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The night passed by quickly and soon it was morning. I could feel the sunlight escaping through the little spaces between the curtains, landing on my face. Everything felt so warm and nice, until I felt something move next to me.

I turned slightly to check what it was and realized that Taeyeong was sleeping peacefully on the other side of the bed . . .


That's when everything hit me, and I remembered everything that happened the previous night.

Taeyeong and I had sex . . .


Well Since you guys don't really know what's happening let me give you some tea.

Taeyeong and I have been pretty good friends for quite a while now. We also have sex with each other, only to relieve our stress, there are absolutely no feelings involved just pure lust.

Well, you might be wondering how on earth did me and Taeyeong meet each other. That's a story for another time.

"Morning." Taeyeong suddenly spoke, interrupting my thoughts.

"Morning." I said while getting up from the bed and getting dressed.

After getting dressed I went towards the kitchen to prepare a simple breakfast for both of us, whereas Taeyeong was still lying on the bed staring at the ceiling. He was probably thinking about something, or just too lazy to get up.




Currently, Taeyeong and I are heading towards our workplace using my car.

"Y/n, today I want you to do a little counseling and talk with Taehyung. Maybe try getting close to him." Taeyeong said while looking outside the window.

I hummed in response.

"You will have to gain his trust so that it will be easier to work with him, otherwise he might cause trouble."

"Alright." I replied while driving.

We soon reached our destination and got out of the car.

Taeyeong and I walked in different directions since he had to go to his cabin, whereas I had to handle a couple of things. I proceeded towards the reception desk to meet Namjoon.

"Hey Joonie, did Felix inform you about a little girl?" I asked him.

"Uh, yeah he did. The girl is in room 289, here are the keys and by the way, Jungkook is with her." He said, giving me the keys.

"Okay, thanks." I told him while grabbing the keys and headed towards the elevator.

"Y/n!" I turned around when someone called my name out loud.

Oh it's Felix. I saw him running in my direction.

"Are you heading towards room 289?" He asked me.

"No, but I'm heading towards the same floor. I will visit the girl after I'm done with this Kim Taehyung guy." I replied.

"I'll join you too since I have some work with Jungkook, by the way, here is the file on Kim Taehyung. You can write your report in it." He said while handing me the examining file.

The elevator arrived and both me and Felix entered. I quickly pressed the button to the 7th floor where room 289 where we have kept Taehyung.

"This is so suspicious." Felix suddenly spoke, grabbing my attention.

"What?" I asked.

"Why have we been stalking and kidnapping a dumbass photographer? He is useless to us, THE MAFIAS." He said in an annoyed tone.

"Do you know why we are doing this?" He questioned me suspiciously.

"Well, for now I have no clue. Taeyeong is the only one who can answer this. Why don't you go and ask him directly?" I replied, trying to act like I knew nothing.

"Obviously, I'm not that dumb to ask boss directly. That guy's scary." Felix said, making a weird scared face.

Soon I heard a ting sound which indicated that we had reached the 7th floor. As soon as I left the elevator, I was treated to a long hallway with a lot of doors and room numbers.

I turned towards the left where Taehyung's room was located, while Felix turned the opposite direction.

To open the door there had been a fingerprint lock installed on the handle, but this is not applicable to all. Only me, Taeyeong, and some other people.

I opened the door and was immediately greeted by a sleeping Taehyung with his legs stretched in two different directions, hugging a pillow, and his saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth.

He looked like a cute baby while sleeping peacefully.

But not anymore. I thought with a smirk.

Taehyung POV

I have a very beautiful girl sitting next to me on a bench in a park. We are holding hands and are about to kiss. Both of us were slowly leaning in for the kiss.

Closer . . .

And closer . . .

A little closer . . .

"Wanna know what it's like?"

"Baby, show me what it is like."

"I don't really got no type. I just wanna fuck all night." I suddenly heard the song playing loudly right next to my ear.

I opened my eyes.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I shouted as loud as I could.

I saw the girl from last night sitting next to me with a notorious smile, as she held her phone near my ear. She suddenly stopped the music.

"Good morning sleepyhead." She said while getting off the bed.

"Your Y/n?" I asked her in my deep morning voice, and she replied with a simple nod.

"Get ready, we have a lot to do today. I don't know about you, but it is gonna be a fun day for me." Y/n said with a creepy, notorious smile.

"What exactly is going to happen?"

"Oh don't worry, you will find out soon." She replied.


Where do you think y/n is going to take Taehyung?

Well, I would love to hear your theories.

And I'm so sorry for the late update TT.

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