Chapter 17 - Exposed

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"Noona, I'm here." Jungkook came inside her room with a bowl of porridge. Myeong Jo slowly sat upright; her back laying on the hardboard of the bed. Jungkook sat beside her bed and wanted to feed her.

"I can eat it, Jungkook-ah...." her voice sounded hoarse.

"Aniyo, you're too weak......" he began feeding her spoon by spoon.

She chuckled a little and kept eating.

"Still no improvement?" Jungkook asked in the mid way.

She gulped down, "He doesn't even look at me."

Jungkook sighed, "I don't understand what is wrong with Hyung! You need him more than anyone now. And he's busy holding a grudge against you."

Myeong Jo barely survived the bomb blast. She took the jacket away from everyone and was about to throw it into the air. But that's when it exploded. It was almost 15 inches away from her.

Luckily her limbs and arms were okay but her whole body had brusies and was wounded. Her heart was barely beating. The surgeons had to operate thrice on her weak body and then after about another week, she finally regained conscious.

Jimin was beside her when she woke up. He looked like he was half dead. Bags under his eyes, red swollen teary eyes, hair messed. He was miserable without her.

But then suddenly he stopped talking with her. She asked him several times what happened. He decided to stay silent. Until Ji Eun asked him so he said he was mad at both of them. Both Myeong Jo and himself.

Why? Because she was the one who had to risk her life for him every time. And he couldn't protect her every single time. He was mad at Myeong Jo for not listening to him and keep risking her life. She knows what place she holds in his heart. She knows if something had happened to her, Jimin himself would die. Yet she keeps taking her own life easily. Also Jimin was angry at himself. For letting Myeong Jo risking her life for him every time when he should be the one doing that.

Like these, he distanced himself from his precious wife. Not because he was mad at her; because he wanted her to realize that Myeong Jo's life is Jimin's life. If there is no her, then there is no him. By staying away, he hoped his wife would stop staking her life for him. She should take care of herself instead of worrying about Jimin all the time.

"He's stupid, right?" Myeong Jo chuckled slightly.

"I would rather say Dumbo. He got no jams." Jungkook hissed.

"What is doing now? Is he eating well? Where does he sleep? Is Jimin even working at all?" she threw many questions at Jungkook.

He stared at her for a while, "All I know is he's busy handling the Kingdom. And he stays inside his chamber. Sometimes his office."

Myeong Jo pouted and frowned at the same time.

"What did I do so wrong? How could I stay put when I knew his life and the whole Kingdom were at risk? Does he expect me to remain calm even if there's a Bomb inside his jacket?!"

"Noona, if I was him, I would definitely want you to save me. But he is worried for you, you know? He didn't sleep or eat the whole week you were unconscious. He terribly loves you and doesn't want to lose you. Give him some time. He'll eventually come back to you." Jungkook gave her a satisfying smile.

Myeong Jo blinked her eyes twice, " brat has grown up...."

She ruffled his hair and he chuckled cutely.

"So how's it going with Ji Eun? You two are doing well right?" she asked.

Jungkook's face turned into a big tomato and he cleared his throat many times.

"Noona, I've something important to do so I gotta go! See you! Bye!"

Saying he ran out of the room; leaving her unanswered. Cute and silly.

Myeong Jo smiled and closed her eyes again.


Again Jimin missed her. It must be his 47th time missing her in three days. He was badly missing her. He was walking around in his office, biting his nails and her face in his mind.

"Okay, Jiminie...... Stop. I told you to stop. Missing her won't do any benefit. Stop, stop, stop, stop thinking about her. But did she take her medicines? Doctor said it was important. Well I'm sure she has. She's a good girl. What about her dinner? Did she eat? Jungkook must've taken care of her. I should stop worrying. Calm down." he was talking to himself.

After walking around a bit more, Jimin couldn't take it anymore. Being away from his wife was making him sick. He just missed her so much.

"Aish, Jiminie Pabo! You are too obsessed with her! Aish....I gotta go! She must've missed me too."

He decided to finally talk to her. So he made his way to their room.

On the other hand, Myeong Jo was feeling way too weak. Her body was aching and itching suddenly. The explosion caused these. She sat in front of her dressing mirror and took some cream to put on.

Unknowingly she lowered her dress; lower enough to show her bare back. Since she was alone in the room and the door was closed, she didn't care about being half undressed. She began putting the ointment as the doctor suggested.

Suddenly the door flew open and Jimin entered with a happy face, "Jagiya!"

She jumped in place and turned her head back to him as her back was facing him; she was surprised as ever.

Jimin's happy face slowly faded away. His lovely eyes turned wider and he stared at her.

Myeong Jo stood up and zipped up her dress; her heart beating as fast as ever. She faced him with her arms behind. It happened. The moment she feared for a long time finally occured.

Jimin's face had no reaction. Of course he was startled and confused. He stared at her for a long time.


"Where is the scar on your back?"

The truth never hides. It'll find its way to come out on its own. Whether anyone wants it or not.

Myeong Jo stood there silently. Her knees were trembling in fear but they were not visible as they were covered. Her fingers were shaking too. Their deep breaths filled the room.

"I-It's not there. Did you see it?" Jimin taking the matter completely lightly; walked closer to her.

Myeong Jo gulped down her throat. Her heart beating thousands times faster.

"Whoa........I didn't know scars heal too. Isn't that weird?" he was now in front of her; scratching his head.

Jimin was too innocent and he blindly trusted his wife that he didn't even want to suspect her.

"" she looked at him and tried to explain.

"Well I just missed you too much. You know why I distanced myself from you. Myeong Jo-ah, please don't ever do these to me. Please stop putting my life before yours. You were almost gone. You think I could've survived without you?" he cupped her cheeks.

He looked at her trembling eyes that were so scared, "My love, sometimes let me take care of you too. If you keep dying for me, then what'll I do? Huh? Stupid girl...." he smiled and caressed her hair.

Myeong Jo couldn't take it anymore. He was too pure, simple, genuine. He didn't even doubt her. He just saw she had no scar. Which was the only sign to actually recognize her. But he ignored it. He didn't ask why, how, what. Nothing. His trust for her was too blind.

She knew if she delayed anymore, she will never get to tell him later. Her fear of losing him forever will keep her mouth shut. But it isn't fair. She has made a fool out of him!

Jimin slowly hugged her. His hands wrapped around her back and his chin over her head. Myeong Jo wanted to cry. She was already crying softly.

"I love you." Jimin whispered.

Myeong Jo's heart exploded into tears. She couldn't handling it anymore. She has to tell the truth. Now! It's now or never.

She opened her mouth then closed it again.

Courage wasn't inside her.

Her heart beated as if she was running out of breath. She began sweating. Anxiety took her over. She thought and thought.

This may be her last hug with him.

"J-Jimin?" her voice sounded like a mere whisper.

"Hmm?" he hummed.

She broke down and knew this was going to end. Her happy moments with him were about to come to an end. This was her last embrace with him. His last love to her. She really wanted him. She really wanted to love him. The truth she hid for more than 3 months was about to be revealed.

"The truth is I'm not your wife."

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