole area and they need to escape to higher ground before that.

In the end of the corridor, there is a stair that lead to the upper area of the hotel again. Climbing quickly, they manage to escape from the sewer-like area and back into the hotel. However, water leaking down from every possible spot, and waterfall formed in almost every room of the building. The group run to whichever viable path, as some already either drowned or burst with powerful torrent of flowing water like a river just poured down on their way.

The water level increased rapidly, and with the big wave, one of the window broke, creating unstoppable current where all object sucked into it. The group barely able to hold on, but then a table flushed into their way, and it block the window, giving them chance to pass the corridor.

The group keep running, searching for higher place to avoid all the water. The world keep changing the design more and more resemble a gigantic waterway now, and not only that, the path also changed. There is now stairs to go up, and there are many big gap that lead into a flooded abyss.

When they reach the highest area, it seems that the ceiling is just an endless pattern of sewer pipe, just like the endless abyss below that now already filled with enormous amount of water, that it become a lake. They're trapped.

Beyond the constantly pouring water and wave flowing away, bubbles come and something rising quickly. A voice echoing from the deep as a fearsome titan emerge. An abomination of the abyss of what seems to be a gigantic moray eel had an offspring with an angler fish, but in gargantuan size of a sea monster. It had a multiple series of needle-like fangs, three eyes in each side of the face, and a catfish-like barbel.

Everyone stare in pure terror, especially Mary that scream as soon the creature emerge. It opened its mouth wide and head toward its prey. "R-run!!" Daniel shout as the group escape from the creature that head into their way. They goes back down into the corridor where the monster can't reach, and keep running into the nearby room.

They close the door in panic, huffing, trying to grasp back the reality. The first one to speak is Faiz. "What.... the hell is that thing...?" He's sweating cold, and the rest also quite surprised as well. "It's probably "their" true form, or something... The one that we fought on the first floor also do it." Daniel answered, preparing his knife in case anything would come.

"The one on the first floor also do this?" Faiz asked again, and Daniel nod back. "Yes... But just not as fearsome as this abomination. The one that we fought looks more like a swamp monster from a cheap horror movie." Ellyn nod in agreement. It made Faiz imagining it for a while, and soon he calmed down. "Then... How could you guys defeat something like that?"

Brian sighed, scratching his head. "We attack it with his own weapon. The problem is that Clark had none of those." The group nod in agreement. "But Clark must also had a weakness. The one that we fought changed had body made of ground material, so it vulnerable to acid and also can be grown by the parasitic flower." Brian explained the tactic of the battle again.

Faiz was thinking for a while, and then snap his finger as seems he got a brilliant idea. He then search around the room, opened the big fridge in the back. "This maybe will help us." He take out a medium-sized metal tank container with "LN2" labeled on it.

"This?" Daniel observe the tank and touch it. It's very cold. "Liquid nitrogen." Faiz smirk. The group did not seems to get it, other than Daniel and Brian. Faiz start explaining his plan as he pull another one to the table. "Liquid nitrogen and hydrogen is two most popular freezing liquid in many popular media. You know... Liquid that can freeze anything? A dip is enough to cause frostbite. Imagine if we throw it into the mouth of that thing?"

The group surprised that they even had such things there. "Totally cool, no pun intended, but you sure it's going to work?" Aston asked. Brian coughed, signaling that he's ready to start explaining. "Liquid nitrogen not only cause freezing, but a fatal damage to organism. Inhaled or swallowed will mostly damage your internal organ, and possibly a really painful death. It's so cold, that it would boil at somewhere below 100 Celsius. If meet with the warm temperature, example, the inside of our body, it will combust and evaporate into hazardous gas at extreme speed." Brian end his chemical analysis with a smile, especially when he see that Aston is in awe, seems to be overwhelmed. Even Daniel and Faiz did not know those details.

"Question! How could you guys get such stuff at a hotel?" Ellyn rise her hand up, pretending to be in a class. "We use it for food preservation and some other technical stuff. Did you know that liquid nitrogen also can be found at vehicles and many more machine? Hospital also use it for cryogenic preservation."

The group was in silence, until a loud banging heard. Seems he finally know where they hide. "Okay, classroom end. Now tell me the plan." Daniel look at Faiz, and both of them had a smile rose up on their lips as Faiz put smaller empty container on the table. "Here is the plan. We'll lure Clark on a certain point where we can ambush him. Aston, Russel, you keep harassing him from far by using your weapons. Me and Daniel will do the bait and main attack. Ellyn and Mary, you watch the kid and handle our guard. Brian, you will supervise our movement and do the instruction." He assign the team their role as he start pouring the freezing liquid into his smaller container.

"I'll be in charge of using the chemical. Daniel, if you need additional weapon for long range, always use the taser." Faiz speak again, and Daniel nod. Not so long after the agreement, a loud banging sound heard again and water pour down from the ceiling as if their room drown into the sea.

"Crap, no more time! Run!!" Daniel lead the team as they head outside, going upward, climbing stair until they reach another top area. Crossing each areas by using the large pipes, they realize the world already changed as if it's an ocean, and artificial island scattered around.

From the surface below, the massive abomination emerge and destroyed the pipe. The group scream as they run as fast as they could, while the pipe slowly crumbling when Clark destroyed one of the supporting beam. Daniel and Faiz gaze the water below in terror as the cylindrical metal fall apart, drown into the sea. With their full stamina, they sprint and jump to the ledge, but failed and fall down.

"If we fall into the water, it's the end!" Daniel thinking, trying to find a way to survive. He see that in the side of the islands, there is a tunnels, but it's too far. He tried to grab onto the massive pieces of the falling pipes. "Faiz, hurry!" He point to the caverns as they get into the pipes. Jumping from one to another, they manage to grab the small pipes in the wall before they reach the water. Clark about to appear again, and they rush in into the cavern that looks like another sewer pipes.

Though they didn't know much about their enemy, they're beyond their prediction. Not only transporting them into another dimension, now reality start shifting into something this extreme. Running through another pipe-bridge, the two see that the whole room is unbelievably expansive. The whole ocean and artificial islands is inside another larger, probably as large as a city, underground water channel.

"Whoever this Liana is, we're not dealing with human for sure!" Faiz shout as he half-amazed by how could reality change so fast. "That's for later! We need to deal with this fat moray ell first!!" Daniel shout back, realizing that from the edge of the previous island, Clark were circling the island and soon would catch up with them. It's like they're racing with a shark, but this one is longer than a prehistoric shark.

Sprinting into the next island, this one looks like a massive island, at least for an artificial island. They rush into the top quickly, through they fall down few times due to their fatigue. On the top, there is an expansive plain area made by an actual concrete floor. There even many large, thick metal pipe that seems suggested that the area is an artificial forest. This is perfect.

Grumbling and rushing wave heard as the monstrous being appeared in the end of the cliff. He laughed, looking down at its prey like they're just an inferior being that stand no chance now.

"Seems you're finally settled... Good, because this time, we fight head to head!!" His distorted, echoing voice roar out as something come from it's bulging throat. Torrent of water sprayed in harsh intensity, that it tear apart the island.

"Now, everyone, spread into the whole island like our plan!!" Faiz and Daniel flee into the forest of pipes as they prepared their weapons. "Don't use the liquid until the right moment!" Daniel remind Faiz, but he only smirk as he take out two more bottle of them. "Don't worry, I had three bottle in here. You could take one." Daniel look at him with a smile, seems that he prepared this all along.

They soon reach the edge of the island as a dead end await them. Clark appear again, seems that he does targeted them. He open his mouth and ram them, but the two spread around and hide behind the pipes. Seeing Clark's body is exposed as his fang stuck on the pipes, Daniel strike his blade, causing blood to spray around and the monster retract its head back.

"You small humans!" Clark filled his mouth with water again and launch it to them, rip apart the island as the pipes blown just like trees hit by a great wave. While the monster occupied, Daniel and Faiz make a run, but Clark could easily spot them and rush and ready to devour them. The desperate Faiz throw one of the nitrogen bottle into Clark's throat and watch it explode by the sudden change in heat and pressure, resulting a burst of freezing gas suffocate the creature and freeze everything it come to contact with. Without waiting to see more reaction of the gas to the monster, they run and climb one of the tallest pipes.

From far, can be seen that Clark is in great agony, unable to breath nor moving it's mouth, then it desperately goes back into the water. The liquid nitrogen clearly worked. "We had two more bottle... The next time we use it, made sure we will kill him." Daniel speak as he prepared his one and only freezing liquid stock. Faiz put another one with him. "He's clearly vulnerable to this, we could-"

Suddenly, the world trembling again. The sea shaking, and a massive maelstrom formed in the center of the ocean in epic proportion. The group, all watching from the tall pipes, expecting something to come soon.

Just like what they expected, the island start to lost its balance as something slither its way up the pipe walls. Clark, seems enraged to the point he become a whole new level of intimidating monstrosity, wrap the island with its body. From the mouth, cannon of water stream burst out again, rip everything in its path. Everyone run in panic, some almost swiped by the stream but they manage to hold on to the pipes.

Suddenly, the monster stop as it shrieking, blood sprayed down. Aston is aiming his nail gun at him, finally had the chance to shoot as the creature decide to stay still. The serpent then slam where he is, made him fall down to the mainland again and ready to ate him.

Daniel use his taser to the creature, and it's barely working anymore against such enormous beast. Clark are laughing in victory as he turn around to Daniel, then realizing that it's just a tactic to buy his attention.

When the monster turn around, Daniel opened the liquid nitrogen container and throw it to the creature, freezing its head and blind its eye. Clark writhe in agony again, destroyed objects around him as he struggle. Then he realize that he planned to take down the island by wrapping his body on it, so he's now tied and unable to return back to water.

The whole group charge to him with their weapon, and Clark barely manage to escape by erect its head again up into the air. Yet knives and nails still raiding his path, constantly damaging him as well.

"Just.... Die....!!" He charge another water cannon, and this one seems to be in massive caliber. Everyone try to dodge, but Faiz instead jump into the pipes, ignoring the charge and move as close as he could.

Just when the monster opened its mouth, he thrown the last nitrogen bottle to the mouth of the being. The freezing liquid explode due to the pressure as it freeze everything, causing rip and torrent of distortion in the body of the creature as the charged water stream freeze. Clark wring his body around in agony until the freezing ice reach his brain, causing him to lost control of his organs, and the pressure of the cannon released, resulting his head to burst into guts of blood and fragments of ice.

As the beast fall down into the sea, the whirlpool soon stopped. "We... Did it!!" Daniel smile at his team, still in thrill, his heart still beating fast, and he barely believing that they could do it. Everyone come to them, smiling, relieved and enjoyed the euphoria, until the world start changing again. The pipes fall down into the sea, and whatever that isn't suppose to be there start shifting as if the dimension changing. The floor, the walls, everything change in form and color into something else. The massive islands collapsed down, and when everything submerge into the ocean.

"Is this the end? Didn't we win this!?"

Daniel tried to swim as everyone drown into the depth, but he can't reach the surface. Something pulling them deeper. Deeper, into the darkness...

"Win? By just this?"

A voice echoing on his head.

"This is merely the beginning."

The voice fade as his vision start to grow darker, and soon he lost his consciousness. Succumb to the abyss of darkness...

"Oi, dude, wake up! Daniel!"

Someone gently slap his face to wake him up, it was Aston. Everyone else also there.

"...Wait... Didn't we drowned?" He asked as he wake up, brushing his soaked hair and clothes.

"Yeah we did, then we awake on that." Ellyn point to the large swimming pool in center of the room. Seems the place is a fitness center.

"Oh, I see." He stand up and realize that the dead body of Clark is in the middle of the room, with absent of his head. It looks disgusting, but he admit that the red colored pool didn't looks so bad.

"We found this on his body." Brian show him another key like what they found on Karl's body, but this one read as "Emergency exit".

The group ready to go, but after cleaning themselves. Luckily, it's fitness center, so there is a bathroom with a towels. Their clothes still soaked, but it's better than nothing. At least, they got a hair and hand dryer to help them dry themselves.

They search to all the emergency exit around the hotel, and finally found the one with bizarre decoration. This clearly the door.

By using the key, they opened it, and inside present a large spiraling stair. Below them is a hollow, endless pit, and up there also the same hollow darkness, but there is a door in one of the wall, in the end of the stairs. There is no way down, only up, so they didn't had any choice to take. Readying themselves, everyone go up into the staircase and opened the door...

Behind them, without they realize it, a girl with pale blonde hair watched them going. She smirked in both admiration and amusement.

"They able to defeat the first and second Floor Master... Interesting."

Another woman appeared behind the shades. Her face isn't seen since she wore a grey hood, but she's playing with knives as she talk.

"Don't worry, Liana... I won't disappoint you like those two."

She toss a casual, friendly yet malicious smile at her before she walk into the darkness and disappear.

The blonde girl smile back at her as her body disappear in blink of an eye.

"I had hope on you, master of the third floor."


Author's Note

Sorry for delaying this chapter for half a week, I had so many things to do lately! QAQ

Anyway this is the end of the second floor arc, and after this, things would start to get more intense! I hope you guys like it so far. :3

Originally, the battle isn't this epic. Clark does looks like that, but the whole arena isn't that big. This seriously start to sound too epic, but after I think about it, it's alright since only the arena is changing.

I also get excited to start the third arc, since so far, I only written the second arc and the start of the third arc long ago. Now that I'm rewriting everything, it means that the third arc will mostly be a fresh start for me, and since my skill have been improved much, I could made a better plot than what I used to made for the first and second arc!

Look forward for that day, and see you on the next week! Next week we would just had a short bonus chapter though.

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