Chp.15 Enter The Club President

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Couple days have now passed, school ha s just ended now...but as for (YN)...he stood in his art room for a while...and to think what to model for the culture festival this coming up this week for the school...

(YN): Hmmm. Wonder what to model next? Of who should I model? ....Might as well talk about this to the President....

Nagatoro burst in the room...

Nagatoro: Senpai!

(YN): WAH!!! Jesus Nagatoro knock first!

Nagatoro: Heh sorry, but I heard and seems like you've got something on you're mind. What's the matter? What was that about modeling?

(YN): Oh, well you see...


Nagatoro: Mm. I see, you haven't been able to find out a model for your piece for the culture festival. Hehe, poor Senpai.

(YN): Tch.

Nagatoro: You know, if you're really that desperate about it, I'll do it for you-

(YN): No thanks.

Nagatoro: EH?!?!? By I'm offering! A cute girl like me!

(YN): Sorry, but no.

Nagatoro: Mmmm! ....Aha!

Nagatoro walks over to her backpack...and then pulls out and walks back to (YN)...and shows her an drawing she got from him, a drawing of her with a cat suit on...

Nagatoro: Hehe, I bet you don't wanna model me cause you wanna draw me more sexier than this.

(YN): Eh?! Where the hell do you get that?!

Nagatoro: Hehe! This is what you REALLY want to draw, ain't it? You closeted perv?

(YN): N-No you moron!

Nagatoro: Lies! Lies! You always like drawing a lot of details like this drawing.

(YN): 💢💢Mmmm!! ...*Hehe, or maybe...maybe I should Joke around with her for once.* Okay then, fine. I'll draw you.

Nagatoro: O-Oh, really?

(YN): But you have to prepare your own outfit, I don't have any girl's clothes. That's the condition.

Nagatoro: Hehe, sure thing, so what kind of clarets you want me to wear? A swimsuit I bet? You pervert.

(YN): Actually...I wanna draw you with that cat outfit in the drawing.

Nagatoro: E-Ehh???!

Nagatoro realizes that the suit (YN) wants her to a Neko cat outfit, just like in the she stood speechless...and blushing about it...

(YN): Hehe, if you really wanna model for me, then try finding the suit I want you to's too much for you.

Nagatoro: ...

(YN): Hehe, you have till, yeah. Hehe. See ya tomorrow.


The next day, (YN) was waiting for Nagatoro and her suit...

(YN): know I kinda feel bad for being too much on Nagatoro. She offered me to model her.

Soon, the door open as Nagatoro entered...soon he realizes to see Nagatoro in an actual neko cat outfit on...

(YN) Mind: She manage to find one?!?!

Nagatoro: Hehe, I had the needle craft club to put it together for me. What you think?

(YN): ....

Nagatoro: *flustered*

Nagatoro rushes at (YN)...

Nagatoro: Well say something!

(YN): H-Hey!

Nagatoro:'re the one who made me to wear this.

(YN):'s not bad, they did good on the fabric well done and stuff.

Nagatoro: ...that's all?

(YN): *Shit....she really does look cute on that outfit* look...cute on the outfit as well.

Nagatoro blushes...and just plays along with it...suddenly, Gamo, Yoshi and Sakura appeared in the room and decided to eat there while (YN) models for Nagatoro...while there at it, (YN) took his time and modeling Nagatoro in her neko outfit...

Nagatoro: Hehe, come on Senpai, make me look more sexy.

(YN): Look I'm just drawing you normally okay? Besides I'm almost done, just need to add the coloring.

Gamo: Haha Paisen is embarrassed.

Yoshi: Embarrassed!

Sakura: Hehe, that's hilarious.

Nagatoro: Hehe, anyways, since the culture festival starts next week, my club will be running a yakisoba stand. It's a specialty well deserved by the high school swimming club with a twenty-year history.

Gamo: Hehe, well me and Yoshi and our class are doing a haunted house. Scary as hell.

Yoshi: So scary!

Sakura: Heh, I think I'll be helping with the gaming club as well.

Nagatoro: Eh? You mean the ones in the dining lunch room? You're still with that club, Sakura?

Sakura: Yup, we decided to have fun together and get along as well!

Nagatoro: I see...what about you Senpai? What is your art club gonna do?

(YN): Hm....oh...

(YN) started to think about what will him and his club do for the festival...he then started to have memories back then in his first year when he joined the art club...and meeting the club President as well...he remembers everything from her, of how courageous she is, smart, such endurance, and yet confidence as well....and everything culture festival...she and him will always make the festival better with their art...and yet...she has out (YN) in charge for the art club...and he'll do anything....for her back then of course...making he and the president had something together....

Nagatoro: Senpai? ...Senpai??? ....Senpai!!!!

(YN): E-Eh???

Nagatoro: Youre looking pensive, Senpai.

(YN): O-Oh, right...the school festival...guess we'll do an exhibit like always.

Nagatoro: ...lame!

(YN): Eh💢

Sakura: I bet no one will come.

Gamo: Sounds pretty boring.

Yoshi: Gloomy!

Nagatoro: Hehe, don't worry Senpai, we'll help you, and make it more hype!

(YN): By "hype", what do you mean by?

Nagatoro: Hehe, like...Wack-a-Senpai!

Gamo/Yoshi/Sakura: Cackle! Cackle! Cackle!

Nagatoro: Or...Pop-up Senpai!

Gamo/Yoshi/Sakura: Cackle! Cackle! Cackle!

(YN): How is that hyping things up for my club?!? It's more like you all having fun only! *sighs* I need some stretch, ima head out for a bit.

While the girls laugh about it...(YN) exits the room and starts to give some stretching for himself...and catch some air out the window....

(YN): *sighs* These girls man...can't even let me rest for a bit.

He heard footsteps down the hallway, as if someone was coming upstairs...

(YN): Footsteps...wonder who's-

And yet....he recognizes those footsteps anywhere...and he knows only one person that can make those footsteps so menacing and serious...

(YN): O-Oh no! No No No! Shit Shit! She's coming! Now?!? Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck!

He then rushes in the room back, and shuts the door quickly....

Nagatoro: Hm? Senpai?

Gamo: Hey, what's up? Everything okay?

(YN): No! It's not!

(YN) rushes over to the back door, where leads to another room, where the art and stuffs are being held...

(YN): Everyone stay in this room for a while! Hurry now!

Nagatoro: Eh? What for-

(YN): I'll explain later! Just do as what I say!

And so, the girls did what he told them, go in the next room and stay there...

Nagatoro: Hehe, Senpai is locking us up, he's being sus-

(YN): Nagatoro This isn't a joke! Please do as what I say and do it now!

Nagatoro realizes that (YN) isn't joking at all and he barely raised his voice up...Nagatoro goes in the room with the girls as (YN) shuts the door...

(YN): Shit!

He rushes and picks up the backpacks and hides them behind the shelf...

(YN): Fuck! The food! I have to throw all this away before-

And suddenly....the door open...and soon, a female teenager happens to enter...

(YN): ...she comes.

And this female teenager...happens to be none other that the club President of the art club...

(YN): Tch...What a surprise, what brings you here President, or should I say...Sana.

Nagatoro Mind: President? Sana? ...He knows her too??

The President realizes a sofa in the art room...which she didn't remember having one...

President Sana: Does a club member need a reason to show up to the club?

(YN): Hmm. No, not at all.

Nagatoro and the others were being quiet and hearing them talking...and Nagatoro being a little jealous for some reason...

Sakura: Hehe, I bet he likes her.

Nagatoro: No way!

Gamo: Heh, I bet that's her ex.

Nagatoro: No!

Yoshi: His ex!

Nagatoro: I said no!

Back at the room..

President Sana: You know, it's not polite for you to talk to your president like that...even as your ex as well.

Nagatoro Mind: WHAAAAAAAAA?!? Ex!!!???

Gamo: Boom! Called it!

Nagatoro: N-No! That can't be! Maybe she's-

Gamo: Shhh shut it Nagatoro, we trynna hear!

(YN): ...Look let's not bring the last that happen okay? Let's just focus about the festival, okay?

President Sana: Hmm. Well anyways, I thought I'd do something for the culture festival.

(YN): An exhibit again, right?

President Sana: I've left you in charge of the art club, so it's up to you to decide.

(YN): Mmm. Well it's be great to do one again, and do something great again for us to present something as well.

Suddenly the president sees the junk food on the she has another reason to come...

President Sana: I had another reason to come here today. I've heard some unsavory rumors lately. The art club room has become a gathering place for some nasty characters.

(YN): *Shit! She's on my ass!* Tch. Well whoever they are, their dumbasses. No other people have come here just to ruin the art room.

President Sana: Really? Then care to explain about the junk food in the table?

(YN): ...Those are my junk food-

President Sana: *sighs* I'm not an idiot.

(YN): Eh??

President Sana: I know you're inviting people that aren't suppose to be here, even if their not in our club! This place is nothing but a merrymaking!

In the room, Nagatoro felt the urge to wanting to say something to the president...

Gamo: Oh man, she's really pissed.

Sakura: She's really scary too.

Yoshi: Scary!

Back at the art room...

President Sana: The student councils given me a warning. So I came to see how serious you're taking the art club.

President Sana walks over to the portrait that (YN) was modeling...and to see Nagatoro in her cat outfit...and she doesn't seem impressed at all...

President Sana: What is this, a manga club?

(YN): Look, I can explain-

President Sana: No need to, I've been thinking that if you don't care to take the art club seriously...I ought to shut down the art club!

(YN): What?!?

President Sana: So anything you have to say?

(YN): Thats bullshit! Why-

President Sana: No! You're the one causing the Bullshit, if you haven't been bringing/inviting unknown people and joking around, I would have never got the warning about it!

(YN): ...Tch.

President: Now then, if everything is settled, I'll inform this to the council.

Before President Sana exits the room...Nagatoro and the girls came out from the room...

Nagatoro: Hold on!

(YN): N-Nagatoro!!!

President Sana: Hm? Who the hell are you?

(YN): Sh-She's a third like me! She's been modeling for me! And-

Nagatoro: President...don't you think you're being too harsh?

President Sana: What?

Nagatoro: You neglected the art club all this time. Now you show up out of nowhere and shut it down?! Don't you think that's a bit too far?!

President Sana: If the club members aren't taking their job serious, then there's no point for the activities to continue.

Nagatoro: ....You don' just don't know!

President Sana: Hm?

Nagatoro: You don't know that he's not taking the club seriously! Senpai has worked hard, drawing and drawing hard! And I've seen it! I've seen everything...

Nagatoro started to have flashbacks from (YN) always taking the art club seriously, of how he always gets the art job down, no matter what, no matter where he is or where he goes...he beat it down...

Nagatoro: He's always...always...always....drawing like a keener! *blushing*

(YN) stood speechless...the girls as well...President Sana as well as he turns to (YN) and says...

President Sana: If you're sure he's taking this seriously, then I'd like to see his work at the culture festival. But not an exhibit...I may have half-quit the art club, but I'm still the president. So if you insist on going against me...then I'll have to put together your own exhibit from the clubs.

(YN): Huh???!

President Sana: Students vote for the exhibit they like the best every year. If yours eaten the most votes than mines...then I won't shut down the art club.

And so...(YN) has now have a challenge against President Sana, his ex...knowing that she can be difficult to beat and he knows her very well....until Nagatoro places her hand onto his shoulder and says...

Nagatoro: You got this, Senpai! Let's do this, together!

(YN): ...Righr!

President Sana: Hm. It's settled then, I'll exit my way then. And good luck...(YN).

President Sana soon exits the room...and (YN) now has to deal with President Sana for her not to shut down the art club...

Sakura: Oh my, she's even more scary when you stare at her.

Yoshi: Yup!

Gamo: Yup...and hey...I knew she was Paisen's ex!

Yoshi: Paisen's ex!

Nagatoro: Oh shut up!

Gamo: Come on Nagatoro, you gotta admit it too, she even said it herself, and Cale's him by his real name, now that's something from them.

Yoshi: Fishy!

Nagatoro: Hehe! You really think the president can be Senpai's ex?! I mean who would want to be this virgin creep to be her ex?! Hahah! Senpai is too virgin to be the president's ex, am I right Senpai?

(YN): .....

Nagatoro: S-Senpai??

(YN): ...I don't wanna talk about it. Let's just focus on beating her...and not let her shut down the art club...okay?

Nagatoro soon realizes how serious he sounded...and all she can not joke around a bit and reply...

Nagatoro: O-Okay, Senpai.


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