The Final Non-Chapter... probably.

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Hey, guys. Thank you so, so much for reading so far and thanks for all your votes an comments. I really appreciate it.

Now, if you like this book, specifically lgbt+ fiction I definitely recommend cripticCrow  's works like:

Impossible Boy

This is a love story. This is a book of poems. This is... something, and I'm not sure what.This tale was born in a dark blue spiral notebook, in August 2015. It's aged with me, through the lightest and darkest points of my life. It will likely never be completed, and that's for the best.

Sara Norman

On her 18th birthday, Aviva Norman gets shocking news that explains so much about her: she's only half human. 
The only problem? Her mother, Sara Norman, doesn't exactly know what the other half is.

On a Monarch's Wings

On October 25th, two life-changing events happened at the exact same time:

Marisol came out, finally becoming Ahote - the boy he was always meant to be. Nina booked the final tour date in her band's journey across the southern USA.

Ahote was kicked out of his home. With nobody else to turn to, he contacted his best friend Nina, hoping to live with her for a while. Instead of sleeping on her couch, he's sleeping in the band's RV, going on a trip to Santa Cruz, and leaving behind everything he thought he ever knew. 

《some foul language included.》

《slight transphobia in chapter 1.》

A Study in Scarlet: The Story of Watson and Holmes

Doctor John Watson has returned to London after being injured at war. His friend helps him find lodging with Sherlock Holmes - a mysterious yet remarkable man. John quickly gets caught up in Sherlock's life as a "consulting detective" and becomes his sidekick in solving a strange murder case, going from Sherlock's flatmate to partner in less than a week, with the potential to become even more.

"It's a lot gayer than the original." - my little brother

[[This is my own retelling of Doyle's original Sherlock Holmes works. The characters and storyline do not belong to me, but my words and artistic choices do.]]

A Study in Scarlet: The Story of Watson and Holmes is definitely my favourite.

Also check out my other books:

17 again.

Cole Winters isn't a bad kid. Not really. He's just going through some stuff.

Plus he just doesn't care anymore. Not about life and especially not about school.

His enabling friends and family trouble, among other things, aren't exactly helping matters either.

But after breaking one rule to many he's been chucked in the guidance counselors office with Mr. Green, who seems determined to get him to care again.


Nickolas' knew he was gay since he was 12 but growing up in a small town meant he learned to hide things like that. So he hid from the world.

Five years later, after two confessions from friends with two very different results, one forced outing, one failed relationship and an escape from an abusive household Nickolas is finally free. What's more his not a small town boy anymore, he's living in LA far away from his old life.

- I. Tamilore Onkọwe


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