Chapter 23 - Where Are You

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4 years later.....

"Coming up next is, "149 Days : Still Never Yours" has been the best selling book of South Korea over the last 3 years. It has sold about 9 million copies and it already is the best seller book in this country. Author Min Myeong Jo made a debut with this extraordinary book that reached the attention of the whole nation within 2 weeks. Collaborating with Jung MSC Company, this book is the highest rated love story of all time in the history of the Republic of Korea.

CEO Jung Ho Seok stated in the latest interview that this book touched him in the first chapter and he decided to publish it without any delay. Here's what he said in the interview,

"I mean can you imagine such a beautiful story? A comet made the wish of a depressed girl come true at the last moment of her life. This little sentence is enough to grab our eyes. When Miss. Min joined our company, I was told by her elder brother Yoon Gi who's my friend that she was looking for a publisher to publish her book. I hesitated at first but when I read the first chapter, man was I impressed? Yes I was! So without delaying I published the first chapter and guess what? Already 489k copies were sold! Haha.... She nailed it."

The book is about a depressed girl who had a life called unworthy and burden: decides to end her life by jumping from the cliff. At the last moment, she wished upon the Neowise Comet in the dark sky for a person who'll acknowledge her heart and change her sad life into a happy one. Magically the comet grants her wish true. The plotline follows to where she transports into another universe; into the body of a Queen and a wife of Park Jimin; The King.

Park Jimin aka the male character keeps loving his wife very dearly without knowing that this woman was not his wife at all. And the girl Min Myeong Jo falls in love with him too easily.

Fans went crazy at the third chapter when the book was on its 2M sales when they got to know that Myeong Jo has to go back to the world after 149 days. The female protagonist tries to tell Jimin about herself but finds herself against luck as he keeps on showering her with uncountable love and happiness.

Last Month, the book finally came to an end and fans didn't expect the ending. Author Min ended the story with a sad ending by Jimin ousting her out of his heart when he got to know the truth a few weeks before her last day. And the girl had to return back to her same old sad life; leaving the most precious person of her whole life. At first, fans all over the country were very unsatisfied with the ending. But slowly they began to realize its plotline and importance so they didn't protest.

This book is very popular among all types of generation especially the young teens. They found a perfect book to know what is Love and how it happens without any knowledge. Even the older men in society also gave good reviews about this book.

In an interview that was held recently, the author of this book was asked about the title and why did she name it like that. Here's what she said about it, "As you can see, no matter what it is, the female character Myeong Jo was never loved by the male character. No matter how much she loved him, he only cared for his real wife; not a single time did he even thought of her. Even though she stayed 149 days with him, the male character shoved her away like a toy. So that's how I got the idea of the tittle. Like Still Never Yours though I was with you for so many days......"

This book was recognized by its amazing writing lines, summery, twisting scenes, well imagined characters also by its beautiful feelings of love. Those who are elder readers stated that never in their life did they found such a book like this where Love is written so truly and perfectly. Every line on the book seemed so real.

During a fan-sign event, a fan asked the author if the book was based on true events. Well, this wasn't an unique question as to the whole nation doubted her for such amazing real vibes in the book at a young age. Author Min remained silent for a long time; confusing the fans present there. But she broke into a chuckle and said, "Aniyo, it was absolutely based on my imagination. Comets don't have time fulfilling people's wishes, do they?" and ended making everyone laugh.

Some fans even wished for a book 2 as they expected a happy ending. But Author Min clearly announced there will be no book 2. The book is better off this way so fans had to give up hope. Fans also wished for more books written by her and she let us know she'll be working on a new book soon.

A talented young author like Min Myeong Jo is rare to find in our country. Her debut book made everyone astonished with her marvellous plot. This book earned her three times straight "Author of the Year" & two times "Best Novel of all time" awards including academy awards of the nation. Women like her is piece of jem in our nation. We hope to find her new books also this wonderful like her first book and we also hope great reviews for it. This was today's evening news. We wish you a happy halloween to all childrens. This is SBS News Reporter Kim Seok Jin with cameraman Bang Si Hyuk."


"' don't leave back.....I'm sorry........please......Jimin........No!"

She woke up at late night on her bed; panting and sweating. Again she saw the nightmare she's been seeing since the last 4 years. There wasn't a single time she did not cry.

The following days after she came back here were very hard and suffocating. She used to lay down all day in her bed; sobbing loudly. Clenching her heart, her loud cries would echo around the small flat. Day and Night, her lips had only one name.

His name.

She suffered from trauma and remained in her locked bedroom; distancing herself from Yoon Gi. Sometimes she would throw things around out of anger and madness. She used to stay awake all night; thinking about him and only him. A man who never loved her.

She never felt hungry or the crave to eat. All she ate was her river flowing tears along with the darkness consuming her slowly. Yoon Gi tried his best to support her mentally in every way. Yes, he believed her and he knew his sister would never lie to him. He would try to talk to her, make her eat, sleep but none of them worked. Without him, she became more like A Psycopath.

But as it is said, no pain lasts for eternity as well as no love. She finally began recovering after about 9 months. She decided she would forget him and live her life in her way. The 149 days in that universe will be an unforgettable dream. But she couldn't forget him. She began seeing his shadows everywhere. As if he was haunting her. To keep him away from her mind, she took sleeping pills every night. Even now.

Yoon Gi suggested writting a diary about her experience there so it might help her stress out. So she did the same but ended up making it like a book. Once the family of two siblings that had no money to buy extra clothes, now that family has become one of the richest in South Korea.

All because of her super hit book and Yoon Gi becoming the CEO.

4 years passed like the wind. It still feels as if yesterday, she just got here. Myeong Jo now is a strong, confident woman. She has set a way for her future and she'll continue that way. There's no way she can forget him. So how about keeping him as a piece of her limited happiness inside her heart and bury it down? That's what she did. But some days, especially at nights, she just can't help missing him. And ends up having that dream where Jimin is leaving her.

To describe Myeong Jo's feelings for Jimin would actually be like.....

She doesn't love him anymore. Her love for him has stopped to a certain limit. She believes because of her infinite love for him, she is getting hurt now. But at the same time, she feels guilty. Because of one stupid wish, a husband had to lose his wife. Her little wish made the life of a man miserable. On the other hand, somehow her heart still yearns for him. She's still waiting. For a day when he would come back to her.

It is only possible in her dreams.

Myeong Jo is not sure about her feelings for him now.

Her phone suddenly rang. She looked at the called id and it was her boss. She picked it up after wiping her tears and letting out a yawn.

"Omseyo, CEO Jung?"

"Ah Myeong Jo....sorry for calling you so late, you sleeping?" Ho Seok knew the answer yet he asked stupidly.

She looked at her digital clock, "Well, it's 2 a.m. so yeah I was sleeping."

Ho Seok chuckled nervously, "Mian... It was important so...... I was thinking about when will you start writting a new book."

There was a silence.

Then she spoke, "Give me a break, Mr. Jung. I just finished a 3 year Novel last month. My brain needs rest too."

"Of course. I know... It's just fans been asking so company should be prepared, right?" and he laughed.

Myeong Jo played along by giving a fake laugh.

"Then how about book 2, huh? We can have a happy ending this time. I can help you if you want." Ho Seok already knew the answer to this. Yet he asked for the ninth time.

She remained silent for some time and then let out a deep sigh. That's the sign of hers when she is about to be mad.

"The book is better off this way. Not every love story needs a happy ending."

"Ani but fans will be so excited to hear about the news of book 2. I mean they will celebrate it! We can make it a happy ending. You know by making Park Jimin......" Ho Seok was about to explain.

But Myeong Jo cut him off, "Mr. Jung, I don't know why you keep forcing me for a book 2 when I clearly told everyone there won't be any. This book will be an example of fake love to all readers. They will know how love forms between two unknown people if there's a little bit of trust and care. They will realize a girl is not something to paly with. They will know how it feels when someone you sacrificed your life twice just because you love him and that very Person chokes you to death because he finds out you aren't his wife! Some story need explanations that Love may begin haplily but it may end leaving you a scar on your chest and most importantly, In your Heart! And no one knows how painful it is to long for that very man who slapped you after giving you so many beautiful memories!" her gentle words turned into yelling at her boss.

Ho Seok gulped down his throat and cleared it.

"Fine! Do whatever you want. As if you listen to me all the time! Why get so worked up for a character, huh?!" saying he hung up; leaving her dumbfounded.

Myeong Jo sighed and laid down on her side on the bed.

A single tear rolled down slowly as she whimpered his name again,

"Where are you, Jimin?"

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