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"See? That's how you make pancakes." I said as I set a stack of pancakes down in front of Fin. We were in the kitchen and had the whole house to ourselves since mum was out at work and Benji was at daycare.

Fin didn't speak, instead he just hummed quietly in response between bites. He's been quiet since this morning, not saying much of anything except to ask me for something to wear. He was still wearing one of my t-shirts and his jeans from yesterday, tugging at the shirt collar to pull it up since it was about a size to big for him.

"Are you okay?" I asked cautiously, not really used to talking to deeply about ugh, feelings.

"I'm fine." He said in a tone that conveyed the exact opposite.

"No you're not. What's wrong?"

"I'll be fine."

"That doesn't mean you can't still talk about it."

"Look who's talking."

"Hey. Just because I was an idiot doesn't mean you have to be. You're supposed to be the mature one remember?"

"You're older than me." Fin points out. "Besides, just because I didn't try and climb up a flagpole while I was high doesn't make me more mature. It just makes me normal."

"In my defense I did make it pretty far." Till I got halfway up and fell, ending up with a bruise the size of Kansas on my back. "Normal's boring anyway."

"You really scared me you know. I'm glad that's over."

"Me to. I'm gonna get a hot chocolate want one?" Fin nodded and I got busy making some. "You still haven't told me what's wrong. It's your parents right?"


"It's okay to be sad you know, anyone would be in your situation."

"I'm not sad, I'm just- fuck maybe I'm a little sad okay? But I'm mostly just angry." And just like that I knew I opened up a dam. "There's a part of me that feels like a naive idiot for even thinking they'd react differently. Can you imagine that? Feeling naive because I thought my parents would love me no matter what? God I'm such an idiot. They didn't even let me pack anything, just threw me onto the streets like I was an unwanted guest not their fucking son. I just..."

I settled down in front of him and let him vent, handing him his hot chocolate when it was done. It's better he gets all this stuff out of the way before he lets it eat up at him later.

"We should get all your stuff back from your place today." I say once he's done.  Fin looks up at me like I've lost my marbles, and a part of me thinks I have. I don't know why but it just felt right. If they're going to abandon him he might as well get his things.

"You're fucking insane."

"You can't keep walking around with no underwear. I mean it's kind of hot but you still need to get some of your own clothes." Not that I minded when he wore mine but I had a feeling getting his stuff would make him feel better, give him some kind of closure.

"There's no way in hell I'm doing that."


"How the fuck did you talk me into this?" Fin asks as we pull up in front of his house.

"I can be very persuasive when I want to be." I grinned then stepped out of the car.

He followed after me. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Nope, but that's never stopped me before."

"So do I just, knock on the door?"

"I've haven't exactly done this before, but yes." I shrugged. "Do it or I will."

"Maybe you should stay in the car?" I glanced up at him, brow raised. A few seconds ago he was terrified and suddenly he wanted to do this alone. "I'm not sure they'd react well to seeing you."

"What are you- oh...." I paused suddenly, realizing his parents might not be to happy to see the boy that 'turned' their son gay. "Fine I'll stay outside. Okay?"

He nodded and I walked back to the car and leaned on the hood. "Are you ready?"

He nodded then stepped in, not bothering to even knock, and I watched the boy I loved walk into uncertainty.


Hey don't mind me, just plugging some of my other works. Check out Falling Apart my new bxb and gxg novel on my profile or at this link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/156290347-falling-apart

P.s keep an eye out for the sequel to this book, Feelings (title under revision)

- I. Tamilore Onkọwe


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