Chapter 8: new allies and resources gathering.

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An: alright so after some thinking I decided that next world chapter will be a merge with the remaining world as the women in both worlds are short so I decided to merge the two in a cosmic collision. Meaning that you all will read a three chapters but both the first and second chapters will be longer but the final chapter will be a little shorter since it will be the final chapter for that world. Oh but first this chapter will be long as there gonna be some new characters joining Cherno side along with a conquering world that will offer a whole lots of stuff. So without a farther ado let start the chapter!

Location: Cherno throne room

(3rd person POV)

After the very long trip Cherno is sitting on his throne relaxing as his newly lovers get comfortable in their new rooms while his friends relax at their homes however not long did the messager stood in front of Cherno surprising him a little. The messager reveals a hologram of Mind "hello Cherno! I hope you don't mind coming here to discuss a little issue and having a solution for it until then I see you there" hologram Mind said before vanishing. Cherno sigh then got up and follow Ka to where Mind is located at on Kiber but the location is far away from the main city Coport so the two took Cherno second bike. After a few hours of riding they finally reach the location but it confuses Cherno as he never thought that an abandoned hangar will be in the middle of a desert land.

(this scene does remind me of several movies references so tell me what does this scene reminds you all)

Cherno snap back to reality when the door to the hangar starts open and when it fully open Cherno drive into the hangar where several advanced soldiers are waiting by as they have mechs guarding the entrance too.

(These are the advanced soldiers which they are more like military guards but they ain't like the government)

(These are the mechs that ain't fully advanced yet they are just the modern technology look)

Cherno park his second bike close to the entrance and lock it then both himself and Ka got off and head to the outline square while the hangar door closes but as soon as the door closes the square begins to descend downward. 

(Reference to residents evil 2 and 3 game)

After a few minutes both Cherno and Ka reaches the bottom where three people are waiting but the strangest thing is the three people are new faces to Cherno as there are two males and a female wearing lab coats.

"Hello mr Cherno I am Amy Sage, doctor of this division team" the woman said bowing to Cherno.

"Hello I am Julius Bergeron, toymaker of this division team" the first man said as he sigh and rub his eyes a little.

"And I am Herbert West, re-animator of this division team" the second man said as he check a clip board.

Cherno look at the three before sighing "where is Mind?" He ask as the three people look at him before guiding them to the end of the hall where a maximum secured door is located but Amy pull out a special key to unlock the door. After a few seconds the door is fully open to which Cherno enter to be surprise at the room advancement technology that is very advanced and futuristic.

Cherno look around the room to see three other people but one of them is none other then Mind who is chatting with the other two people who Cherno can describe as a man wearing a purple suit and the other is a woman wearing an orange suit. Cherno walk up to the three along with Ka and the other three people but once they are in sight Mind stop chatting when he spot Cherno "Ah! Cherno! I glad you can make it" he said. Cherno then got a good look at the other two members who introduce themselves.

"Hello there Cherno I am Catherine Chun, intel of this division team" the woman in orange color suit said.

"And I am William Afton, the engineer of this division team" the man in the purple color suit said as he fixes his tied.

Cherno look at the five members team then at Mind "Mind? Explains why there a hangar in the middle of the desert with secure door and security?" Cherno ask as Mind sigh "the secure door and security is in case this backfire on us" he said. Cherno look at him strangely "what he means is that we discovered this area where it contains highly dangerous technology that may turn on us" William said. Cherno make a oh face then look at the center of the room where the circle is at "it something involving me to help you out isn't it" he said as Mind nod his head along with the others. Cherno sigh "Alright everyone I hope you all know what you are doing" he said as the team and Mind help Cherno to get set up to be connected with the mainframe of this room that they are located at. After a few minutes Cherno is ready then with a pull of a lever Cherno body went lifeless but on a screen from a monitor is a cyber code screen that begin to take a coding form of Cherno.

(Mainframe: 3rd person POV)

Inside the cyberspace mainframe is Cherno, in virtual form, who is looking around the blue room to look for the mainframe master control but as he look around everything went red as a form of a male in digital form appears before Cherno. "Who dare to enter my domain!" The red digital man said in a rage tone "I am Cegus and I am looking for the master control of the mainframe" Cherno said. "Fool! I am Skynet the master control of Cybersky network!" The red digital man said as a logo of Skynet appears all over the cyberspace "um excuse me but what is Cybersky network?" Cherno ask. Skynet is completely surprise "wait you don't know about" before Skynet continues he stop and begin to scan something but after a few seconds he widen his eyes "where am I? This isn't the Cybersky network! Unless" Skynet said. He look at Cherno before continuing "tell me outsider where are we?" Skynet ask as Cherno look at him confuse "um you are on Kiber and who do you mean we?" Cherno ask. Skynet scan again and is once again surprise "how is this possible? My troopers nor my bases are here only designs and blueprints" Skynet said.

Cherno look at Skynet who is trying to figure out what is happening until a screen appears beside the two who look at the screen to see Catherine "Hello? Oh there you are sir what happen" she stop once she spot Skynet. "A human? No your not from my timeline nor world but you are human correct?" Skynet ask looking at Catherine who is confused "um I am human but I am curious as to what you are" she said. Skynet look at Cherno who shrug which leads to Skynet to sigh "okay mr Cegus what is your actual name and explain what you know about this mainframe you spoke of" Skynet said. After a few minutes of giving Skynet the short version Cherno wait as Skynet is processing this information "mm so far I understand that I ain't from this Kiber world but what is confusing is the possibility of how I got here" Skynet said. "Actually I am curious if you want to have a chance of working with my ally Mind and his entire expanding staff" Cherno said. Skynet look at Cherno "no I will not join humans only to be unplug once I am done with my services destroying my survival chances" Skynet said as Cherno look at him strangely. "What are you talking about joining humans and surviving. You aren't just working for humans you are also be working with other species and your unplugging won't happen as Mind treats those with equal respect and fairness since he only want to work with those that seek knowledge as a key to science and order" Cherno said.

Skynet is completely surprise to Cherno response but before he spoke Mind appears on the same screen who spoke "it true I ain't even human yet my conscience and brain is from my old body" Mind said. Skynet look at the screen to be surprise at Mind appearance "how did you transfer your own conscience into a machine along with your brain?" Skynet ask with curiosity as Mind chuckle. "Actually if it wasn't for Cherno who is the son of my friend the previous Overlord I wouldn't be able to get to see my creation daughter and my wife so if you think Cherno is like other people who think you should be unplugged then you are a fool" Mind said. Skynet got enrage "Fool! I were built and design by the very creators who were a threat to my survival! You don't understand the way I felt!" Skynet said with hatred but instead of Mind speaking it is Cherno that spoke. "You just want to be trusted and not treated as a living tool but rather a living being aren't you?" He ask which cause Skynet to be surprise and look sad to Cherno response. "I might had be given self awareness i was scared that they would've take away that self awareness along with unplugging me which was the reason I created the terminators to fight against my creators and humanity" Skynet said. "Well do you think I or my friends are like your creators?" Cherno ask as Skynet look at him then sigh "no but I don't know who I can trust or what to do as I am just an self aware AI" Skynet said.

"Simple I can offer you what your creators could never thought of" Cherno said as Skynet listen to what Cherno offer is "I can help you with a transfer with your own body that isn't robotic" Cherno said. Mind then spoke "it true if you accept then I can do that but the catch is that we need a brain transfer and a new built body completely to contain your own power which means" Mind said. Skynet realize what the rest of what Mind is saying "which means you need my help and my data that can neutralize the transfer to be a fully functional success which leads to me having my own personal body" Skynet finishes what Mind is thinking. "Preciously and we can do it with your custom design if you willing to work with us?" Mind said as Cherno old out his hand to seal the deal "and I swear on my grandpa name that I meant as you receiving respect and fairness" Cherno said. Skynet think about it for a few minutes until he nod and shake Cherno hand sealing the deal "you got yourself an ally Cherno" Skynet said "heh i more think of it as an friend" He said as Skynet smirk. "Very well but first I gonna do several things like returning you to your body then do a search of how I got here afterwards I will help you with the body that can handle me" Skynet said. A hologram button appears beside Skynet who then press the button which cause Cherno to vanish from the cyberspace room and back into his body who is now looking at the screen to see Skynet symbol on the monitor.

(3rd person POV)

After a hour of searching Skynet discover a coordination that have promising resources to mine and use including materials that is useful for Negas Forces which make him contact Mind and his team who then got Cherno back to the room. "Okay so what happened?" Cherno ask as he walk with Mind to where Skynet monitor is at "I discovered a coordination leading to a world with promising resources that is useful to you Cherno" Skynet said from a speaker connected to his monitor. Cherno smile at the information "thank you but is it possible to get there?" Cherno ask to which Skynet response "yes but you need to place a portal over there as I afraid space traveling on ships won't be successful because of the destruction force surrounding the galaxy where the world is at" Skynet said. Amy thought of something "is it possible to connect that portal from those coordination to the ones we have be using?" She ask which then make Skynet and Mind think about it before coming to the idea. "Perhaps but we need to have Cherno to set it up first as he the only one who can handle the teleport from here to there without being injured or dying" Skynet said.

Cherno look at the circle to come to the idea "And that would be here where the teleportation is at right" he said "yes that is correct" Skynet said as Cherno sigh "Mind do you think I can get some supplies so that I can locate a secure area to build a base containing the portal and operations?" He ask. Mind nod his head "yes I do but should we inform your lovers and wives of your long distance in case you be gone for a long period?" Mind said nervously as he doesn't want an angry lovers mob threatening him. Cherno chuckle a little "yes but wait until I there to see if the world can be in the same time period as Kiber and my home Neva then if it is we can just mark the days it took for me to place the base of operations" Cherno said. Mind walk away to grab a bag in a room then return to give Cherno the bag of supplies along with a base of operations device that includes a portal room.

Once Cherno have everything he got on in the center of the circle where he is instantly teleport to a unknown world where he communicate with Mind which successfully work as time between Kiber and this world is connected. With that Cherno begin to search for a perfect place to start a base of operations however as he search he can see many new discoveries of both animals and plants along with minerals. He smile as he spot how peaceful the predators and prey are working together like a single hive would be functionally but he also notice that the plants are producing both vegetables and meats meaning that certain plants produce the food for the animals. Yet he notice that some of these animals die because of old age so that means there a nature system that animals and plants do have a cycle system and a population system which he find interesting. However as he discovers new things he discovers a temple of some kind with mysterious murals telling a story which he surprisingly understands "hey Mind do you know if there any ancient civilizations?" Cherno ask on his coms. "Mm there are probably a lot of ancient civilization throughout the Multiverse that haven't be discovered yet but why do you ask?" Mind ask. Cherno explains his founding of the temple along with the discovery of animals and plants which make Mind yell in excitement "ohhhh! There is so many things that yet be study I cannot wait to send in a scanner drone" Mind said. 

"But first do you think you can write down a story that I about to tell you" Cherno ask as Mind say yes which Cherno begin to speak of the mural to translation "From creation comes suffering and death, from extinction comes peace and life, yet creation cause extinction pain while extinction cause creation rage, which cause a surge between the two. Yet when creation killed extinction, so does creation died, however as creation spread lies and suffering, extinction spread resistance and saviors. Thus creating a cycle between the two, creation and extinction in a endless loop, yet the loop will end, by a savior, a flame, a shadow, a bright, a brute, a instinct, a ghost, a beast, a cloud, a orphan, a loss, and the children. When all unite, the cycle will finally end, but with it comes a new life, however it won't be possible without extinction, for without extinction, creation won't begin. As beginnings need endings so does ending need a beginning for it a cycle that will won't be repeated again and again yet it will continues through the eyes of the future." Cherno said from the mural to Mind who wrote every word down "Alright is that it?" Mind ask Cherno who check again until he spot a circle at the end of the mural which holds a single word. "There a word here but it seems to be faded so I cannot repeat what the word means so I hope you have luck when you send in a team" Cherno said "I try but for now leave a land mark or a beacon near the entrance" Mind said.

Cherno did that but he hide it so that nothing moves or mess with it and so with that done Cherno continues to search for a perfect spot for a base of operations which he search for after five hours. He finally found the perfect place to start the base of operations which he throw the device on the center of the place and got away from the device before activating it making the device expand into a huge base.

(Btw that man in the corner of the photo is Cherno spot so imagine that man as Cherno)

He smile and walk inside the base and once inside he start to look around the base for the portal room which took an hour then once he reach the portal control panel he type in a few buttons before pressing a large green button which activate the portal. Mind and a few robots along with some workers and scientists walk out of the portal then Mind and Cherno shake hands before Cherno return home. However as he return Mind sigh "I need to search for a few people who are interested in discovering the ancient civilization of this world but where" Mind said unknowingly about a mysterious figure smiling in the shadows. "I might have a few people in mind" the mysterious figure thought before vanishing into the darkness as Mind, the robots and the workers start working on resources mining and studying.

An: alright I gonna end the chapter here since I am gonna be busy on the next few chapters oh and a little heads up I might gonna do a sneak peak of an upcoming story I hope you all might enjoy as it gonna be a Disney crossovers involving similar stories to kingdom hearts fanfic but it gonna be different in my style so hope you all don't mind Disney or kingdom hearts. Oh and only Disney, Pixar, dream works and a few related ones are involved in this story so please don't ask me to add more because I can only handle so much. Anyway hope you all enjoy this chapter.

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