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Craig's P.O.V.

What. Happened.
I layed in my bed, supporting my head with my good hand -if you know what I mean-.
Looking down revealed me in my amazing red racer underwear I got as a price when I won a playground swing competition against Tricia. It was about who could swing higher and obviously I won but I also broke my leg.

A glance to the side revealed.. Mr. Tweek Tweak ALSO in red racer underwear. Huh.. I wonder if he also broke his leg on a swing and got his underwear by winning a bet of his small sister which was probably only a small price for such a big embarassing moment.

But like.. What is he doing here and how did we lose our clothes and .. uh??

"Uh.. ? Hello??", Tweek said in a very soft and raspy voice while rubbing his eye.
"Yeah, hi", I tried to play it cool but I was very very nervous as to what to say. Just.. nothing stupid Craig, nothing stupid-
"Do you want beans- I mean like coffee because coffee beans you know, not like canned beans, that'd be super weird like who even eats canned bea-"


"Dude, what are you saying", Tweek sighed while raising one eyebrow, "coffee sounds great actually."

I stood up before.. tripping over a red jacket and then smashing my head against a door I swear wasn't there before.

"Tweek, bad news.."
"What now?"
"This.. isn't my house?"

We shared a moment of silence standing in this strangers room and panic internally. Oh hold on, this is Clyde's room, I remember very very.. blurry that we sneaked in because he was out for the night and I also knew where his key was hidden.

I hurried him with my slightly panicked voice:"Clyde's room.. We need to get out of here like right now."
"Where the fuck are my pants?!"

"I'm home, mom", we heard a voice yelling from downstairs. Tweek and I shared another very intimate moment of silent eye contact. A single sweat drop left my forehead. I pointed under the bed immediately which made Tweek hurry under it while I ran into his closet. Damn, I'm back in the closet. RIP character development.

A moment after the door opened. Clyde threw himself on the bed making Tweek squeal. For some reason he then decided to call me which he by the way NEVER does but only inconveniently does today.

"I need to talk about the bet. I hope he picks up."

Oh my god. I was furiously searching my phone in my pockets- wait right I' only wearing underwear. Through a little gap I peaked outside to see my phone under the pillow I slept on. Crap. It's gonna ring in 3.. 2.. 1..

"Clyde! Come downstairs please!"
"Coming!", Clyde yelled and rushed out of his room. Luckiest I've ever been. Anyways, I was ready to jump out of the window until.

"Dude, first of all, you're not wearing pants and second of all, nice underwear. I mean second of all, don't just jump down there! You're gonna break a leg or something."
"Another one won't hurt, right?", I joked without him even knowing the story.
"What?", he blinked, "of course its gonna hurt idiot."

Suddenly he walked in a weird circle like they do in movies when they concentrate and think.

"We have two options", he started, "one, and I've seen this jail and prison movies, we make a rope out of his curtains and climb down his window or two, we sneek downstairs. The first ones gonna leave evidence and peobably take really long but the second ones riskier because the doors downstairs are probably hella loud and sneaking by two people ain't the easiest thing in the world."

I smiled at him.
"Or we could just-"
"We're not gonna jump out the window, Craig."
"I could catch your fall though?!"
"No, very charming but no."

Suddenly footsteps were approaching. Tweek and me share a panicked look and he waves with his arms in panic.

"Fuck it.. !", I aggressively whispered and opened the window and jumped.
The moment was actually quite calming. When I jumped and saw the sun shining on my cheek and the air hit my face. Oh yeah and then I broke my leg. Not the funniest thing honestly, especially when Tweek literally jumps too and lands on your already broken foot to break it even more. And not even apologizing but rather saying:"Nevermind, thanks for catching me, I'll take the offer after all."

• • •

"Are you okay, Craig?", I turned around to see a girl standing there.
"What? Who are you."
She looked down on my cast and looked at my in pity. Ah.. my cast. I quietly nodded. That was rather rude of me.
"Sorry", I smirked, "I didn't mean to be impolite."
She put her hands up and waved with them.
"No! You weren't, don't worry! I just wanted to ask you if you.. Uhm.. Want to go to the dance with me tomorrow? I know it's very like.. late to ask you and you may already have a date but I thought I'd just shoot my shot and ask, so if you're still free-"

"Dance? What dance?", I asked her. Did I miss something..
"The .. Winter Ball?"
I frowned. The WHAT? Never heard of it. Also couldn't believe that Tweek just ran away this morning without me being able to ask what the hell we were doing in our underwear in Clyde's house.
"Craig?", she tilted her head which made her look very cute. She was kinda pretty..

I apologized.
"Yeah, uhm.. text me? About the details and yeah, let's go together tomorrow."
She made a little jump and squeaked. Omg. Then waved me goodbye and ran to her friends who also screamed in excitement. Right.

The rest of the Tweek was nowhere to be found. And no, texting him was OUT OF LIMIT. I couldn't just run after him like a dog. You gotta make yourself like.. not too easy and just ya know, that's also why i accepted her invitation. Tweek had to be jealous right? I mean. I just had to make sure he'd come.

me: aye

Tweek: what

me: hi, are you coming to the winter ball thingie tomorrow

Tweek: are you asking me to be your date?

me: umm no i already have one, i just asked if you come you self centered dick

Tweek: aw :( meanie. umm i wanted to go with you but since you already have a date i'll go with clyde i guess. he asked me over text this morning

me: bruh

Tweek: why are you suddenly so dry

I fucked up. Clyde out of all people. And he wanted to go with me. And I wanted to make him jealous and now I'M JEALOUS-

XXX-XXX: Hey! It's me, Lola. So I'm wearing a blue dress so I want you to wear a blue tie or bow or whatever and I want a blue bonquet and please don't wear that hat you always wear, it's like.. not for this occasion. :)) Pick me up at 7! I live at XXX and the Ball is at school! I'm so excited >.<

Omg.. So demanding.

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