Taimanin Chapter 1: saving women with friends.

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An: okay so which one of you guys took the last cheery jolly ranchers we had in the bag *looking at Correction and Music all tie up as they are scare*

Both: we don't know!

An: *sigh* guess we gonna do this the hard way also enjoy the story everyone! *screen turn black as all that were heard was girly screams*

(3rd person POV)

A whole week has pass since the appearance of the two readers and during that week Cherno be busy with making plans, gathering and even spending time with his lovers while after chatting with his friends all in the mid time he be going to the prison realm giving them new stuff and telling them short stories of his adventures. However that soon end as Cherno decide to head towards the next location on the map which is where his targets are located at meaning there is a secret organization going on there. And so he say his goodbyes for now and got on the ship before heading to the world where the targets are located at a land called Tokyo kingdom which is a strange name for a land but he doesn't bother questioning it. When he got to that world he called in his four friends; Thea, Wilma, Caldron, and Mat who is waiting for anything then he teleports to a location where the demons are at.

(Cherno POV)

I teleport to a alleyway which is close to the demons are at but something in this city is given off a energy of pure fear and lust which cause me to change my clothes to that of a cloak bad boy then I walk towards where the demons are at. When I got there I stop and hide behind a dumpster as I saw two men who is giving off that demon energy which I suspect is part of the group of demons that is causing the issue. They started to walk into a iron door leading somewhere which I follow behind them to see it leads to a secret hideout of theirs but I stop and hide into the shadows when they enter a larger room. When I got inside I am surprise they are being kill by a woman who is attractive and with busts as size of a large ball however I stop staring as she was given a nasty shock making her fall on the ground in a paralysis position. Suddenly a man with dark skin walk out from the darkness who is clapping slowly and stand in front of the woman "well Shiranui it seems you have caused quite the mess here but thankfully the demons here are gonna enjoy your body once I done with you" he said. I grid my teeth a little as the woman look at him in anger "I am married! Ryuji! And the others Taimanin will rescue me!" Shiranui said. Ryuji started to laugh evilly until he grab her hair and pull it up causing her pain a little "they won't be sending a rescue as your husband sell you as a slave while he inform them of your mysterious vanishing!" He said. I could feel her heart breaking as her so called husband sell her while lying about her mysterious vanish which cause me to feel anger towards him and this bastard of a husband.

I waited for a few more seconds then he let go of her hair but I smirk before dashing out from the shadows as everything felt like it went into slow motion as I am forming a fist right at Ryuji face and when I was close enough time return to normal. I punch Ryuji in the face causing him to sent flying and slam at the wall causing every demon and Shiranui to look at me in surprise while my face is cover in a mask I owns. "Kill him!" A demon yell but before anyone could do that that demon make a same face without moving confusing the demons until his head slide off his neck causing his neck to spray blood. The demons look at me holding a sword with blood on it which means "I kill him" I said causing the demons to be scared until "don't get frightened of him! He is a mortal so kill that bastard!" Ryuji said dusting himself as he have a wound on his cheek which is slowly healing. I smirk as the demons charge at me at once however before anyone of them could even touch my skin they were all kill by me causing their slice up bodies to fall around me into a pile of skin and blood. Ryuji and Shiranui is be shock at the pile I cause however Ryuji is enrage and try to attack me only to get a punch in the gut sending him up into the ceiling and fly out of the hideout. I lift Shiranui up and carry her in a bridal style to outside right before the building and hideout crumbles into a pile of rumble "guess we make it out of there alive uh?" I said and look at a crying Shiranui who is resting her head on my chest. I sigh and begin to carry her by jumping on building to building bringing her far from the city and into the forest but after a while I saw a ruin castle in front of us. I smile and head inside then I lay her on the ruin couch before I uses my magic to remold this entire castle into a mini manor with a tower on the side as i look at a sleeping Shiranui.

I smile and lift her up again then carry her to a bedroom which turns out to be a master bedroom with a comfortable bed then I lay her on it and head out only to be stop by a woke Shiranui who is blushing and look at me with her eyes staring right at mine. "Please I need someone to keep me company" she said in a broken tone which I sigh and lay beside her which she lay her head on my chest. "Thank you" she said "your welcome of" I spoke but was stop as she shake her head "not the saving part I mean I am thankful for that but I meant keeping me company my own ex husband hasn't done that in our time as a married couple" she said. "I guess you decide to call him your ex as you know" I said as she giggle a little before looking at me with a worry look. "Can you promise that you help me save my daughter before she is told lies of me vanishing" she ask I sigh and rub her cheek causing her to blush a little "I promise" I said smiling behind my mask. She look at me curiously and surprise me by quickly remove my mask and gasp at my face and blush heavy "wow who knows that my knight is a young man" she said smiling a little. She somehow became nervous and starting to wiggle her butt a little before she kiss me in surprise but I kiss her back in a passion way and after a few minutes we stop and pull away with a trail of saliva connecting between our lips.

Lemon starts

She start to remove her clothes but I stop her and rip her dress right off surprising her as I went and suck on her breasts causing her to moan while I start to taste her milk which taste yummy while I suck on her breasts more. But after a few more seconds I stop and lick her tits a little then I look at her as she is staring at my eyes with a begging look as I chuckle before removing my clothes except for my boxers. She start at my body with a blush as she touch my chest a little "wow even my husband never have this much muscle" she said as I smile before lifting her chin up and I kiss her. She kiss back but stop then she climbs over me in a 69 position where she face my rod and I face her entrance which look a sight to be see as I starting to kiss her pussy causing her to moan a little as she reveals my rod from my boxers. She look completely shock at the beast I am carrying but after a few seconds she start to kiss my rod from it base until it reach the tip which ends up her beginning to wrap her mouth lips around my tip. She start to suck on my rod as she starts to bob her head slowly down and up while I groan and starting to make out with her pussy.

The two of us kept going until we got faster and faster til we both stop and came at once with me drinking her juices while she drink my cum but after a few minutes of us stopping coming and drinking we calm down before we get into a cowgirl position. She stare at my eyes as I stare at her eyes back before she sat on my rod fully which cause her to widen her eyes as she cry while biting her bottom lips. I look at her in confusion until I look at her pussy to see blood coming out from it "um if you were a mother then how" I ask but she stop me "it your size~ it so big that it cause my pussy to expand trying to get used to your size which is so much better than my husband~" she said. I chuckle a little as I image that her ex must have been small but I gotta admit this is news to me so I kiss her before I grab her hip and start to thrust into her while she ride me. We both kept going at it as wild beasts but after a few minutes we both reach our climax ending with me filling her womb as she squirts all over me while she make a ahegao face.

Lemon end

An: sorry if it short but I want all of you to get a chance to see a short lemon once in a while instead of a full one.

(Third person POV)

Cherno calm down while Shiranui pass out from being overwhelmed by both the event and the fun however Cherno knew that he need help so he calls in his four friends in the ship to teleport in the manor living room. Once he end the call he heard four people teleport into the living room and starting to head to their individual room to rest and so did he as he went to sleep with Shiranui on top of him. But little did he know that Ryuji will return as Ryuji have help by an unknown individual.

Location: large academy.

Inside the headmaster room is Ryuji pacing back and forth and Shigeru who is sitting on his chair "I don't get it! How can I get injured by this mysterious man!" Ryuji said while Shigeru is thinking about this man. "Perhaps he is more than a mortal son" Shigeru said as he look at Ryuji who stop pacing and look at his father "more than a mortal? Please! I couldn't sense nothing from him and yet he performs magic on a sword to kill every demon in that hideout and worst that hideout were destroyed!" He yell. Shigeru sigh and knew that his son is right as demons can usually sense any life force yet this man appears with no life force which can be usually several things explaining this. However he couldn't thought long as a mysterious voice spoke "perhaps he is more than meet the eye" a female voice said causing the two male to look at the door to see a woman wearing a coat and carry a gun stand there. Shigeru and Ryuji minds were filled with ideas of raping her but suddenly she look pissed and somehow their minds is filled with nothing involving lewd nor did they got hard. Shigeru and his look shock at their lewd ideas were gone while their rods didn't even get harden "what kind of witchcraft is this!" Shigeru yell at the woman.

"I can do so much unless you two are willing to offer me a deal as I can help you with dealing with that man who beat you Ryuji and maybe get your prize back" she said which calms down the two males. "Alright we are listening miss" Shigeru said as the woman smile "you can call me Kete" she said as the two nod while they listen to the deal.

Location: district.

A whole week has pass since that day and now Cherno, wearing his adventure armor, is wondering a district part of town where it is the least amount of lust and killing are but he can tell it the help of a group from what Shiranui told him. However as the sun starts to set he notice a demonic energy coming from a park which he investigate and see an couple of a man and a woman who is emitted a strong yet contain demon while the man is emitted a weak and lustrous demonic energy. He smirk before sitting at a bench and pretend to text but instead spy on the couple as they reveal their name as Asagi for the woman and for the male Kyousuke but he can tell there something up. After a few minutes the two heads toward somewhere which Cherno follow as he hide in the shadows until the two stop at a dojo and enter which Cherno hide outside listening out from the window. "Kyousuke why have you be" Asagi couldn't finish as she ask when Kyousuke gave her a small speech and reveal her a ring asking her if they could be married which she say yes to that question. Cherno felt something was off from the ring so he got to the door and phase through it and stand there in the darkness with Caldron outside if things become a issue.

Suddenly a woman laugh catching the two couple attention as it reveals a woman wearing a latex suit that reveals to much of her skin "Oboro! But I kill you!" Asagi said surprise which confused Cherno until he notice that this woman is a fake as she is emitted a mysterious energy that ain't vampire, demon, nor human. "I was revived by Edwin!" Oboro said smiling sinisterly as she snap her fingers to reveal a bunch of men who reveal as a band of orcs "and I am here with Byg since he and I make a small deal for his friends to help out and enjoy themselves to your body" Oboro said. The orc beside her is a different kind of orc as he smirk lustrous "Kyousuke get out of here I will" she stop talking as she suddenly didn't move a muscle which prove to Cherno that ring is curse with paralysis. "Mm? Like the curse wedding ring Asagi?" Kyousuke said sinisterly which cause Cherno blood to pulse with hatred as Asagi eyes widen in realization "well done my slave" Oboro said. Asagi eyes widen in shock as Kyousuke suddenly laugh "oh course mistress" he said which his eyes change into a demonic color as he lick his lips right at Asagi "now then men enjoy yourselves before I gave her to Edwin" Oboro said as the men smirk and started to walk towards the paralyzed Asagi. However Cherno have other plans as he change into his armor and disguise himself as Overlord Cegus before revealing himself "now i wouldn't do that if I was you fellas" he said surprising everyone as they look at Cherno coming out from the darkness.

(Asagi POV)

I move my eyes to see a man wearing a armor of some kind while Oboro just look at him in a confused look like myself "who are you and how did you enter here!" Oboro yell as the armor man chuckle before he walk slowly towards the orc and Byg. "I am Cegus and whoever this Edwin guy is I gonna enjoy killing his demon army" he said in a tone so sinister that it cause fear up my spin. Oboro laugh while Byg and his gang smirk thinking he is a joke "you don't stand a chance as he is the great Edwin Black a vampire lord and the most powerful than any mortal or creature" Oboro said. I look down sadly as I gonna be rape once they kill Cegus but suddenly he started to laugh evilly causing me and everyone else to look at him in confusion "sorry but he don't stand a chance against me for I ain't mortal nor a creature but rather a Overlord" he said. That surprise all of us as Oboro just got enrage "there is no Overlord by Cegus!" She yell which cause Cegus to laugh even more enraging Oboro "that because I ain't from here" he said as he look at a orc that is shivering in fear. "I order you to punch Byg" Cegus said looking at that orc which make the other orcs, Oboro and Kyousuke to rolls their eyes thinking he is crazy until suddenly that scared orc punch Byg shocking all of us.

Byg slam into a wall but he got up and stare at that orc to realize that orc is no longer a orc as it is wearing armor of some kind surprising all of us "all hail Cegus!" The orc said getting into a defensive position. Oboro snap "kill that traitor and that man!" She order the orcs who charge at both Cegus and the armor orc only to stop and drop to the floor in a pile of meat making me feel sick as Oboro, Kyousuke and Byg look scared. Suddenly a third person wearing armor of some kind appear from the ceiling which surprise us minus Cegus and the orc "Cegus I Sorry if I interfere but I cannot allow these inhuman creatures to kill both you and this orc ally" the person in a male voice said. "It alright but for now deal with that orc Byg while I deal with Oboro" Cegus said but before he could Kyousuke charge at him "I won't let you kill the mistress!" He said. However Cegus suddenly knock Kyousuke out by appearing behind him and hitting his neck making him lose conscious which surprise me and the other two however I heard her voice in my head which anger me. "Ohh~ he is quite the warrior Asagi we could have fun~" she said as I rolled my eyes in annoyance "no Kage we have to kill him if he is a new enemy" I said to her in my head. "Now not that isn't nice to your savior Asagi and I don't know what you mean by fun Kage but it probably involves you and not Asagi" Cegus voice suddenly disturbed our conversation which surprise me and Kage.

Cegus look at us before charging at Oboro while the mysterious man charge at Byg which cause Oboro to attack Cegus while Byg attack the mysterious man however in a few minutes Byg was knock out as Oboro is panting with bruises while Cegus doesn't have any. "I will kill you bastard!" Oboro yell but she was punch in the face which send her flying up into the ceiling and creating a hole in the ceiling where Oboro were sent flying. Both myself and Kage is shock and speechless at Cegus and the mysterious man skills of fighting however Kage is suddenly getting all girly on Cegus "I hope he can ravages me as we both are rough and starting making out in the most brutal way~" she said. I look surprise at Kage sudden change of tone as she never say anything like that before but before I could speak Cegus is lifting up Kyousuke by the neck before he went to a furnace opening it and slam Kyousuke head into the flames waking Kyousuke up as he screams. I look in fright while Kage is moaning at Cegus as Cegus turn the flames into a blue color which is starting to burn Kyousuke as Cegus is slowly crushing Kyousuke skull as his head is being burn "I hope you like hell fire because that is where you are going bastard!" Cegus yell.

After a few seconds Cegus end Kyousuke life by crushing his burn head causing the neck to be burned before any blood could gush out then Cegus pull his hand away as it is burning orange while he put the flames out using his other hand. Once done he walk to Byg who is all tied and gag by the mysterious man "good work Caldron" Cegus said looking at the mysterious man who nod. Cegus then lift Byg by the neck which cause Byg to wake up as he look at Cegus in fear "mm what to do what to do with you" Cegus said thinking to do with Byg "why not torment him in a slow and painful death as he is being chain by victims who he kill and rape as the women uses spikes strap one to slowly kill him~" Kage said. That surprise me but Cegus look at me and laugh "that a marvelous idea Kage I think you and I will be great partners along with the other killers who enjoy torment" Cegus said surprising me and Kage but she smile and blow a kiss at him.

Cegus then hold out his hand and grab Byg by the head and uses some sort of magic that open a portal under Byg which reveal shadowy women and men that cause Byg to widen his eyes in fear. Suddenly chains came from the portal and wrap Byg which Cegus let go of his head as he drag into the portal but before it closes I saw Byg screams as a few women wearing spikes strap on stand behind him and was about to thrust into him. Thankfully the portal closes in time letting me to not see that scene however I notice that Cegus is in front of me and looking at my eyes. "Sorry if I frighten you Asagi but I bet Kage enjoy that" he said as Kage is screaming in a fan way which cause Cegus to chuckle before he remove the curse ring and putting it into a pouch. Suddenly I fell but he caught me in a heroic way as I am blushing softly but Cegus help me to sit on the couch as I felt numbness "I suggested staying here and wait until the effect wear off but in the meantime would you like me to keep you two company while my friend and the newly ally orc head back to the hideout?" He ask. I sigh knowing that I am defend less so I told him "alright" before he smile behind his helmet I think and look at Caldron who nod and both him and the orc vanish leaving myself, Kage and Cegus by ourselves.

(3rd person)

Cherno and Asagi along with Kage inside her mind all waited with Cherno on the floor wearing his adventure armor and a mask that cover his face as he look at the ceiling while Asagi look at him. "May I ask why did you save me while you are a Overlord?" she ask as Cherno chuckle "simple unlike those from your world history I am the kind of person who seek to restore order from corruption and make it so that everyone is happy but I am also conquering worlds so that I can create a system throughout the Multiverse" he said surprising Asagi. "But what is your goal in doing this?" She ask as Cherno sigh "because I am seeking justice for my world as these 'heroes' were summon by these people of royals who disapprove of my father idea which is a good idea but sadly he was killed by these 'heroes' who were the same as those royals" he said. Asagi felt bad when she thought he was a cruel man but instead he is a man who never met his father "if you don't mind me asking this but what would you do if you could return to the past would you change it?" She ask. Cherno laugh a little "no and the reason is because I wouldn't be here now if it wasn't for my mother decision to keep me safe by giving me to a orphanage where I met my nun mother but she didn't have a choice but to gave me away to a family of three who were royalty and were jerks to me however I cannot say the same to my little sister as she is the sweetest girl you would met when she was born into that family of jerks" he said.

The two continues to chat until the door open causing Cherno to look at the entrance to see two women one with orange hair and the other with blue/purple hair standing there horrified by the scene. "Sakura? Murasaki? I thought you two were spending the night at a friend house?" Asagi said as Sakura the orange hair woman look at her while Murasaki look at Cherno "we were but she suddenly felt sick so we came back" Sakura said in fear. Murasaki suddenly got into an attack position "what did you do to Kyousuke!" Murasaki said looking at Cherno which cause him to get up slowly and sigh. "I save Asagi from being rape by her so call love who became a demon who trick her into a fake marriage proposal which turns out to be a trap by Asagi arch enemy Oboro and Byg" he said. Both the women look shock and surprise at this until Cherno snap his fingers making the pile of orcs vanish leaving Kyousuke body in front of the furnace without it head as he start to walk outside. However he were stop by the two women who thank them and he accepted their thanks before he vanish into the darkness as the two women return inside and help Asagi to her bed while they call the police. The police report the murder as an house assault when Asagi were behind her friend who save her by the overdose Kyousuke who were drunk by a mysterious woman who trick him.

Location: large building of Edwin

Inside the office of the vampire lord is Edwin staring outside his window looking down at all of the city as his plans for the enslave of humans are slowly coming true however his door suddenly open which cause him to turn to see a injured Oboro as she have bruises all over her while her claws were completely destroyed which confuses Edwin. "Tell me did the plan for capturing Asagi succeed?" He said in a hint of anger which frighten Oboro as she got on her knees and bow. "It were going well until a outsider interferes and defeat me easily!" She said in a hint of venom "so you fail Black samba? Guess you are a failure to even called yourself one of the big" a mysterious woman voice said. Oboro look at the woman wearing a business suit as she is reveal as Ingrid the hell knight who is looking at Oboro "I am not a failure! Everything was going to plan if it wasn't for that Cegus who calls himself Overlord and he turn a orc against his own!" Oboro said. This caught Edwin attention as he look at her "Overlord? Why would an overlord be there in the first place?" He ask as this surprise both women "I don't know but something tell me he was holding back when facing against me when his ally kill all the orcs minus Byg" Oboro said. Edwin smile sinisterly "so he is just a man with allies and a gift who calls himself Cegus as an overlord what a joke" he said however before Oboro could speak the door slam open again as a demon run and got on his knees in front of Edwin. "Speak!" Edwin said as the demon got frighten and spoke "Lord Edwin it the body of Kyousuke we discover that the attacker destroyed his skull in a furnace filled with this flames that hasn't be used since the dark ages" the demon spoke.

Edwin eyes widen as he ask the demon this "what were the flames that were used" he said with a hint of hatred "it the kind that even death cannot escape, Hell fire" the demon said which cause the three to look in shock and surprise. "Impossible no one can't uses hell fire as it were forgotten" Ingrid said with shock looking at the demon "it true because the head of the police department gave us a trance of Kyousuke burned neck which contain essences of hell fire" the demon said. Edwin snap and slam his fist on a table with a pot causing the pot and table to shatter "is that all?" Edwin said with a hint of venom as the demon is shaking in fear "no there one more which involves the brothels that Real and Oboro owns as the men along with the demons and orcs have be targeted and be slaughtered by a mysterious figure who wrote on the wall saying this "don't fuck with the Overlord Cegus" as the women there are mysterious gone" the demon said. Edwin got enrage, Oboro is furious, but Ingrid were suddenly silence as she never thought that someone would work for this Overlord Cegus however she ignores those thoughts and spoke. "Maybe I can track this Cegus down and see what his allies look like since it seems we might be dealing more than what those people from UFS and Taimanin" she said which make Edwin thought for a bit. "Alright you go and see who and what those allies are and can do while seeing whoever this Cegus is but first what did he look like Oboro" he said as Oboro look down "I afraid he were wearing armor that I never see while also conceal his true self but his ally that i saw is wearing an blue assassin clothing and a mask so that can help of tracking this ally down as both himself and Cegus is wearing out worldly clothes" she said.

That surprise both Edwin and Ingrid "are you saying this Cegus and his allies are from another world!?" Edwin yell causing Oboro to nod in fear as Edwin pinch his nose "you are forgiven this time Oboro because I think I might enjoy myself going against this supposedly overlord Cegus because if he have hell fire than he must be killing the demons that I gather to cause someone to get Cegus to come here" Edwin said. This surprise both the women "now once you are fully heal Oboro I want you to go and investigate these attacks that this mysterious figure is causing while cautioning as we do not know what these people are capable of but also get Asagi and her sister" Edwin said. The two women bow before leaving with the demon helping Oboro to go to the healing pod while Ingrid is heading outside to see this Cegus fella and gather information on his allies.

Location: Taimanin headquarters/academy

Inside a meeting room is where Asagi, Sakura, and Murasaki is discussing the Overlord Cegus to the other Taimanins who is very surprise by this new person and his allies "so I get he is the one who save you and all Asagi but you sure we should ask him to be our ally?" Tatsurou said. Asagi sigh "I am since he the only one that ... Kage find him very powerful maybe even more powerful than us, the USF and Edwin himself" she said. That surprise everyone as they never thought that someone could be powerful as all of them "but what about his allies? He may have more than we realize" Kurou said. "True we never saw how many except for his friend Caldron as what Asagi told us, brother" Murasaki said "what about my mother? He could help us find her" Yukikaze said. "I know it sound hard but we cannot be sure of her disappearance as she be gone for three weeks" Rinko said looking at Yukikaze "that maybe true but we also know that she is strong so we cannot be sure" Shizuru said. However before anyone else could speak the door open an a panting trainee came inside and close the door before walking up to Kurou before she gave him a hard drive. "This came from a mysterious woman by the name Thea who say she work for Cegus" the trainee said which cause everyone to look surprise "how did they know where we already were?" Rinko said.

Then they plug the hard drive into a laptop which is projected onto the board as they saw a file under the name Mind title 'Greetings' they clip the file and suddenly a eye is on the video with a familiar voice "is this thing working?" which surprises the three women. "Cegus?" Asagi said which cause everyone in the room to look surprise "ah! I can heard you Asagi give me a moment I am trying to set the video chat up" Cherno said. Everyone look surprise at his face which is reveal without the mask then they set the laptop so that the camera can be pointed at them as they try to video chat. After a moment Cherno is finally done setting up the live video chat "ah about time sorry for the sudden surprise everyone" Cherno said smiling which cause them to feel safe somehow. "So Cegus why did you" Kurou spoke only to be stop by Cherno "actually my name is Cherno I uses Cegus as a way to hide my true name from my enemies" Cherno said as everyone is surprise he isn't calling them an enemy. "Um may we ask why don't you think we could be an enemy?" Tatsurou ask as Cherno chuckle a little "because an um 'dear friend' who work for you told me as she call you the Taimanin" Cherno said. That surprise everyone as they don't know who is "I thought I told you it was alright to call me your lover dear" a familiar voice spoke which cause all of them to look at the board in a shock.

Beside Cherno is a woman name "Shiranui? Mom?" the group said as they are staring at Shiranui who is wearing a newly latex suit that cover her entire upper body and her hip as she look like a cool bad mother. "Hi everyone hi sweetie" Shiranui said smiling as everyone is speechless minus Yukikaze who is crying in tears of joy at the sight of her mother but what shock everyone is that Shiranui kiss Cherno on the cheek. "Huh!" Everyone in the room said seeing Shiranui kiss Cherno on the cheek while holding his arm as he is blushing a little "mom! Why are you" Yukikaze said only to stop as her mother spoke. "It because your father sell me and before you ask your father is actually your step father as I want you to live a life with a father but after all these years of raising you he sell me to be a slave" Shiranui said. Everyone is shock at this news minus Cherno who is wrapping his arm around her and hug her as she broke down into crying while Yukikaze is enrage. "Which is why I gotta work with the Taimanin and conquer this world so that there can be a leader to run it and keep demons, humans, and orcs in balance since humanity need order or else corruption will spread" Cherno said.

They were speechless but after some thinking they agree but at that moment someone from Cherno side enter which cause Shiranui to cover her nose looking at the person who enter "jezz you need to at less wash once you done your killing!" She said. Everyone look surprise until the person who reveal is another woman who look Nordic "Sorry I was just finished killing demons, humans, and orcs at a brothel rescue the girls and sent them to Mind place since he can cure them" Wilma said. Everyone look confused at this "she means that Mind can remove any sperm, unborn children, and any trace of drugs while he wipe their memories of all the horrors they had to gone through while they are given new lives as citizens at his world, my world or back to Tokyo to relocate with their families" Cherno said. Everyone look at him in disbelief but he just chuckle "believe me even I was disbelief too but he show me the process and it work like a charm however the price is the wiping as it sometimes mess with their memories a tiny like what their favorite color, food, etc so it ain't bad" Cherno said. "Damn he sounds like a genius" Shizuru said smiling as Cherno laugh a little "it because he died and transfer his brain to a robot body with his conscience" Cherno said. That sure done it because the two men that were there fell down trying to contain their knowledge between realistic and scientific which set the women to giggle while Cherno roll his eyes.

Location: unknown laboratory

Inside is a man in a coat wearing a metal raven beak mask as he tinker with a machine until the door open revealing Smith who is carrying a briefcase as he stop behind the wall with glass and knock on the window. The man is reveal as Brain who look at the window and smiles at Smith "ah hello young Smith what does it brings you here?" Brain said rubbing his hands together as Smith roll his eyes. He hold out the briefcase and open it revealing the shadow orb which spark Brain interests "it time to summon the Oulos Brain" Smith said smiling as Brain laugh insanely before revealing the machine. "Let the birth of Oulos begin!" Brain said opening the door for Smith who carry the orb and stop in front of the machine as Brain open the entrance for the orb which Smith put inside the machine. Brain closes the entrance and start the machine causing thunder and lighting coming from the machine as the orb slowly swirl inside the window of the entrance before shooting upward. Smith smirk as he look above to see a massive monstrous glass chamber that look like a giant womb as the orb enter the womb before disappearing into the void of the chamber causing a reaction in the pocket dimension from the machine. After a few minutes a light came on which reveal a screen of the pocket dimension which is a massive void. Smith smile evilly as shadow orbs starts to appear inside and creating these dark and shadowy creatures with similar design as a mini werewolf but the creatures have these red eyes and muscular body with iron gauntlets instead of hands and with harden helmets that shape like wolves. However another batch of wolves cover in shadows starting to appear too along with another batch of werewolves that are wearing armor and sharp claws but they got one thing in common the symbol of the Oulos.

An: above is 6666 words in total so I hope you all like that as a sneak peeks at the wolves Oulos because they gonna be appearing a lot more after this. So let continue.

Location: park

(??? POV)

"I be looking for my friend for three weeks now and they were so foolish into believing that man *sigh* I wish you were there dear because I miss you" I thought as I look up at the nightly sky at the park until suddenly I heard something. I got into a defense position where the noise is coming from until I saw a dark man coming out from the bushes as he is smirking while he is emitted some weird aura. "Ah so that is the scent I smell it must be coming from you" the dark man said licking his lips like a wolf do to a prey "what are you a wolf?" I said pulling out my weapon into a defensive position. He chuckles softly as he smirk at me "let just say I am more beast than ever before" he said "but first allow me to introduce myself I am Ryuji and I am here to help myself to a meal" he said. Without warning he howl and transform into something I cannot explain he look like a wolf yet his energy is demonic and darker than any demons I face before. However the strangest thing is he have a symbol on his chest which is emitted that darkness "what are you?" I ask as he chuckle before answering "I am a demonic Oulo wolf" he said before charging right at me.

I block his attack but his strength is unbelievable he knock me against a tree breaking it during impact but what shock me is my weapon all broken into pieces as I look scared and frighten of this beast. He chuckle before running at me and jump into the air as I close my eyes and wait for my death or worst rape but it never came so I open my eyes to see a figure of a knight in front of me holding this werewolf Ryuji neck. "Are you Alright?" A male voice spoke as I turn to my right to look at a dark man wearing some hunter coat before I nod then he smile and help me up and gave me a mysterious combat knife. "Use this because we are about to have company" the man said as he get into a defensive position that I never see before but I look around us to see a pack of wolves in shadows as they bare the same symbol as Ryuji.

I got up and get behind the man to guard his back as the pack of these Oulos wolves surround us while the mysterious knight and the werewolf Ryuji is no where to be see "hey what your name miss?" The man ask me as I sigh "I guess the ring gave it away huh?" I said as the man chuckle. "Sorta but I explained after we beat these creatures" he said as I smile and get into a defensive position "my name is Kana mr?" I said as the man chuckle "you can all me Mat" he said as I giggle a little before we both attack the pack.

Location: building top

(Cherno POV)

I am fighting Ryuji who must have received a gift from this boss that gave Vult the same deal yet Ryuji is emitted off both demonic and darkness in this form as we fight on top of a building where I teleport us to since I don't want Mat and that young woman being uses as hostages. However at this moment I am holding back because I have a feeling that Ryuji is slowly getting use to his new power "like the new powers mysterious man!" Ryuji howl as he try striking at me only for me to block his attack. "You can call me Cegus, Ryuji" I said as I punch him in the gut which cause him to cough out blood but he kept attacking me "so what did this jester boss offer you?" I ask. He stop and look confused "jester? You mean that woman with the coat?" He ask as I look confused "does that mean there is more that work for this boss?" I thought before dodging a strike from Ryuji. "Guess you didn't know that there allies more than this jester that work for that boss she mentioned about" Ryuji said which cause me to grew suspicious that this woman will be causing some trouble a lot more than that jester.

We continue to fought until I notice the sun rising as Ryuji notice this too and ignore the sun but suddenly he stop attacking me and started to burn by the sunlight causing the darkness and his transformation to be distorted. He growl before running into the darkness as he got away before the sun could be reveal "okay so I guess that his transformation isn't fully merge with him yet" I thought before teleporting to where Mat and the women were at. When I got there I am surprise by the woman panting on the bench while Mat is fanning himself which cause me to suspect there was a fight here. "Mat are you and the woman alright?" I yell walking towards them as Mat look at me smiling "yeah just got ourselves into a fight by a pack of these um do you know what those were Kana?" Mat said looking at the woman. She look at me then to Mat before sighing "no but from what Ryuji say he called himself a demonic Oulo Wolf" Kana said as I sigh "guess whoever this boss that this woman and jester work for is starting to build a small army" I said. Kana look at me confused as I sigh "I explain once we get to the hideout" I said but Mat stop me "I bring her you earn a small break since you were gone for nearly five hours fighting that Ryuji guy" Mat said. "Dang it alright Mat I know when to relax and when to cat so I take on that request doctor" I joke the last part which cause Mat to laugh at the joke while Kana look confused but Mat put his hand on her shoulder "don't worry a friend of ours might know you since she told us about the Taimanin" Mat said. Kana look surprise and smile probably thinking as both herself and Mat teleport to the hideout but I look around the mess at the park and uses my nature magic to restore the park before I went into the shadows and wear my adventure clothes.

I walk toward a cafe where it just opened and I walk inside then order myself a meal and some coffee before taking a sit by the window and look outside through to see people starting to walk in the streets. However after my order got delivered and I start to enjoy myself when I detect a mysterious aura just enter the cafe which I look at the door to see a dark woman wearing a business suit and order herself something before looking around then spot me as I am looking through the window enjoying my coffee. Something tells me she is working for Edwin but there is something about her that cause my blood to boiled in rage however I remain calm as she got her coffee and sat at a stool. After a few minutes I finish my meal and coffee then I clean after my breakfast before walking out however when I did I sense the same woman starting to follow me however I also notice three thugs behind her as they must be after her body. I got enrage and make a turn to a alley before blending into the darkness as I wait for her and the thugs.

(Ingrid POV)

This Cegus fellow were hard to track down but I spot a young man wearing some adventure clothes that doesn't look like it came from here so I decided to follow him but when he were ahead of me I notice three thugs behind me. These pigs are surely rotten however i spot that the fellow Cegus just make a turn into an alley which I gonna use as an advantage to these thugs and so I make a turn into that same alleyway. However when I got there I notice that he is gone! Which enrage me a little as I try to walk ahead to see if he climb up the wall but I was stop by a voice "hey sexy what are you doing in these alleyways" a male voice said from behind me as I turn to face three muscular thugs. "I thought I saw a child but guess I was wrong so if you three don't mind" I said but was stop by the first voice "oh but here is where you are wrong young lady because we three have be stress out lately that we need to relieve ourselves" the first thug said. "So? I am a businesswoman who need to do her job" I said as the three thugs chuckle before they pull out knives "well they better look for another because we are gonna enjoy ourselves to your juicy body!" The third thug said. I was about to change into my hell knight form when suddenly a sinister voice spoke "now now gentlemen I wouldn't do that to a beauty as that woman" a male voice said causing me and the three thugs to look around until we spot a man wearing a armor that match the description that Oboro describes. "Found you Cegus" I thought to myself smiling but I stop as I sudden blush at Cegus comment "wait did he say I am a beauty?" I thought looking at Cegus.

(3rd person POV)

Standing behind the three thugs is none other than Cherno wearing his armor to hide his identity to enemies as he stare at the three thugs holding knives "what do you want bud we were gonna enjoy our" the second thug spoke but was spoke by Cherno throwing a knife at his kneed causing him to scream in pain. The two other thugs look at Cherno as he throw that knife so fast they couldn't see it even Ingrid couldn't see the knife as she is impressed by his speed "now then I hope you three leave before you make a mistake" Cherno said. The two thugs were completely frozen in fear until "don't listen to that freak he maybe fast but he ain't tough so he doesn't stand a chance against our guns!" The injured thug said pulling out a pistol which cause the two other thugs to snap from their fear and pull out two machine guns and all three aim their guns at Cherno who is smirking behind his mask. Ingrid however to a few inches back as she has a feeling that shit is about to go down "Oh? And what would you do if you find out that I have some friends who are females waiting at me for home?" Cherno said. Ingrid look confused to why he would ask but the injured thug smirk "perhaps they might leave you and join us as our" the thug spoke and mentioned the word that triggered Cherno rage.


Suddenly everything around the three thugs suddenly got dark as they look down to see arms started to grab their legs causing the three thugs to scream and shot at the arms while Cherno slowly walk towards them in a slow pace. Ingrid eyes widen in fear at the sight as she is seeing Cherno starts to grew wings and became large as an orc as his body morph into that of a true monster.

As the three thugs try to shoot at the arms the thug on the left were pick up by Cherno monstrous hand and slam the thug into the wall repeatedly until all that remains were just blood on Cherno hand. Cherno then pick up the thug on the right and claw his nails into the thug eyes and mouth until it crush the thug head dropping the thug on the ground before Cherno slam his foot on the body crushing it until it became nothing but blood. And for the thug in the middle Cherno smile sinisterly before picking him up and creating a gold tunnel pipe with sharp edges at the pipes entrances using his free hand. Cherno then stuff the thug into the pipe cutting the men arms right off using the pipe edges as the thug screams in pain and tears of pure suffering as he is fully trap in the pipe. Cherno smile before twisting the entrances into that of a jolly rancher candy as the thug is trap into darkness before Cherno finish the thug by electricity causing the man the scream until silence ending with the thug becoming nothing but blood stains inside the pipe. Cherno crash the pipe into a chuck of gold then making it vanish but he then saw the thugs arms and lift the two arms before crushing them creating a sound of crush bones and meat until there nothing left but dust which he throw into the wind before the surrounding area which the thugs where standing vanish.

Cherno return to normal as he took a deep breath before looking at a terrifying Ingrid which he sigh and walk until he stand in front of her before kneeling down to meet her face to face "tell me your name beauty?" He ask in a calm and gentle tone. Ingrid fears all suddenly went away by Cherno smooth tone which cause her to blush and turn to look away "I am Ingrid, Cegus, and I guess you know I work for Black sama" she said. Cherno chuckle causing Ingrid to look confused until he hold his hand out "I help you up before we talk more" he said as Ingrid thought about it before sighing and grab his hand. Cherno help both of them to stand but Ingrid legs suddenly fail on her causing Cherno to caught her before she fell which ends up in a pose like a couple finish a dance with the man holding the woman by the hip. Ingrid blush a lot more as Cherno chuckle softly before helping her to stand by a pipe as she is blushing still "so to answer your question yes I know you work for Edwin but my question is why is a hell knight work for someone who sees everyone as a pawn in a game of chest?" Cherno said.

Ingrid look at him in confusion "he doesn't treat me like that" she said as Cherno raise his brow before speaking "Oh? Then why call him by his last name and not his first because I know that I allow all my friends and allies to call me by my name while treating them as an equal" Cherno said. Ingrid is completely speechless as she never question her life like that but suddenly she remember what he say earlier "how do you know that I am a hell knight?" She said raising her brow at him. He chuckle before he whisper to her ear "I can tell by your aura that you are a skill and strong warrior who will do anything for what they want and what I sensing is your undying love for Edwin yet he doesn't see you as a woman but rather a pawn to use before sacrificing them for his own desire" he said. Ingrid eyes widen as she try to think to a time when Black has ever once treat her like a woman but she realized the truth that Black has never desire her but rather the women Asagi and her sister. She broke down into tears as Cherno comfort her by hugging her and letting her cry onto his shoulder which morph into clothing as she continues to cry on his shoulder.

A few minutes later both Ingrid and Cherno is back at the cafe as Ingrid eyes are red while Cherno is back wearing his adventure clothes while they sat there in silence until she spoke "why are you treating me like a woman instead of a toy?" she ask in a sad tone. Cherno smile before holding her hand which she blush "simple I don't think like that but instead I see women like yourself as an individual who doesn't need treatment from those with only desire is the women themselves" he said. Ingrid giggle a little "well not all women are like that" she said brushing a string of her hair away from her face "true but they aren't like you nor others that I met before they became broken by the men who desire is breaking the women into breeding stocks" he said. Ingrid sigh nodding her head in agreement before she look at his eyes while his look at her "hey if you want I can free you from Edwin by sending him a message in a hard drive" Cherno said in whisper which caught her attention. Ingrid listen to Cherno plan and she smile while blushing knowing that this plan will definitely work if it goes according to his plan but before they do it she quickly stole a kiss from Cherno lips before winking as it cause Cherno to smirk before they head out and start the plan.

Location: Edwin office

Edwin sat at his chair waiting for Ingrid to return but instead of her returning it was Oboro who look panic as she ran to Edwin and gave him a hard drive "what this Oboro?" He said in a unpleasant tone. Oboro took a few breaths before "it from Cegus he kill Ingrid!" she said causing Edwin to be off guard and plug the hard drive into a laptop and start the video that were in a file belonging to Cegus. "Hello Edwin I want to play a game starting with me killing your pawn Ingrid" Cegus spoke in a mysterious tone as he reveal on the video wearing a mask as both Edwin and Oboro widen their eyes.

"That is inside the abandoned brothel that his ally attack earlier!" Oboro said with venom revealing the background to Edwin as Cegus slowly clap his hands "if you guess it correctly Oboro then you're correct it is your abandoned brothel but at the time you see this it will become a blood path" he said. Oboro and Edwin look at each other before watching the rest of the video "as you notice your precious hell knight Ingrid is missing but I will give you two a reveal" Cegus said moving away from the screen to reveal a naked Ingrid all tied up and gag as she is on a chair strap to a machine of some kind. "Now this machine here" Cegus reveal himself near the panel connected to the machine "is link up to more than just to Ingrid" Cegus said as lights came on to reveal several demons, orcs, and males that work for Oboro and Edwin are all gag and tied to chairs connected to the machine which upset both of them. "I gonna enjoy causing him pain then slash him to pieces once i find him!" Oboro said as Cegus suddenly laugh with madness as he look right at the camera "if you spoke of enjoying yourself to my pain and killing me afterwards Oboro then you just cause one of them to die" he said. Both of them look in horror as Cegus slam a lever causing a nearby demon to scream in pain by his mouth being ripped apart from a huge claw entering the mouth before killing him by piercing through him.

They went silence as Cegus look towards the screen "if you two ain't talking then that means you are listening good because this game will cause all them minus Ingrid to die in a brutal way like the demon you just kill Oboro" Cegus smile when he said that. Edwin grid his teeth as he is losing his army one by one because of this Cegus "now the rules are simple you get to choose who will live and who will die minus Ingrid for I got something special for her" Cegus said smiling. "Now which of these inhuman beings will live and who will die?" He said before he show two sides "do we let the fat humans die or do we let the demons to die?" He ask looking at the screen causing the two look at each other before choosing the demons to live. He laugh as they look at the video "you choose the demons to live but I say and I quote 'do we let the fat humans to die or do we let the demons to die?' which meant" he smile as the two is horrified at their mistake. They stare as all the demons slowly die in very possible way until all that remains is nothing but blood all over the chairs, floor and wall as it cause Edwin to mentally yell in his head "this bastard will die!" he thought.

After a few minutes of watching all the remaining humans and orcs die in brutal and horrible ways the screen is slowly focus in on Ingrid as she is slowly moving causing the two to think she will escape but they were wrong. "Ah it seems that our beauty sleepy is finally wake" Cegus said grabbing Ingrid chin and forcing it into facing him as he force kiss her though the gag which cause Edwin and Oboro to look in shock. Once he done he lick his lips "mm I must say Edwin you just lost your chance of claiming this beauty because now" Cegus said smiling before the screen cut off for a moment before turning on to see Ingrid riding Cegus in a broken and dirty state as she is making an aheago face "yes! Cegus sama Let this beauty be your breeding stock and carry your children instead of having that heartless Black sama be the father of the children!" Ingrid said. Edwin broke the chair arm while Oboro is speechless until Ingrid screams as she is being filled by Cegus but as she fell on the ground Cegus suddenly change back to his clothes from before then wield a knife up to Ingrid full belly before cutting it open and let the blood and sperm come out before the screen cut to a smiling Cegus. "Hope you enjoy that because I did so I hope you will learn your place in this war between the two of us Edwin" Cegus laugh as the video end in darkness. Edwin order Oboro to leave and once she outside and far away Edwin completely loose it by destroying his office in rage unknowingly about a hidden tiny spy fly filming everything.

Location: the manor master bedroom

Inside the bedroom is four people laughing as it is reveal to be Cherno, Shiranui, Kana, and a very much alive Ingrid on the bed naked as they were watching what happened in the office of Edwin. "Oh my lord I cannot believe he fell for that!" Kana said laughing as she is holding her belly of feeling a little pain from laughing "Yeah! And even Oboro fell for it" Shiranui said as she is wiping her tears away. "I still cannot believe your plan work my love" Ingrid said kissing Cherno cheek as he kiss her on the lips in return "I mean you are talking to the Overlord who have knowledge about every trick of turning your enemies from using their own emotions against them" he said. As he look at the camera he uses for the video as he smirk a bit before pulling all three women into the bed with him "but what surprises me is that you actually say that when we were doing it in front of the camera" he said looking at Ingrid who blush. "Well we need it realistic as we make it look right women?" She smirk looking at Shiranui and Kana who nod and start to make out with each other before kissing Cherno as they begin their pleasure time again.

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