Cloud by TheKGrace

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Diary Entry #67

Sophie walks with her head in the cloud. Her cloud was one I wished to avoid. It was ever present. In her red eyes, her erratic behaviour. It was clear as day.
Clouds ruin lives. No, it's unfair for me to generalise. Some clouds ruin lives. There, that's better.
Don't expect me to go near her, Diary. I wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole. Even Finn tells me to stay away from her and her posse. *Sigh* he's so sweet. Always looking out for me. I have a date with him to prepare for now. We'll talk later.

Diary Entry #68

It's been 4 days since I last wrote in here. I have to tell you, the date was AMAZING! I'm so happy I met Finn on Tinder. Going on there was the best decision of my life.
Paula is telling me that I shouldn't fall too hard, too fast. But I can't help myself. It's a cloud of my own, but it's the good kind. When I told her that, she scoffed at me and said that clouds can blind a person and that's what is happening to me. She's being silly.
I love Finn. I only met him for the first time last week and he's been so amazing. I know I'm supposed to spend the rest of my life with him..... More about him later. My mom is calling me. Probably another pointless errand. Bye!

Diary Entry #69

BIG. NEWS! I decided that I'm going to give my virginity to Finn. It's been 3 weeks now since I met him and I'm so in love with him! I know he loves me too! He's never been shy of telling me... I love him so much but Paula doesn't approve. Which is kinda stupid because she's the one that told me to go on Tinder. She's so annoying sometimes.
I won't give him yet. His birthday is in June, so I'll give him then as a present. I know he wants to, he's always asking me. But I wanted it to be a surprise.
He asked me to sneak out at 1am this morning and meet him. He wants to show me something he planned for the both of us. Isn't he so sweet?!! Bye!! I'm going to bed now, so I'll be wide awake at 1am!

Diary Entry #70

... He raped me. He raped me. He raped me and left me. That's all he wanted. How could I have been so stupid? I can't tell anyone, he made me swear not to. Even if he didn't, I wouldn't tell anyone. They all warmed me! WHY DIDN'T I LISTEN?!! I'M SO STUPID! I'M NOT WORTH IT! WORTHLESS! MY PARENTS WOULD DISOWN ME... I'M NOT WORTH ANYTHING... least of all, love. I'm the catalyst to my own destruction. Might as well go all the way. Nothing could possibly get worse than this... I-

Diary Entry #71

Paula stopped talking to me after 2 weeks. Well, I stopped talking to her. I made a new friend, Sophie. I told her everything and she really helped me forget. She gave me some things that help me forget and numb the pain. It's her cloud, she lent it to me. And I finally understand why she does it. Every time I feel the pain, I raise my head to the clouds and I'm high. High above all the worries and aches of being human and being me.

Diary Entry #72

I think my parents are worried about me. They always want to 'talk' and I don't want to. I see their glances and I caught mom talking to Paula secretly about something. Can't they see I'm fine? I'm finally happy again! Finn is in my past and the future holds rainbows and unicorns for me! They don't even know what happened and they're still worried. I'm fine anyway, absolutely and completely dandy. The cloud is my best friend now and its always there for me when I need it. I'm not letting go.

Diary Entry #Whotheheckcares?

It's his birthday. It's HIS birthday. I was supposed to give him today.... I see him you know, always around, staring at me and the cloud. I can see him judging me. But that's what people do before they actually experience it. The cloud is amazing and I judged it before I tried it and I regret that. Doesn't he realise that he's the reason??
The pain is too much..... Too much. No cloud can raise me high enough to numb it. It hurts...... Higher, higher.... Higher.... High-

"Anna, No! Stay with us please!! Whatever is it we'll figure it out! Don't do this! Anna no!!!"


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