FoEaD Final Chapter: showtime and newest

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Final Summary: Cherno beaten the Oulos boss which was similar to the other two bosses but a little weaker. Anyway once he defeated the boss he finishes setting up the system of justice and the new ruler is a man name Aldo. Afterward he then gave the teleportation device to his new friend name Hump who is like the NARI carpenter who own a carpenter shop. Hump, his workers, and his kind customers were all teleport to Neva in a newly empty spot. Once that done Cherno return to where everyone which is his lovers and friends was waiting for him. Then he teleport all of them along with their belongings and stuff from the villains to the ship. By the way the ship is large so it can handle all the amount of lovers there are. So like usual, some of the women throw up in toilets or cans, they put everything in storage and right before they take off Cherno set another tape into the radio. Then like that the ship head towards Neva.

An: hope you all like the summary for when Cherno get a lot of lovers during these chapters that doesn't revolve around Cherno long adventures of his conquest but anyway this is the last chapter before we goes back to Cherno side of the story. Doesn't this remind those about the old days where people sometimes switch the views to the true bad guys instead of the protagonist and their allies view? Anyway getting off track let finish this chapter as we got a lot of chapters ahead of us before we reach the second worlds harem list but Union or single group women don't count as I sometimes skip the recruitment of Cherno lovers and lemon as there too many women to keep track of their lemons. So I shorten the lemons and get the harem as they are more simple to handle compare to almost a million women ps i don't know the exact amount so I gonna guess at less a million if there more then we sure are going to be here for a long time. Now let go on to the chapter!

It be few hours since Newton begin the final form of his wife but after those final hours he finally finishes "at long last! You finally have your perfect form my love! But first let run a few simple tests as you are finally out of that tank" he said with a smile. Inside the throne room is Abnus and everyone, minus Newton and his wife, there but they are looking at the screen where a announcement from AG radio station.

Location: AG radio station

We see AG in front of a crowd as cameras is directly at him while lights are off until the spotlights shine on AG who is wearing a suit, a hat, gloves, and holding a cane to which he talk into the microphone while looking at both the crowd and the cameras. The cameras are being control by these newly constructed robots which is a average size of camera men as they are call Qhugo which are made by Kim.

(These are like model 1 of the Qhugo which are called camera droids but the next model will be different soon at less that is what Kim is building)

As soon as the light hit AG he spoke "Hello everyone! It your pal, your announcer, and speaker himself! Host Master!" AG said which cause the crowd to go wild and cheer which AG smile and look at everyone. "Now then everyone it be two days since we last saw each other but now the time that everyone is waiting for which is the TABLE to finally have it first round!" He said as everyone cheer again. "Alright Alright everyone quietly down a bit I gonna announce the first contestant" he said which cause everyone to stop cheering and stare at AG who then reach into his pocket and pull out a letter. "Alright everyone in this letter is the name of the lucky contestant to bring quite the destruction of the world where it will be randomizes by my assistant Reta who is at a secret base where I used to live" he said. Many of them agree with his old radio station "but before the world be chosen by random let see the lucky contestant shall we?" He ask. 

The crowd cheer "yeah!" They shout before a sound effect of a drum in a drum roll rhythm then AG starts to open the unseal letter and pulling out a folded note which makes everyone look instantly at the soon to be called contestant. AG clear his throat and hide the letter envelope away before opening the note in a slow pace that just increases everyone excitement but not long is the note is fully reveal to AG. He clear his throat, looks at the note name which make him smile and he announces the name "the lucky contestant is *instance drum effect* Flardrex!" AG said. The crowd goes wild and cheer for the contestant who got on the stage as the contestant shake hands with AG who returns the handshake then the contestant face the crowd and the cameras to reveal the contestant Flardrex.

Flardrex cross his arms before looking like a professional "Alright then Flardrex let see where you are going!" AG said aiming his microphone cane at the right monitor that reveals a mysterious box on the screen. At the radio base Reta pull down a lever which cause a reaction to the screen at the radio station monitor that cause the mysterious box on the screen to role like a dice which makes everyone look at it in excitement. After a few seconds the box reveals the world (Infection 2004) that Flardrex will go and begin the royale with the entire world which make Flardrex smile and pop his hands. AG then pull out a remote, aim it at Flardrex and then press the top button which cause Flardrex to be beam at the destination world which cause the screens to change into the 3rd person view of Flardrex landing at the land.

Flardrex smile and begin to enter the hospital where he begin to kill everyone in sight which cause the crowd at the station to cheer "well everyone guess this world will be empty very soon so what do you all want for this soon to be empty world audience?" AG said. A screen appears above him showing three options: destroy, adoption, and drain. ("Destroy is basically making the world itself be erase" "Adoption is basically making the world be a living world for the audience who want to live there" "and Drain is basically gathering the world materials, resources, and living stocks to be used for the FoEaD purpose and drying up the entire world until it became a crust") "So which option do you the audience want to choose?" AG said as he point to the screen above him which shows three empty bars below the three options then the audience start to vote causing the bars to be filled with three different colors.

After a few minutes a buzzer went off as the audience look at the screen waiting for their choice to be announced "Alright everyone let see the winning vote" AG said and point his cane at the screen. A few seconds later the screen reveals the option with the most vote which is "Drain! Everyone it the opinion drain! So once the world is empty from humanity we get to see it drain from everything it have to offer!" AG said. Everyone cheer but got silence as both the audience and AG heard a explosion from the screen causing them to look at it to see Flardrex destroying a tank. "Oh! Guess this world have a military force let see if he have what it takes to defeat and kill the military armies!" AG said as everyone cheer for Flardrex as he continues to destroy more tanks along with killing the army.

Five hours later Flardrex kill the last human then hold the head in front of the drone to show everyone the head which everyone cheer then Flardrex was beam back to the stage where he received a gift from a shaking Camera droid. Flardrex open it and smirk holding out a orb to the audience as they are all amazed by the orb "you have received the orb of the first world Flardrex which means 25% of the world you fought is yours" AG said. He then got close and hold the mic "so what will you do to the 25% of the world before we drain the 75% of the world?" Ag said as Flardrex smirk. "I want all the toys for my two children who birthday is coming soon so I want all the toys but I will give my children what interest them before giving the rest to all the other children who don't have toys!" He said. Everyone cheer as AG clap his hands "what a twisted everyone who would have thought that the contestant have children but might I ask who the lucky lady?" AG ask. 

Flardrex chuckle as he whispered to AG who face is completely surprise with the information but once Flardrex done whispering AG look at the audience "it would seems that the lucky lady is indeed lucky" he said. Flardrex hide the orb as AG shake his head to snap back to reality "anyway audience and contestant if you all look at the screens you will see the vessel that will drain the world of what it have to offer" AG said. Everyone look at the screen to see a vessel appearing above of the world then it unleash drones on the world which they unleash beams are hitting every single building, animals, and corpses of dead humans.

From the big ship multiple ships appear to come out and drop robots with drills hook to their arms to mine materials and buildings along with other robots with vacuum suckers to collect remaining belongings and materials. After a few hours of nonstop working everydroids and robots returns to the big ship on their vessels but once all of the droids and robots are inside the big ship start to make a humming sound. Then the ship disappeared from the world but in space view we see the world become all dark and dry like it was a lifeless moon in space however returning to the station is the big ship. Suddenly a huge cargo appears in the screen with the name Flardrex on it which Flardrex smirk and head to where the cargo is located at, but when he left AG turn to face the audience. "Alright folks I afraid this it the end for the first episode but don't worry there will be more soon so stay tune until next time" he said as the audience cheer one last time before returning home.

AG chuckle as the cameras were turn off along with the screens then he walk towards where the cargo is located at which took him a while until he reach there as Flardrex is signing some paperwork. "Well done Flardrex I must say you sure has cause quite the applause from the audience" Ag said as Flardrex chuckle a little "anything for my family but first I want to ask what happened when you vanish?" Flardrex ask. Ag sigh "a long story friend but that was in the past! I have returned and with new friends along with old allies" he said Flardrex frown a little "nearly every single fans of yours were miserable from your sudden disappearance" Flardrex said. AG grip a railing and crush it like ice surprising Flardrex and scaring some camera droids but after a few seconds AG calm down and release the railing.

"I hope that my appearance makes them happy like the old days" AG said with a fake smile as Flardrex just nervously spoke "it sure does but I must be heading if that alright with you mr Host Master" Flardrex said. AG continues to fake smile "oh course just spend your time with your family mr Flardrex until next showtime" AG said as Flardrex nod and walk towards the hanger with the cargo. Flardrex enter his ship with the cargo then after a few seconds the ship left midwhile AG is entering a room with a name above the door but the name can't be spell as it appears to be in ruins. AG closes the door then we heard a thump before hearing crying from AG himself behind the door as he say one sentence as the screen zoom out from the door "I so sorry my dear I almost broke our promise" AG said before the screen turn black.

Location: throne room.

Everyone inside the throne room were chatting until the door open revealing Newton helping a woman who is smiling at him but when they stop in front of everyone, they are amazed at Newton wife Christine new body.

"Hehe it be so long since I saw you Abnus" Christine said as Abnus smile with joy "you too old friend" she said as the two hug like sisters but once they stop hugging Newton smirk "well that ain't all I may have create some new foot soldiers" he said. But before he continues a mysterious aura fill the room causing everyone to look at the entrance to see a swirling around starting to form. "What the heck! What is this aura!" The player said but three people knows that aura from one person "guess he finally reveals himself hasn't he Baban?" Zillah said as Baban nod his head while Amzi cross his arms "about time" he said smirking.

Suddenly the aura vanish and in the swirling place is a mysterious man wearing a cloak "sorry if I was late I just completely obliterated a world human population when I heard the broadcast from AG which make me returns here" the man said. Amzi walk to the mysterious man but then both Amzi and the mysterious man grab each other hands in a epic handshake "seems you haven't gone soft Amzi" the man said.

"You too Janardan" Amzi said as the two males stop their handshake "it seems that you finally perform the transfer Newton" Jan (short for Janardan name) said referring to Newton wife who shake her head in a teasing way. "Indeed and I must stay she is as beautiful in any form as long as it the real her that host the body" Newton said as Christine giggle at her husband charming tone. "Anyway Janardan What has happened during our absence?" Abnus said to which Jan sigh "not good so far that bastard had split his powers which host his existence into different orbs that so happens to find hosts of their own" Jan said. Abnus grip her scepter tightly "that son of a bastard will pain for what he cause us" she said with venomous behind it "yes but the good news is I be able to track most of them down and kill at less five" Jan said. "However the catch is that the remaining orbs are completely beyond my power of transport meaning that I be can't get to where their wielders are at" he finishes clenching his fist.

Everyone look at him with worry "well do you know where the remaining are at?" Christine ask which Jan sigh "sadly I only know a few where they are located but the ones that are hard to track is supposed to be the five most powerful powers he had" he said. Abnus aim her scepter at the sky and unleash a lightning bolt at the ceiling causing a little shake of the castle but she calm down. "If we cannot find where those five are at we hunt down the rest! We will end him then we can start the next phase" she said with pure hatred towards the man who killed her husband "that does sound alright but the ones i know of requires a little help which is why" Jan said. He snap his fingers and suddenly a group of assassins wearing cloaks that cover their identity appears behind him. "I got myself a few loyal followers who had be train by myself which I din worthy of becoming my followers as they show no distrust nor fear towards me meaning they are perfect for the return of the Inferno Order" he said.

Everyone, minus the followers, look at him in surprise "are you sure? They were eliminated by their rivals the Zion Order?" Abnus said with worry "even though I was the last member of the Inferno Order I will not make the order fade into history" he said. "Excuse me" a young male voice spoke making everyone to look at a ten years old boy with an abnormal aura around him who is looking at them. "Yes young one?" Christine ask "what is the Inferno Order?" He ask as Jan chuckle a little "let just say that the Inferno Order was a group of individuals who chooses a path that isn't meant for children" Jan said. The toddler make a oh face "okay" he said and wonder towards his mother who pick him up and carry him out of the throne room which everyone is looking at each other.

"So what do you plan on the rebuilding of the Inferno?" Newton ask as Jan chuckle a little "I already found the perfect world to rebuild the fort of the Inferno Order but I need help with the old fort including the temple" he said. Newton smile "I believe you are in luck as we so happen to be able to get in contact with AG and I also have leftover materials to improve your defense along with guards" Newton said. Jan smirk "Alright we contact the friend while we wait for him to send in the help we can begin with the soldiers and defense system so that way we can rebuild the Inferno" Jan said.

And so they begin the process of reconstruction the Inferno Order fort on the world (Classrom 6 2015) which Jan found but thanks to Jan earlier from his obliterate mention the world was empty within a matter of minutes with Jan and his followers help. Once the world is empty from human population the building process begin while the old fort and temple is being demolished by AG drill bots and vacuum bots. Within a couple of hours the newly form fortress is built with a temple nearby and once everything is settle inside Newton brought soldiers wearing a armor with a symbol on the soldiers shoulder pad.

(The Inferno Order fortress)

(Inferno temple)

(Inferno defense guards)

Once everything is set Jan and his followers perform one last step which is adding the symbol of the Inferno Order on both the guards and the blank flags themselves as it show the territory and owners of what Order the territory and belongings own.

Jan smile as he plant the flag on top of the fort entrance then he turn to face his followers who are kneeling before him "rise my Elite Assassin Inquisitors!" he said as his followers stand up and salute. "Today is the day that you all have earn the title as Shade Sentinels" he said as the followers bow to him as they accept it with honor and strength "good now let recruit those that are worthy to be apprentices" he said. They all vanish and begin to search for worthy apprentices minus Jan as he start to plan an attack on a base own by the Zion Order "let see how you like being extinct" he said as the screen turn black.

An: this is the end from FoEaD everyone but I gotta leave a cliffhanger about who is Janardan, who were the Inferno Order, who are Janardan Shade Sentinels, and who are the Zion Order. So until the next chapter of Overlord of the Negativity Worlds!

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