1500 test C part 2/2

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I. Pronunciation:

1. a. clergy b. error c. energy d. perish

--> a

2. a. born b. bone c. torn d. port

--> b

3. a. normal b. pork c. organ d. note

--> d

4. a. eight b. height c. weight d. freight

--> b

5. a. cunning b. cushion c. funnel d. funny

--> b

6. a. ocean b. method c. pose d. close

--> b

II. Find the mistake:

7. Sandra said that she would like to be in one of that teacher’s class.

a. said

b. would like

c. to be

d. teacher’s class

--> d

8. My cousin is studying English. She started to learn it three years ago. She had

studied English for two years.

a. is studying

b. started to learn

c. had studied

d. for two years

 c

9. She is worried with failing her final exam in physics.

a. is worried

b. with failing

c. final

d. in

 b

III. Grammar and Vocabulary:

10. You will not pass the exam .............. working harder.

a. unless

b. if

c. without

d. although

 c

11. “That letter,” he said, “is ................ with me.”

a. to do nothing

b. nothing do to

c. to nothing do

d. nothing to do

--> d

12. Trace minerals are …………….. elements needed in greater quantities.

a. as important to healthy human tissue as

b. most important to healthy human tissue

c. to healthy human tissue as important

d. important to healthy human tissue

 a

13. Be careful of ............. when you cross the road.

a. the traffic

b. the traffics

c. a traffic

d. traffics

--> a

14. If you are too tired, we could have a .............. of tennis after lunch.

a. match

b. play

c. game

d. party

 c

15. I like to go for a holiday ............. my wife.

a. without

b. less

c. except

d. unless

--> a

16. They don't know .............. about Chinese literature.

a. lots of

b. little

c. much

d. a little of

 c

17. He asked me if there was ........... bread for all the sandwiches I had to make.

a. correct

b. enough

c. plenty

d. equal

--> b

18. In the past, most people believed that the world's resources could never be

used ........................

a. up

b. all

c. whole

d. at all

 a

19. My father has a very ........... temper and often says things he regrets later.

a. angry

b. quick

c. warm

d. fast

--> b

20............... swamps is necessary to reclaim land.

a. Drainage

b. Draining

c. Draining of

d. Drained

--> b

21. Do you mind telling me if you have any electric typewriters ...................?

a. in stock

b. in order

c. in supply

d. in store

--> a

22. He was so furious that he was being ....................

a. made use of

b. put a stop to

c. taken account of

d. made fun of

 d

23. Because of his confusing argument, ............ people understood it.

a. many

b. clever

c. less

d. few

--> d

24. Anxiety about uncontrollable situations is thought to cause ……………

a. to fitfully sleep

b. fitful sleep

c. fitful in sleep

d. sleep fitfully

 b

25. If you want, look at this ……………. catalogue.

a. valued

b. cost

c. priced

d. worth

--> c

26. The tender plants need protection against the cold weather.

a. easily damaged

b. precious

c. industrial

d. growing on farms

 a

27. This wet weather has lasted for a month now; ............ rained every single


a. there has

b. it has

c. there was

d. it was

--> b

28. Parisians left the left-hand side clear for the movement of the papal carriage.

a. drawn by horses

b. driven on the left

c. carrying children

d. of the Pope

 d

29. In spite of a large number of students, each one receives ............... attention.

a. alone

b. only

c. individual

d. single

--> c

30. Surgeons use lasers as scalpels.

a. medicines

b. satellites

c. knives

d. birthmarks

 c

31. Paul is very set in his ways, but Richard has a more ............ attitude to life.

a. changeable

b. moveable

c. flexible

d. fluid

--> c

32. The income of Vietnamese people is about 200 dollars ...................

a. a man a year

b. a year a man

c. a person a year

d. a year a person

 c

33. The success of his new book has made his reputation be ............. greatly .

a. expanded

b. heightened

c. enlarged

d. enhanced

--> d

34. ................... is expecting a baby.

a. A friend of me

b. One of my friend

c. A friend of mine

d. My one friend

 c

35. Have you changed your mind again? I wish you’d at least be .................

a. constant

b. congenial

c. compatible

d. consistent

--> d

36. - S1: I .................. an English course now. - S2: How long .............. English? S1:

For two years now.

a. am going to take / were you learning

b. am taking / had you been learning

c. have been taking / did you learn

d. am taking / have you been learning

--> d

37. These women were appointed by the managers and are ........... only to them.

a. dependable

b. accountable

c. privileged

d. controlled

--> b

38. The facilities of the older hospital .............. the new hospital.

a. is as good or better than

b. are as good or better that

c. are as good as or better than

d. are as good as or better than those of

 d

39. A managing director cannot expect to have much time to ......... to purely

personal matters.

a. devote

b. reserve

c. concentrate

d. spare

--> a

40. Each of you .................... a share in the work.

a. have

b. has

c. having

d. going to have

 b

41. My daughter loved her little cat but showed surprisingly little ............ when it


a. sentiment

b. emotion

c. involvement

d. sympathy

--> d

42. Your personality is important .................... the success of your work.

a. for

b. in

c. to

d. on

 c

43. Depressant drugs ………….. historically have been known to be addictive are

called narcotics.

a. and

b. which

c. they

d. about which

--> b

44. ………… categorized as lipids.

a. Fats and also oils

b. While fats and oils

c. Fats and oils are

d. Fats and oils

 c

45. I tried phoning, but the line was constantly ..................

a. occupied

b. engaged

c. used

d. full

--> b

46. Don't let a good chance go ......................

a. on

b. off

c. by

d. over

 c

47. When he finally ............ , he couldn’t remember what had happened.

a. stood back

b. came round

c. held back

d. wore off

--> b

48. It is unreasonable to regard any language as the possession of a particular


a. speak

b. use

c. consider

d. communicate

 c

49. Christine must confess that she was ............. herself with rage.

a. above

b. outside

c. beyond

d. beside

--> d

50. Some children are keen on a particular occupation.

a. job

b. game

c. sport

d. school

 a


I. Pronunciation:

1. a. ash b. clash c. crash d. ask

--> d

2. a. fair b. fail c. nail d. tail

--> a

3. a. night b. pianist c. wine d. fine

--> b

4. a. engine b. enrich c. enhance d. enjoy

--> a

5. a. shout b. amount c. route d. bound

--> c

6. a. see b. seat c. seen d. sugar

--> d

II. Find the mistake:

7. I wish I listened to him. Now it is too late.

a. wish

b. listened

c. to

d. is

 b

8. American woman are used to being independent.

a. American

b. woman

c. are used to being

d. independent

 b

9. We don't approve of your behave that way.

a. don't approve

b. of

c. your

d. behave

 d

III. Grammar and Vocabulary:

10. I work for the International Student Advisor, Mrs. Stoke, ……………… you

have just had the pleasure of meeting.

a. which

b. who

c. that

d. whom

 d

11. When Peter didn’t get home from school, we’re very worried about him. But

fortunately he came to no .....................

a. injury

b. hurt

c. harm

d. damage

--> c

12. The birds settled for the night upon calm water.

a. in a lake

b. troubled

c. quiet

d. clean

 c

13. It’s amazing how few people can ............. between margarine and butter.

a. distinguish

b. separate

c. diagnose

d. estimate

--> a

14. What's going on here?

a. leaving

b. burning

c. starting

d. happening

 d

15. Don’t ........... money out of the window by having that old car repaired again.

a. throw

b. flying

c. hurtle

d. hurl

--> a

16. She wishes she had a day off now.

a. went on holiday

b. did not work

c. went to see a film

d. went home

 b

17. You’ll have to buy some new shoes as these are ....................

a. used up

b. wasted away

c. worn out

d. gone off

--> c

18. Have you ever been to Dalat? - Yes. I've been there .............. times.

a. all

b. much

c. a few

d. little

 c

19. At first I did not ............. my old teacher because he had grown a beard.

a. relate

b. mark

c. realize

d. recognize

--> d

20. Does the grass need .............. ?

a. cutting

b. cut

c. be cut

d. to cut

 a

21. I keep a supply of candles in the house in case of a power ..................

a. failure

b. absence

c. lack

d. shortage

--> a

22. Peter said that he .............. his homework since 6 o'clock.

a. had done

b. did

c. has done

d. was doing

 a

23. Alfred apologized for his mistake, saying he did not ............... any offence.

a. suppose

b. intend

c. consider

d. propose

--> b

24. How many times .............. this film so far? - A few times.

a. have you seen

b. did you see

c. were you seeing

d. had you seen

 a

25. She tried to ............. two dogs fighting with her umbrella.

a. share

b. break

c. separate

d. open

--> c

26. He said that he .............. tonight.

a. comes

b. would come

c. will come

d. can come

 b

27. What about a glass of orange juice to ............. your thirst?

a. quash

b. quell

c. quench

d. quieten

--> c

28. ………………. young, Eugene O’Neill traveled with his father’s theatrical

company, and the stage was an important part of his life.

a. When was he

b. He was

c. Was he

d. When he was

 d

29. We have been considering plans for a tunnel between England and France


a. for all time

b. for some time

c. some time ago

d. at times

--> b

30. They have to start early .............. they won't be late.

a. so that

b. that

c. because

d. although

 a

31. My manager has always had a reputation .............. hard.

a. in working

b. for working

c. to work

d. about working

--> b

32. Doctors are using laser beam .............. bones in ear surgery.

a. remove

b. removing

c. to remove of

d. to remove

 d

33. Don’t forget to let me know you’ve arrived safely, .............?

a. will you

b. do you

c. won’t you

d. haven’t you

--> a

34. A good .............. of English will help you find a job more easily.

a. expectation

b. knowledge

c. condition

d. satisfaction

 b

35. David was amazed to see me at the party by myself and wanted to know why

Robert ............. with me.

a. wasn’t coming

b. hasn’t come

c. hadn’t come

d. isn’t coming

--> c

36. A girl may or may not .............. when she's introduced to a man.

a. hesitate

b. shake hands

c. say hello

d. say good day

 b

37. He’s above ……............ height; about 1 meter 78 cm.

a. medium

b. normal

c. usual

d. average

--> d

38. By careful seeding, weather-makers can encourage two small clouds to

merge into one big cloud ……………. produce a powerful thunderstorm.

a. so

b. these

c. which

d. and

 d

39. The employer was very satisfied with his last business trip, which had been a

.............. success.

a. complete

b. whole

c. full

d. high

--> a

40. Some large cities have measures to minimize air pollution.

a. stop

b. avoid

c. fight

d. reduce

 d

41. Farmers have an enormous amount of extra work to do at ............... time.

a. crop

b. produce

c. collection

d. harvest

--> d

42. Jack quit school at fourteen.

a. went to

b. did well at

c. left

d. lived near

 c

43. He joined the party as an idealistic young man, but was totally .......... by the

cynicism he found there.

a. disinterested

b. contemptuous

c. disillusioned

d. disbelieving

--> c

44. This cake is made …………….. flour, sugar and eggs.

a. of

b. from

c. by

d. with

 b

45. Don’t forget to ................ the dog?

a. eat

b. milk

c. give

d. feed

--> d

46. The first steam engine was .............. by James Watts.

a. invented

b. discovered

c. uncovered

d. detected

 a

47. They meet for dinner ............. every Saturday.

a. hourly

b. up to date

c. at the same time

d. in good time

--> c

48. Gibraltar has been called the key .............. the Mediterranean.

a. of

b. for

c. to

d. at

 c

49. My grandparents had always liked the sea and .......... they moved to the

South Coast when they retired.

a. as

b. since

c. such

d. so

--> d

50. This book was written by a famous writer. It is worth ....................

a. read

b. reading

c. to read

d. have read

 b


I. Pronunciation:

1. a. own b. down c. power d. tower

--> a

2. a. whistle b. cattle c. settle d. battle

--> a

3. a. humour b. flour c. rumour d. honour

--> b

4. a. bush b. rush c. push d. pull

--> b

5. a. socket b. regret c. bullet d. rocket

--> b

6. a. matter b. sad c. barn d. catch

--> c

II. Find the mistake:

7. One of history's most spectacular executions were that of Damiens, the

unsuccessful assassin of Louis XV of France.

a. One of

b. most spectacular

c. were

d. unsuccessful

 c

8. Studying the science of logic is one way to cultivate one's reason skills.

a. Studying

b. science of

c. way to

d. reason

 d

9. A farmer's tractor is like a powerful horse, as it plows field, pulls trailers, and

moves heavy loads.

a. is like

b. as it

c. field

d. moves

 c

III. Grammar and Vocabulary:

10. In some schools, the teaching quality is worse than ................... used to be.

a. they

b. it

c. them

d. that

 b

11. You can go into this part of the building in case you have a special .................

a. permission

b. allowance

c. permit

d. agreement

--> c

12. Mary is ................... to understand it.

a. too young

b. too intelligent

c. enough ability

d. very pretty

 a

13. “How can we ........... out together what we’re to do if we never talk about it

frankly?” she cried in desperation.

a. test

b. find

c. search

d. work

--> d

14. It is ................... city that we have got lost.

a. a such big

b. such big

c. such a big

d. a very big

 c

15. When the front door bell rang, my sister was ............ of making a cake.

a. at the center

b. on her way

c. halfway through

d. in the middle

--> d

16. My father is working in .....................

a. a thirty-stories building

b. a building with thirty stories

c. a thirty-story building

d. a thirtieth story building

 c

17. It’s very difficult to be ............ control of those children.

a. under

b. in

c. with

d. over

--> b

18. I just heard something ………….. on the public radio station.

a. be interested

b. be interesting

c. interested

d. interesting

 d

19. My application for a trading licence was .......... .

a. held down

b. turned down

c. put down

d. let down

--> b

20. I .................... him recently.

a. see

b. saw

c. have seen

d. will see

 c

21. He has told me never ........... here again.

a. come

b. comes

c. came

d. to come

--> d

22. I don't know where ......................

a. is Nancy living

b. Nancy's living

c. did Nancy live

d. has Nancy lived

 b

23. I .............. along the river at half past eight tomorrow morning.

a. will drive

b. will be driving

c. drive

d. am driving

--> b

24. What would you have done if you .................... a lot of money?

a. had

b. will

c. had had

d. have had

 c

25. It is said that a rise in the salary is ............ just now.

a. out of sight

b. out of control

c. out of date

d. out of the question

--> d

26. The ................... are the people who are not able to hear.

a. dead

b. deaf

c. blind

d. mute

 b

27. The accusation left Michael quite ................. with rage.

a. dumb

b. silent

c. mute

d. speechless

--> b

28. I'd like to ................... an appointment to see the doctor.

a. do

b. say

c. organize

d. make

 d

29. It was very quick of him to assert his authority ............ the younger children.

a. on

b. to

c. over

d. at

--> c

30. He acted promptly. He ……………. the child from drowning.

a. saved

b. kept

c. brought

d. took

 a

31. He used to find ……............ with his son’s friends.

a. blame

b. lack

c. mistake

d. fault

--> d

32. Henry drew all his money ................ the bank before he left.

a. of

b. off

c. out of

d. to

 c

33. ............. me to buy some fruits when I go downtown.

a. Remind

b. Remember

c. Mention

d. Make

--> a

34. You'll get a better ................ of exchange at a bank.

a. rate

b. value

c. worth

d. charge

 a

35. Paul’s ............ in his work is very amazing.

a. attention

b. interest

c. thought

d. concern

--> b

36. I am so ................, Mum. Can I eat this cake?

a. hungry

b. angry

c. thirsty

d. sweet

 a

37. In the middle of all the panic, Susan ............. phoned the police.

a. silently

b. calmly

c. peacefully

d. mildly

--> b

38. He who ………… the piper calls his wife.

a. makes

b. pays

c. gives

d. does

 b

39. They took the baby to church to be ..................

a. christened

b. christening

c. named

d. baptism

--> a

40. The championships are ................ every two years.

a. had

b. made

c. taken

d. held

 d

41. He ................ his wife and children and went abroad.

a. demanded

b. won

c. gained

d. deserted

--> d

42. Is Peter going to ................ the meal?

a. pay

b. bite

c. feed

d. pay for

 d

43. Don’t be too hasty and draw the wrong ............ .

a. outcome

b. judgment

c. conclusion

d. opinion

--> c

44. You ................ go to the dentist's before your toothache gets worse.

a. ought to

b. ought

c. rather

d. better

 a

45. They agreed to call off the strike on ............. that all those dismissed were


a. terms

b. condition

c. request

d. demand

--> b

46. Could you lend me 20 pounds? I am a bit short ................ money.

a. of

b. off

c. with

d. from

 a

47. Remember to send a ................ for Uncle Chang’s funeral.

a. garland

b. wreath

c. arrangement

d. bouquet


48. They run everyday to keep .......................

a. fat

b. fit

c. faint

d. upset

 b

49. It takes a while to ............. to your surroundings after a long flight.

a. adjust

b. fit

c. settle

d. balance

--> a

50. Look! The ................ is feeding the lions.

a. keeper

b. pianist

c. postman

d. engineer

 a


I. Pronunciation:

1. a. tutor b. visitor c. origin d. doctor

--> c

2. a. lane b. stay c. flame d. crash

--> d

3. a. both b. moth c. pole d. stone

--> b

4. a. palm b. ball c. stall d. small

--> a

5. a. belt b. smell c. depth d. clerk

--> d

6. a. bean b. earn c. clean d. cheat

--> b

II. Find the mistake:

7. Luther Burbank earned the funds to go west by sale his new ideas about

growing potatoes.

a. the funds

b. go west

c. sale

d. about

 c

8. When the second World War, almost a third of a million people were killed.

a. When

b. almost

c. of

d. were killed

 a

9. They will check my blood eight weeks from now to see how good I’m

responding to the treatment.

a. will check

b. from now

c. how good

d. responding to

 c

III. Grammar and Vocabulary:

10. ……………….., business managers plan the tasks that their employees are

to carry out.

a. It is the organizing process

b. They process the organizing

c. While the organizing process

d. Through the organizing process

 d

11. On hearing the bad news, he broke ............... completely.

a. away

b. down

c. in

d. out

--> b

12. The ................ gives the patient his medicine twice a day.

a. butcher

b. nurse

c. operator

d. pianist

 b

13. The dog felt very ............ and wanted to go back toward the fire.

a. disillusioned

b. deceived

c. disappointed

d. cheated

--> c

14. She remembered the correct address only ................ she had posted the


a. since

b. afterwards

c. following

d. after

 d

15. The townspeople were always so well-behaved and ............ that the police

had an idle life.

a. systematic

b. scrupulous

c. meticulous

d. orderly

--> d

16. Remember to return the toys on the shelf.

a. put aside

b. put on

c. put down

d. put back

 d

17. I was surprised. I asked my mother if I could borrow her car and she .............


a. spoke

b. told

c. said

d. talked

--> c

18. This is the skirt ............... I like best.

a. where

b. that

c. when

d. who

 b

19. John’s about the same height as his father, but in very other respect he takes

.......... his mother.

a. after

b. up

c. on

d. from

--> a

20. There is a bus ..................... just outside my house.

a. station

b. quay

c. stop

d. start

 c

21. Did you ............ anything at the casino yesterday?

a. gain

b. win

c. earn

d. take

--> b

22. I've been looking for this book for months and ................ I have found it.

a. at last

b. in time

c. at the end

d. at present

 a

23. Peter is ........... of making excuses for his impoliteness to his friends.

a. tired

b. worried

c. annoyed

d. angry

--> a

24. I'll meet you outside the ..................... pool.

a. swim

b. swimming

c. sport

d. football

 b

25. Betty .......... to being a bit worried about making her speech.

a. asserted

b. acknowledged

c. confessed

d. granted

--> c

26. The mother put a rug ………. her sleeping child.

a. over

b. in

c. on

d. at

 a

27. I love the countryside, especially ............. summer.

a. in

b. of

c. at

d. under

--> a

28. Is Brown, ................ works I respect highly, still a doctor?

a. which

b. whose

c. what

d. who's

 b

29. She .............. regretted having told a lie.

a. bitterly

b. severely

c. fully

d. awfully

--> d

30. How ................ since we ................ school?

a. are you / left

b. have you been / have left

c. were you / left

d. have you been / left

 d

31. He had his camera .............. from his car in the office car-park.

a. robbed

b. stolen

c. lost

d. missed

--> b

32. ................ you agree, nothing can be arranged.

a. Unless

b. Without

c. Because

d. Lest

 a

33. Fuel prices have been ............. steadily for at least ten years.

a. raising

b. rising

c. lifting

d. growing

--> b

34. Scientists believe that the beaver’s instinct to build dams is more complex

than …………… other animal instinct.

a. most

b. all

c. any

d. these

 c

35. Don’t talk …………..!

a. rot

b. ruin

c. waste

d. rest

--> a

36. It is not ………… that we treat our friends badly.

a. right

b. fit

c. possible

d. capable

--> b

37. They can sleep at my flat as long as they ................ stay for more than

twenty days.

a. wouldn’t

b. didn’t

c. shan’t

d. don’t

--> d

38. He apologized for opening my handbag but he ............ it for his.

a. recognized

b. confused

c. mistook

d. imagined

--> c

39. A good friend will ........... you when you’re in trouble.

a. stand against

b. stand out for

c. stand by

d. stand

--> c

40. Michael was not agreeable to explain the reason .......... his absence.

a. that

b. why

c. of

d. for

--> d

41. The whole nation was ………….. in arms against the invaders.

a. up

b. out

c. in

d. on

--> a

42. His brother can’t stand television and is always ............ the disappearance of

the art of conversation.

a. grieving

b. lamenting

c. complaining

d. talking

--> b

43. I could no longer stand the ........... and flung the door open.

a. expectation

b. suspense

c. foresight

d. imagination

--> b

44. If travelers want to fly during the New Year holidays, they............. their

reservations well in advance.

a. had better to get

b. had better get

c. had to get better

d. had better got

--> b

45. Jim says, “My present job does not provide me with enough ............... for my

organizing ability.”

a. space

b. scope

c. capacity

d. range

--> b

46. Edward took over the supervisor’s job, ............ when Mr. Carr retired.

a. left

b. emptied

c. vacated

d. resigned

--> c

47. My teacher’s very amusing, and I like his ........... of humor.

a. meaning

b. feeling

c. mind

d. sense

--> d

48. I was .......... of sleeping by myself.

a. anxious

b. worried

c. afraid

d. troubled

--> c

49. We ........... until supper-time although we had only been invited for lunch.

a. stayed up

b. stayed on

c. stayed out

d. stayed in

--> b

50. Children praised for their work are always ......... on to do better.

a. encouraged

b. approved

c. inspired

d. spurred


Test 31



a. sweater

b. clean

c. leather

d. weather

--> b


a. receive

b. beige

c. receipt

d. seize

--> b


a. cord

b. port

c. cloth

d. clothe

--> d


a. breathe

b. leather

c. lean

d. cheat

--> b


a. dull

b. bull

c. stuffy

d. bumpy

--> b


a. pan

b. bag

c. chance

d. sad

--> c


a. head

b. cheese

c. cheap

d. cheat

 a

Find the mistakes

8. Cotton used to rank first between Alabama’s crops, but it represents only a

fraction of the agricultural production now.

a. Cotton

b. rank

c. between

d. represents only

 c

9. Salmon lay their eggs and die in fresh water, although they live in salt water

when most of their adult lives.

a. lay

b. although

c. when

d. adult lives

 c

10. To building their nests, tailorbirds use their bills as needles.

a. building

b. nests

c. their

d. as

 a

Grammar and Vocabulary

11. If we had known that you were there, we ..................... you a letter.

a. would write

b. would have write

c. would have written

d. had written

 c

12. America’s first globe maker was James Wilson, who ............. and blacksmith

in his earlier life.

a. farmer had been

b. had been a farmer

c. farming

d. being a farmer

 b

13. They keep .................... about an old friend they met yesterday.

a. to talk

b. talk

c. talking

d. talked

 c

14. Napoleon ............... the West Indian island of Santo Domingo in 1801.

a. attacked

b. is attacking

c. has attacked

d. attacking

 a

15. If we had checked the petrol before we started, we .................... here.

a. wouldn't stop

b. wouldn't have stopped

c. would have stopped

d. would stop

 b

16. Norman E. Borlaug was the first agricultural scientist to ……………… the

Nobel Peace Prize.

a. receive

b. have

c. take

d. accept

 a

17. It's twelve o'clock. It's high time we ....................!

a. leave

b. left

c. to leave

d. leaving

 b

18. Not only knowledge and skills, but also attitudes .............. in school for

students’ future adjustment to society.

a. when cultivated

b. cultivated

c. which need to be cultivated

d. need to be cultivated

 d

19. The less we study, the .................... we are.

a. worse

b. bad

c. well

d. good

 a

20. On Mercator’s maps, the far northern and southern polar regions are


a. greatly exaggerated in area

b. exaggerating greatly in area

c. greatly exaggerate in area

d. great exaggeration in area

 a

21. He would rather .................... to class yesterday than today.

a. go

b. have gone

c. had gone

d. went

 a

22. On the slope of Long’s Peak in Colorado ............... the ruin of a gigantic tree.

a. that lies

b. lies

c. where lies

d. lie

 b

23. She was born in Malaysia, .................... rubber trees grow well.

a. what

b. who

c. where

d. which

 c

24. ................ in Shanghai than in any other city in China.

a. More people live

b. More people living

c. It has more people

d. More living people

 a

25. Who can tell me the name of the man .................... bag was stolen?

a. whose

b. who

c. which

d. when

 a

26. The earth spins on its axis and .............. 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.09

seconds for one complete rotation.

a. need

b. needed

c. needing

d. needs

 d

27. "Did you receive my letters?" "No, I didn't. But I wish I ......................"

a. had

b. were

c. have

d. will

 a

28. ..................on the environment for the gratification of its needs.

a. Each organism to depend

b. Every organism depends

c. All organisms depending

d. Many organisms can depend

 b

29. "Are volcanoes common in this area?" "Almost never ............. ."

a. do they occur

b. they do occur

c. they occur

d. are they occurring

 a

30. Of Charles Dickens’ novels, Great Expectations is perhaps ............ to many


a. the most satisfying one

b. most satisfying one

c. more than satisfying one

d. the more satisfying than

 a

31. That was an awful hotel. It was the worst .................... I had never seen.

a. who

b. that

c. what

d. whom

 b

32. .............., the nation’s capital remained in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

a. While designing Washington, D.C.,

b. Washington, D.C., was designed,

c. While Washington, D.C., was being designed

d. Washington, D.C., designed

 c

33. The river from .................... we get our water-supply is quite far.

a. which

b. who

c. whom

d. whose

 a

34. Children learn primarily by ............the world around them.

a. experiencing directly of

b. experience direct

c. directly physical experience

d. direct physical experience of

 d

35. Mary doesn't agree with .................... her close friend has just said.

a. what

b. who

c. when

d. which

 a

36. It is earth’s gravity which ............people their weight.

a. gives

b. give

c. giving

d. given

 a

37. The stories .................... my grandmother tells are usually very interesting.

a. when

b. that

c. where

d. who

 b

38. Generally speaking, people should have................. as their desires will allow.

a. much education

b. as much education

c. education

d. for education

 b

39. The boy .............……. two full hours on his homework yesterday.

a. has spent

b. have spended

c. spent

d. has spended

 c

40. A dolphin six............ length can move as fast as most ships.

a. foot in

b. feet in

c. foot of

d. feet of

 b

41. 1945 was the year .................... the second World War ended.

a. which

b. why

c. when

d. where

 c

42. With new technology, cameras can take pictures of underwater valleys

.............. color.

a. within

b. for

c. in

d. by

 c

43. Is there a shop .................... I can buy an envelope near here?

a. when

b. which

c. where

d. who

 c

44. .............the fifth largest among the nine planets that make up our solar


a. The Earth is

b. The Earth being

c. That the Earth is

d. Being the Earth

 a

45. I didn't like the man .............. dog bit me.

a. who

b. whom

c. which

d. whose

 d

46. In mathematics, a variable is a symbol ............... some element of a set.

a. and representing

b. represents

c. that represents

d. represents that

 c

47. The house ............. I am living, is on Hung Vuong street.

a. where

b. what

c. who

d. when

 a

48. ...............actress’s life is in many ways unlike that of other women.

a. An

b. A

c. As the

d. That the

 a

49. Everything ............... he has just told you is true.

a. that

b. what

c. when

d. who

 a

50. About 20 miles from Boston,...............a little town named Concord that has a

rich history.

a. has

b. there is

c. there are

d. where is

 b

Test 32



a. leek

b. deer

c. cheek

d. sheep

--> b


a. death

b. meadow

c. pleasant

d. tear

--> d


a. heat

b. honest

c. health

d. hut

--> b


a. dial

b. trial

c. dialect

d. piano

--> d


a. plea

b. seat

c. pear

d. neat

--> c


a. breath

b. path

c. although

d. thick

--> c


a. full

b. pull

c. push

d. fuss

 d

Find the mistakes

8. Drugs are one of the medicine profession's most valuable tools.

a. are

b. medicine

c. profession's

d. tools

 b

9. With its strong claws and its many protruding tooth a gopher is an excellent


a. With

b. strong claws

c. protruding tooth

d. is

 c

10. Drug addiction has resulted of many destroyed careers, and expulsions from

school or college.

a. has

b. of

c. destroyed

d. expulsions

 b

Grammar and Vocabulary

11. I have just met the girls, some of .................... were your friends.

a. whom

b. which

c. who

d. whose

 a

12. An advisor to both Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Harry Truman, ...........of

Bethune-Cookman College.

a. Dr. Mary Mcleod Bethune was the founder

b. Dr. Mary Mcleod Bethune, who was the founder

c. the founder was Dr. Mary Mcleod Bethune

d. did the founder Dr. Mary Mcleod Bethune

 a

13. The house ............. he used to live in has been collapsed.

a. when

b. who

c. that

d. whom

 c

14. Warmth, moisture and oxygen are three necessary requirements .............

most seedlings.

a. for cultivating

b. for cultivate

c. as cultivating

d. can cultivate

 a

15. The police has just arrested a gang of ................... in the city.

a. revelations

b. revoltings

c. revolutions

d. revolvers

 d

16. In the west, the birth of a girl is welcomed with an enthusiasm ............ to that

of a boy.

a. equally

b. equal

c. they are equal

d. and equal

 b

17. Why didn't the form-teacher .................... their parting party?

a. be present

b. visit

c. attend

d. assist

 c

18. The pencil .................... is lying on the desk is hers.

a. who

b. which

c. where

d. whom

 b

19. A well-known large natural lake is Lake Tahoe,.............. straddles the

California-Nevada border.

a. and

b. which

c. since

d. for

 b

20. His house, for .............. he paid $ 100,000, is now worth $ 300,000.

a. when

b. where

c. which

d. that

 c

21. Before .............., they had used horse-drawn wooden carts.

a. farmers have had tractors

b. tractors owned by farmers

c. having tractors farmers

d. farmers had tractors

 d

22. ............. to the party, Nam was happy.

a. Inviting

b. Be invited

c. Invited

d. To invite

 c

23. Tuna,................ may weigh up to 1,000 pounds.

a. is the sea giant

b. can be giants of the sea

c. one of the sea giants

d. the sea of the giant

 c

24. The man ............ daughter teaches me maths, is a doctor.

a. who

b. whose

c. whom

d. which

 b

25. Physical fitness exercises can cause injuries ............... the participants are

not careful.

a. that

b. to

c. if

d. with

 c

26. Mary Smith decided to give up her job for the ................. of her children.

a. sake

b. care

c. advantage

d. concern

 a

27. Total weight of all the ants in the world is much greater than ................

a. to all human beings

b. all human beings is that

c. that of all human beings

d. is of all human beings

 c

28. If ................. it would stop raining for a morning, we would cut the grass.

a. ever

b. only

c. just

d. even

 b

29. ................. for overall health.

a. Extra fiber in one’s diet is helpful

b. Extra fiber is one’s helpful diet

c. Helpful one’s diet is extra fiber

d. One’s diet is helpful in extra fiber

 a

30. He played an active ................. in politics until he was well over 80.

a. part

b. game

c. job

d. position

 a

31. Elephants scratch themselves with sticks ............... .

a. holding in their trunks

b. in their trunks holding

c. hold in their trunks

d. held in their trunks

 d

32. I rode bicycle trips to the countryside ............. I can enjoy pure air.

a. where

b. when

c. which

d. whose

 a

33. Daisy is a ............ speaker. She speaks smoothly.

a. fluent

b. quick- tempered

c. fast

d. slow

 a

34. The streets ............. are famous for clothes are Phan Chu Trinh and Hung


a. where

b. which

c. whose

d. who

 b

35. It’s impossible for me to offer him the job because he has no .................... .

a. convenience

b. prescription

c. facility

d. qualification

 d

36. I would like to offer a small ................. to anyone who finds the missing dog.

a. expense

b. payment

c. award

d. reward

 d

37. My secretary can’t get a telephone. Telephones are hard to ............ .

a. take

b. receive

c. obtain

d. find

 c

38. His friends asked him about the cities ............. he visited last month.

a. when

b. who

c. which

d. whose

 c

39. “Did he study yesterday?” “No, but if he ............, he would have done better

on today’s test.”

a. had

b. has

c. will study

d. had done

 d

40. The car about ............ I told you is very nice.

a. which

b. that

c. where

d. whom

 a

41. His father made a big decision. He ............ .

a. thought about it

b. made up his mind

c. changed his mind

d. made a wish

 b

42. These are the decayed teeth ............... need filling.

a. who

b. that

c. what

d. when

 b

43. That stranger seems to know how the building caught fire.

a. was on fire

b. was burning

c. explored

d. began to burn

 d

44. Mr David had to leave his family ……….... when he went abroad to work.

a. at a loss

b. behind

c. out

d. at all costs

 b

45. The old man ............ to the writer.

a. waved

b. greeted

c. terrified

d. threatened

 a

46. I found his manner extremely ....................

a. unpleasant

b. unharmed

c. unreasonable

d. untreatable

 a

47. Why don’t we do another ............ to announce our new product.

a. mailing

b. mailer

c. package

d. mail

 a

48. A number of people ............. are striking work in front of the company, will

cause difficulties for the committee.

a. who

b. which

c. whose

d. whom

 a

49. My sister is ............ George.

a. married with

b. marry to

c. married with

d. married to

 d

50. "Would you like to go to the cinema tomorrow?" "Sure. By then I ............... my


a. will have finished

b. will finished

c. finished

d. have finish

 a

Test 33



a. girl

b. stir

c. giraffe

d. firm

--> c


a. from

b. prompt

c. bomb

d. tomb

--> d


a. bought

b. drought

c. sought

d. thought

--> b


a. monkey

b. grocer

c. comb

d. ocean

--> a


a. park

b. patch

c. barn

d. march

--> b


a. company

b. compare

c. cover

d. glove

--> b


a. rubber

b. butcher

c. subtle

d. shuttle

--> b

Find the mistakes

8. Because of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, the United States begin to realize

the true value of the Louisiana territory.

a. Because

b. begin

c. the true value

d. territory

 b

9. Americans annually import more than 3 billion dollars' worthy of Italian

clothing, jewelry, and shoes.

a. Americans

b. more

c. worthy

d. clothing

 c

10. Akuce Ganuktibm, she spent her life working with the health and welfare of

the families of workers.

a. she

b. her life

c. welfare

d. the

 a

Grammar and Vocabulary

11. They are looking forward to ............ his order which shall have their best


a. receiving

b. putting

c. booking

d. placing

 a

12. The ................... in the south of Vietnam is very rich and fertile.

a. ground

b. soil

c. land

d. earth

 b

13. "What do you think of my girlfriend?" " ........................................."

a. I forgot all about her

b. She’s sweet and gentle

c. She went to school

d. No, I don’t

 b

14. The mother .............. son got high grades was very proud.

a. whose

b. whom

c. who

d. which

 a

15. This is the first film he ............ the experiment by himself.

a. has done

b. would do

c. does

d. did

 a

16. I got to class on time ............... the streets were very crowded.

a. even though

b. so that

c. because

d. despite

 a

17. As he ............, he suddenly remembered that it was her birthday.

a. to feel his cats

b. is feeding his cats

c. had fed his cats

d. was feeding his cats

 d

18. He wishes his wife ............... so much time going shopping.

a. will not spend

b. hasn't spend

c. wouldn't spend

d. doesn't spend

 c

19. To be honest, their profit ............ is not large.

a. level

b. margin

c. breach

d. standard

 b

20. They kept talking about the singer ............. they liked best.

a. which

b. whose

c. when

d. whom

 d

21. He says: “These neighbors are ............ the others.”

a. more friendlier than

b. friendly than

c. friendlier as

d. more friendly than

 d

22. The lesson ........... they are learning now, is quite difficult.

a. when

b. which

c. where

d. what

 b

23. His grandfather wishes he cut out smoking.

a. finished

b. reduced

c. decreased

d. stopped

 d

24. The book ............. I bought yesterday, was stolen.

a. which

b. when

c. who

d. where

 a

25. Nuclear war would be able to result in ...................... .

a. doomsday

b. conviction

c. cessation

d. cyanide

 a

26. Mr. Henry is going to America, ........... his son has been living for 5 years.

a. who

b. which

c. where

d. whom

 c

27. He has to leave right now or he will ................. the last train home.

a. be late

b. late for

c. lose

d. miss

 d

28. They came ………………. economic and political problems in their countries

in 1800s.

a. because

b. because of

c. although

d. in spite of

 b

29. One of the ……………. thought he would be very clever.

a. villager

b. villagers

c. village

d. villages

 b

30. This is the school-girl .............. hair is long and smooth.

a. who

b. whom

c. whose

d. which

 c

31. They ................ against their enemy by burning his house down.

a. panicked

b. retaliated

c. recapitulated

d. proceeded

 b

32. A person .................... watches TV is called a television viewer.

a. who

b. whose

c. where

d. whom

 a

33. The Vietnamese ................ to American in search of a new life.

a. intended

b. emigrated

c. immigrated

d. detained

 c

34. Mrs Brown .................... health is poor will retire next month.

a. who

b. whom

c. whose

d. which

 c

35. John F. Kennedy was the youngest president of the United States and

................. to be assassinated.

a. the fourth

b. fourth

c. four

d. the four

 a

36. Who's invited .................... us.

a. besides

b. in addition

c. beside

d. apart

 c

37. The orchid is an exotic plant in most North American gardens.

a. a common

b. a colorful

c. a beautiful

d. an unusual

 d

38. Do you remember the address to ........... you wrote last week?

a. which

b. when

c. that

d. what

 a

39. When the ................. hit the town, my family was already on the ship.

a. firewater

b. lava

c. fire-mud

d. firing mud

 b

40. It took me a long time to find a pair of trousers that ............... him.

a. liked

b. fitted

c. agreed

d. matched

 b

41. Last month my uncle’s company has ............. half workforce because of the

lack of orders.

a. laid down

b. laid out

c. laid up

d. laid off

 d

42. ............... me to clock the windows before I go out.

a. Remind

b. Remember

c. Mention

d. Make

 a

43. Is drinking alcohol harmful .............our health?

a. by

b. with

c. to

d. much

 c

44. Some students .............. won the national prize, have been sent to Hanoi on

a visit.

a. who

b. whom

c. whose

d. which

 a

45. We were forced to postpone the trip by our teacher.

a. put off

b. call off

c. do without

d. see about

 a

46. The building .............. was built 4 years ago, is now being converted into a


a. who

b. when

c. where

d. that

 d

47. Politicians often write their ............... at the end of their careers.

a. memories

b. memoirs

c. souvenirs

d. notes

 b

48. A widower is a man ............ wife is dead.

a. who

b. whom

c. whose

d. which

 c

49. With such a narrow profit margin, it’s difficult to keep our prices .......... .

a. eventual

b. sensible

c. competitive

d. flexible

 c

50. Last year, I visited the country .......... there is plenty of sunshine.

a. when

b. where

c. which

d. whom

 b

Test 34



a. great

b. leak

c. peak

d. beach

--> a


a. person

b. clerk

c. certain

d. sterling

--> b


a. pound

b. loud

c. cousin

d. mouth

--> c


a. world

b. worker

c. worry

d. workman

--> c


a. dear

b. feather

c. fear

d. clear

 b


a. dam

b. spray

c. nature

d. patient

 a


a. turn

b. bury

c. curl

d. purple

 b

Find the mistakes

8. There are many different ways of comparing the economy of one nation with

those of another.

a. There are

b. of comparing

c. those

d. another

 c

9. Male guppies, like many other male fish, are more color than females.

a. Male

b. like

c. are

d. color

 d

10. When rhinos take mud baths, the mud create a barrier to biting insects.

a. When

b. the

c. create

d. biting

 c

Grammar and Vocabulary

11. All of the detectives waited inside the main building. This was the ..............


a. most important

b. smallest

c. first

d. greatest

 a

12. The boy .............. brother is a geologist is playing football over there.

a. who

b. whom

c. whose

d. which

 c

13. Jack and I ................ to the parties at the Student Union every Saturday.

a. used to go

b. use to go

c. are used to go

d. were used to go

 a

14. Jack, .............. arrived late, was not allowed to enter the classroom.

a. who

b. whom

c. whose

d. which

 a

15. “Why can’t we smoke?” “At no time ................ in the lobby.”

a. is permitted smoking

b. smoking is it permitted

c. is smoking permitted

d. smoking is permitted

 c

16. Yesterday I visited the park .............. many strange flowers were grown.

a. who

b. where

c. when

d. which

 b

17. My brother has several................ in different banks.

a. inheritances

b. terminations

c. running accounts

d. criteria

 c

18. The car .......... he is driving is very modern.

a. which

b. when

c. who

d. what

 a

19. Are you sure all this equipment is insured ............... accidental damage?

a. over

b. against

c. with

d. from

 b

20. There are memorials to the soldiers who died .............. the Revolution all

........... the country.

a. over / for

b. from / to

c. for / over

d. to / from

 c

21. Most of the girls were .............. for driving without a license.

a. presumed

b. propagandized

c. punished

d. starved

 c

22. There is only a chair ............... leg was broken.

a. whose

b. which

c. when

d. that

 a

23. There’s a great deal of ............. in this heavy industry.

a. speculation

b. competition

c. mandate

d. competence

 b

24. As soon as they ............. me, I shall contact you.

a. phone

b. will phone

c. phoned

d. are phoning

 a

25. She was famous for being a woman of ................. .

a. declaration

b. convince

c. principle

d. coincidence

 c

26. I have some exercises .................... I must finish tonight.

a. who

b. which

c. when

d. where

 b

27. Could you tell me the nearest bank where I can ................ these pounds for


a. exchange

b. turn

c. alter

d. arrange

 a

28. Betty often ................ about her expensive car.

a. praises

b. shows

c. boasts

d. prides

 c

29. This is an .................... and irreplaceable comb because it's my mother's


a. available

b. unique

c. lonely

d. alone

 b

30. What would you ................. me do for you?

a. want

b. hope

c. wish

d. have

 d

31. One of our salespeople has been ................... a complaint about by a


a. done

b. done

c. made

d. said

 c

32. Sue hadn't seen her brother for thirty years and ................ they recognized

each other instantly.

a. yet

b. so

c. despite

d. also

 a

33. Hundreds of boys have dream of evading school.

a. escaping

b. avoiding

c. preventing

d. running away

 b

34. He was the third man ............. was killed in this way.

a. that

b. whom

c. whose

d. which

 a

35. You gave me the example which is hardly ................. to my situation.

a. accustomed

b. entitled

c. valid

d. applicable

 d

36. ............. the weather is cold, Annie isn't wearing a coat.

a. Because

b. Although

c. Moreover

d. Besides

 b

37. My grandparents’ house is the best in the town. It’s the best ............. them all.

a. in

b. of

c. for

d. by

 b

38. ................. the match was, the more spectators it attracted.

a. The most interesting

b. The best interesting

c. The more interesting

d. The interesting

 c

39. “To come across someone” is “to ...............”.

a. visit someone

b. come to someone's house

c. telephone someone

d. meet someone unexpectedly

 d

40. ................. you rather drink milk?

a. Don’t

b. Will

c. Wouldn’t

d. Won’t

 c

41. Have you heard from our professor recently?

a. had a date with

b. received news from

c. known about

d. met

 b

42. The house ............... built when we arrived.

a. has been being

b. were being

c. had been being

d. was being

 d

43. The secretary went to the police and laid a complaint against her boss for

.................... .

a. confession

b. revocation

c. harassment

d. controversy

 c

44. Betty, ............. had been travelling all day, was tired.

a. who

b. whom

c. whose

d. which

 a

45. Michael and Jack have ................ to meet at the airport at 10 o’clock.

a. confirmed

b. combined

c. appointed

d. arranged

 d

46. The mother asked the child to ................ her toys.

a. put

b. put away

c. put aside

d. put on

 b

47. Their sales figures compare .................. with those of their competitors.

a. favorably

b. lightly

c. shortly

d. slightly

 a

48. That is the river .................... we often swam when we were young.

a. in which

b. on which

c. to which

d. which

 a

49. The Prime Minister ................. the release of four hostages.

a. coincided

b. secured

c. intended

d. detained

 b

50. Time slipped ................ .

a. unnoticed

b. unseenly

c. unrecognized

d. unprepared

 a

Test 35



a. sure

b. surname

c. curtail

d. curtain

 a


a. shout

b. loud

c. pour

d. mouse

 c


a. roar

b. coat

c. roast

d. toast

 a


a. sick

b. surely

c. search

d. send

 b


a. room

b. gloomy

c. poor

d. wood

 c


a. know

b. cow

c. tower

d. now

 a


a. doubt

b. count

c. bought

d. cloud

 c

Find the mistakes

8. Benjamin Franklin, as an inventor, he had broad interests, mechanical skills,

persistence, and a practical view of life.

a. as an

b. he

c. persistence

d. of

 b

9. In the stock market, the fluctuations in Standard and Poor’s 500 Index does

not always conform to Dow Jones Averages.

a. In

b. does

c. always

d. to

 b

10. A jellyfish, which isn’t really a fish, it has no brain, no bones and no face.

a. isn’t

b. a

c. it

d. bones

 c

Grammar and Vocabulary

11. How many expressions have you studied in this book so far?

a. now

b. presently

c. recently

d. up to the present time

 d

12. The crowd pressed forward and ................ the police.

a. attacked

b. attacking

c. attack

d. would attack

 a

13. There is no alternative; the president must approve the bill if Congress

passes it.

a. chance of agreement

b. doubt

c. other choice

d. mistake

 c

14. The peg ............... she often hangs her coat is still new.

a. in which

b. on which

c. to which

d. which

 b

15. She ............... her original demand. You couldn’t get her to change her mind.

a. stuck to

b. stuck off

c. stuck for

d. stuck out

 a

16. The Mississippi is .............. The Thames.

a. the longer than

b. longer than

c. the longest than

d. more long than

 b

17. Her explanation .................... unreasonable.

a. is sound

b. doesn't sound

c. isn't sounded

d. is not sounding

 b

18. My uncle, .................... motorcycle was stolen last night, is at the police


a. who

b. whom

c. whose

d. which

 c

19. She must be satisfied with herself. She’s .............. her business a great


a. done

b. taken

c. made

d. had

 c

20. The last man .................... was interviewed came from New York.

a. who

b. whom

c. whose

d. which

 a

21. "Mary! You can’t be married to Henry." "You had better let .............. my own


a. me make up

b. that I make up

c. me to make up

d. me making up

 a

22. What is the nationality of the man .............. reached the top?

a. who

b. which

c. whom

d. whose

 a

23. Inflation is .............. of recession.

a. libelous

b. compensatory

c. prudential

d. indicative

 d

24. The house ............. is on the third floor is the one that I want to find.

a. that

b. who

c. which

d. when

 a

25. The interviewer asks the applicants: “What ................ have you got?”

a. qualifications

b. papers

c. levels

d. classes

 a

26. The company ............... imports and exports clothes, has gone bankrupt.

a. who

b. whom

c. whose

d. which

 d

27. Our customer ................ the contract and was penalized.

a. broke

b. pledged

c. objected

d. sent

 a

28. The man ............. son played football in the street was angry.

a. who

b. whom

c. whose

d. which

 c

29. The................. was willing to die for his country.

a. popular front

b. patriot

c. confessor

d. epidemic

 b

30. The man .............. lives in this house works in the city.

a. who

b. whom

c. whose

d. which

 a

31. I have no reservation in .............. you this company.

a. recommending

b. recruiting

c. saying

d. asking

 a

32. David, .................... father is my uncle, has received a promotion.

a. who

b. whom

c. whose

d. which

 c

33. If someone signs a contact, he must ................. with the contents given in the


a. dispose

b. veto

c. deploy

d. comply

 d

34. The cottage .................... they are living belongs to their grandfather.

a. which

b. where

c. who

d. what

 b

35. The girl with long hair has worked here ................ your arrival.

a. prior

b. prior with

c. prior to

d. prior from

 c

36. I know the man .................... report was published last week.

a. which

b. who

c. whom

d. whose

 d

37. “How was your impression..................the art gallery?” “I thought some of the

works weren’t wonderful.”

a. of

b. with

c. to

d. at

 a

38. What is the name of the man .................... wife is working at this hospital?

a. who

b. whom

c. whose

d. which

 c

39. Unless he ..................now, he won't have the goods by the end of July.

a. puts

b. orders

c. installs

d. makes

 b

40. Where are the eggs .................... I put in the fridge last night?

a. who

b. which

c. where

d. when

 b

41. Jake used to drive a lorry. This means he ........... a lorry.

a. has stopped driving

b. is used to driving

c. got used to driving

d. still drives

 a

42. Her husband often blames her for everything .................... goes wrong.

a. that

b. who

c. what

d. whom

 a

43. He may find the furniture polish among the .............. goods.

a. house

b. housing

c. household

d. housewife

 c

44. Had we known your number, we .................. you.

a. would phone

b. would be phoned

c. would phoned

d. would have phoned

 d

45. “How do I turn off the radio?” “................the button at the left.”

a. From pushing

b. By pushing

c. You pushing

d. To push

 b

46. The manager always pays attention to .................... his employees say.

a. that

b. who

c. what

d. when

 c

47. “That’s a very beautiful dress you’re wearing.” “………………”

a. That’s nice.

b. I like it.

c. I’m glad you like it.

d. That’s all right.

 c

48. He is the athlete ............... has just won the gold medal.

a. who

b. which

c. whom

d. whose

 a

49. The oil used in a lamp is called ................ .

a. lamp-oil

b. oil-lamp

c. lamped-oil

d. oiling lamp

 a

50. It is the knife .................... is used for cutting meat.

a. who

b. which

c. what

d. whom

 b

Test 36



a. burden

b. burglar

c. surprise

d. during

 d


a. tumour

b. humour

c. studio

d. bump

 d


a. hear

b. year

c. bear

d. near

 c


a. leap

b. cheap

c. pear

d. peach

 c


a. mother

b. bottle

c. some

d. nothing

 b


a. sparrow

b. pardon

c. remark

d. party

 a


a. employ

b. empower

c. embassy

d. emerge

 c

Find the mistakes

8. International trade, going travelling, and television have lain the groundwork

for modern global life styles.

a. going travelling

b. have lain

c. for

d. styles

 a

9. The most visible remind of the close relationship between the United States

and France is the famous Statue of Liberty, which stands in New York harbor.

a. remind

b. between

c. is

d. which

 a

10. Until diamonds are cut and polished, they just like look small blue-grey


a. Until

b. cut and polished

c. like look

d. stones

 c

Grammar and Vocabulary

11. Meanwhile my boss was very busy.

a. However

b. In the mean time

c. Nevertheless

d. Although

 b

12. Mr Black, .................... children I teach, was on TV last night.

a. who

b. whom

c. whose

d. which

 c

13. The thieves broke into my home last night.

a. came across me

b. visited me

c. telephoned me

d. entered by force

 d

14. Kate, .................... comes from Japan, is 18.

a. who

b. whom

c. whose

d. which

 a

15. “What did Michael do yesterday?” “He ................ tickets to a football game,

but decided to stay home instead.”

a. could get

b. could have gotten

c. could has gotten

d. could to get

 b

16. She is too lazy .................... her homework.

a. to do

b. doing

c. to be done

d. do

 a

17. The teacher insists on giving us a ................training.

a. through

b. thorough

c. absolute

d. whole

 b

18. London, .......... is in England, is his hometown.

a. who

b. which

c. where

d. when

 b

19. He ................... the ground she walks on.

a. worships

b. intrigues

c. accuses

d. slaughterers

 a

20. My relative, .............. wife is an actor, gave me some theatre tickets.

a. who

b. whose

c. whom

d. which

 b

21. The students had better look up all the new words in their dictionaries each


a. select

b. pick out

c. find

d. search for

 d

22. He often plays with his children in his ........... time.

a. important

b. special

c. spare

d. busy

 c

23. “When is Valentine’s Day?” “It’s ...............February.”

a. in

b. on

c. at

d. for

 a

24. Teachers ............. do not prepare their lesson plans carefully often have

difficulty explaining new lessons.

a. who

b. whom

c. whose

d. which

 a

25. He carried one of the .................... .

a. box of books

b. boxes of books

c. boxes of book

d. book’s boxes

 b

26. They discussed the problems .............. the international youth movement.

a. faced

b. to face

c. facing

d. face

 c

27. His grandmother went to her doctor for a regular check-up.

a. blood test

b. X-ray

c. operation

d. examination

 d

28. This is the only employee in that group ............... I can believe.

a. who

b. which

c. on whom

d. in whom

 d

29. My grandparents' cottage caught fire fast.

a. burned down

b. began to burn

c. exploded

d. blew up

 b

30. They are going to tell us ............. tennis tomorrow.

a. playing

b. play

c. to play

d. played

 c

31. We can't live ............... water and air.

a. into

b. with

c. without

d. in

 c

32. He used to ............. bread when he lived in London. Now she is used to

............... rice.

a. eat / eating

b. to eat / eating

c. eating / eat

d. ate / eaten

 a

33. John was able to come back. This means he ................ .

a. could if he wanted to

b. might

c. could have

d. did

 a

34. A person who is in debt to another is called the ...........

a. debtor

b. lender

c. orator

d. borrower

 a

35. It was said that the debtor would be .................. as he had lost all his money

and couldn’t pay off his debts.

a. illegal

b. legal

c. bankrupt

d. lawful

 c

36. Peter isn't independent .................. any means. He depends ................... his


a. by / in

b. on / in

c. by / into

d. by / on

 d

37. It can be harmful to your health to eat decayed food.

a. rotten

b. raw

c. dirty

d. ripe

 a

38. He invited me to dinner ............... ask me ................... advice about his


a. to / about

b. to / for

c. for / to

d. for / about

 b

39. This machine has a ................ of 100 units an hour.

a. level

b. capacity

c. quantity

d. amount

 b

40. They were horrified ................... his appearance. He looked as if he hadn't

slept ................... weeks.

a. by / in

b. with / in

c. by / for

d. with / for

 c

41. The cat looked in the mirror and saw its .................. .

a. reflection

b. idol

c. imagination

d. picture

 a

42. She wanted ................. by her friends, but it was impossible.

a. to see

b. to be seen

c. seeing

d. being to see

 b

43. "What do you think of Daisy’s condition?" " I recommend .................. as much

as possible."

a. her to rest

b. her rest

c. that she rests

d. that she rest

 d

44. "I don't like this curry." "Nor ............... ."

a. I do

b. I do either

c. do I

d. I like it either

 c

45. He does the art work while she writes the ............. for each advertisement.

a. copy

b. copies

c. copyright

d. media

 a

46. ................... first, you feel confused, but you'll soon get used ................... it.

a. At / to

b. In / to

c. At / with

d. In / with

 a

47. Are you going on the ................to London today?

a. excursion

b. exploration

c. mission

d. task

 a

48. Some places in Vietnam are endowed ................ a temperate climate.

a. by

b. in

c. with

d. for

 c

49. My daughter desired to settle down in America. She desired to ....................

a. rest there

b. live there permanently

c. live there for a while

d. go there for a visit

 b

50. He succeeded ................... escaping ................... the burning house.

a. in / of

b. on / of

c. in / from

d. on / from

 c

Test 37



a. meat

b. heat

c. defeat

d. learn

 d


a. hard

b. bath

c. partner

d. hazard

 d


a. long

b. strong

c. obey

d. log

 c


a. cock

b. clock

c. slope

d. stop

 c


a. attention

b. match

c. sand

d. land

 a


a. throw

b. clown

c. slow

d. blow

 b


a. home

b. honour

c. stone

d. alone

 b

Find the mistakes

8. Jackie Robinson, whose joined the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947, was the first

black American to play baseball in the major leagues.

a. whose

b. was

c. to play

d. the

 a

9. Laser technology is the heart of a new generation of high-speed copiers and


a. is

b. a

c. generation

d. printer

 d

10. Fertilize farmland is one of the biggest natural resources in the Central


a. Fertilize

b. one

c. biggest

d. in

 a

Grammar and Vocabulary

11. He wonders what has become of his daughter. He hasn’t seen her for weeks.

a. troubled

b. disturbed

c. replaced

d. happened to

 d

12. I'm sorry ................... being late ................... Monday.

a. for / on

b. for / in

c. with / on

d. for / at

 a

13. I have changed my mind and am going to Vietnam instead of China.

a. altered my decision

b. decided

c. made up my minds

d. come to a conclusion

 a

14. Fruit is good ................... you and it isn't expensive ................... Danang.

a. at / on

b. at / in

c. for / in

d. for / on

 c

15. Madonna was a well-known singer.

a. artistic

b. celebrated

c. colorful

d. knowledgeable

 b

16. She just couldn't operate the computer ................ hard she tried.

a. whatever

b. however

c. moreover

d. even

 b

17. .................... will Mrs. Susan be able to regain control of the company.

a. Because of hard work

b. In spite of her hard work

c. Only if she works hard

d. Only with hard work

 d

18. "You didn't come to my party. I was expecting you!" " ..................................."

a. Sorry, something cropped up.

b. Sorry, I couldn't get over it.

c. My apologies, something turned out.

d. Sorry, I wouldn't see you out.

 a

19. My aunt, ......... you met at my birthday’s party, is a teacher.

a. whose

b. that

c. whom

d. both b & c are correct

 c

20. She was so afraid ................... missing the plane that she took a taxi

................... the airport.

a. of / to

b. about / to

c. of / into

d. for / to

 a

21. The examiners often .................. extremely difficult questions for the

mathematical exam.

a. set

b. invent

c. write

d. create

 a

22. "Did he answer the letter?" "As soon as he ...................... it, he ....................

down to answer it."

a. reads / sits

b. has read / is sitting

c. read / sat

d. had read / sat

 c

23. Expansion in ……………… involves expenditure.

a. business

b. trade

c. job

d. career

 a

24. She was so sick that her mother had to send ............ the doctor.

a. in

b. for

c. to

d. with

 b

25. The thief climbed into the shop window with great difficulty.

a. too big

b. a lot of

c. most

d. wonderful

 b

26. He opened the door ................... a rusty key.

a. by

b. with

c. upon

d. in

 b

27. His parents died when he was young and his uncle brought him up.

a. educated him

b. reared him

c. supported him

d. fed him

 b

28. My grandfather died ................... heart failure ................... Tuesday night.

a. of / on

b. for / on

c. of / in

d. for / in

 a

29. The enemy was forced to ................. by the soldiers.

a. retreat

b. erupt

c. overwhelm

d. maneuver

 a

30. He was fined …………. parking his car …………. a no-parking area.

a. of / in

b. for / on

c. about / in

d. for / in

 d

31. The investigative team ................ the culprit who killed two women for


a. intrigued

b. smuggled

c. probed

d. accused

 c

32. She made a point …………. coming late so that everyone would wait

…………. her.

a. about / for

b. of / for

c. on / for

d. of / at

 b

33. Her sister told me that she didn’t have any money at all.

a. in the least

b. for good

c. at hand

d. in the long run

 a

34. What's the best way …………. cooking a lobster?

a. about

b. of

c. in

d. for

 b

35. “When will you have the shirt made?” “I expect to be finished .................


a. by

b. in

c. at

d. to

 a

36. They are pulling down all those buildings to make room for a ......................

a. parking

b. lane

c. letter box

d. car park

 d

37. The boy is coming down with the fever.

a. being recovered from

b. becoming sick with

c. getting

d. all are correct

 b

38. What platform does a train …………. Moscow leave ………….?

a. for / from

b. for / in

c. for / on

d. for / off

 a

39. They will leave as soon as the weather clears up.

a. is cloudy

b. is foggy

c. becomes fair

d. becomes sunny

 c

40. She insisted ............. the importance of learning English.

a. on

b. in

c. about

d. for

 a

41. He wants me to carry out his instructions.

a. establish

b. follow

c. work on

d. perform

 d

42. I'm waiting …………. my friend. He'll be here …………. a moment.

a. for / on

b. of / on

c. for / in

d. of / in

 c

43. It is so cold, but the small boy goes about ................. a coat.

a. pending

b. but

c. without

d. except

 c

44. You are a fool when relying …………. him. He's almost always late ………….


a. in / for

b. on / for

c. on / about

d. in / about

 b

45. His father planned to spend all his savings on a cow farm when he ................

a. retired

b. withdrew

c. retreated

d. stepped out

 a

46. She's very good …………. taking care …………. children.

a. at / of

b. in / of

c. at / for

d. in / for

 a

47. Unless you had told me earlier .................... she was, I could have

understood her.

a. who

b. which

c. whom

d. whoever

 a

48. He often tells a lie. Don't ask him …………. information you need.

a. of

b. about

c. with

d. for

 d

49. "What does Homer need a tutor for?" "Because it’s important..................on

his exam next month."

a. that he do well

b. he well does

c. for him do well

d. that he will do well

 d

50. After bomb explosion, the center of the city was .................... a state of


a. on

b. in

c. upon

d. of

 b

Test 38



a. great

b. cheap

c. sea

d. plead

 a


a. station

b. kation

c. notion

d. nation

 b


a. plough

b. cough

c. lough

d. hough

 a


a. ago

b. ashamed

c. assign

d. atom

 d


a. servant

b. service

c. verse

d. very

 d


a. subject

b. stupid

c. mute

d. music

 a


a. pie

b. die

c. client

d. piece

 d

Find the mistakes

8. The symptoms of diabetes in the early stages are too slight that people don’t

notice them.

a. symptoms

b. the

c. too

d. them

 c

9. “Gone with the Wind” written after Margaret Mitchell quit her job as a reporter

because of an ankle injury.

a. written

b. quit

c. as

d. of

 a

10. Air pollution becomes a particular serious problem, however, when smoke

soot, fumes and other man-made pollutants are dispersed into the air in large


a. becomes

b. particular

c. however

d. are dispersed

 b

Grammar and Vocabulary

11. The singer was supported by his ................. .

a. assassin

b. conservative

c. patron

d. radical

 c

12. He decided ................ with the police no matter what they said.

a. didn't co-operate

b. wouldn't co-operate

c. not to co-operate

d. to not co-operate

 c

13. He thinks he hears someone ..............the door.

a. trying open

b. trying to open

c. try opening

d. try to opening

 b

14. Mathematics is one of the subjects he is keen ................ studying.

a. on

b. in

c. about

d. with

 a

15. Our company will need some financial ..............to enable us to buy more


a. assistance

b. income

c. remittance

d. award

 a

16. They store a lot of food ............... the winter.

a. of

b. for

c. in

d. about

 b

17. John fainted and it was at least two hours before he came to.

a. passed away

b. passed out

c. crossed out

d. revived

 d

18. This kind of work calls ............. great patience and determination.

a. for

b. in

c. off

d. about

 a

19. It is detrimental ...................our health.

a. of

b. to

c. in

d. on

 b

20. ................ tools are screwdrivers, hammers and saws.

a. The usefulest

b. The most useful

c. The more useful

d. The best useful

 b

21. After a great deal of difficulty, she .............. to open the door.

a. managed

b. succeeded

c. obtained

d. realized

 a

22. My sister ............. you the technique of weaving if you ask her.

a. would show

b. shows

c. will show

d. showed

 c

23. Only when you become a mature man .................. the truth.

a. you know

b. do you know

c. you will know

d. will you know

 d

24. Remember ............... some yards of cloth.

a. buying

b. to buy

c. for buying

d. of buying

 b

25. "Perhaps Ken will bring me good news about my tests." "I wish he


a. does

b. will

c. brings it

d. would

 d

26. Seldom ............... such an interesting film.

a. saw

b. I have ever seen

c. have I seen

d. was ever seeing

 c

27. She ................. me that it had rained heavily in her town the week before.

a. said

b. told

c. spoke

d. asked

 b

28. They ............... in London for over a span of six years.

a. have lived

b. lived

c. has lived

d. has been living

 a

29. She accepted the job which was well-paid and had good ............ .

a. confederations

b. prerequisites

c. products

d. prospects

 d

30. He lives in a house remote ................. any town or village.

a. from

b. in

c. on

d. off

 a

31. The tobaccos were ................ in drums on board a ship.

a. slaughtered

b. probed

c. smuggled

d. accused

 c

32. She is miserable because she is always jealous ............. everyone.

a. about

b. with

c. to

d. of

 d

33. What time does she get through her housework every day?

a. finish

b. begin

c. go to

d. come back from

 a

34. He continued loving his girlfriend ............... his family's protests.

a. owing to

b. because

c. in spite of

d. instead of

 c

35. "Is Jean mad at me?" "I think he’s jealous ................. your success."

a. at

b. for

c. with

d. of

 d

36. This is an instrument that measures ............... alcohol there is in the blood.

a. how many

b. how

c. how much

d. much

 c

37. The novel will come out next week.

a. be torn up

b. be edited

c. be published

d. be revised

 c

38. B comes ............. A and C in the English alphabet.

a. between

b. among

c. for

d. with

 a

39. After lunch, Mary cleared the table.

a. cleaned the table

b. took the table away

c. removed the tableware from the table

d. all are correct

 c

40. It is high time we left here, ............?

a. isn't it

b. didn't it

c. should we

d. aren't we

 a

41. He stood you up yesterday.

a. met you on a corner

b. wrote to you often

c. waited for you

d. failed to meet you at an appointed place

 d

42. They haven't called ............ me for a long time.

a. on

b. for

c. off

d. with

 a

43. My brother shall be back again ...................... a month.

a. for

b. during

c. within

d. to

 c

44. If you hurry, you will overtake her. She has only just left here and ...................


a. mustn't go

b. can't have gone

c. couldn't go

d. can't be going

 b

45. We brought almost everything in the window. We brought .......... everything.

a. nearly

b. scarcely

c. hardly

d. already

 a

46. USA's economy is in ................ of a recession at present.

a. danger

b. dangerous

c. endanger

d. dangerously

 a

47. Would you mind telling me what time the doctor’s ................. closes?

a. office

b. surgery

c. hospital

d. ward

 a

48. Colonies have to ............... on the protector for any decision.

a. depend

b. dependent

c. dependence

d. dependency

 a

49. My assignment is so badly written that I think I should do it over.

a. correct it

b. repair it

c. write it again

d. damage it

 c

50. Don't .................... to bring a comb. I’ll lend you mine.

a. mind

b. bother

c. forget

d. worry

 b

Test 39



a. spell

b. hero

c. step

d. fetch

 b


a. finger

b. line

c. bring

d. sting

 b


a. sow

b. brown

c. down

d. clown

 a


a. lough

b. house

c. spouse

d. mouse

 a


a. gain

b. stain

c. bargain

d. plain

 c


a. book

b. root

c. fool

d. shoot

 a


a. expense

b. exact

c. explain

d. expel

 b

Find the mistakes

8. Scientists and engineers have invented filters and other methods of removing

pollutants for industrial wastes.

a. have invented

b. of

c. for

d. wastes

--> c

9. In order to survive, trees rely to the amount of annual rainfall they receive, as

well as the seasonal distribution of the rain.

a. rely to

b. of

c. as well as

d. seasonal distribution

 a

10. The purchased of Louisiana was one of the biggest events in the history of

the United States.

a. purchased

b. was

c. events

d. history

 a

Grammar and Vocabulary

11. There was so much ............... about the proposal.

a. confession

b. revocation

c. harassment

d. controversy

 d

12. The bridge was badly .................. after the bomb explosion.

a. hurt

b. pained

c. damaged

d. injured

 c

13. We hope the plan continues to run as ................ as it has so far.

a. calmly

b. confidently

c. smoothly

d. wisely

 c

14. My grandparents .................. very well.

a. gets over

b. gets in

c. gets on

d. gets away

 c

15. He was enjoying his book, but he stopped ............... a program on TV.

a. reading to watch

b. to read to watch

c. to read for watching

d. reading for to watch

 a

16. Jean was so .................. with his examination results so he did not want to go

out with his friends.

b. disappointed

c. delighted

d. happy

e. satisfying

 a

17. "When did she study at the University of Tokyo?" "She was there ...............

1968 and 1973."

a. from

b. between

c. to

d. at

 b

18. Although Mary hated pork, her father .................. her to eat it.

a. let

b. made

c. allowed

d. forced

 d

19. ................. beautiful girl!

a. What a

b. How

c. What

d. How a

 a

20. He didn't listen to her mother's .................. and continued to play games.

a. announcement

b. warning

c. news

d. notice

 b

21. When she went into the bathroom, he had nothing on.

a. was wearing nothing

b. was cracking a book

c. was doing nothing

d. was covering nothing

 a

22. Nowadays, many people .................. yoga to relax.

a. give up

b. take up

c. take on

d. made

 b

23. We have to live on the money we ............. when we were working.

a. laid up

b. put back

c. set up

d. put aside

 d

24. The results did not come up .......... his anticipation.

a. to

b. with

c. for

d. of

--> a

25. My failure ............. great disappointment to my teacher.

a. forced

b. made

c. caused

d. provided

 c

26. This famous painting is ..................

a. priceless

b. invalid

c. worthless

d. unvalued

 a

27. Harvesting has started earlier than usual. It ............... yet.

a. hasn’t finished

b. didn’t finish

c. hadn’t finished

d. isn’t finishing

 a

28. This wine is much too dry. Could I have a .................. one, please?

a. wet

b. sweet

c. soft

d. cold

 b

29. Her apparel showed her to be a successful woman.

a. clothing

b. confidence

c. answer

d. manner

 a

30. This .................. for his behavior.

a. amounts

b. accounts

c. arrives

d. approaches

 b

31. My nephew was.............. because he worked poorly.

a. conspired

b. expelled

c. interfered

d. extradited

 b

32. I heard someone .................. the window.

a. opened

b. opens

c. opening

d. to open

 c

33. .................. she came into home last night is still a mystery to us.

a. How

b. Although

c. While

d. Since

 a

34. The woman was accused .................. stealing the bag.

a. with

b. to

c. about

d. of

 d

35. John will be watching his sister anxiously .............. she swims the long

distance to England.

a. though

b. meanwhile

c. while

d. during

 c

36. It is a good chance for robbers if you leave valuables on ..................

a. view

b. sight

c. display

d. exhibition

 c

37. Let’s get together at my home this weekend?

a. see

b. go fifty-fifty

c. assemble

d. put down

 c

38. She .................. the clothes when suddenly it began to rain.

a. washes

b. washed

c. has washed

d. was washing

 d

39. We’ve gone up ................. by 15% in this factory.

a. activity

b. liability

c. productivity

d. product

 c

40. They are charged with .................. a motorcycle.

a. thieving

b. stealing

c. burgling

d. mugging

 b

41. The mayor ................her resignation.

a. convinced

b. underestimated

c. declared

d. sacrificed

 c

42. A large dog .................. the burglar from entering the house.

a. alarmed

b. prevented

c. attacked

d. frightened

 b

43. She said that she ..............................

a. had already the film seen

b. the film had already seen

c. had seen already the film

d. had seen the film already

 d

44. Extensive tests have been carried .................. on the patient.

a. out

b. on

c. off

d. over

 a

45. The director wanted to settle the dispute himself and asked us not to


a. accomplish

b. estimate

c. interfere

d. misappropriate

 c

46. The house is in .................. of a thorough clean.

a. necessarily

b. being need

c. need

d. necessity

 c

47. .................. the scholarship really astonished us.

a. Jean got

b. Jean getting

c. Jean’s getting

d. Jean gets

 c

48. That jeweler's shop was broken into last night and was got .................. with

gems worth 60.000.

a. off

b. out

c. away

d. over

 c

49. These principles will ............... until the end of next year.

a. stand by

b. hold good

c. become worse

d. agree

 b

50. Can you tell me the .................. to the station?

a. direction

b. route

c. way

d. path

 c

Test 40



a. thief

b. client

c. piece

d. niece

 b


a. recent

b. calm

c. capital

d. clap

 a


a. value

b. fluent

c. fuel

d. due

 b


a. neither

b. either

c. height

d. leisure

 d


a. measure

b. pleasure

c. feather

d. mean

 d


a. issue

b. influence

c. pursue

d. statue

 b


a. bear

b. hear

c. fear

d. dear

 a

Find the mistakes

8. A future system of solid waste management should begin with reduce in the

amount of waste.

a. solid

b. management

c. reduce

d. amount of

 c

9. The tongue is the principle organ of taste, and is crucial for chewing,

swallowed, and speaking.

a. principle

b. of taste

c. is

d. swallowed

 d

10. The members of both the House of Representatives and the Senate are

election by the citizens of the United States.

a. members

b. both

c. election

d. citizens

 c

Grammar and Vocabulary

11. His friend, Susan, was sacked after having an argument with her director.

a. hit

b. fired

c. scolded severely

d. threatened

 b

12. Because the husband got up late, they almost .................. their flight.

a. lost

b. missed

c. chased

d. wasted

 b

13. She looked down upon him when he refused giving his seat to the old


a. disliked him

b. admired him

c. treated him with respect

d. treated him with scorn

 d

14. The train from Danang city is running approximately 10 minutes ..................

a. hold up

b. delay

c. late

d. belated

 c

15. Please turn on the fan. It is very hot.

a. go on

b. switch on

c. take on

d. put on

 b

16. This plane's ticket is only .................. for the dates shown and can’t be


a. valid

b. useful

c. paid

d. legal

 a

17. We haven’t scored any .............. yet.

a. goal

b. match

c. kick

d. game

 a

18. Miss White finds her new job very ...................

a. stressed

b. stressful

c. stressing

d. stress

 b

19. The more careless he is in his work, the more …………….. he is.

a. successful

b. unsuccessful

c. unsuccess

d. success

 b

20. The conductor often collects the bus ...................

a. fares

b. tariffs

c. prices

d. fees

 a

21. It was said that the political .............. was jailed for organizing


a. colonizer

b. activist

c. freewheel

d. bloc

 b

22. You had better check the rate of .................. before cashing your travelers


a. change

b. account

c. exchange

d. exchequer

 c

23. To my ................., my mother’s illness proved not to be as serious as I had


a. anxiety

b. eyes

c. relief

d. judgment

 c

24. I used to .................. to school by bike when I was a child.

a. going

b. went

c. go

d. have gone

 c

25. She takes charge of goods delivery at .............. orders.

a. sellers’

b. managers’

c. customers’

d. retailers’

 c

26. Go straight on and you’ll see the bank .................. the right.

a. on

b. at

c. in

d. to

 a

27. The scientific study of the motion of bodies and the action of forces that

change or cause motion ............. dynamics.

a. call

b. is called

c. is calling

d. called

 b

28. You shouldn't eat the processed food containing artificial ..................

a. additions

b. additives

c. adages

d. additionals

 b

29. The ................ from Japan were greeted at the airport by the manager.

a. invoice

b. booklet

c. deputation

d. irregularity

 c

30. The ice will .................. in the sun.

a. melt

b. liquid

c. run

d. dissolve

 a

31. "Which horse is winning the race, John?” "They are moving so ................ that

I can hardly see them.”

a. fastly

b. quickly

c. rapid

d. much fast

 b

32. These city girls aren't used ...................... in the field.

a. to work

b. work

c. working

d. to working

 d

33. Our family was travelling across the Channel. We went on a ............. across

the Channel.

a. sail

b. travel

c. trip

d. run

 c

34. The teacher told the schoolgirls ...................... in class.

a. don't eat

b. not to eat

c. eat not

d. not eat

 b

35. Ask him to .................. after our luggage while we go swimming.

a. look

b. mind

c. care

d. watch

 a

36. "How did you get such good tickets to the cinema?" "I got there an hour early

so I could be the first person ............."

a. to arrive

b. to be arriving

c. to arriving

d. arrive

 a

37. I saw a man .................. at the butcher's.

a. shoplifter

b. shoplifts

c. shoplifting

d. shoplifted

 c

38. Her director didn’t sign the ............. because of an irregularity.

a. transaction

b. contract

c. contractor

d. translation

 b

39. The population of this town is .................. to double over the next few years.

a. probably

b. likely

c. certainly

d. definitely

 b

40. "Did you like your trip to Florida?" "It was wonderful. Hardly ever ...............

such a spectacular sight."

a. can see you

b. can you see

c. see you

d. you can see

 b

41. They like to look at the stars through a ..................

a. microscope

b. telescope

c. horoscope

d. stethoscope

 b

42. "Would you prefer pop or classical music?" "I can’t stand ............... music in


a. to listen

b. listening at

c. listen to

d. listening to

 d

43. All products have to be .................. very thoroughly before leaving the


a. controlled

b. investigated

c. checked

d. looked into

 c

44. My Chief always studied the document ................... to signing it.

a. subsequent

b. consequent

c. virtual

d. prior

 d

45. The death penalty has been done away .................. in many countries.

a. to

b. from

c. with

d. for

 c

46. Did Mark get the better of her in the interview?

a. gain a disadvantage over

b. try to be better than

c. gain an advantage over

d. try to beat

 c

47. .................. you can swim or not, I advise you not to go swimming in this


a. Provided

b. Unless

c. Whether

d. As long as

 c

48. Could you send me your latest catalogue and .................. list.

a. price

b. prize

c. award

d. quotation

 a

49. The football match has been .................. off until next Thursday.

a. given

b. turned

c. switched

d. called

 d

50. "How long does it take to Hoi An ancient town?" "It depends ................. the

time of day."

a. of

b. at

c. about

d. on

 d

Test 41



a. push

b. bush

c. fussy

d. bullet

 c


a. moon

b. noon

c. foot

d. spoon

 c


a. another

b. mother

c. polish

d. stomach

 c


a. new

b. sew

c. few

d. dew

 b


a. cut

b. hut

c. shut

d. butcher

 d


a. skip

b. billion

c. high

d. still

 c


a. flow

b. flower

c. slow

d. know

 b

Find the mistakes

8. The human ear cannot hear a sound that vibrates less than 16 times the


a. cannot

b. that

c. less than

d. the

 d

9. Some tree frogs can alter their colors in order to blend to their environment.

a. tree

b. can alter

c. in order

d. to

 d

10. If one is invited out to a dinner, it is perfectly proper to go either with or

without no a gift.

a. one

b. out

c. to go

d. no

 d

Grammar and Vocabulary

11. Many people prefer living in the countryside .................. living in the city

because it's quieter.

a. than

b. to

c. more

d. nor

 b

12. He ................. to school the day before yesterday.

a. wasn’t

b. not went

c. hadn’t gone

d. didn’t go

 d

13. Cleaning products are available from the hardware ..................

a. partition

b. departure

c. portion

d. department

 d

14. My mother always watches soap-opera on TV. It’s her ............... program.

a. enjoyed

b. best

c. favorite

d. usual

 c

15. .................. poor management, the company went bankrupt.

a. As far as

b. According to

c. As a result of

d. Given that

 c

16. How much is ..................... on advertising in the newspaper?

a. sent

b. cost

c. charged

d. spent

 d

17. They listened to the news with a .................... of surprise and horror.

a. mixture

b. mix up

c. mixing

d. to drop

 a

18. "Why has he given up his job?" "...................... on his present salary is


a. For him to live

b. To live for him

c. Him living

d. He lives

 a

19. She regretted .................. the valuable watch.

a. dropped

b. to dropping

c. dropping

d. to drop

 c

20. If you ................. a picnic, remember to take some fruits with you.

a. go for

b. travel

c. make

d. run

 a

21. They walked because they couldn't .................... to take a taxi.

a. pay

b. spend

c. worth

d. afford

 d

22. Unless you park your car in the right place you ................. receive a ticket.

a. don't

b. wouldn’t

c. didn’t

d. won’t

 d

23. .................. he is in debt, he still lives luxuriously.

a. Despite

b. Although

c. However

d. In spite of

 b

24. We were astonished that her Japanese was so ............... as she had never

been to Japan.

a. definite

b. liquid

c. fluent

d. national

 c

25. She regrets not .................. her homework on time.

a. have done

b. to do

c. had done

d. doing

 d

26. They expect to sell 600 tons of rice in .................. 2000.

a. disputable

b. equal

c. serious

d. fiscal

 d

27. They asked me .................. I would like to go out with them.

a. unless

b. in case

c. regarding

d. whether

 d

28. She was .................. tired after she run a long distance.

a. kind of

b. rather

c. weakly

d. real

 b

29. He promised that he .................. phone us as soon as he arrived his home.

a. will

b. should

c. would

d. did

 c

30. "Did you hear the bell ring at midnight?" "I didn’t hear anything. I was

............... that I didn’t wake up."

a. very tired

b. such tired

c. so tired

d. enough tired

 c

31. The Browns are said to .................. in Paris.

a. living

b. been living

c. be living

d. being living

 c

32. "Is this her hometown?" "No. She’s only lived here ............... "

a. a few years ago

b. for a few years

c. since a few years

d. by a few years

 b

33. She would be happy if we .................. her a bunch of flowers.

a. had sent

b. sent

b. would send

c. send

 b

34. Mrs. Betty asked her son to sit next to Mr. Betty. “.................. next to your

father,” she said.

a. Please to sit

b. To sit

c. Please sit

d. Please sitting

 c

35. Is smog pollution now a serious .................. problem?

a. environment

b. environmentally

c. environmental

d. environment'

 c

36. I know Daisy has two sisters, but I don’t know which one is the ............. .

a. elder

b. higher

c. higher age

d. lower

 a

37. Running too fast can .................... heart disease.

a. owing to

b. because of

c. lead to

d. due to

 c

38. "Could you tell me what your address is?" "I live .............. 1873 Pearl Place."

a. to

b. on

c. in

d. at

 d

39. It's time the windows .................. cleaned.

a. were

d. be

c. was

d. is

 a

40. His son went out, but he didn’t tell ................. where he was going.

a. anyone

b. no one

c. one

d. none

 a

41. Tam said that many roads were .................. in Danang city.

a. been built

b. being built

c. building

d. been building

 b

42. My boss needs a person with a good working .............. of Chinese.

a. knowledge

b. quotation

c. standard

d. condition

 a

43. Don't worry about luggage as the car has a large ..................

a. bonnet

b. brake

c. boot

d. bumper

 c

44. Jean’s talking to a reporter about his .............. to the moon.

a. journey

b. tour

c. voyage

d. plan

 a

45. The teacher advised his pupils .................. harder.

a. to work

b. for working

c. working

d. work

 a

46. We went to the Town Hall on Thursday evening. We went ...............

a. the evening

b. on the evening

c. evening

d. in the evening

 d

47. He .................. a lot of money after paying taxes.

a. did

b. gained

c. earned

d. won

 c

48. "How do you like Vietnamese food?" "Well, it’s not bad. Now I ..................

cooked rice."

a. used to eat

b. am used to eat

c. used to eating

d. am used to eating

 d

49. His job .................. interviewing many people.

a. involves

b. requests

c. needs

d. concerns

 a

50. Michael’s name and address are written on a ............ of paper.

a. lump

b. bar

c. tube

d. sheet

 d

Test 42



a. spread

b. speak

c. thread

d. breath

 b


a. polish

b. abolish

c. police

d. policy

 c


a. mate

b. water

c. stake

d. place

 b


a. though

b. cough

c. although

d. soul

 b


a. teacher

b. break

c. meal

d. peak

 b


a. blank

b. stand

c. enhance

d. hand

 c


a. form

b. work

c. born

d. torn

 b

Find the mistakes

8. Some birds, such as quails, can move instant from a resting position to full


a. instant

b. resting

c. to

d. flight

 a

9. He launched out in extravagance.

a. launched

b. out

c. in

d. extravagance

 d

10. Geochemistry includes the study of the movement of elements from one

place to another as a result of processes chemical.

a. the study of

b. of elements

c. as a

d. processes chemical

 d

Grammar and Vocabulary

11. That factory has no.................. for temporary workers.

a. places

b. vacancies

c. chances

d. appointments

 b

12. Mr. Green employed over five hundred people. ...............

a. They worked for him

b. He worked for them

c. They employed him

d. They were in charge

 a

13. The school provides us with a very good general ..................

a. culture

b. education

c. training

d. preparation

 b

14. His niece regrets not ................... hard when she was a student.

a. to work

b. working

c. work

d. to have worked

 b

15. At school she had done very well in nearly all ..................

a. materials

b. arguments

c. topics

d. subjects

 d

16. Peter is in Daisy's way.

a. interfering in Daisy's affair

b. blocking Daisy's path

c. listening to Daisy's advice

d. all are incorrect

 b

17. If you want to join, you have to pay an annual membership .................. of 15


a. cost

b. price

c. due

d. fee

 d

18. She is scared of going out on her own in a big city.

a. tired

b. frightened

c. bored

d. fond

 b

19. We are looking for someone with experience .................. with old people.

a. on working

b. of working

c. by working

d. to working

 b

20. You’d better wear ............... when you are jogging. They protect your legs.

a. a business

b. a helmet

c. shoes

d. perfume

 c

21. They want to .................. for a new job with the same company.

a. enter

b. request

c. apply

d. demand

 c

22. Tim doesn’t go to the concert often - just off and on.

a. occasionally

b. regularly

c. steadily

d. specially

 a

23. He was nervous because he wasn’t used .................. on the left.

a. to drive

b. driving

c. driven

d. to driving

 d

24. Her students admire her because ............... a fine sense of humour.

a. she’s got

b. she is

c. she got

d. has she

 a

25. My father has been an .................. of that company for 20 years.

a. employed

b. employee

c. employ

d. employer

 b

26. His name is Charles Chang, but you can always ................. him Chuck.

a. name

b. call

c. say

d. talk

 b

27. From the way he spoke, I put him .................... as a policeman.

a. up

b. off

c. by

d. down

 d

28. In spite of her fright, I found that the elderly widow was ................. all right.

a. perfectly

b. anything but

c. entirely

d. far from

 a

29. You shouldn’t .................. at him. It’s rude!

a. watch

b. glance

c. stare

d. peer

 c

30. I wish to buy ............... of the same.

a. qualities

b. sums

c. packages

d. quantities

 d

31. This sight ..................... me of my childhood.

a. excuses

b. reminds

c. forgets

d. remembers

 b

32. The price of foodstuff suddenly went up at an unprecedented .............

a. race

b. degree

c. level

d. rate

 d

33. We are going to .................. mushrooms in the wood next Sunday.

a. pluck

b. select

c. choose

d. pick

 d

34. "What’s up with Charles?" "He needs ...................."

a. cheer up

b. to be cheer up

c. cheering up

d. to cheered up

 c

35. She is .................. the habit of doing exercises every morning.

a. in

b. on

c. of

d. from

 a

36. Henry is generally satisfactory but unluckily he has a ............... against his


a. hatred

b. dissatisfaction

c. disagreement

d. grudge

 d

37. She .................. softly so that nobody else could hear.

a. told

b. shouted

c. whispered

d. confessed

 c

38. He’s a Member of Conservative Party, and often ............ on television.

a. rises

b. appears

c. shows

d. visits

 b

39. There are many kinds of valuable wine in the ..................

a. attic

b. cellar

c. loft

d. cave

 b

40. My uncle was in the ............... shipping business.

a. mercantile

b. virtual

c. grateful

d. collusive

 a

41. Formerly not recognized.

a. Fondly

b. Only

c. Previously

d. Formally

 c

42. They watched a snake .................. a mouse on TV.

a. ate

b. eat

c. had eaten

d. was eating

 b

43. "The weather is very dry here." "Rarely ........... in this area."

a. it rains

b. does it rain

c. rains it

d. it does rain

 b

44. When Elvis Presley died, her daughter came .................. a fortune.

a. into

b. up with

c. by

d. across

 a

45. "Why wasn’t Mr. Chang offered the best room in the hotel?" "I don’t know. It’s

surprising how ................. important person is treated."

a. so

b. such

c. a such

d. such an

 d

46. After being awakened, the ................. will not remember having stepped out

of bed.

a. stroller

b. wanderer

c. walker

d. sleepwalker

 d

47. "Do you think Betty speaks Chinese very fluently?” "I think so. She .............. it

since she was in primary school.”

a. has been studying

b. has studying

c. is studying

d. had studying

 a

48. She took her baby to church to be ..................

a. named

b. christening

c. christened

d. baplism

 c

49. Our firm offered a wide ............... of various products to meet various


a. group

b. selection

c. lot

d. amount

 b

50. My baby doesn't know how to .................. before he can walk.

a. creep

b. crawl

c. stride

d. stroll

 b

Test 43



a. teacher

b. headache

c. chair

d. cheat

 b


a. none

b. stone

c. bone

d. alone

 a


a. because

b. clause

c. cause

d. aunt

 d


a. hungry

b. huge

c. rush

d. bus

 b


a. peace

b. reaper

c. reader

d. realize

 d


a. down

b. snow

c. crowd

d. allow

 b


a. count

b. country

c. counter

d. county

 b

Find the mistakes

8. Fireflies product light through a complex chemical reaction that takes place

within their abdominal cells.

a. product

b. a complex

c. that takes

d. their

 a

9. Wind is the motion that occurs when lighter air rises and cools heavier air

replaces it.

a. that occurs

b. lighter

c. cools

d. it

 c

10. Under the crust of the Earth are bubbling hot liquids that sometime rise to the


a. bubbling

b. liquids

c. sometime

d. to

 c

Grammar and Vocabulary

11. His wife can ................... over $ 500 a day.

a. take home

b. bring back

c. retire

d. call

 a

12. She was unhappy .................. her childhood.

a. during

b. for

c. while

d. as

 a

13. I missed the bus. It ............. by the time I arrived at the bus station.

a. went

b. was going

c. had gone

d. has gone

 c

14. That photograph doesn't look .................. her at all.

a. likely

b. likeness

c. alike

d. like

 d

15. The phone rang while my mother ................ dinner.

a. is cooking

b. was cooking

c. has cooked

d. has been cooked

 b

16. Your daughter doesn't ........................... you at all.

a. take after

b. pollute

c. spoil

d. same

 a

17. Her manager asked her where she had been. She told him she apologized

................... being late but she had missed the bus.

a. to

b. by

c. for

d. of

 c

18. All his children have gone .................. mumps.

a. along with

b. down with

c. out with

d. through with

 b

19. Never .............. her promises.

a. she is keeping

b. she keeps

c. did she keep

d. has she kept

 d

20. ................ you change your ways, you are going to end up in prison.

a. If

b. Unless

c. Although

d. Despite

 b

21. Mushroom is best for this recipe, but ................ that, bean will do.

a. except

b. given

c. for all of

d. failing

 d

22. It took Daisy ages to .................. living in the new town.

a. used to

b. accustomed

c. get used to

d. use to

 c

23. The doctor declined to .............. about her operation.

a. say her

b. tell to her

c. speak her

d. speak to her

 d

24. I believe that she will ............................ that bad habit.

a. get on with

b. get through to

c. get up to

d. grow out of

 d

25. The journalist informed ................ while carrying out his instructions.

a. his arrest to the editor

b. the editor his arrest

c. the editor that his arrest had been

d. the editor of his arrest

 d

26. It is over a year .................. I met my uncle.

a. yet

b. when

c. since

d. as

 c

27. The customers insisted ................... by the manager.

a. to be seen

b. to see

c. on being seen

d. on seeing

 c

28. "I hope your mother gets better soon." "Yes, I hope .................."

a. to

b. so

c. that

d. too

 b

29. His brother’s supermarket is ................ opposite to the post office.

a. situated

b. placed

c. stood

d. put

 a

30. I think John and Henry should .................. an argument.

a. settle

b. sort

c. arrange

d. choose

 a

31. I ordered him ................. it again.

a. don’t do

b. not do

c. didn’t do

d. not to do

 d

32. There's a ................ flight to the island at 7.30.

a. day

b. daily

c. month

d. monthly

 b

33. All of us like Nancy. She's a very .................. girl.

a. difficult

b. reserved

c. popular

d. strange

 c

34. You suddenly came in and made me jump. You really .................. me!

a. frightened

b. scared

c. startled

d. threatened

 c

35. No longer ................ to do her housework with her hands because our family

now owns some new labor-saving devices.

a. my mother has

b. has my mother

c. does my mother has

d. does my mother have

 d

36. Do you know the boy .................. bicycle was stolen last night?

a. who

b. of which

c. his

d. whose

 d

37. The young generation must contribute to ................... the country.

a. building of

b. the building

c. the building of

d. build

 c

38. If you don’t feel well, you .................. better take a rest.

a. are

b. would

c. had

d. have

 c

39. Mrs. Freeman hopes to avoid surgery. She will disagree to the operation

..................... she is convinced that it is absolutely necessary.

a. provided that

b. unless

c. only if

d. as long as

 b

40. She had no .............. than 12 children.

a. few

b. fewer

c. less

d. lesser

 b

41. I can’t buy that desktop computer because I have .................. money.

a. a lot of

b. a little

c. little

d. few

 c

42. The police asked the witness for .................. on the accident.

a. information

b. informations

c. an information

d. informations

 a

43. My mother said .................. would invite our manager to lunch on Sunday.

a. of we

b. so we

c. we

d. that is we

 c

44. He received considerable financial .............. for his work.

a. reward

b. repayment

c. receipt

d. gift

 a

45. His family loves this house. It ................ the family home ever since his

grandparents built it 30 years ago.

a. was

b. has been

c. will be

d. is

 b

46. Does my hair need ..................?

a. cut

b. to be cut

c. be cut

d. to cut

 b

47. She has always wanted to visit Washington DC, ............... of the United


a. is the capital

b. that is the capital

c. which the capital is

d. the capital

 d

48. Barbara is not as keen ................... travel as she used to be.

a. in

b. into

c. on

d. about

 c

49. ................... of the students in her class could solve the problem last exam.

a. None

b. Neither

c. Either

d. Not much

 a

50. My sister practises playing tennis .................. than I do.

a. as regularly

b. most regularly

c. regularly more

d. more regularly

 d

Test 44



a. taught

b. thought

c. bought

d. draught

 d


a. pain

b. fountain

c. complain

d. explain

 b


a. large

b. stage

c. league

d. lounge

 c


a. cape

b. captain

c. capsule

d. capital

 a


a. boat

b. roar

c. roast

d. toast

 b


a. monkey

b. storey

c. money

d. survey

 d


a. blew

b. stew

c. crew

d. screw

 b

Find the mistakes

8. Oceans of the world exerts strong influences on the weather over the Earth’s


a. exerts

b. on

c. over

d. surface

 a

9. The Columbine flower can survive in almost any type of gardens condition in

the United States.

a. can

b. in

c. any type

d. gardens

 d

10. Kiwi birds search the ground with bills for insects, worms, and snails to


a. search

b. with

c. insects

d. to eating

 d

Grammar and Vocabulary

11. “Would you mind helping me solve the problem?” “.................. . I still have


a. Yes, I would.

b. Yes, I wouldn’t.

c. No, I wouldn’t.

d. No, I would.

 c

12. I wish my mother............. me a new shirt instead of having the old one


a. had given / mended

b. gave / to mend

c. would give / to mend

d. had gave / to be mended

 a

13. In many ways, riding a bicycle is similar .....................

a. to the driving of a car

b. when you drive a car

c. to when driving a car

d. to driving a car

 d

14. No sooner .................. down to lunch than his girlfriend appeared.

a. did he sit

b. had he sat

c. he had sat

d. had he sit

 b

15. Chris ................. the office when Kate arrived.

a. was leaving

b. has left

c. should leave

d. leaves

 a

16. The show was ................. good that they decided to go and see it again.

a. so

b. such

c. so many

d. so much

 a

17. It was raining so ................ that we had to take our umbrellas.

a. wet

b. badly

c. hard

d. firmly

 c

18. They had …………. left their house when you came.

a. everything

b. all

c. just

d. only

 c

19. I enjoy .................... for a short walk after dinner.

a. go

b. to go

c. going

d. goes

 c

20. She isn't intelligent, but on the other .................. she works hard.

a. case

b. chance

c. occasion

d. hand

 d

21. It’s an awful ................... your friends couldn’t come, we were looking forward

to meeting them.

a. harm

b. sorrow

c. shame

d. shock

 b

22. It is difficult to .................... a date which is convenient for everyone.

a. elect

b. organize

c. arrange

d. provide

 c

23. I can’t come back home .................. I have no money.

a. unless

b. if

c. until

d. without

 b

24. My sister is busy .................. after her children.

a. look

b. to look

c. in looking

d. looking

 d

25. Kate doesn’t feel well. But she doesn’t know what’s up ................... her.

a. of

b. for

c. to

d. with

 d

26. Excuse me. Is this seat..................?

a. taking

b. took

c. occupy

d. taken

 d

27. Idioms have to be learnt ................. heart.

a. with

b. by

c. to

d. through

 b

28. What would you have done if you .................. a lot of money?

a. had

b. had had

c. have had

d. have

 b

29. The boy was accused ................. stealing clothes in the shop.

a. of

b. about

c. to

d. with

 a

30. I don’t like to ask for help as a rule but I wonder if you could .................. me a


a. make

b. do

c. find

d. tell

 b

31. There are a number of ................ you have to investigate before you take any


a. possible

b. possibilities

c. possibility

d. impossibilities

 b

32. ‘’I don’t want a holiday’’, she said,’’ I’d rather .................. the money’’

a. saved

b. save

c. have saved

d. will save

 b

33. When he was young, he was .................. to read as much as he could.

a. courage

b. courageous

c. encourage

d. encouraged

 d

34. I think our team depends too heavily .................... a few good players.

a. for

b. in

c. on

d. with

 c

35. We are not very ............... of criticism.

a. tolerable

b. tolerated

c. tolerate

d. tolerant

 d

36. It was getting so cold that she had to .................... the sweater.

a. dress in

b. put on

c. take off

d. try on

 b

37. He doesn’t feel like ........................ .

a. walk

b. to walk

c. to have walked

d. walking

 d

38. Maria fell off the bike and ..................... leg.

a. broke

b. broke her

c. hurt

d. hurt her

 b

39. My duty is similar ..................... hers.

a. with

b. to

c. in

d. of

 b

40. I’d like to .................. a three-minute call to London.

a. make

b. phone

c. set

d. do

 a

41. They have many pets, ………………. three cats.

a. include

b. includes

c. included

d. including

 d

42. My office is on the 19th .................. of that tall building.

a. fat

b. block

c. stage

d. floor

 d

43. Most of the students are sanguine about their future.

a. optimistic

b. horrible

c. fearsome

d. straight

 a

44. I’m afraid there are no seats left. Every seat is ..................

a. full

b. reserved

c. served

d. free

 b

45. There was no keen intimacy between the cat and the man.

a. friendship

b. caress

c. knowledge

d. communication

 a

46. Paul is a criminal. He .................. a bank two years ago.

a. stole

b. steals

c. robs

d. robbed

 d

47. "Would you like to come over for his housewarming party?" "......................"

a. I’ll like to

b. I’d rather like to

c. I’d love to

d. I’d better to

 c

48. You’d better hurry if you want to .................. the last train.

a. go

b. be for

c. catch

d. travel

 c

49. Their flight from Miami to New York was put off ................... the heavy fog.

a. because of

b. because

c. on account

d. as result

 a

50. I don’t think that a toy-gun would be a nice present for him. I want something


a. intelligent

b. clever

c. timid

d. educational

 d

Test 45



a. supper

b. hungry

c. pull

d. punish

 c


a. have

b. chance

c. hand

d. stand

 b


a. buck

b. duck

c. reduce

d. structure

 c


a. borrow

b. grow

c. sparrow

d. crowd

 d


a. leave

b. weave

c. weary

d. steal

 c


a. chief

b. thief

c. deaf

d. leaf

 c


a. smart

b. cracker

c. snack

d. packet

 a

Find the mistakes

8. If protect, a solar cell lasts for a long time and is a good source of energy.

a. protect

b. a solar

c. lasts

d. source of

 a

9. The growth rate of the Pacific Rim countries is five times fast as comparable

areas during the Industrial Revolution.

a. growth rate

b. times

c. fast as

d. during

 c

10. Drug abuse have become one of America’s most serious social problems.

a. have

b. one of

c. most

d. problems

 a

Grammar and Vocabulary

11. Do you think Spanish is an important language ...................... ?

a. for mastering

b. to master

c. master

d. mastering

 b

12. Don’t worry. I have to pass your house anyway, so I’ll give you a(n)


a. elevator

b. lift

c. move

d. riding

 b

13. Mark said he ................... 23 the following month.

a. was

b. is

c. will be

d. would be

 d

14. I’ll recommend you a car with very low petrol consumption. It’s a very

.................... car to run.

a. fast

b. slow

c. expensive

d. economical

 d

15. "Why ................. an extra day in Tokyo?" "I .................. tell you tomorrow. I’m

very busy now."

a. do you stay / will

b. did you stay / will

c. have you stayed / would

d. had you stayed / would

 b

16. They have worked for the company .................. 20 years.

a. for

b. until

c. since

d. more than

 a

17. All applicants should be over twenty years of age.

a. people who work as mechanics

b. people who ask for jobs

c. students

d. men who enter the military

 b

18. He’s not all that interested in politics and ............ affairs.

a. actual

b. current

c. modern

d. recent

 b

19. .................. he gets to the airport, they’ll check in his luggage.

a. Wherever

b. However

c. Although

d. As soon as

 d

20. This man is as deaf as a post.

a. intelligent

b. very tall

c. not able to talk

d. not able to hear

 d

21. ..................your house painted last year?

a. Did

b. Was

c. Had

d. Have

 b

22. "Did Susan use to be your next-door neighbor?" "Yes, but I .................. like


a. was

b. ever did

c. did ever

d. never did

 d

23. ‘’Whose hat is it?’’ ‘’It’s my ..................’’

a. sister

b. sisters

c. sister’s

d. sisters’

 c

24. Are you saying you ....................... Sue again?

a. never saw

b. never will see

c. will never see

d. would ever see

 c

25. It’s an hour since he .................., so he must be at the office now.

a. is leaving

b. was leaving

c. has left

d. left

 d

26. We’ve been waiting for Jean. We wonder if he ................... his way.

a. would lose

b. will lose

c. had lost

d. has lost

 d

27. He .................. book the tickets, but he had not enough time to call at the


a. would have

b. might have

c. could have

d. was going to

 d

28. "I................. an Chinese course now." "How long ...................... Chinese?"

"For three years now."

a. am going to take / were you learning

b. am taking / had you been learning

c. have been taking / did you learn

d. am taking / have you been learning

 d

29. He owes you a lot of money, ..................?

a. isn’t it

b. doesn’t he

c. hasn’t he

d. has he

 b

30. Laws restricting hunting and fishing to conserve .............. have been passed

by many countries.

a. the natural environment

b. fish

c. wild life

d. the resources

 c

31. I am not ready, ..................

a. and she isn’t too

b. and neither is she

c. and so is she

d. she is too

 b

32. If you burn the garbage, it will give off ................. odor.

a. poisonous

b. dirty

c. pleasant

d. awful

 a

33. He telephoned while I .................. dinner.

a. am having

b. had

c. have had

d. was having

 d

34. My parents died in an accident, and I was ................at the age of three.

a. useless

b. careless

c. helpless

d. thoughtless

 c

35. ‘’Would you mind turning the fan on?’’ ‘’..................’’

a. Yes, please

b. No, thank you

c. Not at all

d. No, I’m not

 c

36. Mr. Green outlived his wife by three years.

a. lived outside

b. separated from

c. lived longer than

d. divorces

 c

37. Mary said, ‘’Book my seat in advance, John’’ (select the correct reported

speech form for the following request)

a. Mary said to John to book her seat in advance.

b. Mary told John book her seat in advance.

c. Mary told John that he booked her seat in advance.

d. Mary told John to book her seat in advance.

 d

38. When she was a child, she was deprived of fatherly affection.

a. not having

b. full of

c. enjoyed

d. played with

 a

39. ‘’How often do you go to the movies?’’ "............................................"

a. ‘’No, I don’t often go to the movies.’’

b. ‘’Yes, I sometimes go to the movies.’’

c. ‘’I go to the movies twice a week.’’

d. ‘’Yes, I often go to the movies.’’

 c

40. In spite of bad weather, the picnic will go ahead.

a. be cancelled

b. be enjoyed

c. travel far

d. take place

 d

41. She went to the hairdresser’s yesterday. She wanted have her hair washed.

(Select the correct combination of the following pair of sentences)

a. She went to the hairdresser’s yesterday to wash her hair.

b. She went to the hairdresser’s yesterday for her hair to be washed.

c. She went to the hairdresser’s yesterday to have her hair washed.

d. She went to the hairdresser’s yesterday for her hair washed.

 c

42. These tiles are made for .................. purposes only.

a. decorate

b. decoration

c. decorative

d. decoratively

 c

43. All next week the farmer will be ploughing the field. (select the correct

passive form of the following sentence)

a. All next week the field will be ploughed by the farmer.

b. All next week the field will be ploughing by the farmer.

c. All next week the field will be being ploughed by the farmer.

d. All next week the field will being ploughed by the farmer.

 c

44. The number of students entering Harvard University ......... over the last few


a. have raised

b. has raised

c. have risen

d. has risen

 d

45. The movie was sad and she wept. If it .................. sad, she ..................

a. hadn’t been/ wouldn’t have wept

b. wasn’t/ wouldn’t weep

c. wasn’t/ would weep

d. had been/ would have wept

 a

46. “I’m terribly sorry for spilling soup over your carpet.” “...................... . I’m

going to buy a new one anyway.”

a. You are welcome!

b. No problem!

c. I should forgive you!

d. This is all right!

 b

47. A manager of a large international company is often given a big ..................

a. pay

b. money

c. salary

d. wage

 c

48. Think twice before you write down the answer. .................... you may make a


a. However

b. Otherwise

c. If so

d. Nevertheless

 b

49. It’s nearly two years since I last .................. to Dalat.

a. have been going

b. have gone

c. went

d. had gone

 c

50. He has never had any accident. He is a ................. driver.

a. care

b. careful

c. carefully

d. careless

 b

Test 46



a. step

b. clergy

c. bench

d. lend

 b


a. football

b. thanks

c. stall

d. wall

 b


a. cattle

b. castle

c. kettle

d. subtle

 b


a. standard

b. farmer

c. start

d. farther

 a


a. maize

b. failure

c. airport

d. complain

 c


a. clip

b. triple

c. title

d. little

 c


a. sent

b. absent

c. rent

d. central

 b

Find the mistakes

8. The Commitment of Traders Report is released by the Commodity Future

Trading Commission on eleventh day of each month.

a. is released by

b. on eleventh

c. of

d. month

 b

9. Heartburn can best be understood as a symptom causing by acid reflux due to

a weak lower esophageal sphincter.

a. best be

b. causing by

c. due

d. weak

 b

10. In 1903, when the Wright brothers announced they had invented a flying

machine, his news was generally ignored.

a. when

b. had invented

c. his

d. generally

 c

Grammar and Vocabulary

11. He put the two letters into the wrong envelopes ...................... mistake.

a. on

b. by

c. with

d. in

 b

12. I was so much ................ by the documentary films.

a. interest

b. interesting

c. interested

d. interests

 c

13. Could you .................. me some money? I’ll pay you back next week.

a. lend

b. borrow

c. give

d. return

 a

14. Your money will be refunded if the goods are not to your ................... .

a. satisfaction

b. satisfy

c. satisfactory

d. satisfied

 a

15. I was .................. about to ring up his office when he arrived home.

a. only

b. still

c. nearly

d. just

 d

16. The government has promised to deal with the problem of ................ among

young people.

a. employment

b. employ

c. unemployment

d. employer

 c

17. I’ll be very disappointed if you .................. the exam.

a. don’t pass

b. won’t pass

c. aren’t passing

d. wouldn’t pass

 a

18. A lot of people go to see the movie, it ....................... be very exciting.

a. can

b. must

c. would

d. shall

 b

19. She .................. to take her neighbour to court if he didn’t stop making so

much noise.

a. promised

b. offered

c. threatened

d. suggested

 c

20. We don’t think we can .................... to see our teacher again until next


a. think

b. wait

c. attend

d. expect

 c

21. If he .................. harder, the results would be better.

a. has worked

b. works

c. will work

d. worked

 d

22. In some vocational schools, the training quality is worse than ..................

used to be.

a. they

b. it

c. them

d. that

 b

23. Could you hang .................. a minute? I’ll be right back.

a. on

b. in

c. up

d. out

 a

24. If I had had free time, I ..................... shopping.

a. would have gone

b. can go

c. will go

d. will have gone

 a

25. He fell from the tree and .................. consciousness.

a. missed

b. got

c. lost

d. dropped

 c

26. His uncle has just arrived .................... Paris.

a. at

b. in

c. for

d. to

 b

27. " Why was his boss so angry with him?" "Because of .................. late."

a. him to be

b. his being

c. he was

d. he is

 b

28. If I were you, I ............... that job.

a. would apply for

b. will ask for

c. will have changed

d. can take

 a

29. I think he will join us, ..................?

a. doesn’t he

b. will he

c. won’t he

d. don’t I

 c

30. It ................. a long time since she last saw me.

a. is

b. was

c. will be

d. has been

 d

31. "How long have you known them?" "........................................."

a. Since five years

b. For five years

c. Ever since five years

d. Five years

 b

32. Would you mind showing me ..................... ?

a. the way to the post-office

b. where is the post-office

c. to go to the post-office

d. how can I go to the post-office

 a

33. .................. if you take the map with you.

a. You will get lost

b. You won’t get lost

c. You get lost

d. You got lost

 b

34. Chris is not responsible. He’s ................... .

a. smart

b. irresponsible

c. careful

d. calm

 b

35. Not only .................. the book, but he had seen the film as well.

a. he had read

b. has he read

c. he did read

d. had he read

 d

36. I ................ a great fortune from my grandparents.

a. offered

b. had

c. inherited

d. got up

 c

37. Last night, five thousand pounds ............... stolen in the robbery.

a. is

b. are

c. was

d. were

 c

38. I know for ................ why Betty handed in her resignation.

a. true

b. certain

c. right

d. exact

 b

39. Lady Astor was the first woman ............... her seat in Parliament.

a. taking

b. take

c. to take

d. took

 c

40. The two brothers greatly ................. each other. They are exactly alike.

a. resemble

b. look after

c. care of

d. identify

 a

41. The village was very small. There were only ............... houses.

a. few

b. a few

c. little

d. a little

 b

42. Please .................... the TV. It’s too noisy.

a. turn on

b. turn in

c. turn up

d. turn down

 d

43. Barbara and her husband haven't been happy. Her sister advised them to go

to the Marriage .................... Council.

a. guide

b. guidance

c. guided

d. guiding

 b

44. If only she .............. told me the truth in the first place, things wouldn’t have

gone so wrong.

a. had

b. has

c. would have

d. should have

 a

45. ...................... able to take part in the international math contest two years

from now, Hoa works very hard in his math class.

a. In order to be

b. Been

c. Being

d. So that he be

 a

46. He’s got time for a very quick ............... before he goes.

a. snack

b. barbecue

c. feast

d. picnic

 a

47. She was an …………. writer because she persuaded many people to see the

truth of her ideas.

a. ordinary

b. influential

c. unlimited

d. accurate

 b

48. She’ll just ................... the fried eggs to see if it’s all right.

a. chew

b. toast

c. taste

d. cut

 c

49. What kind of .................... was used for the frame of the house?

a. tree

b. twig

c. tissue

d. timber

 d

50. Although Mr. Jackson is over 85, he is very ................. for his age.

a. tense

b. nervous

c. active

d. uneasy

 c

Test 47



a. occasion

b. odd

c. occupy

d. obvious

 a


a. eight

b. height

c. weight

d. weigh

 b


a. tent

b. plenty

c. enhance

d. bend

 c


a. book

b. look

c. floor

d. hook

--> c


a. hire

b. find

c. file

d. film

--> d


a. hate

b. fat

c. cat

d. bat

--> a


a. sun

b. fun

c. pull

d. hunt

--> c

Find the mistakes

8. Lasers are indispensable tools for delicate eyes surgery.

a. are

b. tools

c. for

d. eyes

 d

9. Alexander Calder, who was originally interested in mechanical engineering,

later became a sculpture.

a. originally

b. in

c. later

d. a sculpture

 d

10. Christina is very self-confident character, she was relaxed with strangers.

a. is

b. self-confident

c. was

d. relaxed

 c

Grammar and Vocabulary

11. He ............... himself under a table.

a. sat

b. landed

c. concealed

d. spotted

 c

12. The contents of the shop were insured ...................... $500,000.

a. for

b. until

c. on

d. from

 a

13. The doctor ............ daughter we saw yesterday is working at this hospital.

a. who

b. whose

c. whom

d. which

 b

14. This new center is an interesting .....................

a. develop

b. development

c. developing

d. developed

 b

15. The girl ........... rode a red bicycle, passed my house an hour ago.

a. who

b. whom

c. whose

d. which

 a

16. I’d like to show you my latest .................. called “Boats on a Lake”.

a. create

b. creation

c. creative

d. creatively

 b

17. We will wait until they ................. their work.

a. will finish

b. will have finished

c. have finished

d. finished

 c

18. He hoped the ................. agency would find him a job.

a. employer

b. employee

c. employ

d. employment

 d

19. When did .................... come to the village?

a. electric

b. electricity

c. electrify

d. electrified

 b

20. I am so ............. that I must have a drink.

a. dirty

b. hungry

c. thirsty

d. thirty

 c

21. Some computers can work 500,000 times ................ any person can.

a. faster than

b. fast than

c. fastlier than

d. more fast than

 a

22. He asks me what time the train ................. to London?

a. reaches

b. gets

c. arrives

d. comes

 b

23. The house is large but it is terribly .................. to live in.

a. uncomfortable

b. comfortable

c. comfort

d. comfortably

 a

24. Some things, dry wood for example, .................... fire very easily.

a. catch

b. take

c. reach

d. get

 a

25. Mary opened the letter without ...………..... to read the address on the


a. worrying

b. caring

c. fearing

d. bothering

 d

26. You’ll get a .................... if you buy two or more.

a. discount

b. loss

c. reject

d. budget

 a

27. Would all ................... please make their way to the start?

a. compete

b. competitive

c. competitor

d. competitors

 d

28. There was an accident in the road which ......………. the traffic.

a. held up

b. kept down

c. stood back

d. sent back

 a

29. He hasn’t got the .................. to think of such a clever plan.

a. imagination

b. imaginative

c. image

d. imagine

 a

30. The girl fell into the stream and was ……….... along by the fast current.

a. caught

b. swept

c. thrown

d. swung

 b

31. Mary lives on the second floor of that ............... of flats.

a. building

b. tower

c. construction

d. block

 d

32. Their boat was ……….... without trace during the fierce storm.

a. lost

b. crashed

c. disappeared

d. vanished

 a

33. My parents were very ................ since I went out alone last night.

a. responsible

b. sorry

c. worried

d. overcome

 c

34. We are grateful .....……... our friends, who have done everything for us in the

making of the film.

a. for

b. to

c. with

d. none is correct

 b

35. Her mother asked the .................. to make a special cake for her daughter’s


a. inspector

b. baker

c. cashier

d. mechanic

 b

36. First he read the poem to himself and then ..………… to the class.

a. loudly

b. aloud

c. loud

d. aloudly

 b

37. The dentist says to him: “Open your mouth .................please”.

a. broad

b. much

c. greatly

d. wide

 d

38. Opening a conversation and bringing it to an end are essential parts of our


a. day language

b. everyday language

c. language everyday

d. language day

 b

39. I liked to sit ................... the river and fish.

a. at

b. next

c. beside

d. along

 c

40. We have advised him ………............ many times but, you know, he is a stubborn


a. of keeping quiet

b. to keep quiet

c. keeping quiet

d. keeping quietly

 b

41. I have made a ..................... for the next weekend.

a. reserve

b. reservation

c. reserved

d. reservedly

 b

42. The holiday at the seaside ……….... We really had a good time there.

a. made us happily

b. made us happiness

c. made we happy

d. made us happy

 d

43. He works for an .................. agency.

a. advertising

b. advertisement

c. advertise

d. advertiser

 a

44. There was a very mysterious noise in the old house; it sounded like a child


a. sad

b. strange

c. quiet

d. frightening

 b

45. You should see a ...................... about that leg.

a. specialize

b. specialists

c. specialist

d. specialty

 c

46. The ghost walked towards the door and suddenly disappeared.

a. vanished

b. entered

c. emerged

d. vacated

 a

47. He asks the shop .......... :“Where’s the washing powder?”

a. nurse

b. assistant

c. barber

d. conductor

 b

48. The hall ........... the meeting will be organized, is very large.

a. in which

b. on which

c. to which

d. which

 a

49. My children have never ................... any experience of living in the big city.

a. had

b. wished

c. done

d. made

 a

50. Since his father .....……….., his eldest brother has looked after him.

a. death

b. dead

c. dying

d. died

 d

Test 48



a. pardon

b. hard

c. park

d. parent

--> d


a. shirt

b. fire

c. first

d. bird

--> b


a. think

b. sign

c. ring

d. sing

--> b


a. fight

b. high

c. figure

d. bright

--> c


a. house

b. hour

c. how

d. horse

--> b


a. arranged

b. watched

c. washed

d. walked

--> a


a. long

b. song

c. wrong

d. tongue


Find the mistakes

8. Television has popularized several sports which has only minority interest


a. has popularized

b. sports

c. has

d. before

 c

9. All of us are very keen of reading fictions.

a. All of us

b. are

c. of

d. reading

--> c

10. There will have a meeting of the Board of chairmen next week.

a. will have

b. of

c. of

d. chairmen

 c

Grammar and Vocabulary

11. You .............better hurry up. The flight will be taking off in ten minutes.

a. had

b. should

c. will

d. would

 a

12. They were shocked by Miss de Beaumont's .................

a. generous

b. generously

c. generic

d. generosity

 d

13. He was my close friend .................. I was a child.

a. until

b. when

c. as

d. during

 b

14. "................... has it been since you left this city, Bob?"

a. How

b. How often

c. How far

d. How long

 d

15. You must remember .................... tomorrow afternoon.

a. turning in your assignment

b. turn in your assignment

c. to turn in your assignment

d. turn your assignment in

 c

16. ...……... of my friends, I would like to wish you a happy honeymoon.

a. Instead

b. In place

c. On behalf

d. On account

 c

17. "Have you read the fiction book twice?" "Yes, I find it very ................. ."

a. amusing

b. amused

c. amuse

d. amusingly

 a

18. His sister looks beautiful but she ...................... to be a opium addict.

a. turned into

b. turned off

c. turned down

d. turned out

 d

19. His daughter was only eight, but she ate .................... her father did.

a. much than

b. more that

c. as much as

d. as much than

 c

20. In her ................. she was a well-known athlete.

a. young

b. youngish

c. younger

d. youth

 d

21. The best animals in the show were the ................ tigers.

a. dancer

b. dancers

c. dancing

d. danced

 c

22. He was one of the greatest scientists and thinkers ............ history.

a. into

b. in

c. to

d. by

 b

23. The group called “Friends of the Earth” is concerned about the ............... of

the natural environment.

a. conserve

b. conservation

c. conservatory

d. conservator

 b

24. I wish you a very happy ...................

a. retire

b. retired

c. retiring

d. retirement

 d

25. Simon admitted that his cruel joke was ........................

a. intention

b. intentional

c. unintentional

d. intentionally

 b

26. Sydney is an important commercial and industrial centre ................... the southeast

coast of Australia.

a. in

b. on

c. at

d. along

 b

27. There was nothing they could do ................. leave the car at the roadside

where it had broken down.

a. than

b. unless

c. instead of

d. but

 d

28. He steals ................ he doesn't have enough money to buy food.

a. unless

b. if

c. because

d. although

 c

29. Mark is one of those who ................. money.

a. enjoys to spend

b. enjoys spending

c. enjoy to spend

d. enjoy spending

 d

30. I don't like him. He always carries ……..... with the girls.

a. on

b. out

c. through

d. off

 a

31. ................ you run fast, you are likely to miss the train.

a. When

b. Unless

c. Since

d. Because

 b

32. Put the ice-cream in the ................ please.

a. freeze

b. freezer

c. frozen

d. freezing

 b

33. Rich and Steve were badly hurt in the last match, so ............... can play


a. both of them

b. either one of them

c. neither of them

d. not any of them

 c

34. He ......…….. when I arrived.

a. was sleeping

b. has slept

c. should sleep

d. sleeps

 a

35. All of us sat quietly in the classroom, .................... to our teacher.

a. listening

b. listen

c. listened

d. listens

 a

36. Although we argued with her for a long time, she kept her ground.

a. changed her decision

b. felt sorry for us

c. refused to change her decision

d. wanted to continue

 c

37. The teacher ............... them the answer to the question.

a. explained

b. told

c. said

d. discussed

 b

38. I have been in England ................ the beginning of October.

a. for

b. since

c. at

d. in

 b

39. How excellent was the meal! The apples were particularly ............... .

a. flavored

b. delicious

c. tasteful

d. desirable

 b

40. We haven't ................... this room for years.

a. decorated

b. decorate

c. decoration

d. decorative

 a

41. The gas from the chemical factory was extremely .................... .

a. harm

b. harmful

c. harmfully

d. harmless

 b

42. This garden is ....………. a lot of money.

a. valued

b. cost

c. priced

d. worth

 d

43. There is no ................ on this cheque.

a. signature

b. sign

c. signatory

d. signal

 a

44. He will never arrive in Hanoi by tomorrow morning unless he .......……. early.

a. will start

b. would start

c. starts

d. will have started

 c

45. I find it quite .................. to talk in front of a group of people.

a. embarrass

b. embarrassing

c. embarrassed

d. embarrassment

 b

46. It was raining very ……...... so I took my umbrella.

a. wet

b. badly

c. hard

d. firmly

 c

47. He’d like a job as a chef, but the problem is that he is totally ............ .

a. training

b. trained

c. untrained

d. trainer

 c

48. I wish you wouldn't call him ……..... that insulting name.

a. by

b. with

c. in

d. under

 a

49. Her father would like her to run one of his shops, but she finds shop-keeping

totally .................

a. interesting

b. interested

c. uninteresting

d. uninterested

 c

50. When I reached the place, I found that the man …………

a. death

b. was died

c. was death

d. was dead

 d

Test 49



a. rose

b. cover

c. nose

d. over

--> b


a. stage

b. manage

c. village

d. baggage

--> a


a. sea

b. sand

c. sun

d. sure

--> d


a. supply

b. support

c. suppose

d. superman

--> d


a. blood

b. mood

c. moon

d. soon

--> a


a. good

b. roof

c. foot

d. flood

--> d


a. window

b. flow

c. how

d. show

--> c

Find the mistakes

8. As soon as Peter had arrived, he told us that he will be leaving for London

tomorrow after the board meeting.

a. had arrived

b. us

c. will be leaving

d. after

--> c

9. Patrick’s gradually getting over a heart attack, which had kept him off work for

nearly two months.

a. gradually

b. over

c. attack

d. had kept

--> d

10. The elevator was out of order and I had to walk to tenth floor.

a. was

b. out of order

c. had to

d. tenth floor

--> d

Grammar and Vocabulary

11. She is very keen ............. learning English. She is especially good

.................. spelling.

a. on / at

b. at / on

c. in / at

d. on / in

 a

12. The dog was so dirty that he looked as if he ……….... in the mud.

a. had been lay

b. had been lying

c. had been laid

d. had been lain

 b

13. In spite of his illness, he never cuts ............. smoking.

a. in

b. off

c. down on

d. down

 c

14. I ………......... the heat because I had been living there for a long time.

a. used to

b. am used to

c. got used to

d. was used of

 c

15. The fire resulted ............. heavy damage. They are considering ...............

putting in new fire equipment.

a. in / b.

in / about

c. - / in

d. All are incorrect

 a

16. The child was told to .......……… for being rude to his uncle.

a. excuse

b. apologise

c. forgive

d. confess

 b

17. "I’d like to make a trip in Malaysia." "I would like too, but I want to see Hong

Kong even more ............... Malaysia."

a. to

b. than

c. as

d. All are incorrect

 b

18. You can't get home ...……..... you have no money.

a. unless

b. if

c. until

d. without

 b

19. "Is it as cold as winter in Russia?" "It’s very much .................. ."

a. cold

b. colder

c. coldest

d. the coldest

 b

20. They will have to ......……..... off water supplies while repairs to the pipes are

carried out.

a. cut

b. take

c. break

d. set

 a

21. Vu Trong Phung devoted most of his time .................. novels.

a. to having written

b. to write

c. to writing

d. to have written

 c

22. Could we have a .........……. of tennis after lunch?

a. match

b. play

c. game

d. party

 c

23. Over the centuries there are gradual changes in the Earth's surface.

a. frequent

b. sudden

c. quick

d. small

 d

24. ……….... accepting your job offer, can you tell me some more about the


a. In advance

b. In order

c. Until

d. Before

 d

25. Furama resort is expensive. It ............ you 190 dollars a day.

a. prices

b. costs

c. takes

d. charges

 d

26. Can you ......……. the books with you when you come to see me, please?

a. bring

b. collect

c. take

d. get

 a

27. “Holding the fund-raising concert was successful.” “Yes, Mr. Chang gave

2.000 dollars and ................ .”

a. so did I

b. I did so

c. I did give too

d. I also did give

 a

28. Can you tell me the ……........... of this dress?

a. charge

b. price

c. amount

d. expense

 b

29. “Are you studying abroad?” “Yes, but I wish I ................. to go.”

a. didn’t have

b. will not have

c. don’t have

d. may not have

 a

30. It is too early in the ......……..... to expect the tourists to the town.

a. term

b. season

c. time

d. calendar

 b

31. “Was it a good discussion?” “Yes, ................ were exchanged among the


a. much more ideas

b. many more ideas

c. much number of ideas

d. many number of ideas

 b

32. .....…….. is a complete mystery how they ever got there in that car.

a. There

b. That

c. It

d. This

 c

33. Prehistoric man ................. the first steps in building civilization.

a. take

b. took

c. had taken

d. has taken

 b

34. We love this painting of an old man. He has such a beautiful, ....……....... smile.

a. childhood

b. childish

c. childless

d. childlike

 d

35. That rule is not ............... in this case.

a. apply

b. applicability

c. applicable

d. applied

 c

36. You'll have to have ………….. if you want to take photographs here.

a. an application

b. a permit

c. an allowance

d. an admission

 b

37. Bjorn Borg is probably the most ............... tennis-player of all time.

a. success

b. succeed

c. successfully

d. successful

 d

38. The man tried to prevent his dog ……........ running into the street.

a. from

b. to

c. against

d. for

 a

39. It was .................. that we went for a picnic in the countryside.

a. so nice a day

b. such nice day

c. so nice day

d. such a nice day

 d

40. My main ......…….. to the new road plan is that it will spoil the countryside.

a. object

b. objection

c. objective

d. objecting

 b

41. If we had known ..............., he could have been invited to speak at the


a. he was who

b. who he was

c. he was whom

d. whom he was

 b

42. You'd better leave for the station now ……............. there's a lot of traffic on the


a. in fact

b. in time

c. in order

d. in case

 d

43. What a sad film! I think ................. .

a. I’m going to cry

b. I’ll cry

c. I cry

d. I’m crying

 a

44. Their parents have just bought them ......…….. expensive new furniture.

a. an

b. some

c. these

d. those

 b

45. My grandfather is so old that he gets tired .............. his teeth.

a. to brush

b. of brushing

c. brush

d. to be brushed

 b

46. Because it had not rained for several months, there was a ……........ of water.

a. shortage

b. drop

c. scarce

d. waste

 a

47. I ............... to open the door at the back of the house.

a. succeeded

b. managed

c. forced

d. discovered

 b

48. I should like to thank you, ………...... my colleagues, for the welcome you have

given us.

a. on account of

b. on behalf of

c. because of

d. instead of

 b

49. She wouldn’t go swimming ............... her father went too.

a. except

b. but

c. also

d. unless

 d

50. It's no use ....……..... a language if you don't try to speak it too.

a. to learn

b. learned

c. learning

d. learn

 c

Test 50



a. pleasure

b. sit

c. say

d. best

--> a


a. bare

b. dare

c. fare

d. barred

--> d


a. birth

b. with

c. both

d. seventh

--> b


a. think

b. ink

c. banner

d. sing

--> c


a. leaf

b. off

c. of

d. knife

--> c


a. foot

b. pool

c. noon

d. cool

--> a


a. who

b. while

c. what

d. which

--> a

Find the mistakes

8. She got the job like a model because of her good looks.

a. got

b. like

c. because of

d. looks

--> b

9. You’d better cut down on your intake of sugar to avoid problems of your teeth.

a. 'd better

b. cut down on

c. to avoid

d. of

--> d

10. It was said that the world will be suffering from an energy crisis by the 2010s.

a. was said

b. will be suffering

c. energy crisis

d. by the 2010s

--> a

Grammar and Vocabulary

11. Is anyone .............. to smoke here?

a. let

b. allowed

c. admitted

d. passed

 b

12. His parents told him to keep ………....... sweets and chocolate to lose weight.

a. at

b. back

c. up

d. off

 d

13. It’s necessary for you to ............... a more serious attitude toward your work.

a. develop

b. grow

c. become

d. grow up

 a

14. As long as Peter ……....... stay for more than a month, he can sleep at my flat.

a. doesn't

b. didn't

c. won't

d. wouldn't

 a

15. .................. people take part in the traditional games now than twenty years


a. Less

b. Lesser

c. Fewer

d. Few

 c

16. According ......……. the map we should take the second left.

a. to

b. as

c. on

d. by

 a

17. Please take into ............... the fact that I have been dissatisfied.

a. consider

b. considerable

c. considerably

d. consideration

 d

18. Would you please ………...... me to the post-office?

a. aim

b. turn

c. direct

d. signal

 c

19. Would you be ................ to help me finish my homework?

a. too kind

b. kind enough

c. as kind

d. so kind

 b

20. You'd better put our appointment in your ………........

a. agenda

b. diary

c. calendar

d. directory

 b

21. My parents are always ............... with each other.

a. annoying

b. arguing

c. discussing

d. shouting

 b

22. A good clock always keeps ...………. time.

a. certain

b. true

c. accurate

d. serious

 c

23. I’m not .............. well with the new director.

a. getting on

b. going on

c. keeping on

d. taking on

 a

24. She has ....…….. a lot of money in her new job.

a. gained

b. earned

c. found

d. done

 b

25. He finished ............... the book and watched TV.

a. read

b. to read

c. reading

d. reads

 c

26. Would you ......…….. my opening the windows now?

a. want

b. worry

c. concern

d. mind

 d

27. "What are you working so hard for?" "Because I ............. a motorbike, so I’m

saving as much as I can."

a. will buy

b. buy

c. have bought

d. am going to buy

 d

28. We can .....……..... the difficulty without too much effort.

a. get over

b. get away

c. get off

d. get through

 a

29. People with very .............. skin shouldn’t go sun bathing for a long period.

a. sense

b. sensitive

c. sensible

d. sensibly

 b

30. Person who go without sleep for than three days have great .......................

thinking, seeing and hearing clearly.

a. difficult

b. difficulty

c. easy

d. ease

 b

31. He prefers being on his own ............... with a big crowd of people.

a. than to be

b. rather than be

c. to being

d. or be

 c

32. We don't know the ………... of the game.

a. facts

b. customs

c. rules

d. laws

 c

33. Yoko borrowed 20,000 dollars ............... the bank.

a. of

b. by

c. at

d. from

 d

34. We had to use our neighbour's telephone because ours was …………....

a. out of work

b. out of order

c. off duty

d. off work

 b

35. The driver apologized ............... passengers any inconveniences.

a. to cause

b. of having cause

c. for causing

d. that we cause

 c

36. It was .....………. a boring speech that I felt asleep.

a. such

b. so

c. very

d. too

 a

37. I’ve got a very interesting ............... as a journalist.

a. occupation

b. occupy

c. occupant

d. occupied

 a

38. The man to ........... the woman is talking is funny.

a. who

b. whom

c. whose

d. which

 b

39. Some medicine the doctor gave me will cure my sickness.

a. make worse

b. make better

c. make sick

d. make lighter

 b

40. If you had come to the party, you ......…….. her.

a. would meet

b. had met

c. would have met

d. met

 c

41. Tom’s car hit a tree. As a result, he was badly injured.

a. hurt

b. inside

c. hit

d. distant

 a

42. The manager had his secretary ....……… the report for him.

a. type

b. typed

c. typing

d. to type

 a

43. Lauren’s family has lived in New York for one hundred years. Their ancestors

came from American.

a. family members from a long time before.

b. grandchildren and their grandchildren.

c. parents, grandparents, and great grandparents.

d. family members all living at the same time.

 a

44. No sooner ................. the office than the phone rang.

a. he had left

b. had he left

c. he was leaving

d. was he leaving

 b

45. She was anxious because her child was kidnapped by a notorious ...............

of robbers.

a. staff

b. crew

c. team

d. gang

 d

46. Neither the director nor his assistant ................. yet.

a. have come

b. haven't come

c. has come

d. hasn't come

 c

47. Don’t count upon Fred to lend you any money because he has none.

a. tell

b. ask

c. depend upon

d. order

 c

48. When the singer finished his songs, the audience ............................ for five


a. shouted

b. clapped

c. kept silent

d. opposed

 b

49. Guessing what her .............. to the news would be difficult.

a. feelings

b. reaction

c. capital

d. opinion

 b

50. The village ................. we are going to visit is far from here.

a. where

b. which

c. what

d. when

 b

Test 51



a. find

b. thing

c. nine

d. wine

--> b


a. filled

b. wanted

c. enjoyed

d. preferred

--> b


a. sugar

b. see

c. saint

d. sit

--> a


a. man

b. fan

c. fat

d. table

--> d


a. home

b. come

c. money

d. love

--> a


a. kind

b. sing

c. find

d. blind


Find the mistakes

7. Why are you always jealous with other friends?

a. are

b. jealous

c. with

d. other

--> c

8. I had tried to get through to Pearson for days now. Either he’s away or his

phone’s out of order.

a. I had tried

b. get through

c. for days now

d. ’s away

--> a

9. Would you buy some banana if the greengrocer’s is still open?

a. Would you

b. banana

c. greengrocer’s

d. open

--> a

Grammar and Vocabulary

10. I found this job attracting because it offered the ............ to do research.

a. possibility

b. proposal

c. opportunity

d. prospect

 c

11. She wishes she ................. you the bad news yesterday.

a. didn't tell

b. wouldn't tell

c. hadn't told

d. doesn't tell

 c

12. We always keep on good .................. with our next-door neighbors for our

children’s sake.

a. friendship

b. relations

c. will

d. terms

 b

13. Have you got time to discuss your work now or are you ................. to leave?

a. thinking

b. planned

c. around

d. about

 d

14. You can always rely on Kate. She is very .............. .

a. depend

b. dependable

c. dependent

d. independent

 b

15. The police are looking for a man of ................. height.

a. medium

b. extra

c. tall

d. special

 a

16. English is a................. easy language for Swedes to learn.

a. comparatively

b. comparative

c. compare

d. comparison

 a

17. She did all the work ................. her own.

a. by

b. on

c. for

d. with

 b

18. There’s a ............. of styles for you to choose from.

a. various

b. variety

c. variation

d. variorum

 b

19. The children won't go to sleep ................ we leave a light on outside their


a. except

b. otherwise

c. unless

d. but

 c

20. I did my best to prevent my cat ............. running outside.

a. from

b. to

c. against

d. for

 a

21. I wrote to the company ................ them for a catalogue.

a. demanding

b. asking

c. enquiring

d. applying

 b

22. The singer ended the concert ............... her favorite song.

a. by

b. with

c. in

d. as

 b

23. Dinner will be ready soon. Can you please ................ the table?

a. lay

b. settle

c. make

d. put

 a

24. He asked me what I would say when I was ............. a piece of sound advice.

a. given

b. asked

c. do

d. told

 a

25. The doctor arranged for me to see the ................ at the hospital about the

pain in my back.

a. expert

b. specialist

c. speciality

d. expertise

 b

26. One .............. of my new job is that I’m away from home.

a. pity

b. dislike

c. complaint

d. disadvantage

 d

27. There are ................ when I have to work very hard.

a. times

b. at times

c. from time to time

d. a long time

 a

28. .............. there was a fierce dog in the house, the thieves managed to break


a. Since

b. Because

c. As

d. Although

 d

29. The newspaper report contained ................ important information.

a. many

b. another

c. an

d. a lot of

 d

30. This pen is .............. the other two pens.

a. more expensive as

b. the most expensive of

c. more expensive than

d. as expensive than

 c

31. My uncle made a speech at a wedding .....................

a. certificate

b. marriage

c. funeral

d. reception

 d

32. ............. is your dress, the red one or the green one?

a. Which

b. What

c. How

d. Who

 a

33. I have to leave before seven and so ................ .

a. leave you

b. you have

c. you do

d. do you

 d

34. He has the ............... to become a professional football player.

a. ability

b. able

c. enable

d. abilities

 a

35. You ................ better be careful not to miss the train!

a. would

b. should

c. had

d. did

 c

36. The professor explained his ideas with great ......... .

a. clear

b. clearly

c. clarify

d. clarity

 d

37. Her class has many students but each one receives ................ attention.

a. individual

b. only

c. alone

d. single

 a

38. He drives so .............. that he’s sure to have an accident.

a. careful

b. carefully

c. carelessly

d. careless

 c

39. By half past ten tomorrow morning I ................ along the motorway.

a. will drive

b. am driving

c. drive

d. will be driving

 d

40. ................. I came to the station just in time.

a. Fortunate

b. Fortunately

c. Unfortunate

d. Unfortunately

 b

41. You had to give a full ................ of your car when you reported it stolen.

a. account

b. detail

c. information

d. description

 d

42. “................. this month?” “No, she’s on leave.”

a. Is Sue working

b. Does Sue work

c. Does work Sue

d. Did Sue work

 a

43. ..........................., I'd have told you the answer.

a. If you asked me

b. Had you asked me

c. You had asked me

d. Unless you asked me

 b

44. Jack is away on holiday. He ................ to Japan.

a. is gone

b. has gone

c. has been

d. went

 b

45. Of the two new teachers, one is experienced and .........................

a. the others are not

b. another is inexperienced

c. the other is not

d. other lacks experience

 c

46. ................ tomorrow, so we can watch TV until 11 o’clock.

a. I’m not working

b. I don’t work

c. I won’t work

d. I shan’t work

 a

47. "What should we do about this problem? " It is advisable ................

a. that to adopt a drastic measure

b. that a drastic measure is adopted

c. that a drastic measure be adopted

d. a drastic measure to be adopted

 c

48. The fire spread through the building quickly but everybody ............. .

a. was able to escape

b. managed to escape

c. could escape

d. both a and b are correct

 d

49. Doctorial students who are preparing to take their qualifying examinations

have been studying in the library every night .............. the last three months.

a. since

b. until

c. before

d. for

 d

50. I’m not tired enough to go to bed yet. I wouldn’t sleep if I ................ to bed


a. go

b. went

c. had gone

d. would go

 b

Test 52



a. happy

b. fly

c. sky

d. dry

--> a


a. hot

b. got

c. mode

d. shot

--> c


a. but

b. cut

c. shut

d. put

--> d


a. few

b. new

c. chew

d. phew

--> c


a. chase

b. case

c. face

d. sad

--> d


a. kissed

b. intended

c. needed

d. naked

 a

Find the mistakes

7. There are a lot of multi- storey buildings on the center of Tokyo.

a. There are

b. a lot of

c. on

d. of

--> c

8. Please go in. Mrs. Snow is free for seeing you now.

a. go in

b. is

c. for seeing

d. now

--> c

9. If you take the car, you would save yourself a lot of times.

a. take

b. would

c. save

d. times

 d

Grammar and Vocabulary

10. Your nephew, .................... name I can't remember, made a lot of noise.

a. what

b. where

c. whose

d. which

 c

11. We ................ by a noisy row outside during the night.

a. woke up

b. are woken up

c. were woken up

d. were waking up

 c

12. The reason .................... Hoa phoned Huong was to invite her to the cinema.

a. what

b. whose

c. why

d. which

 c

13. Hi, Sue. I didn’t expect to see you today. Your brother said you .................ill.

a. are

b. were

c. was

d. should be

 b

14. ................ in the world export diamonds.

a. Only little nations

b. Only few nations

c. Only a little nations

d. Only a few nations

 d

15. “How ...................... ?” “Nobody knows.”

a. happened the accident

b. did happen the accident

c. did the accident happen

d. All of them are wrong

 c

16. At 3810 meters above sea-level in Bolivia stands Lake Titicaca, ............... in

the world.

a. the highest large lake

b. high largest lake

c. highest large lake

d. the high largest lake

 a

17. You can’t stop me ............... what I want.

a. doing

b. do

c. to do

d. that I do

 a

18. ................., he was a young school-teacher living in Connecticut.

a. When the American Revolution began

b. The American Revolution began

c. It was when the American Revolution began

d. The beginning of the American Revolution

 a

19. Call an ambulance. There’s been ................... .

a. accident

b. an accident

c. some accident

d. any accident

 b

20. The plane would have landed ................ the fog.

a. but for

b. but

c. except for

d. except

 a

21. I’m going to a wedding on Thursday. .................. is getting married.

a. A friend of me

b. A friend of mine

c. One my friends

d. both a and c are correct

 b

22. Everyone sent flowers ............... John.

a. except

b. except for

c. beside

d. in addition

 a

23. I dislike stories ................... have tragic endings.

a. that

b. which

c. who

d. both a and b are correct

 d

24. Several days went ................ before I had news.

a. past

b. pass

c. by

d. through

 c

25. Sonia doesn’t enjoy her job. She’s ............... because she does the same

thing every day.

a. boring

b. bored

c. both a and b are correct

d. both a and b are wrong

 b

26. .................. with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountains do not

seem high at all.

a. When compared

b. Compare with

c. If you compare

d. A comparison

 a

27. It’s impossible to sleep ................. very tired.

a. although I was

b. despite I was

c. despite of being

d. in spite of being

 a

28. The accomplishments of modern medicine would be impossible .............

highly specialized instruments.

a. without

b. but without

c. but there are

d. among

 a

29. I’ll be at home .............. Sunday. You can phone me then.

a. at

b. on

c. in

d. All of them are wrong

 b

30. If you don't mind, I should like to ................... a suggestion.

a. make

b. show

c. say

d. reach

 a

31. I don’t understand this sentence. What .................... ?

a. does mean it

b. does it mean

c. means it

d. did it mean

 b

32. Only in this way ................ manage to see him.

a. I could

b. I can

c. could I

d. I might

 c

33. Everything is going well. We ................... any problems so far.

a. didn’t have

b. don’t have

c. haven’t had

d. haven’t been having

 c

34. Mrs Young is the woman ............. you saw at the desk.

a. who

b. whom

c. whose

d. which

 b

35. That bag looks heavy. ................ you with it.

a. I’m helping

b. I help

c. I’ll help

d. I have helped

 c

36. ................... a bridge built, more tourists would come to the island.

a. Was

b. If

c. If they had

d. Unless they have

 c

37. The doorbell is ringing. It ..................... be Mark.

a. might

b. can

c. could

d. both a and c are correct

 d

38. He opened the door and let himself in quietly ................ not to wake the


a. because

b. so as

c. so that

d. to make sure

 b

39. If I were you, I ....................that shirt. It’s much too expensive.

a. won’t buy

b. don’t buy

c. am not going to buy

d. wouldn’t buy

 d

40. He's a young man who takes great ..................... in his appearance.

a. attention

b. tidiness

c. pride

d. care

 c

41. There’s somebody walking behind us. I think ................... .

a. we are following

b. we are being followed

c. we are followed

d. we are being following

 b

42. I tried to solve the problems ...................... the noise and interruptions.

a. because of

b. in case of

c. in spite of

d. according to

 c

43. His village is lonely. It is .................................

a. far

b. far from anywhere

c. alone

d. the only one

 b

44. A ................... of days before, a terrible explosion took place here.

a. few

b. couple

c. period

d. series

 b

45. “Do you know where ................. ?” “No, he didn’t say.”

a. Tom has gone

b. has Tom gone

c. has gone Tom

d. Tom went

 a

46. Do you need my signature? No. .................... you or your manager can sign


a. Either

b. Both

c. Also

d. That

 a

47. I must go to class now. I promised ................ absent.

a. not being

b. not to be

c. to not be

d. I wouldn’t be

 b

48. I wouldn't waste time ..................... that book if I were you.

a. to reading

b. reading

c. read

d. to be read

 b

49. “What are you going to buy?” “I’m going to buy ...................... .”

a. a bread

b. some bread

c. a loaf of bread

d. both b and c are correct

 d

50. "What time did you arrive at the match?" "A little ............... than usual."

a. more

b. time

c. less

d. later

 d

Test 53



a. drama

b. grammar

c. family

d. land

--> a


a. tick

b. brick

c. bright

d. thick

--> c


a. furnished

b. attention

c. preposition

d. requisite

--> d


a. bear

b. near

c. dear

d. rear

--> a


a. growth

b. with

c. both

d. sixth

--> b


a. good

b. foot

c. brook

d. booth

--> d

Find the mistakes

7. On behalf of all of us who are here this morning, I would like thanking Mr.

Carnegie for his help.

a. On behalf of

b. all of us

c. are

d. thanking

--> d

8. Today we know that the earth is one of nine planets who obit the sun.

a. we

b. that

c. who

d. obit

 c

9. John bought this vocabulary book that he could go over all the things he has

studied this year.

a. bought

b. that

c. could go over

d. has studied

 b

Grammar and Vocabulary

10. At what time shall we .............. this morning?

a. meet

b. meet us

c. meet ourselves

d. meet ours

 a

11. ................. a man tried and failed.

a. Many

b. Many of

c. Many a

d. A lot of

 a

12. I didn’t believe them at first but in fact everything ................ was true.

a. they said

b. that they said

c. what they said

d. both a and b are correct

 d

13. You look .............. you were tired.

a. like

b. although

c. until

d. as if

 d

14. She was carrying a ..................... bag.

a. black small plastic

b. small and black plastic

c. small black plastic

d. plastic small black

 c

15. ................ goods were sent to the fair.

a. A great deal of

b. Little

c. A large number of

d. Much

 c

16. Why don’t you insure your motorbike ................. stolen.

a. in case it will be

b. if it will be

c. in case it is

d. if it is

 c

17. I have only the time to tell you the gist.

a. reference

b. first part

c. main idea

d. a few details

 c

18. He’s leaving ............. the end of April.

a. at

b. on

c. in

d. out

 a

19. A meticulous typist must be very conscientious about correcting even the

smallest errors.

a. careful

b. fast

c. new

d. good

 a

20. My father .................. badminton three times a week.

a. is playing usually

b. is usually playing

c. usually plays

d. plays usually

 c

21. Under no condition ..................... hope.

a. will they give up

b. they give up

c. they would give up

d. they giving up

 a

22. Kite has lost her ID card again. It’s the second time this ................. .

a. has happened

b. happens

c. happened

d. had happened

 a

23. It's a fast car. ....................... , it's got a reliable engine.

a. Besides

b. Beside

c. Otherwise

d. Apart from

 a

24. I think the weather ............... be nice later.

a. will

b. shall

c. is going to

d. is

 a

25. I hope you don't mind my ................ so late at night.

a. telephoning

b. to telephone

c. telephone

d. to have telephoned

 a

26. Why did you stay at a hotel when you went to Florida? You ................ with


a. can stay

b. could stay

c. could have stayed

d. must have stayed

 c

27. " What did he use to get the fish?"" I think he had a ...................."

a. bamboo long fishing rod

b. long bamboo fishing rod

c. rod long, bamboo, and fishing

d. bamboo fishing long rod

 b

28. I decided to stay at home last night. I would have gone out if I ..............so


a. wasn’t

b. weren’t

c. wouldn’t have been

d. hadn’t been

 d

29. The bus ................ from here to HoChiMinh city is 300,000 dong.

a. cost

b. fare

c. payment

d. charge

 b

30. “Where .................?” “In Vietnam.”

a. were you born

b. are you born

c. have you been born

d. did you born

 a

31. He said he didn't derive ................ from working.

a. joys

b. any joy

c. some joys

d. no joy

 b

32. The inspector stopped and asked us where ................ .

a. were we going

b. are we going

c. we are going

d. we were going

 d

33. John slipped on a piece of orange .............. and broke his leg.

a. peel

b. shell

c. layer

d. coat

 a

34. Do you want ............... with you or do you want to go by yourself?

a. me coming

b. me to come

c. that I come

d. that I will come

 b

35. Parents should be .................... for teaching their children the difference

between right and wrong.

a. responsibility

b. responsible

c. responsibly

d. responsive

 b

36. Her sister works at a well-known hospital. She’s ............. .

a. nurse

b. a nurse

c. the nurse

d. an nurse

 b

37. Farming is the chief ................ of the Cambodians.

a. consumption

b. occupation

c. performance

d. importance

 b

38. Last week the player didn't arrive for a training .....................

a. game

b. practice

c. session

d. drill

 c

39. When can the students ................. for next year's evening classes?

a. assist

b. enrol

c. join

d. learn

 b

40. What’s the name of the man .................... ?

a. you borrowed his car

b. which car you borrowed

c. whose car you borrowed

d. his car you borrowed

 c

41. The policeman said that he saw no ................ between them.

a. joint

b. connection

c. communication

d. join

 b

42. Sir, .................. I go out to meet my mother?

a. can

b. may

c. would

d. please

 b

43. "Did he lose?" "Yes, but if he had tried harder, he ...................... won."

a. might

b. might have

c. might of

d. might has

 b

44. The club is for members only. You ............... you’re a member.

a. can’t go in if

b. can go in only if

c. can’t go in unless

d. both b and c are correct

 d

45. ................. my desk in the last twenty years.

a. Many a letter has crossed

b. A many letters have crossed

c. Many a letter have crossed

d. Many a letters have crossed

 a

46. On being in Thailand, we spent a few days ............ Bangkok.

a. at

b. to

c. in

d. from

 c

47. Two of these books are mine, ................ are John's.

a. another

b. others

c. the others

d. rest

 c

48. How .................. now? Better than before?

a. you are feeling

b. do you feel

c. are you feeling

d. you feel

 b

49. When the time came to ................ the bill at the hotel she found her purse

had been stolen.

a. pay

b. pay out

c. pay for

d. pay up

 a

50. You’re out of breath. ...........................?

a. Are you running

b. Have you run

c. Have you been running

d. Did you ran

 c

Test 54



a. serve

b. pervert

c. bere

d. mercer

--> c


a. gen

b. guard

c. gun

d. gate

--> a


a. obscure

b. obstacle

c. obtain

d. obstructive

--> b


a. studio

b. dual

c. dull

d. duvet

--> c


a. clear

b. tear

c. pear

d. rear

--> c


a. pub

b. rob

c. comb

d. hob

--> c

Find the mistakes

7. The two houses stood 500 meters apart from.

a. The

b. stood

c. meters

d. from

--> d

8. Let’s cut through a wood instead for going by the road?

a. cut through

b. instead for

c. going

d. by

--> b

9. Unluckily Jim’s illness turned out to be extreme infectious. The consequence

of that was he was kept in isolation.

a. Unluckily

b. turned out

c. extreme

d. in isolation

--> c

Grammar and Vocabulary

10. When the manager went on business, his ................ often took over all his


a. caretaker

b. officer

c. deputy

d. commander

 c

11. “Ann is in hospital.” “Yes, I know. ............... her tomorrow.”

a. I visit

b. I’m going to visit

c. I’ll visit

d. I’m visiting

 b

12. …………. fairy stories, stepmothers are always unkind …………. their


a. On / to

b. On / for

c. In / for

d. In / to

 d

13. He’s lost one of his gloves. He ................... it somewhere.

a. must drop

b. must have dropped

c. must be dropping

d. must have been dropping

 b

14. We missed the ferry. It .................. by the time we arrived at the pier.

a. went

b. was going

c. had gone

d. has gone

 c

15. She wishes she ................ a car. It would make life so much easier.

a. had have

b. had

c. would have

d. has

 b

16. This wet weather has lasted for a long time now. ................ rained every

single day.

a. There has

b. There was

c. It has

d. It was

 c

17. The plane ............... land at 10.30 but it was half an hour late.

a. supposed to

b. is supposed to

c. was supposed to

d. suppose to

 c

18. He was happy to find the kind of job ....................

a. which they had trained him for

b. for which he had trained for

c. for which he had been trained for

d. that was for his training

 a

19. “Do you think it’s going to rain heavily?” “......................”

a. I hope not

b. I don’t hope

c. I don’t hope so

d. I won’t hope so

 a

20. The firemen brought several long ................ to save some people on the roof.

a. ladders

b. steps

c. stairs

d. staircases

 a

21. I’m sure I locked the door. I clearly remember.................... it.

a. locking

b. to lock

c. to have locked

d. lock

 a

22. ................ amount of money can buy love and liberty.

a. No

b. Never

c. None

d. Not only

 a

23. She works eight hours ................ day.

a. in

b. for

c. a

d. the

 c

24. We ................ you to take a lawyer to court with you.

a. advised

b. suggested

c. threatened

d. insisted

 a

25. She’s so lazy that she never does ............... work.

a. some

b. any

c. no

d. none

 b

26. She isn't ................ well with the new manager.

a. getting on

b. going on

c. keeping on

d. taking on

 a

27. Sandra told me about her new job, ................... very much.

a. that she’s enjoying

b. which she’s enjoying

c. she’s enjoying

d. she’s enjoying it

 b

28. After the campaign, a special medal was .................... to all combatants.

a. gain

b. awarded

c. earned

d. deserved

 b

29. I .............. to find a well-paid job but I had no luck.

a. tried hard

b. tried hardly

c. hardly tried

d. hard tried

 a

30. I would like to invite ................. to my party if they want.

a. they

b. them

c. their

d. theirs

 b

31. Colin has been married a long time. She got married ...............she was 29

years old.

a. when

b. as

c. while

d. since

 a

32. ................. nor animals can survive without oxygen.

a. Plants can neither

b. Neither can plants

c. Plants neither

d. Neither plants

 d

33. Our flat is ................ the third floor of the building.

a. at

b. on

c. in

d. above

 b

34. He has a ............... cut on his face.

a. horrible

b. afraid

c. ill-prepared

d. logical

 a

35. What a boring weekend! ..................... anything.

a. I didn’t

b. I don’t do

c. I didn’t do

d. I don’t

 c

36. In the legal profession, men .................. women by five to one.

a. outnumber

b. supersede

c. overcome

d. outclass

 a

37. Where’s the book I gave you? What .................... with it?

a. have you done

b. have you been doing

c. are you doing

d. were you doing

 a

38. .................... he went to the party last night is still a mystery to me.

a. How

b. Although

c. While

d. Since

 a

39. They were very much amused. They were .......................... amused.

a. more

b. many

c. most

d. the most

 c

40. I had to get up early, ................ I'd have missed the train.

a. otherwise

b. if not

c. but

d. so that

 a

41. We’re late. The film .................. by the time we get to the cinema.

a. will already start

b. will be already started

c. will already have started

d. will be starting

 c

42. Be careful! Don't ................ your drink on the floor.

a. spill

b. spread

c. flood

d. flow

 a

43. "Where ......................? Which hairdresser did you go to?"

a. did you cut your hair

b. have you cut your hair

c. did you have cut your hair

d. did you have your hair cut

 d

44. Although our team didn't win the match, but all of us agreed that it had been a

good ....................

a. play

b. score

c. game

d. sport

 c

45. “You don’t know why Angela is absent today, ...................?” “Sorry, I’ve no


a. don’t you

b. do you

c. is she

d. does she

 b

46. Betty was slow to catch ................, but gradually she began to understand.

a. in

b. on

c. away

d. out

 b

47. She tried to be serious but she couldn’t help ...................... .

a. laughing

b. to laugh

c. that she laughed

d. laugh

 a

48. Some of the residents spoke to the reporters about their ................ in the

burning plane.

a. occasion

b. happening

c. event

d. experience

 d

49. There are millions of stars in .................... .

a. space

b. a space

c. the space

d. this space

 a

50. "How long ...................... here?" "Exactly four years today. I'm thinking of

changing my job next year."

a. are you working

b. have you worked

c. did you work

d. do you work

 b

Test 55



a. valid

b. valiant

c. valley

d. valise

--> d


a. mechanics

b. mechanise

c. mechanism

d. mechanist

--> a


a. yacht

b. church

c. change

d. cheat

--> a


a. ginger

b. ingredient

c. dialogue

d. league

--> a


a. vision

b. tension

c. leisure

d. casualty

--> b


a. stare

b. date

c. fate

d. state


Find the mistakes

7. The 20% discount is only applicable for items costing over $300.

a. discount

b. applicable

c. for

d. costing

--> c

8. It was amazed that Smith showed so few grief at his mother’s death.

a. was

b. amazed

c. showed

d. few

--> d

9. It’s impossible believing that anyone would purposely harm a child, least of all

its own mother.

a. impossible

b. believing

c. least of all

d. its

 b

Grammar and Vocabulary

10. “Is there anything you like to eat?” “I don’t mind. ....................... whatever

you’ve got.”

a. Something

b. Anything

c. Nothing

d. Thing

 b

11. He was always very quick ............... learning languages.

a. on

b. in

c. at

d. about

 c

12. Susan couldn’t come to the meeting, .................. was a pity.

a. that

b. it

c. what

d. which

 c

13. "Why do you say we are fond of luxuries?" "The streets of Bangkok are full of

private cars, ............. are expensive."

a. all those

b. most of which

c. most they

d. most of what

 b

14. I haven’t seen her for ................... I’ve forgotten what she looks like.

a. so long

b. such long time

c. such a long time

d. both a and c are correct

 d

15. I appreciate your .................. my brother.

a. wanting helping

b. to want to help

c. wanting to help

d. to want helping

 c

16. How beautiful is the house! It’s ................ a palace.

a. as

b. like

c. alike

d. unlike

 b

17. Daisy's boss doesn't want her to ................ a habit of using the office phone

for personal calls.

a. make

b. do

c. have

d. increase

 a

18. I saw Jim .................... a theatre last Sunday.

a. at

b. on

c. in

d. to

 a

19. The child ................ his soup all over the table-cloth.

a. stained

b. spilt

c. scattered

d. set

 b

20. I .................... my hand when I was cooking the lunch.

a. burnt

b. was burning

c. have burnt

d. had burnt

 a

21. It's time we ................ this old bicycle and bought a new one.

a. will sell

b. had sold

c. have sold

d. sold

 d

22. They’re close friends. They ................. each other for a long time.

a. know

b. have known

c. have been knowing

d. knew

 b

23. As ................ as I know, we have not received a bill for this new printer.

a. much

b. long

c. soon

d. far

 d

24. Don’t worry ...................... late tonight.

a. if I am

b. when I am

c. when I’ll be

d. if I’ll be

 a

25. The staff didn't accept their project because of ................ funds.

a. unavailable

b. inconsiderate

c. incomplete

d. insufficient

 d

26. What was wrong with you? Why ..................... see the doctor?

a. had you to

b. did you have to

c. must you

d. will you

 b

27. He is ................ to leave her class as soon as possible.

a. cautious

b. anxious

c. worried

d. nervous

 b

28. He likes .................. the living-room as often as possible.

a. cleaned

b. clean

c. to clean

d. that I clean

 c

29. Susan agreed to stay behind; she was used to ................ late.

a. working

b. have worked

c. work

d. being worked

 a

30. Every day ..................... starts at 8 and finishes at 4.

a. school

b. a school

c. the school

d. an school

 a

31. She may be old but she's still ................ control of all that is happening.

a. under

b. over

c. with

d. in

 d

32. I couldn’t buy anything as .......................of the shops were open.

a. all

b. no one

c. none

d. nothing

 c

33. The coins are ................ to be over a thousand years old.

a. described

b. said

c. spoken

d. mentioned

 b

34. Few people ................... to the wedding party can’t come.

a. inviting

b. invited

c. who invited

d. they were invited

 b

35. Unexpectedly the lights ................ out and Daisy and I were left in darkness.

a. turned

b. put

c. went

d. gave

 c

36. I haven’t got ................. on holiday at the moment.

a. money enough to go

b. enough money to go

c. money enough for going

d. enough money for going

 b

37. The opening ................ of the play took place in an office.

a. stage

b. scene

c. sight

d. piece

 b

38. She is very kind to me. She treats me ..................... her own daughter.

a. like I am

b. as if I am

c. as if I was

d. as if I were

 d

39. She wasn't offered the job because of her untidy ...................

a. sight

b. view

c. presence

d. appearance

 d

40. What time did they ................... the hotel?

a. arrive at

b. arrive in

c. get to

d. both a and c are correct

 d

41. I wonder who ate all the cheese yesterday. It ................ have been Ann

because she was out all day.

a. can't

b. must

c. could

d. needn't

 a

42. Karen has been working here ........................ .

a. for six months

b. since six months

c. six months ago

d. for six month

 a

43. They used the aircraft to save several people from the ................ floor of the

blazing building.

a. high

b. top

c. basement

d. low

 b

44. There’s plenty of time. You ...................... hurry.

a. don’t have to

b. mustn’t

c. needn’t

d. don’t

 c

45. When the electricity went out, my father .............. a match to find the candles.

a. rubbed

b. scratched

c. struck

d. started

 c

46. He’s exhausted. He’d rather ................ out this evening.

a. not going

b. not to go

c. doesn’t go

d. not go

 d

47. Annie put .............. speaking to Jim as long as possible.

a. off

b. over

c. away

d. back

 a

48. ....................a problem in most big cities.

a. Crime is

b. The crime is

c. The crimes are

d. All of them are wrong

 a

49. She wondered .............. her uncle looked like now, after so many years she

hadn't met him.

a. how

b. whose

c. that

d. what

 d

50. When I was on holiday, I spent .......................... money.

a. a lot of

b. much

c. too much

d. too many

 c

Test 56



a. breathe

b. authority

c. birthday

d. theory

--> a


a. poodle

b. boot

c. flood

d. smooth

--> c


a. famous

b. another

c. railway

d. ache

--> b


a. loose

b. rose

c. tease

d. pose

--> a


a. thy

b. thirty

c. breath

d. cloth

--> a


a. thin

b. this

c. than

d. there

--> a

Find the mistakes

7. I find the time of English meals very strange. I’m not accustomed having

dinner at 5 p.m.

a. find

b. strange

c. accustomed having

d. at

--> c

8. Suzanne really takes after her father. She had got the same character.

a. really

b. takes after

c. had

d. same

--> c

9. The market in town was so crowded that she gave in doing her shopping here.

a. was

b. crowded

c. in

d. doing

--> c

Grammar and Vocabulary

10. The man .............. his nephew for the broken window.

a. accused

b. complained

c. blamed

d. denied

 c

11. Let’s get a taxi. It’s ..................... to walk.

a. a quite long way

b. quite a long way

c. rather a long way

d. both b and c are correct

 d

12. The boy screamed while the dentist .................. one of his teeth.

a. were pulling out

b. had been pulling out

c. had pulled out

d. was pulling out

 d

13. I’ll be in London next week. I hope to see Tom .................... there.

a. while I will be

b. while I am

c. during my visit

d. both b and c are correct

 d

14. They say they've been to ................... restaurant in town.

a. many

b. every

c. all

d. most

 b

15. Sandra’s away at the moment. She’s .............. holiday in England.

a. at

b. on

c. in

d. for

 b

16. Mary hasn't written to me ........................

a. already

b. yet

c. never

d. any longer

 b

17. It’s three years ........................ Charles.

a. that I don’t see

b. that I haven’t seen

c. since I didn’t see

d. since I saw

 d

18. She has to go to work by bus today because her car is being ....................

a. stopped

b. broken

c. serviced

d. rented

 c

19. What a great party last night! You ................. come. Why didn’t you?

a. must have

b. should have

c. ought to have

d. had to

 b

20. I don't get tired .................... watching TV every night.

a. with

b. by

c. of

d. at

 c

21. "May I stay here?" "I’d rather ...................... with us."

a. you come

b. you to come

c. you came

d. you would come

 c

22. The play lasted three hours with .................. of fifteen minutes between

scene one and scene two.

a. an interval

b. a pause

c. a stop

d. an interruption

 a

23. When ................. invented?

a. was washing machine

b. were washing machines

c. was the washing machine

d. were the washing machines

 c

24. When we first came here, they .................. this bridge yet.

a. hadn't built

b. haven't built

c. had built

d. have built

 a

25. Nowaday ................... don't have to take the ink pot with them when going to


a. The most pupils

b. Most of pupils

c. Most pupils

d. both b and c are correct

 d

26. My manager is very busy at the moment so it may take a ............... time to

answer your letters.

a. little

b. few

c. small

d. some

 a

27. The exam was quite easy; ............... we expected.

a. more easy that

b. more easy than

c. easier than

d. easier as

 c

28. I've known Tom ............... I left college.

a. when

b. during

c. until

d. since

 d

29. Michael is away at the moment. I don’t know for certain what time he’s

coming back but I’m sure he’ll be back ................... Monday.

a. by

b. until

c. at

d. in

 a

30. She was wearing a heavy sweater to ............... himself against the cold.

a. conceal

b. protect

c. cover

d. wrap

 b

31. I travelled ................ 7.00 train, arriving at 9.30.

a. in the

b. on the

c. by the

d. by

 b

32. There was no ................ in continuing, for him the race was over.

a. value

b. worth

c. point

d. profit

 c

33. Betty ...............out after dinner and she’s just come back.

a. went

b. has gone

c. is gone

d. had gone

 a

34. We'll stop now ................ you have any further question.

a. unless

b. if

c. in spite of

d. although

 a

35. She ........................a desktop computer.

a. suggested that I buy

b. suggested that I should buy

c. suggested to buy

d. both a and b are correct

 d

36. She wasted ............... time searching for her pen.

a. priceless

b. costly

c. valuable

d. expensive

 c

37. Are you looking forward ...................... your old teacher again?

a. seeing

b. to see

c. to seeing

d. to being seen

 c

38. They like to ............... the crossword puzzle in the newspaper every day.

a. fill

b. make

c. do

d. answer

 c

39. My parents visited ........................

a. Canada and United States

b. the Canada and the United States

c. Canada and the United States

d. the Canada and United States

 c

40. ................... Mary three hours to do her homework.

a. It takes

b. To take to it

c. Taking it

d. It must

 a

41. I asked two strangers the way to the post office but ...................of them knew.

a. none

b. either

c. both

d. neither

 d

42. Shall we ............... across this field instead of going by the road?

a. set

b. take

c. come

d. go

 d

43. The more running water you use, .........................

a. your bill will be higher

b. will be higher your bill

c. the higher your bill will be

d. the highest your bill will be

 c

44. He's a wonderful cook, he can make a delicious ...................... out of almost


a. flavour

b. food

c. meal

d. plate

 c

45. Have you read any books .................. by Charles Dickens?

a. write

b. wrote

c. writting

d. written

 d

46. What do you mean, he's watching television? He's ............... to be washing

the car.

a. supposed

b. hoped

c. expected

d. thought

 a

47. Faraday ................. generator.

a. invented

b. have invented

c. had invented

d. had been inventing

 a

48. The red curtains began to ............... after they had been hanging in the sun

for two months.

a. fade

b. die

c. dissolve

d. melt

 a

49. I think all students ................... uniforms.

a. should wear

b. had better wear

c. had better to wear

d. would rather wear

 a

50. They have lived near the railway for so long now that they've become

............... to the noise of the trains.

a. accustomed

b. familiar

c. unconscious

d. aware

 a

Test 57



a. bear

b. heart

c. pear

d. wear

--> b


a. jowl

b. own

c. tow

d. crow

--> a


a. pool

b. noon

c. look

d. fool

--> c


a. cap

b. bark

c. fast

d. cast

--> a


a. tomb

b. bomb

c. prompt

d. atomic

--> a


a. ago

b. ascend

c. against

d. ash

 d

Find the mistakes

7. Police had better never drinking alcohol on duty.

a. had better

b. never

c. drinking

d. on

--> c

8. In his opinion, Chinese is a very difficult language to pick out quickly.

a. is

b. difficult

c. to

d. pick out

--> d

9. Don has always used to write back as soon as he got my letters, but months

can go by before I get a reply these days.

a. has always used

b. as soon as

c. can go

d. get

--> a

Grammar and Vocabulary

10. When I came to Britain, I had to get used .................on the left.

a. driving

b. to driving

c. to drive

d. drive

 b

11. In spite of his protests, his father ............... him train for the race two hours a


a. let

b. made

c. insisted

d. caused

 b

12. Mark is a student at ....................

a. London University

b. the London University

c. the University of London

d. both a and c are correct

 d

13. It was impossible for Susan to tell the truth so she had to ............... a story.

a. invent

b. combine

c. manage

d. lie

 a

14. What a great party! ................. enjoyed it.

a. Everybody

b. All

c. All of us

d. both a and c are correct

 d

15. The show was very long, but there were two .........................

a. intervals

b. tests

c. interruptions

d. gaps

 a

16. Paul’s a good swimmer. I can’t swim as well as .................. .

a. he

b. him

c. he can

d. both b and c are correct

 d

17. This old hospital is going to be ....................... soon.

a. laid out

b. run down

c. pulled down

d. knocked out

 c

18. The accident was my fault, so I had to pay for the damage .............the other


a. of

b. for

c. to

d. on

 c

19. I phoned her to make an early ............... at the hairdresser's.

a. order

b. date

c. assignment

d. appointment

 d

20. Sue ...................in Chine for five years. Now she lives in France.

a. lived

b. has lived

c. has been living

d. had lived

 a

21. The nurse ............... a rare disease when she was working in the hospital.

a. took

b. suffered

c. infected

d. caught

 d

22. It’s late. It’s time ................. home.

a. to go

b. to going

c. for going

d. going

 a

23. Papermaking began in China and from there it ................. to North Africa and


a. sprang

b. spilled

c. carried

d. spread

 d

24. I’m thinking .................... a house. Do you think that’s a good idea?

a. to buy

b. of to buy

c. of buying

d. about buy

 c

25. When we heard his joke, we burst into loud ......................

a. smiles

b. laughter

c. amusement

d. enjoyment

 b

26. What time ................... on television?

a. is the news

b. are the news

c. is news

d. are news

 a

27. The traffic lights ............... to red, and the pedestrians crossed the street.

a. exchanged

b. turned

c. removed

d. shone

 b

28. The bus service is very good. There’s a bus .................. fifteen minutes.

a. each

b. every

c. all

d. most

 b

29. It is a good idea to be ............... dressed when we go for an interview.

a. finely

b. boldly

c. smartly

d. clearly

 c

30. The story was really boring. It was ................ I’ve ever read.

a. most boring story

b. the more boring story

c. the story more boring

d. the most boring story

 d

31. The plane .................... down at Cairo on its way to India.

a. remained

b. landed

c. visited

d. touched

 d

32. Why were you so unfriendly ................ Susan? Have you had a row with her?

a. of

b. for

c. to

d. with

 c

33. Many accidents in the home could be ............... if householders gave more

thought to safety in their houses.

a. avoided

b. excluded

c. protected

d. preserved

 a

34. The boy sitting next to me on the plane was nervous because he

........................ before.

a. hasn’t flown

b. didn’t fly

c. hadn’t flown

d. wasn’t flying

 c

35. Smoking is a very bad habit but many people find difficult to .................. it.

a. break

b. beat

c. breathe

d. cough

 a

36. I’m sure you’ll have no ......................the exam.

a. difficulty to pass

b. difficulties to pass

c. difficulties passing

d. difficulty passing

 d

37. Who is most likely to swing a club?

a. a golfer

b. a tennis player

c. a basketball player

d. a cricket player

 a

38. It took me quite a long time to get there. It was ................. journey.

a. three hour

b. a three-hours

c. a three-hour

d. three hours

 c

39. He was told to eat all his rice or ................ he would get no ice-cream.

a. in case

b. else

c. instead

d. in fact

 b

40. My brother likes walking . .................................. .

a. Every morning he walks to work.

b. He walks to work every morning.

c. He walks every morning to work.

d. both a and b are correct

 d

41. ................ you have no key, you will have to get back before I go to school.

a. Although

b. Provided

c. As

d. Unless

 c

42. He’s not very good ............. translating documents.

a. at

b. for

c. in

d. about

 a

43. ................ the time you get to the cinema, the film will have finished.

a. Until

b. In

c. By

d. On

 c

44. .......................a villa when they were living in London?

a. Had they

b. Did they have

c. Were they having

d. Have they had

 b

45. Since his mother died, his aunt ……………. him.

a. brought up

b. brought in

c. brought on

d. brought after

 a

46. My close friend phoned ...............me to a fare-well party.

a. for invite

b. to invite

c. for inviting

d. for to invite

 b

47. They took him to the police when he was caught with his hand in the


a. register

b. till

c. accounts

d. books

 b

48. Could you tell me where ....................... is?

a. the manager office

b. the manager’s office

c. the office of the manager

d. the office of the manager’s

 b

49. Have you any objections ................ this plan?

a. with

b. for

c. at

d. to

 d

50. .......................a long time for the train.

a. Always we have to wait

b. We always have to wait

c. We have always to wait

d. We have to wait always

 b

Test 58



a. flirt

b. skirt

c. shirt

d. irritate

 d


a. niece

b. piece

c. client

d. species

 c


a. mail

b. tail

c. sailor

d. airline

 d


a. base

b. bass

c. vacant

d. may

 b


a. knife

b. key

c. kiss

d. stick

 a


a. bread

b. break

c. wake

d. gate


Find the mistakes

7. Don’t be nervous about sitting for the exam. I know for certain you would pass.

a. Don’t be

b. sitting for

c. know

d. would pass

--> d

8. Tom seemed to enjoy himself on vacation, hadn’t he?

a. to enjoy

b. himself

c. on

d. hadn’t he

--> d

9. We have not seen our old teacher in 1980.

a. not

b. seen

c. our

d. in

--> d

Grammar and Vocabulary

10. Many people in the world died .............. AIDS.

a. from

b. for

c. of

d. about

 c

11. I fail to understand this sentence. Can you ......................?

a. explain to me this word

b. explain me this word

c. explain this word to me

d. explain this word me

 c

12. I object ................... being kept waiting. Why can't you be ................... time?

a. for / on

b. to / on

c. of / on

d. to / upon

 b

13. I ................... to music a lot but I don’t do any more.

a. was listening

b. was used to listen

c. used to listen

d. was used to listening

 c

14. To get a passport, we must send in our birth ................ and two photos.

a. certificate

b. licence

c. paper

d. card

 a

15. Thomas doesn’t speak very clearly. ..........................

a. It is difficult to understand him.

b. He is difficult to understand.

c. He is difficult to understand him.

d. Both a and b are correct

 a

16. The job was more difficult than I ................ expected it to be.

a. would

b. had

c. have

d. might

 b

17. My manager .................... . He left last May.

a. still doesn’t work here

b. doesn’t still work here

c. no more works here

d. doesn’t work here any more

 d

18. The burglar ....................... to open a store's window.

a. succeeded

b. managed

c. forced

d. discovered

 b

19. If you’re worried about the problem, you should do something ............. it.

a. for

b. about

c. against

d. with

 b

20. Mrs White ................ drive to work every day but then she suddenly decided

to walk instead.

a. was used to

b. had used to

c. was using to

d. used to

 d

21. The path was so icy that we walked very carefully. We were afraid ................

a. of falling

b. from falling

c. to fall

d. to falling

 a

22. Scientists have discovered a close ................ between smoking and lung


a. action

b. connection

c. union

d. combination

 b

23. ..................she’s very busy, she’s agreeable to help me.

a. Even

b. Even though

c. Even if

d. Even when

 b

24. "Who’s Charles Chang?" "I’ve no idea. I’ve never heard ............. him."

a. about

b. from

c. after

d. of

 d

25. She earned her money by developing a profitable travel ...................

a. commerce

b. shop

c. affair

d. business

 d

26. I didn’t hear you ................. in. You must have been very quiet.

a. come

b. to come

c. came

d. All are wrong

 a

27. We .................... 2,000 English words by the end of this year.

a. will learn

b. will be learning

c. will have learnt

d. will have been learnt

 c

28. “Could you arrive on time?” “I don’t know for certain. It depends ........... the


a. of

b. for

c. from

d. on

 d

29. I went to that museum ................ some famous pictures.

a. to watch

b. to see to

c. to look at

d. to visit

 c

30. .................. a hotel, we looked for somewhere to have dinner.

a. Finding

b. After finding

c. Having found

d. both b and c are correct

 d

31. ................ she is studying at a famous university.

a. In a moment

b. At this instant

c. At present

d. In the present

 c

32. I prefer fish ................. meat.

a. to

b. than

c. against

d. over

 a

33. You should keep a box of matches ................ in case the lights go out again.

a. handy

b. by hand

c. in touch

d. in the way

 a

34. She gave me a form and told me to ..................

a. fill in

b. fill it into

c. fill in it

d. fill

 a

35. I couldn't make my son ................ hard

a. to work

b. working

c. worked

d. work

 d

36. I hope this backache ............... soon.

a. goes out

b. comes away

c. wears off

d. passes always

 c

37. Rarely do we get ................ an intelligent student as you.

a. as

b. so

c. such

d. too

 c

38. The monitor is responsible …………. our form-master for the class.

a. with

b. for

c. about

d. to

 d

39. In addition ............ doing the cleaning, I make the coffee.

a. for

b. to

c. on

d. with

 b

40. Chip .............. out of the house as fast as his leg would carry him.

a. strolled

b. dashed

c. ambled

d. plunged

 b

41. Mary promised to write ................ we never heard from her again.

a. but

b. except

c. although

d. because

 a

42. This is the second time I ............. such a difficult exercise.

a. do

b. did

c. have done

d. would do

 c

43. They're moving out soon because their house is going to be knocked

..................... when the new supermarket is built.

a. off

b. out

c. down

d. away

 c

44. He told me that it had taken him only a few hours to ................... the paper off

the wall.

a. paste

b. stroke

c. scrape

d. chip

 c

45. Her uncle won't ................ her drive his car.

a. allow

b. let

c. leave

d. permit

 b

46. Humid climate.

a. frigid

b. moist

c. perilous

d. sunny

 b

47. What will I do if no one ............ me at the airport?

a. meet

b. will meet

c. meets

d. met

 c

48. Eliminate a problem.

a. perceive

b. wipe out

c. aggravate

d. create

 b

49. Will his parents be able to ................ all their financial difficulties?

a. defeat

b. overcome

c. dismiss

d. overtake

 b

50. Although blood ............ a residue in urine and stool samples, it cannot always

be detected without the aid of a microscope.

a. let

b. leave

c. leaves

d. lets

 c

Test 59



a. increase

b. inside

c. ink

d. indoor

--> c


a. hook

b. pull

c. brook

d. booth

--> d


a. must

b. busy

c. muscle

d. muscular

--> b


a. with

b. mathematics

c. thank

d. death

--> a


a. obtain

b. obstacle

c. obscure

d. observe



a. bull

b. full

c. pull

d. cull


Find the mistakes

7. He has done a valuable contribution to the independence of the country.

a. done

b. valuable

c. to

d. of

--> a

8. While he watched TV last night, a cat ran across the floor.

a. watched

b. ran

c. across

d. the

--> a

9. Children! It’s high time for you should tidy away those toys!

a. ’s high time

b. for you

c. should tidy

d. those toys

--> c

Grammar and Vocabulary

10. His house is ................ at the corner of a shopping street.

a. situated

b. placed

c. stood

d. put

 a

11. Waitresses and waiters who serve .................. deserve at least a 20 percent


a. in a courteous manner

b. courteously

c. with courtesy in their manner

d. courteous

 b

12. The fisher saw the plane crash into the sea when its engines ................ .

a. failed

b. stood

c. struck

d. held

 a

13. Choose the synonym of “Innocent beyond a shadow of a doubt”.

a. lack of certainty

b. lack of freedom

c. lack of vision

d. lack of courage

 a

14. He was the last soldier .............. left Vietnam.

a. who

b. whom

c. which

d. whose

 a

15. Slender forms.

a. round and curvy

b. bright and shiny

c. colorful and attractive

d. long and thin

 d

16. All the articles of jewellery were beautifully arranged on a ................ of black


a. ground

b. vicinity

c. background

d. terrace

 c

17. From 1926 until her death, Margaret Mead ..............New York’s American

Museum of Natural History.

a. was associated with

b. associates with

c. is associated with

d. associated

 a

18. In spite of lengthy discussions between the Union and the Management,

closure became ................ because of the cancellation of several major orders.

a. irreplaceable

b. inevitable

c. responsible

d. impossible

 b

19. Our neighbours complained to us ............... the noise we made last night.

a. for

b. about

c. on

d. with

 b

20. Up to the time of his death, Richard Colson was one of the most notable

................ in our town.

a. characteristics

b. features

c. statements

d. figures

 d

21. He's a ............... and so he always votes for the Labour Party.

a. conservative

b. liberal

c. socialist

d. socialite

 c

22. ............ the Gulf Stream is warmer than the ocean water surrounding it.

a. Whollly

b. Whole

c. As a whole

d. A whole as

 c

23. My doctor ................ me to take up swimming as it is such good exercise.

a. suggested

b. proposed

c. advised

d. said

 c

24. Memorial Day, a holiday set aside to remember the dead, is usually

celebrated on ........... in most states.

a. thirtieth May

b. the thirtieth May

c. May thirty

d. the thirtieth of May

 d

25. Phone me before ten; ................ I'll be too busy to talk to you.

a. unless

b. whether

c. otherwise

d. if

 c

26. Fortunately the machine was not ................ when it caught fire.

a. in order

b. in use

c. in progress

d. in ruins

 b

27. In some countries, it is compulsory to vote in a(n) ..................

a. choice

b. constituency

c. election

d. selection

 c

28. I disapprove ................ people smoking in public places.

a. of

b. with

c. at

d. on

 a

29. They haven't ................ replied to the letter we sent two months ago.

a. still

b. yet

c. already

d. ever

 a

30. She found it hard to ................ up to the fact that she would never be famous.

a. come

b. get

c. face

d. keep

 c

31. Please leave this space ................ on the enrolment form.

a. absent

b. blank

c. missing

d. undone

 b

32. Come and see me after you ................ your report.

a. finish

b. will finish

c. had finished

d. having finished

 a

33. The factory .................... my father works in is in the centre of the city.

a. when

b. where

c. which

d. how

 c

34. I never forget the village .................... I was born.

a. that

b. where

c. when

d. who

 b

35. For the first few minutes she was leading the race, then she began to fall


a. out

b. through

c. back

d. off

 c

36. The passport she carried was ................

a. artificial

b. imitation

c. untrue

d. false

 d

37. I'm tired of my neighbours ................ their records at full volumn every night.

a. to play

b. play

c. having played

d. playing

 d

38. The burglar was sentenced to 20 years in ....................

a. dock

b. goal

c. jail

d. trial

 c

39. ................ many times I tell him, he always forgets to pass on phone


a. Wherever

b. Whatever

c. However

d. Whenever

 c

40. This sort of music was very ................ in the 1940.

a. preferred

b. liked

c. favourite

d. popular

 d

41. They'll never ................ to get here by six - the roads are quite busy today.

a. manage

b. arrive

c. succeed

d. able

 a

42. The instructor warned the students ................ sailing alone on the lake.

a. not

b. from

c. about

d. out of

 c

43. The police have ............... the man who is suspected of committing the


a. arrested

b. captivated

c. imprisoned

d. punished

 a

44. Only a small number of countries possess nuclear ................, thank


a. ammunition

b. equipment

c. guns

d. weapons

 d

45. "You look tired." "I ................ all night."

a. have worked

b. had worked

c. have been working

d. had been working

 c

46. Every student tries ................... hard to pass the examination.

a. study

b. to study

c. studying

d. studied

 b

47. ................ the weather is warmer, you can go out.

a. However

b. Now that

c. No matter

d. So that

 b

48. We're late, I expect the film ................ by the time we get to the theatre.

a. have started

b. will start

c. will be starting

d. will have started

 d

49. I'm sure he was ............... lies!

a. telling

b. making

c. doing

d. saying

 a

50. He asked me what the ............ of the explosion was.

a. source

b. cause

c. reaction

d. reason

 b

Test 60



a. break

b. sweater

c. bread

d. dread

--> a


a. health

b. length

c. thus

d. thumb

--> c


a. project

b. progress

c. provide

d. pronounce

--> b


a. pronounce

b. cough

c. amount

d. ground

--> b


a. hob

b. cob

c. comb

d. grab

--> c


a. prefer

b. better

c. labour

d. doctor

--> a

Find the mistakes

7. How about taking some time off, Jim? You were working too hard lately. Take

a short vacation.

a. about

b. some time off

c. were working

d. Take

--> c

8. Unless his candidate had won the election, he would be happy now.

a. Unless

b. had won

c. would be

d. now

--> a

9. Alfred’s eyes burned and his shoulders ached. He has been sitting at the

computer for 6 straight hours. Finally, he took a break.

a. burned

b. ached

c. has been sitting

d. took

--> c

Grammar and Vocabulary

10. My solicitor has advised ............. take legal action.

a. me to not

b. me not to

c. to me not to

d. me against to

 b

11. ....................... want to visit this part of the town.

a. The most tourists

b. Most of tourists

c. Most tourists

d. Most tourist

 c

12. I must go now. I promised ................................ late.

a. not being

b. not to be

c. to not be

d. not to being

 b

13. "One of these days there'll be a terrible accident on this corner." "I

.............................. !"

a. don't hope it

b. don't hope so

c. hope not

d. hope no

 c

14. Our teacher makes us ............. very hard.

a. to work

b. work

c. working

d. be work

 b

15. Children are made ............. their breath by the acrobat show.

a. hold

b. to hold

c. holding

d. held

 b

16. You have to let your children ............. their own way in the end.

a. to go

b. going

c. go

d. be going

 c

17. Jean gets very agitated if her daughter .................... her once a week.

a. doesn't ring

b. didn't ring

c. not ring

d. don't ring

 a

18. To be honest, whether he’ll come or not is anybody’s ............. .

a. guess

b. question

c. instinct

d. feeling

 a

19. I bought a ..................... for my mum when I visited Dalat.

a. recollection

b. reminiscence

c. souvenir

d. recall

 c

20. John asked me to marry him but I turned him ............. .

a. over

b. down

c. off

d. aside

 b

21. I separated the quarrelling children and gave each of them a sharp ............. .

a. punch

b. slap

c. poke

d. pinch

 b

22. She wasn’t offered the job by the manager because of her untidy ............ .

a. sight

b. appearance

c. presence

d. view

 b

23. While we’re on vacation, we always ............ lots of photos.

a. make

b. take

c. catch

d. do

 b

24. He told a ............. because he didn’t want to upset his mother.

a. good lie

b. kind lie

c. black lie

d. white lie

 d

25. Good luck at the interview, Fred, I hope you ........ the job.

a. got

b. get

c. have got

d. would get

 b

26. If you would like to wait a moment, sir, I will just ........... your file on the

computer screen.

a. pull down

b. call up

c. bring in

d. pick up

 b

27. When Grace returned home, he discovered ............. his horror that the pipes

had burst and the entire house was flooded.

a. to

b. of

c. at

d. by

 a

28. Before you sign the contract, ............. in mind that you won’t be able to

change anything later.

a. bear

b. hold

c. retain

d. reserve

 b

29. All my money is .............. up in the new car I have bought.

a. connected

b. trapped

c. tied

d. limited

 c

30. It was so hot that the ............. in the wood actually dried up last summer.

a. flood

b. bath

c. bowl

d. pond

 d

31. When my younger sister was a child she used to want to ........... to play the


a. know

b. learn

c. make

d. discover

 b

32. The building of the new bridge will …………. as planned.

a. go up

b. go ahead

c. go out

d. go on

 b

33. ................. I ask him for the money he owes me, he says he will bring it in a

few days, but I don’t think he has got it at all.

a. Whenever

b. However

c. Whatever

d. Wherever

 a

34. We must tell you about our ........... when we first arrived in Paris.

a. incidents

b. happenings

c. events

d. experience

 d

35. What a nice coat! And the color ............. you.

a. fits

b. matches

c. suits

d. shows

 c

36. The traffic in town was very ............ and I got home earlier than expected.

a. light

b. weak

c. little

d. few

 a

37. I was ........ to steal the camera when I saw it lying on the table.

a. attracted

b. tempted

c. dragged

d. brought

 b

38. She was furious after the argument she had had, and ........... out of the

house, slamming the door behind her.

a. stormed

b. staggered

c. trudged

d. hopped

 a

39. She was forced to get out of the city and had to ............ her children behind.

a. desert

b. leave

c. let

d. abandon

 b

40. We managed to survive a little boy from the burning car in the ............ of


a. tick

b. wink

c. nick

d. brink

 c

41. Mike seems very quiet, but it would be a mistake to ............. his intelligence.

a. devalue

b. depreciate

c. minimize

d. underrate

 d

42. Not only ............ visit Korea but they plan to stop off in the UK as well.

a. they plan to

b. they must

c. will they

d. are they paying

 c

43. Joseph had become ............ to scenes of human distress after many years

as a doctor.

a. experienced

b. hardened

c. expert

d. unemotional

 b

44. After the meeting, the staff went back to their .......... offices.

a. prospective

b. respected

c. respective

d. perspective

 c

45. Given the present economic situation, it ............ be best to wait before

making further wage demands.

a. seemed

b. should

c. might

d. ought

 b

46. Patricia couldn’t be present at the meeting as the date ............ with her


a. occurred

b. struck

c. opposed

d. clashed

 d

47. I’m going to the launderette because my washing machine has ...........

a. gone out

b. broken down

c. run down

d. worn out

 b

48. David was unhappy ............ his childhood.

a. while

b. for

c. during

d. as

 c

49. Stopping racial ......... simply by legislation is impossible.

a. tendency

b. prejudice

c. obsession

d. seclusion

 b

50. Have we any contingency plans to............. back on if this one fails?

a. fall

b. lean

c. turn

d. come

 a

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