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A week have pass now....(YN) isn't himself somehow..after the days he has spent with each of the girls with...he's felt that he's close to them...but then again...he somehow felt...not good about it...not cause of what he's and the girls have done's more than that...he felt like if they won't avocet him the way he feels to them all at the same the heights alliance, (YN) was sitting at the sofa, as he's been thinking a lot lately in his mind...about the girls...

(YN) Mind: Shit...I should have thought about this through earlier...and is a problem. How am I suppose to tell this to the girls??? How would they even feel about it?? I don't wanna tell them right now, no...I don't to. I just don't wanna make them feel weird and think that I-

Izuku: (YN).

(YN): O-Oh, hey Izuku, what's up?

Izuku: You okay? Couldn't help notice you looking a bit down.

Iida: And you seem like something is bothering you, is there something we can do to help??

(YN): Oh, no it's alright you two, thank you either way but, this is kinda personal to me...

Izuku: Oh, okay then, well we're here for you for anything.

Iida: Definitely.

(YN): Thanks.

Izuku and Iida left (YN) alone and giving him some time off...

Kirashima: Hey, is (YN) okay??

Iida: Well it seems like he is, but then again we can tell something is bothering him, but we must let him give some time off.

Sero: Man, wonder what's bothering him.

Back with (YN), he kept on thinking about the girls, he still is worried about the reaction they'll have he confess them...

(YN): It's not gonna work...besides, it's my fault for not thinking about it at the first place, instead, I had to-

Mina: Hey (YN)!

Suddenly, Mina appeared and sat down next to him and getting real close to him..

(YN): Mina...

Mina: How's it going?

(YN): It's...going okay, how about you?

Mina: It's going good! Hehe, well this day will go better, when I got something to tell you.

(YN): ...What is it?

Mina: (YN)...I think I-

Jiro: Yo (YN)! Hey Mina.

Jiro appeared as well and sat down next to him...

(YN): Oh, hey Jiro..

Jiro: Seems like you're relaxing here, you don't mind if I join ya?

(YN): W-Well...

Mina: Hey Jiro, I was sitting next to him first, he even likes it when I'm sitting with him, don't you (YN)?

(YN): I mean-

Jiro: Oh come on Mina, don't be such a greedy one, besides he's more comfortable sitting with me, don't you (YN)??

(YN): Look-

Ochaco: Oh (YN)! So happy to see you!

(YN) Mind: Oh no...don't tell had to be this soon...

Ochaco appeared as well as he then sits between Mina and (YN) and sat next to him...

Ochaco: So, how's you're day going?

Mina: Ochaco! I was sitting next to him!

Ochaco: Heh, Sorry Mina, but you could've say something right when I sat down.

(YN): Listen you three, I've been-

Momo: Oh (YN)! It's so pleasing to see you!

Momo also appeared and yet to get behind (YN) and wrap her arms around him...

Momo: You seem tired, but don't you worry, I'll make you some nice hot tea to make you feel more relax.

(YN): I really appreciated Momo, but-

Tsuyu/Toru: (YN)!

(YN) Mind: Oh come on...

Tsuyu and Toru appeared as well...

Tsuyu: Say (YN)! There's gonna be a festival going on at the city! I was wondering if you wanna come with me, Ribbit!

Toru: You?! But I thought we agree to take him togther Tsu!

Tsuyu: Sorry heh, but I don't keep promises, Ribbit.

Toru: Tsu!!

Mina: What?! No way! (YN) wants to be with me, don't you (YN)?

Ochaco: What??! No, he wants to be with me, right (YN)?

Momo; What? You girls are being ridiculous! Surely he wants to be with me, knowing I'll make some good tea together!

Jiro: No way! He's more comfortable with me!

The girls began to argue around (YN), and thinking that he wants to be with them, but didn't even think of how he actually feels...even the boys were watching everything...

Sero: Dude, what's up with the girls??

Kaminari: He's making (YN) feel...uncomfortable.

Mineta: Lucky bastard-Mph!

Sero tapes Minetas mouth...

Sero: Dude, not the time, this is serious, he looks really upsets about it.

Izuku: Yea, wonder what is it about.

Back with the girls, they kept on arguing and arguing over (YN)....and then...(YN) couldn't take it no more, he just don't know what to do now that he has the girls around him...and doesn't even want to even tell them about how he feels each from them...

(YN): ENOUGH!!!!

He stood up with a loud yell, startling the girls, even the boys...

Momo: (YN)...are you alright??

Ochaco: If it is, maybe I can-

(YN): No! Please,!

Jiro: Wh-What do you mean-?

(YN): I just...can't do it! I can't even say what I wanna say'll just upset you all and make you girls feel...weird and uncomfortable about it! I just can't do it! And you girls are just making it hard for me by acting really ridiculous about it!

Tsuyu: T-Tell us..what??

Mina: What you mean??

(YN) looks down...with an upset look, and didn't bothering looking at the girls at all...all he did...was turn around...and respond...

(YN): You girls won't really difficult for me to even explain it and even tell it to you all at the same not fight anymore, I don't like it when you all fight and argue...and...I need sometime to please...

(YN) then walks away o his dorm...and the boys looking at him...and some of them started following him to check up on him....and the girls looked at each other, and they try to go and check up on him as well, but Iida stops them...

Iida: Girls, I'm sorry, but it would seem you all maybe the reason why he seems bothered.

Mina: We didn't mean to make him feel that way, we just wanna know what is it and can figure it out!

Toru: Yeah, we wanna help-

Iida: No, apologies again, but you girls must leave him've done too much.

Iida then goes and checks up to him...and as for the girls...they all felt...real bad, they don't know what they did to make (YN) upset, but by the looks of it, it does...and they know what made him upset and sad...

Ochaco: Do you girls...think we...took it too far?

Momo: Perhaps we the looks of it...

Mina: ...Man...I feel so bad for him, and feel stupid the fact I brought up the idea...

Jiro: It's not just you Mina....we all were in it, and we  oppress it too much to him...

Toru: ..I really feel dumb about it...

Tsuyu: We all do...

Ochaco: I guess we did it wrong then?

Momo: I guess you think...he'll ever forgive us..??

Jiro: ...I-I don't know...


Later that day, it was night already, the boys check up on (YN)..and seem okay, for now...h was in his dorm, laying on his bed looking at the ceiling....still not feeling good about earlier with the girls....then, he looks at his phone...and to see the message from the girls he got...that each of them apologize for their behavior they acted earlier around him...and then, he puts his phone down...

(YN): *sighs* ...Wonder how they feel if I tell them that I have feelings for them at the same time...find out sooner I guess..


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