Union chapter 2:

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Everyone from Union is shock to discover that the man who save them is a Overlord but after a few seconds many students who are bullies and teachers who are heartless all got into a fighting stance "Surrender peacefully or we will force to arrest you" Ozpin said. But Cherno just gave him the middle finger to which enrage him but three students motoyasu, itsuki, and ren along with their parties all reveal themselves in front of Cherno. "You better back away as we are the three heroes!" Motoyasu said as everyone in the three parties all stare at Cherno thinking he cannot beat all three parties. But to their shock Cherno laugh demonically which cause fear in the members of the parties "you three are supposed to be heroes? Please I see nothing more but children!" He said. That shock the three heroes as they never be called children before but Motoyasu got enrage and charge at Cherno who smirk "die you bastard" Motoyasu said and jump into the sky and try to attack Cherno.

Cherno smirk as everyone gasp when they saw Motoyasu spear stop by Cherno who is holding the spear which shock Motoyasu but Cherno then kick Motoyasu to the two heroes without his spear. As soon as Motoyasu got up he is shock that Cherno is holding his spear "wait I can just recall it" Motoyasu thought with a smirk "ha you may think you can hold weapons but it bond to me" he said. However when he try summoning his spear nothing happened which shock him and everyone else as they all look at Cherno who is still holding the spear "what" Motoyasu said with fear. "You really think you can summon a different version of your weapon without thinking that someone can use the same" Cherno said before holding out the spear and break the spear just with one hand. Motoyasu eyes widen in shock and horror while everyone is completely speechless at Cherno breaking a weapon used by previous heroes. However both the bow and sword heroes charge at Cherno at once yet it result the same as Cherno is now holding both the bow and sword before breaking the bow and sword. Both heroes are horrified at their weapons destruction. "That is your punishment for thinking everything will go your way without thinking of the consequence!" Cherno said before unleashing a powerful wind to knock the three heroes and their parties members back into Union.

However that didn't stop the next group which is Cardin and team CRDL but the fight wasn't long as both Cardin and the team was defeated in a matter of seconds which shock everyone "you think you are base on knights but your nothing but imposters" Cherno said. And like before he unleash a powerful wind to knock the group into Union however next is Bakugo and a few students from class b and c. However the students from both classes have be defeated as Cherno weren't effective by their quirks yet Bakugo haven't give up as he continues to use explosive against Cherno. But as soon as he was close Cherno grab Bakugo arms and uses Nerve attack on pressure points on the arms causing Bakugo arms to be completely paralyzed then Cherno kick Bakugo away. "Your powers are unfocus and predictable to which can be your downfall while rage and strength alone will hurt everyone around you" Cherno said and unleash a wind to knock the students into Union.

Cherno POV:

I look at the next group which is the bastard from before, a kid with brown spiked hair, and a peerage however the peerage was too easy to beat while the bastard and the kid is getting on my nerves. "Just go down so that I can be the harem king!" The kid name Issei shout to which I stop and laugh making everyone look at me as I continue to laugh "you're goal is becoming the harem king?" I said as I continue to laugh. "Yes! And now to end you!" Issei said and start to say boost over and over until he unleash he so called powerful blast which I got to be honest is completely weak. I knock the blast like it was nothing however I did heard a familiar voice "that boy have no respect for the dragon red emperor" the female voice said in my head "Vafara" I thought to which she appears in my head. "Sorry if I spoke but that brat have Ddraig the red dragon emperor" she said to which I smirk as I look at the charging Issei who try to uses the gear but I spoke in dragon language "Dovah" I said. Suddenly the gear stop working making everyone look shock "what Ddraig what are you doing!" Issei said to the gear but suddenly I hear a male voice. "Dragonborn! I never thought I would meet one" the male voice spoke as a image of a red dragon appears inside my mind "I suppose you are Ddraig?" I thought as he nod "yes and" he couldn't finished when his eyes widen at Vafara.

"Your highness!" He said and bow to her which makes her giggle "at ease young one" she said making him nod but suddenly I felt an aura which caught the other two dragons attention as a new dragon appears. "Ah it sure felt good to enter the mind" alduin said which surprise me but shock the two other dragons "hello Alduin" I said which surprise the two dragons but Alduin smile. "Hello to you too Cherno it good to see you again but could you explain why her highness and the red dragon doing in your mind?" He ask and I explain what going on to which he frown and sigh. "It seems you chose a poor wielder" he said looking at Ddraig "it ain't my fault! Issei mind is so focus on women and perverty thoughts that it cloud his actions!" He said to which I frown. However I suddenly got a idea "how about this I free you from the gear and turn yourself into a humanoid that have all your powers except boast and your weakest attack to remain in the gear" I thought. He thought about it and nod "Alright I accepted that beside I think it high time that boy learn some lessons" he said to which I nod and look at Alduin "want to help me with this friend" I said with a smirk. He smirk too and suddenly both himself and myself focus and unleash a powerful shout at Issei who try to block our shout but with our shout combine it knock Issei to the ground.

After the shout Issei badly injured stand and try to summon his armor however to everyone shock he couldn't "Ddraig what the matter!" He yell but he widen his eyes "Ddraig?" He ask but after a few minutes he glare at me. "What did you do!" He shout as I laugh demonic which frightened him and all the heartless bastards "I set him free which means you can only use boost and the weakest attack" I said shocking everyone. However the other bastard try to attack me from behind but i smirk as a blast send him to a wall injuring his spine which surprise everyone as they all look to see my wife Freyja with her hand out. She put her hand down and walk towards me while the bullies have their eyes staring right at her but once she is beside me she kiss my armor cheek. All the bullies and pervs look shock while a few is enrage "why would a hotshot like you kiss a Pathetic man like that bastard!" Cardin shout "yeah why don't you leave that bastard and enjoy a real man!" Issei shout. However she rolled her eyes and make a face.

After she done that which shock everyone "I don't want to spend any time with someone who is just childish and ugly while my husband here is a true man and a beast in the bed with his other wives and lovers since he is much more of a man then you are a##hole" she said. When she say that all women blush while a few is shock but the rest is completely speechless minus a few who is enrage. However it was Riser that shout "you should learn your place w*ore!" He said which surprise a lot but he screamed in pain as everyone look at me holding out my hand which is glowing crimson red. I then pull my hand back and suddenly all the girl in that bastard peerage gasp as all these chess pieces suddenly fly out from them and into my hand which surprise everyone. But that bastard Riser shout again once the pain was gone "you bastard! Return those at once or" he couldn't finish as I crushed all the pieces into dust shocking everyone however I can tell that the girls that was once his peerage was happy. "You gonna pay for that" he try to attack but sadly he couldn't get far because of a new ally that punch him in the face which shock everyone as the ally reveal to be Ddraig in his humanoid body.

"I always wanted to do that" Ddraig said with a smirk as he walk and stand beside me "Ddraig! What are you doing!" Issei shout but he was blasted by Ddraig "I am no longer your partner brat but now I am your enemy" he said surprising everyone. "How could you betray Union!" sirzechs shout but Ddraig glare at him "betray? I was the one who decided that Union is nothing more but a false dream!" He said shocking everyone. "You better take that back lizard breath!" Cardin said but he was slam into a wall by a powerful punch to which surprise everyone as the person is none other then Yang.

3rd person POV:

But she wasn't the only one her sister and team fought Cardin team, Riser ex Peerage fought some students of class b and c, naofumi and his party fought Issei and Riser, and many of the readers friends fought the bullies while the teachers and headmasters and headmistresses watch in shock. Yet all the bullies have be defeated and all the readers friends walk and stand behind Nezu and the others headmasters and headmistresses along with teachers who are good which surprise Union staff "What is the meaning of this!" ozpin said. "Simple we all reside" Nezu said which shock Union "but you can't!" Gendo said but Nezu reveal a document of them resides along with everyone else who is good. "Even if you resides the students have to get their degree if they want to be heroes!" Ozpin said trying to get the students to see reason but a new voice spoke. "I afraid you are wrong about that" a female voice said making everyone turn to be shock at the appearance of Ophis, the four kage, and Hadie all standing in front of Cherno, his wife, and Ddraig.

Hadie turn his head a bit and nod at Cherno "you can go we deal with them" he said to which Cherno nod as both himself, his wife, Ddraig and the readers walk away while Union is being dealt with. However deep in the caves where a artifact lays glow "it seems my wielder have finally arrived" it spoke in a mysterious voice as the creatures guarding it bow to the glow as the scene turn black.

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