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I really hate my mum's high society get parties. They were full of large portly men and their trophy wives, who were adorned with so much jewelry that it sort of screamed of insecurity. Like they felt the need to prove their wealth. The whole place reeked of old and new money mingling. I didn't get the difference, they were all still stuck up snobs.

"Cole, at least try and socialize." My mother pleaded as she smoothed out he sparkly blue mermaid tail dress. I was leaning up against one of the halls large pillars, scrolling through my phone and talking to Fin. Everything in this house smelled of old money.

"I still don't get why we're coming to this house of all places," I grumbled, tugging at my tie. I can't believe she trapped me in this monkey suit.

She sighed. "Look. I don't want to be here either but we have to-"

"-keep up appearances I know." I finished for her then wondered out loud. "But I don't get why I have to. They never even apologized properly."

"They sent Brian away and you didn't get hurt." She insisted but her voice faltered.

"I thought someone was out to kill us, mom." I hissed out, trying to keep my voice down.

"You're over exaggerating."

"He left a noose on our porch mom. I was barely thirteen." I fumed in my corner. "Not to mention the graffiti."

"I hate them too but-"

I groaned. "Fine, you want me to socialize? I'll socialize." I stood upright since I knew she was going to keep bothering me till I left.

"Thank you." She sighed. "I know you hate these parties but with the divorce, I need to prove that I'm perfectly fine without him, so these knuckleheads and their bored housewives won't start their gossip."

I didn't say anything and just nodded vaguely. I kind of understood, the people that came to these events were definitely the judgmental type. I just don't understand why she cared.

The Churchills, the people who were hosting the party, had an obscenely large mansion. Everything, from the furniture to the paintings that hung on the walls, looked like it was designed to make everyone else jealous. Our house wasn't nearly that big and our grandparents bought it for purely symbolic reasons. It used to be an old plantation house.

I stood by the punch table at the other end of the hall from before, pretending to listen to the daughter of some other rich family. I couldn't even remember her name. Most of the people here could probably rattle off not only her name but her family's net worth, the number of houses they had and whether or not they were new or old money.

My phone rang in my pocket and I used it as an excuse to escape, promising to be back in a few minutes. I almost felt bad for lying but at least I've done the socializing mum wanted. I left the hall where the other guests were in search of a quiet place. I ended up on the balcony, overlooking the empty gardens below. I could still hear the music from the party but at least it was quieter.

The balcony wasn't empty though, someone else was leaning against the guard rails. He was shorter, with light brown hair. I couldn't see his face.

"Hi." He bolted upright at the sound of my voice, whipping around to show emerald green eyes and delicate features. Cute. "Sorry to startle you. Do you mind if I make a call?" My phone had stopped ringing ages ago but I still needed to call back, it was probably Fin.

"No, I don't. Go ahead."


The phone rung for a few seconds before Fin picked up. "Hey." He sounded sleepy like he'd just woken up. I could already imagine how he looked now, golden hair ruffled angelically.

"Hi, you called?"

"Right, I was supposed to call earlier and I forgot." He yawned and I chuckled lightly at the sound. "My parents are having some get together thing for Charlotte's on Saturday. Want to come?"

Yes. But I'm not sure if I wanted to come to a party for Charlotte, Fin's sister. I kind of hated her. She always stuck her nose up at me and my music, plus she had this idea in her head that I had a crush on her. Apparently, because I came over to their house so often she assumed it was for her. It would almost be worth coming out to see the look on her face when she realized I was after a very different Snow's ass.


"Sure. What's it for?" As far as I know, it wasn't her birthday.

"She got accepted into UCLA."

"They wanted her?" I joked. "I know she gets good grades but I still thought they had standards."

"I'm surprised too. Just glad to get her out of the house finally." She's been taking a break year between high school and university.

"How long do you think she'll last before they send her back?"

"I'm hoping she lasts a while so she'll stay there."

"One can dream." We both stayed silent for a few moments before bursting into laughter.

We went back and forth like that for a bit, laughing at each other's jokes. Fin was more than just good looking, he was kind and funny too. He made me feel wanted, just not in the way I wanted him to want me if that made any sense.

"Well Bye. I need to get some sleep, I have an early day tomorrow." He yawned again, much louder this time. "Need to finish up a piece I've been procrastinating on." Fin worked in the school newspaper, it wasn't unusual for him to come to school an hour or two early to finish something up.

"All right, see you tomorrow?"

"Definitely." I could almost hear him smiling through the speakers.

He cut off, no doubt collapsing into bed almost immediately, and I leaned against the guard rails. I wasn't ready to get back to the party just yet.

"Was that your girlfriend or something?"

I looked up, mildly startled at the sound of the green-eyed boy's voice. I recovered quickly and shook my head. "Definitely not."

"Oh, you just sounded kind of... loved up. Are you sure you don't want her to be?"

Definitely. "I don't think he'd appreciate that."

"Oh, it's like that huh." I bristled a bit, realizing I hadn't denied anything on my part. What if this guy turned out to be a huge homophobe? Not that I was really scared, he was tiny I could definitely fight him off. I just really didn't feel like dealing with that shit right now. "Let me guess. It's the classic 'I'm in love with my straight best friend' storyline is it?"

I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. "Yes, very unoriginal isn't it?" I smiled slightly, it was kind of funny.

"I think I've read a million stories like that, although the best friend usually ends up not being as 'straight' as he thought? Are you sure yours is?"

"Even if he was I wouldn't dare, I don't want to ruin things if it doesn't work out." Lies. If I thought he was gay I would have jumped his bones by now.

He didn't seem to believe me either. "Sure lover boy, keep telling yourself that." He stood upright, straightened out his suit then glanced at his watch. "Whoops, it's time for me to go. Before I leave though, name's Luka. Yours?"


"Well, see you later Cole." He started walking towards the exit and back into the party but stopped right in front me. He slipped something into my suit pocket, grinning slightly like a cat. "Call me if you need help forgetting." Then he left, walking past me with a sway in his hips.

Well, that was interesting.

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