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"So how long have the two of you been dating?"

I look up from my plate with a sigh. The four of us, Grandma Patty, Mom, Benji and I, are seated around the dining table, digging into our breakfast with relatively bland conversation till Grandma Patty decided to ask that question. "I don't know what your talking about."

"You know exactly what I mean." She rolled her eyes. "Who was the blond from last night?"

"A friend."

"Is that all?"

I have no fucking clue. "Yep."


"Mother, stop pestering him." My mother interrupted with a tired sigh.

"Fine." She huffed and went back to her bacon.

I shot my mom a grateful look and she sent me a small smile back. "You're telling me everything later." She whispered to me, before going back to her food.



"Are we dating?" I blurt out at the same time Fin asks: "Are we a couple?" At least I'm not the only one with that on my mind.

We're lying on my bed with his head on my chest. We were supposed to be finishing up my Literature report, so of course we were doing anything but that. It helped that I had a new way to distract him now.

"Do you want to be?" I asked then look up at him, meeting his big blue eyes. He's biting his bottom lip and I feel like leaning in and kissing him senseless. I shake it of, knowing if I do we'll forget this conversation.

"Yes." He nods, red starting to colour his face.

"Then I guess we are."


I stopped outside the music room, listening to the sounds of laughter and instruments weaving together expertly and trying to steel myself to enter.

"Will you quit stalling and open the door?" I look up at Fin, who's standing next to me, our hands intertwined.

Things hadn't changed between us much as I thought they would. There was just a lot more kissing and hand holding than before.

"What if they don't take me back?"

"Then they must be deaf for them to throw away talent."

"I'm not that good."


"You just think so because I wrote you song."

"Only little." He conceded. "Now open the door or I will."

"Fine, no need to be so pushy." I pushed the door open and stepped inside. Fin followed closely after me.

I don't think I've had this many eyes on me all at once in a while. Most people are staring at me now, frozen in the middle of playing their instruments as the piece shuddered to stop. Fin dropped my hand and my last bit of confidence went with him. I understood, Fin wasn't ready to be out.

The only people who seemed unfazed were Kimberly and Miss. Morrison, the music teacher. Kim sat perched on her stool, silver Piccolo held up to her face as she smirked at me with her blood red lips. I didn't tell her I was coming but she didn't seem surprised.


"Mr. Winters." Miss. Morrison nodded, lowering her violin from her chin. Her face was blank as ever. "I've been expecting you back, you took longer than I thought you would."


"See? It wasn't that bad." Fin said as he stabbed at his salad. We were at the dinner again, seating across each other in a booth. We were holding hands over the table, fingers intertwined. The whole seen looked and felt so cosy almost like a...

"...date." I blurt out. "Is this date?"

"I guess." He shrugs. "It would feel like I was trying to fake it if we tried to arrange something sappy."

"It just wouldn't feel like us." I agreed as the waitress dropped my burger in front of me. "Besides, I prefer spontaneity."

"Noted." He nodded. "So... are you coming for Charlotte's party?"

"I thought that was like two weeks ago?"

"When did I say that?"

"Two weeks ago you said the party was this Saturday."

He shook his head. "No. I said it was on a Saturday. I didn't know which one then." He shrugged. "Besides, it less like a party and more like an awkward gathering of family members I can barely stand. I just need you there so I have someone to hide in the attic with."

"Some things never change."


I'm writing part of this while I'm stuck in fellowship. Sunday are always the worst, being stuck in the pew, bored out of my mind and trying not to smell to much like an atheist.

I think one of the volunteer teachers might be on to me.

Anyway this chapter is shorter than the rest because I'm tired and busy. Plus the books almost finished and I'm already working on the sequel. It's called 'Feelings' and it's based on the Haley Kiyoko song of the same name. You're going to be seeing a hell of a lot more of Kimberly.

- I. Tamilore Onkọwe


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