Enemies, neutral, And companions

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An: alright so here is four companies with the mysterious Greyson and a couple of villains who will appear in the next chapters along with Matthew and the heaven boss however the rest of the Tokyo villains will be in the next

Neutral party:


He is a member of the outcast characters and a man who is friends to the Shadowy man and Light woman but he is call Greyson for he is both and neither of light and darkness.


Warp: he can warp to any place without being sense by anyone nor anything except for the ones that are primaries which is like the titans and Apophis or that monster imprison.

Scales: he can judge a person energy magic to see if they uses it for good or evil but the catch is if the person uses it for evil it will remove all magic and power from that person but if that person uses it for good it will give them a booster item to increase anything they uses.

Eraser: a technique that uses on his blade to increase it energy to have a glowing plasma effect that will cut into the person very soul and separate every matter inside until the opponent is completely dissolves into nothingness.

Balancer: a technique that is use on unbalanced energy which can restore the unbalanced into balance energy.




Chains daggers

Chains knives



Weapons: sword and iron knuckles

Job: shield maiden and a defender.

Likes: Cherno (he save her when she nearly die because of hunger at a young age) Clay, babies, animals, and certain monsters

Dislikes: Rapist, women who are men 'prize' and when monsters are brutal to women.

Family: none for her parents were kill when she was five by knights and nearly die from hunger if it wasn't for Cherno and Clay when they were young.


Weapons: Battle axe and a rope which is made out of strong and powerful leather.

Job: viking and a tamer.

Likes: Cherno (he save her from being killed by knights as they were racist against tribal people), bears, orcs, and saving women.

Dislikes: being call anything that describes her as a hoe, racists, male who are only interested in sex.

Family: none for her tribe were nearly all be capture except for a few including herself and a few kids but her parents were killed by the attackers.


Weapons: claws and a smooth yet sharp dagger

Job: assassin and spy

Likes: Cherno (he save him when he were being hunted so he look him up as a brother) Strong women, dogs, and ravens.

Dislikes: hunters that are selfish, rapist, and betrayal people.

Family: none for his family were killed by hunters that were after a bounty on his family head but thankful he have his pet raven as they were save by Cherno.


Weapons: sword that look like a cane and a dagger.

Job: armory and tracker.

Likes: Cherno (he and Cherno became friends fast thanks to a counter during a bar fight involving some drunk knights and some soldiers) pit bulls, eagles, and a good fight.

Dislikes: drunk men, women who are bitches, and male who are rapists.

Family: daughter name Peaches who is name by a code word after her mother death by the hands of robbers. He stay in Winterredge thanks to Cherno and even help Mat with a helper who is a young female orc that is sweet and lovely to children since she babysat babies from other species before.

Enemies from Tokyo kingdom:

Edwin Black


(Yes I know he isn't a villain in the original but gone damn it he is just a puppet and a jerk so he will be the first person to die by Cherno hands)






Enemies from Birsha empire:


The right hand woman that work for Smith and no one else as he the one to show her that even women are more than meet the eye of those who underestimate them as breeding stock.


Anti lust: a magic that will cause any gender to not get hard nor wet even the person themselves don't find interest in having sex. (Hence the title woman of the uninterested)



Cane rifle

Hidden dagger.

Boss Polar

He is one of Birsha general who is name the Winter bear which also leads the army of frosts while he finds Smith a good friend since they both have each other backs.


Blizzard storm: he can storm a blizzard over the entire land and let it run it course for a day before vanishing leaving a large snowy bio in the once grassy field.

Iceberg: he can create a armor of deep ice which is so hard it is a similar material as titanium but the ice can be destroyed it just take a lot of swings.


 great heavy sword 

light sturdy sword.


The scientist that is in charge of the whole science department of the empire that Birsha controls however the scientist is a man of pure horror creating armies, armors and weapons for the empire.


Creative liquid: a liquid that can be mold into anything the scientist desire while it also be useful as can become one with the suit that he is wearing which can mold into any protection he desire.

Ravenous: a form where he can become a monstrous raven which have strength like a titan and might like Thor.




Mysterious device.

Enemies from the gods:


The newly ruler of heaven and eldest son of Zeus. He became cruel and serious while bossy too but he wasn't like that before he became the new ruler so he suddenly became a bossy leader of the gods.


Lighting: his lighting is deadly and fast yet he need a few minutes before using it again as this lighting isn't like those his father have summon against the titans.

Godly might: his strength is strong and powerful making him hit like a mini titan.



Lighting bolt a literally lighting bolt (from Hercules if you don't know)

Sword with a similar sharpness to that as a bolt of lighting.


The second oldest son of Zeus. He became a perv like his father yet he have aggressive tamper to which he destroy or kill anyone or anything to the point of pure rage. However he became a lustrous man chasing after a certain woman body who name is Freyja but what will his reaction to her being married to a mortal will certainly make him enrage.


Shapeshifter: can be any of three animals; a eagle, a bull and a horse.

Thunder clap: he can create a powerful lighting  wave by just using his hands at smacking them together.

Winds: he can create a gust of winds and summon a windy storm.



Battle axe


An: okay I see there is a little more than I thought so I gonna create another part to this one so if you see part 2 it this but with a list of name women who will join Cherno harem because if I continue with using photos it gonna reach the limit by part 2 so I hope you all enjoy this list everyone.

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