Chp.13 Rock-Paper-Scissors With Senpai

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The next couple of days now that school is back, Nagatoro was walking down the hallway, as she was singing, and yet thinking about (YN)...

Nagatoro: 🎵Gross, Gross, Gross, Gross, Gross🎵

And once she passes by his art room....she suddenly heard his voice, in there, and yet, she also heard Gamo, Yoshi' sand Sakura's voice as well...

Gamo: We can't let Hayacchi see you nor know about this.

(YN): H-Hey wait!

Nagatoro: Hm??

Nagatoro was curious as she started to hear what they were doing to (YN)...and what she was hearing...was really really REALLY wrong...

Gamo: It's fine Paisen, don't you want to feel better~? You won't be the only one dosing this alone~

Yoshi: Yeah~

(YN): O-Okay but, having someone else do it for me feel...wrong and not good at all!

Gamo: Don't you worry, Sakura here will be gentle~

Yoshi: Really gentle~

Sakura: Okay, you're going to feel a touch~

Nagatoro Mind: EHHH!!???? Wh-What's going on?!?

(YN): H-Hey wait! It's gonna hurt if-

Gamo: Stay still Paisen~don't worry~

Nagatoro Mind: Wh-Wh-Wh-What did he mean "it's not gonna hurt"?!?

Sakura: Come on, stop squirming, I'm trying to help here if you want to feel better~

(YN): H-Hey now! Not so rough okay?! Besides, I can do it myself-

Gamo: Shhhh, just shut up and let yourself, Paisen~

Yoshi: Body and soul~

Sakura: Oh my, who would thought you have it this big~looks like I'm gonna have my hand's in a weird position~

(YN): Just don't hold it like that, it'll hurt if you do! Just be gentle and careful with it and easy!

Nagatoro Mind: Okay that's it!!!

Nagatoro had enough hearing whatever she's hearing in the room, so she bursts in...and what she saw...wasn't what she thought, she notiecs (YN) sitting down, Gamo holding his head, Yoshi as well and Sakura holding his hand as she had a pair of nail clippers...afterwards, Nagatoro started to turn all desirous...

(YN): Oh hey Nagatoro, hehe funny story, I got this big splinter on my finger and These three are helping me out...sort of.

Gamo: H-Hehe, h-hey Hayacchi...

Sakura: H-Hey, we were just...

Yoshi: Uuuuhh...

Nagatoro: Move!!

Nagatoro rushes as the girls move out of the way as she snatched the clippers off Sakura's hand and holds onto (YN)'s hand to take off the splinter he has...

(YN): W-Wait Nagatoro be-

Nagatoro pulls out the splinter without hesitation...

(YN): G-Gentle...!!! *whimps*

Gamo/Yoshi/Sakura: Oooooooou!


Later that day in the afternoon, school ended as Nagatoro and (YN) were both making their way home, as they were, Nagatoro was being too quiet and a little upset with (YN) for some reason...

Nagatoro: Hmph!

(YN): Is there something you wanna say?

Nagatoro: You're nice, aren't you Senpai?

(YN): Eh?? Why say that?

Nagatoro: *looks away* You don't mind carrying a cute girl's stuff, even if it's heavy or not.

(YN): *sighs* I was just passing by, and Sakura seemed helpless and wasn't able to carry the heavy chair, so I just helped her that's all. It's not like I did it just because of her looks.

Nagatoro: Oh really? Well then, carry my backpack then!

(YN): And why would I do that?

Nagatoro: ...Good point. So...let's play rock-paper-scissors!

(YN): Eh?

Nagatoro: The loser has to carry the winner's backpack for three blocks down.

(YN): We're not in elementary....*sighs* okay fine.

Nagatoro: Okay then! Rock-Paper...Shoot!

Nagatoro soon throw rock...and (YN) paper...and she loses as she then gave off a bitter face and upset with (YN) suddenly...

(YN): oh boy...

And so, Nagatoro not only had to carry her bag, but (YN)'s as well as she and (YN) were walking down, as Nagatoro was marching grumpy with carrying two bags...

(YN) Mind: Well she did this to herself, can't blame myself, but...I can't help it feeling guilty for her somehow...

Nagatoro: Hmph! It must be pretty easy for you, having a girl like me carry your stuff at home.

(YN): Look we can switch if you want-

Nagatoro: Nope, it's fine! This is what I get for losing!

And so, they kept walking and walking until they passed 3 blocks as Nagatoro gave (YN) his backpack...

Nagatoro: Okay, next is gonna be four blocks!

(YN): Eh? We're still at it?? *Well okay, if this is what she wants...but...maybe I should let her win this one...*

Nagatoro: Okay then! Rock...Paper...Scissors...shoot!

Nagatoro throws scissors...and (YN) paper...

(YN): ...

Nagatoro: ...Yay! I win!!

(YN): Hm. *Guess I'm being too considerate*

And so, (YN) now has to carry Nagatoro's and his backpack for four blocks...
After four blocks down, it was almost to be dark as Nagatoro and (YN) stoped after four blocks...

Nagatoro: Okay, last one!

(YN): Right. *No holding back this time*

Nagatoro: Here goes!

(YN)/Nagatoro: Rock Paper Scissors...Shoot!

Nagatoro throws paper...and (YN) rock...

Nagatoro: I won again! Yay!

(YN): Hmph! Oh well, can't argue with that, here let me see your bag then.

Nagatoro: Hehe, nah no need to.

(YN): Eh?

Nagatoro:'ll be carrying me instead!

Nagatoro leaps behind (YN) for a piggy back ride...

(YN): H-Hey! The hell you're doing?! Get off from me now Damn it!

Nagatoro: Hehe nope! You lost so you gotta carry me! No backing up, Senpai! Now come on, let's go!

(YN): Tch. *Why did I even bother playing this game*

And so, (YN) started carrying Nagatoro from behind as he stared walking down, and was quiet the whole time...

Nagatoro: Hehe, say Senpai, why so quiet all For the sudden? Don't tell me you never carry a girl before.

(YN): Gee, who knows?

Nagatoro: "Gee, who knows?" Haha! Of course you haven't! You gross virgin Senpai!

(YN): 💢💢 *Man, this sucks...and considering this is all me of course.......I mean...she's not that heavy so, no big whoop*

As he keeps carrying her from behind...(YN) can feel Nagatoro falling down...

(YN) Mind: Crap! She's slipping, I have to-

(YN) pulls Nagatoro up from her slipping...and as he did...his both hands landed onto her upper thighs, as if he almost landed on her ass...

(YN): *...Oh fuck!*

Nagatoro soon gets off from his back...

(YN): O-Oi! I didn't mean to, I-

Nagatoro: I'm going this way.

Without even looking into (YN)'s eyes, she yet turns the other direction and runs away...leaving (YN) alone...

(YN): But...your house is...that way?? *Shit...I think I upset her...*

Back with Nagatoro...she was still running...and yet she was suddenly blushing as well...of  what's like she felt...embarrassed and flustered about it...


Later that day, it was night, (YN) was in his room, doing his homework....and yet...he somehow was waiting for Nagatoro to text she always do...and was worried for her as well, which he has never does before....but now...suddenly, he got a text from her as he reads her messages saying...

"See you tomorrow Senpai. Thank you for holding my stuff, anyways what are you up to now? Are you busy doing nasty stuffs like always?"

(YN): Well I guess she forgot about it.

He then replies to Nagatoro saying...

"Doing homework."

And sends the message...then he got a text back from her saying...

"Cool, okay pop quiz time! What am I doing right now?"

He then replies...

"Watching TV or something?"

And sends...he then got another text from her saying...

"Hehe, wrong!"

And suddenly...his phone started to ring as he was getting a call from Nagatoro....he then takes a deep breathe and answers...

(YN): Yo.

At Nagatoro's house...

Nagatoro: The answer is...I'm taking a shower!

(YN): EHH?!?! Woah!!!

Nagatoro can hear loud thumps and she can tell (YN) was startled and yet tripped down to the ground...

Nagatoro: Hehehe! You freaked out senpai!

(YN): N-No I didn't! It was just out of nowhere for you to say!

Nagatoro: Lies. Your voice says it everything, was it too much for a virgin like you? Hahaha!

(YN): N-Nrrrgh shut it okay?! And no it's nothing like that okay?!

Nagatoro: Hehe, I bet you have a strong imagination, I bet you see me naked in your head right now.

(YN): No I'm not moron! I'm just working and studying!

Suddenly...(YN) somehow started to picture Nagatoro naked in the he blushes and shaking his head...

(YN) Mind: D-Damn it Nagatoro!!!!

Nagatoro: Oh no! Senpais is defining me with his mind!

(YN): NO IM NOT!!!!

Nagatoro: Senpai you pervert! Hehe!

And what she didn't that she accidentally press video call, and was gonna video call (YN) through the phone without her noticing it...back with (YN)....

(YN): I'm not a pervert!

Nagatoro: Yes you are! Haha!!

(YN): Nrrrgh! *Calm down...Clam down (YN)...just calm down bro, don't let her get you like that* ............HM?!?!!

And as he sees his phone...he notices Nagatoro Turing on her camera for a video call...and showing her in her shower, laughing as she doesn't notice it...

(YN) Mind: DID SHE REALLY TURN ON HER CAMERA!?!?!!??!?!!!!!!!!?????

Back with Nagatoro...

Nagatoro: Hahaha! You freak too much Senpai!

(YN): H-Hey! Nagatoro-

Nagatoro: Did you see me naked with your overwhelming power of imagination? Hehe~!

(YN): H-Hey...y-you do're on video call, right?!

Nagatoro: ...Eh?? What are you-

And so...Nagatoro as realizes that she was on video call, as she can see (YN) had his phone standing up, and him looking away, covering his face with his hand.......Nagatoro realizes that she was the one that video call him...and yet him seeing her in the shower...which made her blush really hard....and yell...



(YN) had his phone place down on his table face first as he felt so embarrassed and yet his face a bit red...

(YN): L-Look...I-I only saw the shoulders up...I didn't see anything wasn't okay for me to see but....Nrgh damn it! What I'm trying to say is...I'm sorry...I should've have at least looked away...

Back with Nagatoro...she was still in her tub, having her phone face down as well...blushing and embarrassed as well...

Nagatoro: N-No need to wasn't a big deal for me anyways....

And yet...the two felt so embarrassed and flustered about what happen...and all they can hang up the phone....and go to sleep...


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