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(Author note and et cetera. Skip the chapter to read the story right away.)

Thank you for considering to read my book. I'm Crimson Scythe, and this is my second book to upload for Wattpad.

13th Forbidden are mystery/thriller story with action-horror taste, and dark fantasy plot. The story originally are a small horror story that created in a chat between me and my friend, but then evolve into an action thriller with a rather epic plot, and get more fantastic as the story goes.

Unlike Crossing Illusion, 13th Forbidden emphasize on mystery and horror movie-styled atmosphere, but had intense action and even dark fantasy element, yet with still the original dark mysterious taste of the original book. Also, Crossing Illusion are made exactly on this year, meanwhile 13th Forbidden are actually made long ago. The original first draft come from around three to four years ago. Unlike Crossing Illusion that are more fitting as a manga/anime, 13th Forbidden are a movie-inspired literature from the beginning.

The story also mostly inspired by games and movie instead of anime, and the major inspiration come from movies such as Poltergeist 3, Freddy vs Jason, Resident Evil, and Silent Hill. For the last two, it also include the game version.

Not only the whole mysterious elements, it's also had dark fantasy with supernatural taste, including occultism and sacrifices. Unlike what you may assume later, it's not inspired by the movie 13th Ghost, but instead more inspired by the Blair Witch Project. About the sacrifice itself and how it become related with occultism, let's just say I consume many dark story with that element. Also, the first rough draft are based on the whole urban legend about the taboo of having 13th floor in a building.

Also as always, I apologize for all the misspelling, grammatical error, and other mistakes that I made inside. English isn't my first language, however I do trying my best to keep improving it everyday.

Also, I warned you that the story had strong language and sometimes contain profanity. This because I want to conversation to be as natural as possible, and it would be really awkward if people talk formally when in panic or under dire situation.

Thanks again for giving my book a chance, and hope you enjoyed the reading! All comment and vote are really appreciated! ^^

Any place, event, name and anything mentioned inside are fictional.

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