Prologue part 3 final: Freedom yet darkened

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For nearly six months the war between the royal empire and the forces of Negus has beginning to end as every kingdom is nearly conquered except for the last three which stands between the main capital and the forces of Negus. The remaining three kingdoms belong to the heads of the lion, the eagle and the horse families who created a triangle wall between all three kingdoms and so the final battle against the empire and the forces of negus will reach it climax.

Standing in against the edge of a open field is where the two forces are waiting on the right is the empire with over nine hundred thousand knights while on the left is the forces of Negus with twice the amount of the empire have. Both sides start to plan a strategy in their tents with the Negus as the attackers while the empire are the defender but it seems that both sides are struggling with their strategy.

(Fetus POV)

I stare at the three generals; Mus the heavy, Ray the quick, and Kyle the lancer. Who are  arguing like children.

"I say we crush them head on!" Mus yell as he grip his sword.

"No! They have greater forces compared to ours! I say we lead them close then unleash arrows of hell to them!" Ray said patting his crossbow.

"Please those won't work! We should create a wall of shields where we get close enough to strike with our entire forces!" Kyle yell as he slam his lance against the ground.

I pinched my nose a little before yelling "Enough you idiots!" I slam my fist on the table causing the three to look at me in silence. I sigh and took a quick breather "we will move half our heavy here in a good distance so that our archers and crossbow masters have a chance to snipe those advancing while the lancers stand behind the heavy along side our riders that way the horses have a jumping distance to advance and attack any surprises" I said marking where everyone should be. The three generals nod like they agree to that strategy but before any of them can speak i continue "Mus will be with the heavies but behind them yet ahead of the lancers while Ray will be beside eight of his advancing bolt masters which is behind the lancers then Kyle will be with his eight quickest sword and spear masters ahead of Ray but behind Mus" I finish as they look at each other and nod before looking at me.

"Where would you be?" Kyle spoke as I smile sinisterly.

"I will rally a few men and charge from behind the advancing men which is all three of you since you three will take on the three generals who are on the enemy side" I finish explaining. They nod and went out the tent to gather their men as I look at the map before laughing like a insane man.

(Cherno POV) 

I look at my friends and allies as they think of a strategy which they are struggling which I sigh.

"Mm that won't work Mato since they have heavy armor and heavy men" Wind the winter elf said to the Minotaur who look at the map and sigh.

"True but even if we don't they have other people who have advances compared to our troop like the lancers against the felines" Mato said looking at Razor a feline warrior.

After a few seconds I got a idea as I cough catching everyone attention as they look at me "we split our forces into three factions the two will attack the eagle and horse kingdoms since they don't have any one left to defend the kingdoms Rainsky and Fielding Ridge while the main force go into a category of going against the heavy, the lancer and the archer knights which let our three generals who have the advantage against their three generals mid while we send in three teams to try to find a entrance against the wall. While everyone doing that me and a few others will try to go up against the champion they sent lead the defense" I finish as they look at each other and nod in agreement. I smile as everyone left the tent then I look at the map "be prepared for your day of ruling this world will end!" I thought in my head as a dark energy is slowly coming from my armor.

(3rd person POV)

Both sides get into position then before long both army charge at each other causing a massacre as the soldiers and the forces fought each other during that time two armies from the forces of Negus are capturing both kingdoms Rainsky and Fielding Ridge. As the two armies slaughtered each other the three generals Mus, Ray, and Kyle are facing against three generals who is more skill then them.

General Mus vs General Rou

General Rou leader of the barbaric tribe charge at General Mus who got knock back a few inches as Mus stood his ground looking at Rou with rage as Rou smirk under his mask knowing that even the mightiest have a temper. Mid while General Ray is facing off with another general who is a undead.

General Ray vs General Seki

General Seki captain of the Suals, which are honor undead who have only one goal defending their honor of warriors. General Seki doge arrows and bolts from General Ray who switch to his blade but the General Seki smirk and lock his sword against Ray sword who look surprise until Seki punch Ray face hard knocking him back. Seki knew that Ray doesn't have honor because he show no interest of helping his fellow men who are being outnumbered. Mid while General Kyle is facing against a female general who is wiping Kyle off the ground like he is nothing.

General Ray vs General Reba

General Reba commander of the virago who is a group of women with skills that equal to a heroic warrior. General Kyle try attacking Reba using a thrust with his spear but Reba doge it easy and strike Kyle leg with the end of her spear. Kyle yell in a pain as he look at Reba with hate which Reba roll her eyes as she knew that he isn't heroic.

As the generals fights each other Fetus ride into the battle field on his horse while he ride on his horse he start to slaughter the undead and monsters.

As he slaughtered the monsters and undead a few people used magic to heal their fallen before they could die well just monsters the undead they were brought back to life by the people who created them. Fetus grew impatient as he try to find the man behind this rebellion but before he could think a monstrous roar caught his attention as he look to see a strange horse with a man wearing armor that fit the description. But what shock him is that the strange horse is a monstrous horse.

He snap back to reality and charge at Cegus who is staring right at Fetus as he also charge at him yet when they clash swords sparks came from the swords as the two men clash. Without a thought Cegus kick Fetus off his horse then jump off from his horse too. When Fetus got up he stare at Cegus as Cegus stare back. Both men circle each other with their swords ready as their horses circle around them too making a line so no outside can interfere. 

"So you the freak that lead these pests and other freaks against the empire?" Fetus spoke as he stare at Cegus who didn't reply. "What? Too scare to talk back you ass?" Fetus spoke again but like before he didn't get a reply which anger him a bit. Fetus run at Cegus and try to attack but instead his attack got block by Cegus sword in a defense block. "So this is what I am facing? A coward who only block and goes on defense!" Fetus yell right at Cegus face who didn't even flinch. Fetus jump back and try to attack again and again in a similar pattern but every time he did Cegus just block or dodge. "Heh guess you aren't even a lord in fact maybe I try find your main base and claim the women there as my-" before he could finish Cegus unleash a powerful strike at Fetus side causing Fetus to cough out blood. "You son of a bit-" Fetus try to finish again but instead of the side Cegus unleash a powerful kick right in the nuts causing Cegus to cross his eyes and drop his sword to cover his groin. When he did that Cegus punch Fetus in the face knocking him out. Cegus blow out steam from his mask then he turn to see the three generals Mus, Ray and Kyle knockout too from Rou, Seki, and Reba who knocked them out in their own way. Cegus smile as the remaining knights saw their generals defeated along with Fetus and so the knights surrendered. The forces of Negus cheer as the rest of the knights at the final kingdom saw the defeat and surrendered too. All the kingdoms are now under Cegus banner but there one final battle to do the dethrone of the Emperor.

Inside the throne room is where the Emperor, his tiger, and the remaining royal heads of the families wait as they are celebrating their supposed victory but without warning the door bust opened causing the celebration to stop. The heads of the royal families are shock and frightened as they saw Cegus and his knights, warriors, monsters, generals and allies at the entrance with Fetus and the three generals caged and chained. A few knights bust into the room as they aim their weapons at the royals shocking the royals and the Emperor.

"What is this! Traitorous traitors!" A head of a royal family spoke before being punched in the face by a knight shocking the royal.

"Oh no this isn't traitorous this is a rebellion" a female voice spoke as a woman along with three cloak figures appeared out of nowhere as the woman reveal to be the cloaked figure in the dark room.

"Daughter!" Emperor Palm yell shock as he look at his daughter in the purple cloak to reveal her as Emile.

"Not only myself father" Emile said in a smile as a dark red cloak figure appear from the shadows along with three other figures.

"Hello father" the red cloak figure spoke in a male voice as the Emperor widen his eye in shock again.

"Son! You two ungrateful brats!" Emperor Palm yell as the red cloak figure reveal himself as Tut.

"Heh guess you never learn you old bastard" tut said looking at him as a familiar woman stand beside Emile.

"My lady the entire castle is now under Cegus control" the woman spoke as she reveal to be the same woman who spied on Winterredge.

"Thank you Thana" Emile spoke as the assassin bow and went to stand beside the two other figures.

"Emperor Palm and the rest of the royal heads you are all here by traitors against the land of the people and it nature and stole the land from it rightful ruler" Cegus spoke in a tone of power as the heads of the royals look scared while the Emperor look enraged.

"This land belongs to us the royals who have more power and more senses then those savages!" Emperor Palm yell as Cegus smirk under his mask before laughing like a demonic beast. This laughter shock the heads of the royals and the Emperor as Cegus walk up to towards the throne causing the tiger to look at Palm as he grind his teeth before standing up and point his staff at Cegus who stop in front of the head of the royals.

"Try to kill me your highness but fair warning that staff will kill you instead because it doesn't belong to you" Cegus said. Emperor Palm eyes started to grow with more hatred and spoke one word.

"Death!" He yell as a red beam fire from the staff as Emperor Palm smirk behind his mask but suddenly the beam turn backfire and resend the beam at him as he screamed when the beam hit him. After a few seconds of a bright red light the light vanished and something drop to the ground which turns out to be the staff beside the staff is a pile of ash that look like it be cremates  with a mask that be remade.

Cegus sigh and walk to the throne where the tiger yawn and lick it paw as Cegus pick up the staff and the mask "hey catch" he yell throwing the mask at Tut who catch it "I appoint you as the respective of the royals" Cegus said removing the gem from the staff before throwing the staff at David who look confused. Before he ask Cegus answer for him "I want you to give that to Smor so that he can remold the staff into anything he want oh and tell him he allow to add three gems of any kind to it" Cegus said looking at the red gem before putting it away in his hidden pocket.

A hour later all the head of the royals were sent to their old kingdoms where they receive the judgement they deserve at the same time the entire allies and leaders were gathered around the throne room where Cherno is sitting on the throne looking at the three generals Mus, Ray, and Kyle including Fetus who is enraged at Cherno.

"Now then members from the Rebellion of Shadows what is their judgement?" Cherno spoke towards the eight people who whispered to each other before nodding in agreement. Four figures walk away from the eight member rebellion and stand in front the generals and Fetus who look confused before a shock of both surprise and fear on their faces. The reason is because the four figures reveal themselves to the four that easily make them recognize by the four.

The first one is a male who wearing a armor that is heavy but ain't large as he is the main head member of the lion family who knows by Zurba the heart.

Mus gulp as he look terrified to see his older brother standing in front of him in disappointment. With Ray stand before him is a his brother and main head of the eagle family with him wearing armor with a wing design on the back. He is know as Rye the falcon of flames.

Ray hung his head in shame as Rye sigh looking at his brother. Over at Kyle he look at his brother as his brother is the same as the last two. He is called Keven the Rider of blades.

He look at Kyle with disbelief. And finally is Fetus who is looking frightened towards the person in front of him. This person is Fetus ex girlfriend who is the head family to the Smilodon wolves. Zoe moon who is a beast in times of war. She also has a grudge against Fetus for breaking her heart against a spoiled royal woman.

She turn her head to look at Cherno who nod as she smirk and face Fetus before punching his face hard causing Fetus to have blood coming out from his nose. Zoe smile and walk towards Cherno and stand beside him as the three elder brothers look at each other before walking away to stand beside Cherno.

"General Mus you are hereby stripped of your title and will work under Rou as a sire" Zurba said shocking Mus.

"General Ray you are hereby remove from your position as General and will be reside to be captain of the kingdom Rocky River" Rye said as Ray look speechless.

"General Kyle you are hereby no longer a General and instead be a teacher for future lancers at the kingdom of High Winds" Keven said as Kyle is surprise.

"Finally sir Fetus you are hereby banished from the empire and instead live in a remote island with a bunch of farmers who are the husbands and families you try to sleep with their wives/mothers" Zoe said.

"Including your title of the hire to the empire and instead you are now call the bastard" Tut continue Zoe.

"Which means you will have everything taken from you and leave it only the necessary supplies to last you for a few days while working with the head of the farmer" Emile finish as they stare at Fetus shock face as his eyes is filled with fear while his mouth twitch with rage. Before the four could speak they were brought out from the throne room by knights and orcs while everyone else minus Cherno cheer for their victory.

"So Cherno how will you wake the once mighty fortress from it slumber?" a female voice spoke. Cherno smile looking at the owner of the voice to see his nun sister standing beside him.

He chuckled before he stare at everyone who are celebrating.

"I gonna head to the secret throne room where the real throne which my father sat on but first. Everyone!" Cherno yell the last part catching attention from everyone as they look at him. "Gather outside of the castle entrance to see a surprise beyond the mountains" he yell before standing up and walk behind the throne to go into a hidden tunnel. Everyone gather outside the castle to face towards the mountains where they wait for the surprise.

(Cherno POV)

After a few minutes of walking inside the tunnel I reach the end to look at a ruined throne room which I smirk and head towards the throne where I pull a hidden lever which cause a dais in the center of the room to reveal and on top of the dais is a clear crystal ball covering over the dais. I walk to the dais and stop in front of the dais then I remove my left glove before cutting a little from my hand which I squeeze my hand. Blood pour from my cut hand as the blood enter the dais filling it up until it started to glow a bright red which cause the crystal ball to react by changing it color into a purple light. I smile as the throne room started to shake as the throne and the room itself started to remold into the throne room where my father once rule.

(3rd person POV)

Outside everyone felt a rumbling as the mountains started move and from the ground a castle starting to rise as it started to rebuild it self into a fortress that make the once mighty empire look like nothing. After a few seconds everyone who haven't see the mighty fortress in the past look surprise at the magnificent fortress standing before them.

After a hour of walking everyone enter the throne room where Cherno is waiting on the throne.

"It seems everyone have make it I do hope you all don't the dark and evil touch to the throne room" Cherno said. Everyone smile at Cherno as a familiar young creature walk towards Cherno and stand beside the throne who turn to face everyone. "I now announce Cherno the Overlord of   Neva" Savo spoke as everyone cheer for their overlord. Cherno smile at everyone as he smile at the screen from the readers POV as the screen turn black.

Yet like every origin of evil. It just the start of conquest since Evil Always finds a way.

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