FoEaD Chapter 2: broadcast and creation.

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Summary: Cherno has be able to get five women of the harem and claim five places. During his conquest of the Kyonyuu world he has be fighting some Oulos wolves along with the newest set Oulos bats. So far he hasn't found information about this boss that gave Vult and Edwin those powers however he does see a pattern involving the mini Oulos of wolves and bats. But at the moment he is busy banging the five women.

An: i let you all choose the first five women as I am interested of hearing your thoughts but anyway let continue the story.

Location: multiple worlds with monsters, aliens, demons, robots, etc.

Thought out the entire Multiverse where monsters, aliens, demons, robots, and etc all live they all heard a static coming from multiple devices but the thing is only they can hear the static causing nearly all of them to see and heard a static they thought was a myth. Suddenly the static became music which turns into a legend voice that sings which cause many females to faint while males are pump for his announcement.

As soon as the music end he spoke the legendary Host Master "hello my graceful and gorgeous listeners and viewers! Today is a special day for the return of the show that be gone for a dang long time!" AG said. Many of the viewers and listeners all roar and cheer but they went silent as AG continues "And as a surprise for everyone I have my lovely assistant at standby for everyone who wants to be contestants for the return of! *drumroll playing* Tournament Action Battle Live Show! Or in short TABLE!" AG said. "However you all must wait until the next update so for now get yourselves ready because your all gonna see me very soon till next time my fellow viewers and listeners! This is your wonderful speaker the Host Master signing off!" AG said. All the devices end the communication and everyone is getting themselves all ready for the surprise their legend spoke of.

Location: AG space station.

AG end the feed then he got up and head towards the bridge controls where he turn on a screen which show a massive stage inside a dome "good no dust nor damages since my long absent" AG said. Another screen turn on as it show Reta his assistant on the screen giving him a salute "Lord Mic! The ratings and comments were low but suddenly a massive spike causes every ratings and comments to rise though the roof" she said showing AG the graph and comments. AG smile a lot as he jump again "Boom Baby! This is how I roll! It good to be get so many of my adoring viewers and listeners to enjoy my comeback!" He said. "So does that mean you want me to get the machine ready for all of them sir?" She ask as AG smirk then he snap his fingers which cause him to change into a ringmaster theme.

"Yes my wonderful assistant Reta! And get ready for the comeback of the century!" He said and turn off the screen before walking to the area where the stage is located at "because I am gonna give the audience a show they will remember!" He said.

Location: mysterious laboratory.

Inside the laboratory is the scientist Newton who is smiling at his lab still operational "it felt good to be back home but before I do and recreate the army of extinction and destruction I need to check on my beloved wife" he said. He walk towards a dark hallway where a secure door is at with a high level panel which he press buttons and a few security stages before the door finally open. However when he enter he look up to see a massive tank with a huge monster of some kind as it look inhuman which he smile at the tank as lights hit the tank waking up the monster inside.

"Hello love how did you slept?" He ask as the monster just stare at him but after a few seconds he chuckle "yeah I know it be a long time since we met but I was ... defeated by that bastard" he said clenching his hand into a fist. However he calm down and sigh "but thankfully our master have revived his second wife who restored me and the other five including Amzi" he said as the monster continues to stare. He chuckle again "yeah yeah don't be crying dear I haven't found a perfect body to finish your perfect form but I believe I have found a way of tracking one if you don't mind me taking a sample of your blood hun" he said. A few seconds later he smile and head to a slot on the tank before pulling out a syringe and push the needle into the slot which cause the monster to move a little. He draw in a purple blood from the slot then once it fill the syringe he pull out and close the slot while the monster rub against the tank a little "I know it was a little painful but it worth it of finally perfect your true form" he said.

He pick up a small empty bottle then he hook the syringe end into the bottle where he pour the purple blood into the bottle filling it up until the syringe is empty which he stop and unhook the bottle from the syringe. He hide the bottle into his coat while putting the syringe away "I return soon love but in the mid time" he push a button which open the top of the tank to open which leads into a mysterious portal into a world where lives (Leviathan 1989) crewmen. "Enjoy your feast" he said and walk out of the room as it fills up with screams of the crewmen (the ones who were killed) being devoured by his wife as the door closes behind him.He return to the main chamber where he stand in front of a mysterious tank fill with red liquid inside as he smile "good thing this stuff can be refilled with some *chuckle* blood of the sinners" he said.

He start to type some buttons and after he push the last button a pod appears above a mysterious machine however inside the pod is a man from (purge the election year) who is reveal as Caleb warrens. Caleb warrens suddenly woke up and look around confused until Newton spoke "ah the leader of the new founding fathers I suppose? You sure be a nasty and cruel murder" Newton said. "Who ever you are won't be able to get away of killing me!" CW said but Newton laugh before pointing down to which CW did and look confused at the machine "You ain't in your world sir so I suggest enjoy your last moment as you will be an fuel to keep running my machine" he said. Before the leader could ask the bottom pod open and Caleb fall into the machine which is a human size tank and as soon as Caleb enter the top closes and suddenly Caleb starts to scream in pain. We see Caleb being blended alive while Newton smile above the tank which is slowly starts to filled up with Caleb blood and bone dust which is being separated into two sections. After a few seconds the tank is full of Caleb blood minus the bone dust and gastric acid which is into another two tanks but smaller which contains the remaining bone dust and gastric acid of Caleb.

Newton smiling at the amount of blood pull a lever which cause the tank to be empty of blood and is being pump into the center tank where he is at which cause the red liquid to turn into a more crimson red color. As the now empty human sized tank is no longer full of blood but Newton he pull another lever which cause the bone dust and gastric acids to be drain and heads towards two containers which is starting to be filling up. Once the two containers are full Newton pick the two containers up "miss Nace please come here" he said which cause a small female droid to walk up pushing a flat cart.

She stop beside him with the cart which he set the containers on the cart before petting her head "thank you Nace now you need to bring those two to the the garden and the bio lab where they will soon appear" he said. Nace nod her head and push the cart with the containers towards the two locations while Newton put his hand on a wheel "now then let get this party started!" He said and spin the wheel.

Location: AG radio station

Music begin to play as AG walk onto the stage which he sings with a mysterious woman voice singing along.

As soon as he stand on the stage he is crying tears which he wipe them away before look to the empty seats "it time my dear to bring back the old days" he said and slam his bottom cane onto the floor which cause a bright light to fill the room. After a few seconds the light vanish and now standing before AG is a crowd of all his listeners and viewers who are cheering for him which cause him to smile. Lights came on to the stage where AG is standing as two screens came on which show his face "Hello! It is I! Your Host Master and this here is the TABLE stage where I will be staring on to announce the battles" he said into his microphone.

(This is just the reference for the stage image)

Everyone cheer and roar as AG chuckle "now audience this is just the warm up so all of you can come and goes as your heart desire for your the audience that has be just dying to see your Host Master back on the air!" He said. Many of them cheer more which AG hold his hand out which silence the crowd "yes yes but at the moment we ain't online so think of this as a welcome surprise for all of you" AG said. He chuckle and look at the crowd "but first thing first I am gonna see who the contesters are so all of you relax and wait for the feed you are all gonna see" he said as everyone cheer before he vanish into backstage. Everyone teleport back leaving AG backstage as he walk towards a room where a couple monitors are which are all offline but he push a single button which cause the monitors to come online. "Now then let see the contesters who want to enter while gathering some help as I cannot mange a entire station to myself" he said smiling but he frown.

"But how? I can't just hire or find unprofessional people nor get jerks who interested is getting pay. I need trust and skill people who is willing to help me run this station since it seems that every robot is completely destroyed. Must have happened decades ago" he said. He try thinking until a mysterious invite appears on one of the screens which he open and it seems that his luck is just starting. He smile as he open the video chat to talk to the person who can help him which reveals to be a robotic kid "hi! I am a huge fan of yours sir Host Master! I hope you don't mind having help from me and my friends who are also fans of yours" the kid said. AG laugh a little "heck yeah kid do I need help! You and your friends are more than welcome to come but bring only those who you trust since I need help running this station" AG said. He heard a group cheer as he see the kid clap his hands in joy "Alright! Hope you don't mind having teenagers and a child helping you" the kid said.

Location: mysterious room

Inside the room is massive yet there are several machines that are so organized that it would make any scientists jealous heck even employees that work at Walmart would be jealous as this room is just completely a freaking organize place. However the door to the exit open which reveals Newton who is holding a bag and set it against the side of the wall that is beside the door "it good to be back" he said. He flip a switch and all lights came on which reveals the entire room as it have all sorts of machines against the walls but also storage ranks against the walls too that is far from the machines which all hook towards a secured door. He smile before opening the bad and reveal a couple of the orbs from the throne room "alright you batch are the first to come back" he said.

He sigh as he have to gather every orb and put them all into storage, sure he got help from Amzi and the loyal pet but they were just too many orbs to revive which leads him to his laboratory where his most powerful invention is at. He smirk as he head towards a pipe which he dump the orb into before heading towards a rack filled with vials which he grab three then head towards a table where he pour the three liquids into the entrance.

As the three liquids mix he begin to head towards another rack which is fill with mini clay figures of certain deities which he look for one "ah here you are" he said and pick up a figure then he heads towards an machine. He open the slot and install the figure into the slot that he closes behind the figure before turning the wheel which starts to release steam causing the figure to be moving on a conveyor belt inside the machine.

He then walk towards another rack which is fill with large containers which he pick three and bring them towards another machine which he install them onto three slots then once he done that he smile. "Now then let begin the transfer" he said and pull a lever which cause the three containers to be lifted into the three glass tubes causing three liquids to pour into pipes towards the secure door.

He smile and heads towards a panel in the center of the room but when he got there he push a button causing a small pipe to be lower and onto the second step which was when he pour the three liquids into the chemistry set. As soon as the pipe connects to the large task he pull a lever which cause a massive reaction to all four areas, that he went to, to begin to all work in synchronized. He smile as he lift another lever which cause a reaction inside the secured door which is where everything is leading towards "it time for the final step" he said which he push a crimson red button. Suddenly back into the room with the red tank a reaction cause lighting to strike the tank causing it to boil and begin to release a small red vapor into a tube that leads towards a room. Behind the secured door red vapor begin to filled the seal room which contains the clay figure in the center of but now it be enlarged containing the orb like a heart while it connects to a bloodline network filled with the three liquids from the second step.

Suddenly a tank appears around the clay sculpture which seals the figure in an enclosed space however as soon as it was enclosed the three liquids from the fourth step fills up the enclosed figure. After a few seconds a massive green lightings strikes the sculpture causing a reaction of the combination of everything into this sculpture which starts to shake causing the orb breaks but in it place is a newly form heart. The sculpture starts to lose it clay shell and starts to take a form that matches the sculpture form but now it slowly starts to become realistic as it starts to move it hands. Outside the room Newton is smiling as a minute has passed since the green lighting vanishes which he pull a lever in front of a monitor revealing a line graph but when he did everything inside the room react. Inside the room the red vapor is mysterious gone while the mixed liquid is completely absorbed into the figure which cause the tank to be removed as all that left is a newly form figure standing in the center of the room. Newton stare at the monitor until it starts to get a pulse which cause him to smirk and push up a glass case that reveals a green button which he push it causing the door to open.

When the door is fully open that same figure came out of that room which reveals itself to Newton who throw a skull at the figure who caught it and examining it.

"It good to see you again miss Ayana" he said as he tip his hat to her who chuckle before crushing the skull which absorb into her causing her to glow green "Yes it have~ but we mustn't wait as we have a few allies to be reborn don't we Newton" she said. They both laugh as we zoom out from the room as they reborn their allies.

Location: AG station hanger bay

AG wait as a spaceship enter the hanger bay which he admits does look epic yet he know it wasn't their actual ship as he saw it outside and boy it was large yet it looks like it can be mange by a few people.

As soon as it land on the landing dock AG walk to where the entrance of the spaceship is located which wasn't hard but when he got there the door open to reveal nine people in total from eight teenagers and the kid he meet on the video chat.

"Hi! I am Stan!" The kid said as he walk down from the ship and stand before AG who is smiling at the kid "i hope you don't mind we leaving our big ship outside as we found it nearly destroyed by an explosion from the inside" Stan said.

AG chuckle "it alright but let get down to the introducing" he said as Stan nod and begin to point at each teenager but when he point at each one he introduced them to AG. From the left is four females to the right is four males which starts in this order: Kim, Jessie, Piper, Zuri then Ravi, Luke, Henry, Ray. "Well then shall we get you all to your work places?" AG ask. They nod their heads which AG smirk and leads the nine people towards their work places which all nine are happy working at each work places as it fit them perfectly as their jobs minus pay as they all agree to live with AG while their spaceship is floating in a spiral around the station like a planet gravity force. However once all eight teenagers are in their workplaces AG and Stan walk towards a room with a chair in the center of it "now this room will be your work station" AG said.

(It was the only photo that won't cause anyone any headaches of how a futuristic radio station work so I found this old and simple radio soundboard hope you all don't mind a fatherly figure and son like moment)

AG suddenly was surprise by Stan hug as he is crying with tear of joy "thank you(8 times) Host Master! I look forward to be working for you!" He said as AG chuckle "no problem kiddo but now let show you how this kind of soundboard works" AG said. Both of them start to practice on the soundboard which look like a father and son moment when the father teaches their child how to play ball but in this scenario it how a father show his son how to use a soundboard.

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