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7 days ago

"Are you listening?" I ask after Cole falls silent for a bit and stops nodding along. He glanced up at me, and shook his head. Even though he was sitting opposite me I couldn't see him clearly thanks to the statue of Jesus smack in the middle of the dining table that my mother refuses to get rid of.

"Nope, sorry. Guess I must have zoned out again." He glanced up at the statue. "How can you people eat with him staring down at you?"

"I always sit as far away from the eyes as possible." I answered. "Anyway, back to your report-"

"Are you sure we should be talking about this out in the open?" He looked worried, like at any moment one of my family members would jump out from behind a piece of furniture and spew homophobia.

"It's fine, my parents know they aren't bringing me over to their brand of Catholicism anytime soon. They've given up on trying to get me to hate gay people, so far I don't become one." I snorted, knowing it might be a bit to late for that. "As if that's even how it works."

So that's how we spent the rest of our Saturday, piecing together reasons why Nick Carraway is gay while Jesus stared down at us in disappointment. But I was spending it with Cole, which meant it was almost perfect.

Aside from the fact that I couldn't just lean over the table and kiss him. I don't think he's appreciate that.


6 days ago

He poked at his black eye, wincing at the pain that caused. What else was the dumbass expecting?

"I still can't believe he hit you." I asked from my spot on his bed. I was still in my Sunday best, the tie around my neck felt like it was choking me so I loosened it. I don't know why I have to dress so formally for church. I don't think God would care. Jesus walked around in sandals for Christ's Sake.

"If it makes you feel any better I gave him a matching black eye, among other things." It does make me feel a little better.

"Normally I wouldn't condone violence but he kind of deserved it." I grinned, toying with the rosary that hung around my neck. "Why did he even hit you in the first place?"

"Told him something he didn't want to hear."

"Thank you, that was very enlightening." My voice dripped with sarcasm. "If you don't want to talk about it just say so."

"As if you'd even listen to that."

"True." I conceded. "Speaking of which, you still haven't told me who you're crushing on."

"'Crushing?' Did you suddenly regress back to twelve?" Cole looks up at me, brow raised in an arch. How does he do that, move his eyebrows independently I mean? I still can't manage it.

"Don't change the topic." I said, even as colour began to flood my face. Why do I always have to blush so easily? "Is it someone we know?"

"Yes, now stop asking questions. Aren't you supposed to be in church right now?"

"Yep, but I left early." I sighed, flopping down onto the bed. "We have a new priest. Turns out the last one, Father Mathew, needs 'spiritual help'." He said the last two words with finger air quotes.

"What does that even mean?" He asked as he flopped down onto the bed next to me. A part of me wanted to roll over and snuggle closer, I just ignored it though.

"It means he probably got caught with a kid or a nun." I answered, running my fingers through my golden hair. "They're bloody monsters sometimes, thinking of turning Protestant."

"I think your parents would just die."


Thanks to for your votes and words of encouragement. They are a real encouragement.

- I. Tamilore Onkọwe


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