Chp.3 Senpai Gets His Lucky Wish

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So a few days have passed, (YN) now has a made a new friend with Nagatoro, and yet, knowing that He's her Senpai....the two have been getting along barely and yet talking, and knowing (YN) is okay with it, but yet still wants to be alone...once day at school, it was half the period as (YN) was in his art room, as he was finishing up drawing...

(YN): *sighs relief* Finally, all done.

Suddenly, the door open...and yet Nagatoro merges in and yet swinging a hula hoop around her hips...

Nagatoro: Senpai!!!!

(YN): WAAH!!!

She was rushing around the room, swinging the hula hoop on her hips as (YN) was protecting his portrait that he finished barely finish...

(YN): Hey woah!! What the hell you think you're doing?!

Nagatoro: Hula hooping dummy, hehe! So what you think about my hip motion?! Pretty cool Huh?

(YN): Hmmmm. *Im not gonna ask how she manage to burst in here while hula hooping*

Nagatoro: Well? What are you waiting for?

(YN): Eh?

Nagatoro: Come on in! Don't eat right moment to get in with me! Let's go, Senpai!

(YN): *sighs* Fine.

(YN) played along as he ducked down and try to go in the hula hoop with Nagatoro...until he realizes to accidentally seeing Nagatoro's white panties under her skit, and made Nagatoro realize about it...and soon to blush...

(YN): W-Woah now! I didn't mean to see them! Really I-

Nagatoro started hitting (YN) with the hula hoop...

(YN): Ow! Ow! Damn it hey! I said I was sorry!

Nagatoro: Y-You're really such a pervert!

(YN): It's not my fault you had to wear such a small skirt Damn it!!!!

Hey man, there are no be like that and happens to us men as anyways...the day goes by, and (YN) was already finished with his classes and school just ended...and soon (YN) decided to stay in the art room for a while before leaving home...and yet...he's acting really he was walking down the hallway, he yet started to sneak, as he was trying not to get seen by anyone, slithering and yet trying to get to the art room, and yet he arrive as he quickly goes in the room, shuts the door, as he walks up to the table, sits down and takes our something from his backpack...and what he took out was a manga, a 18+ lewd manga as he then smug about it...

(YN): Ho Ho! I finally manage to get my hands on this one. Luckily I manage to buy it on my wya to school, last copy of it. This is gonna be so "interesting" hehe, the hot springs, the babes, and-

But then...he heard the door he quickly turns around, realizes Nagatoro eyeing on him, then she burst in the room...

Nagatoro: Sup Senpai!

(YN): *Nagatoro!!!!* *sighs* ...Yo.

Nagatoro: Mind if I eat here?

(YN): ...*Sighs* I guess it can wait till home* Yeah, sure.

Nagatoro: Yay! Cool! Say, you don't got nothing for you?

(YN): I just ate a while ago, so I'm good.

Nagatoro: Okay! Suit yourself.

(YN): Right. *Shit, I gotta hide this manga before she even tries to tease me about it and annoy me! I just gotta be...smooth about it.*

(YN) slowly was reaching for his backpack behind, as he tries to hide the manage away without letting Nagatoro know about it...until she says...

Nagatoro: Say, Senpai?

(YN): Eh?

Nagatoro: Is it just me...or are you acting a bit sus and sketchy~?

(YN): What?! No, I don't know what are you-

Nagatoro: Don't deny it Senpai! I'm starting to get creepy vibes from you! Haha!

(YN) Mind: Damn it! She's on my ass! I have to hide this now before she-

Nagatoro: Aha!

(YN) Mind: No!

Nagatoro: So you are being're hiding something perverted, aren't you~?

(YN): No, it's not like that!

Nagatoro: Then let me see it!

(YN): No damn it! It's nothing that perverted!

Nagatoro: You're so obvious Senpai! Hehe, I bet you just wanna see the sexy part!

(YN): It's nothing like that damn it!

(YN) and Nagatoro were fighting for the Nagatoro suddenly holds onto (YN)'s hand...

(YN): E-Eh??

Nagatoro: You know...if that's what you want, then I can let you "do it".

(YN): D-Do it?!

(YN) lost focus as Nagatoro snatches the manager away from his hands...

Nagatoro: Haha! Psych! Got it!

(YN): Hey! Give it back!

Nagatoro: Catch me if you can!

(YN): Nagatoro!

(YN) started chasing her around the room...she was too quick for him as he was chasing her around and around for a cool minute as he got tired and sat right back down..

(YN): Y-You...You're too damn fast...shit...

Nagatoro: Man you're so easy, Senpai. And I really don't even wanna do it with you. Hehe~!

(YN): Tch.

Nagatoro open some pages as she yet appears to be in one page we're a guy was grabbing a females breasts and yet blushing...

Nagatoro: Aha! So it is something Pervy! Man you're so gross, Senpai! What is this? An accidental wish luck?

Nagatoro: So this is what you like huh? Hehe!

Nagatoro got close to (YN) as she grabs her breast, and teases (YN) with them...

Nagatoro: Hehe! I bet you wann play with someone's boobs right as you're falling, don't you Senpai?

(YN): No damn it! And can you stop comparing the fiction to reality! That won't even happen!

Nagatoro: Man you're such a pervert, Senpai!

(YN): It's not like that, really! Besides...the manage isn't about lewd or shit like's mostly a love story related to vampires.

Nagatoro: Eh?? Love story about vampires??

And so, that got Nagatoro's attention, as (YN) let her read the manga, and yet it started raining outside as well....minutes later, Nagatoro finished the manga...

Nagatoro: Well, even if it's perv, the story is actually good!

(YN): Heh, told ya.

Nagatoro: Yeah, I mean the love and romance is so immortal. There's just something about it makes me wanna read more of these kind of stories. But you know...the guy in the story does resemble you.

(YN): Eh?

Nagatoro: Yeah, running away from the female vampire with garlic and a cross on his hands, which it doesn't work, and falls to its victim...and gets his blood suck.

(YN): Tch. You wish you resembled me with that dude.

Nagatoro: But its okay, cause you'll be alright if you were attacked anyways by a female vampire.

(YN): And why is that??

Nagatoro: Hehe, cause you're a virgin! Hehe!

(YN): ...What💢.

Nagatoro: Yeah, cause even if you did get attacked by a female vampire, you'll be an mindless ghoul. But you should happy that you won't cause you're a virgin, so that's good!

(YN): Oh shut up! do you know if I'm a virgin? It's not like you gotta be a vampire and find out if I'm a virgin or not.

Nagatoro: ...Actually...that's true...

Suddenly, the lighted went out as it got a bit dark and can barely see...

(YN): Eh? The lights went out-

Nagatoro: So, wanna find out then? Hehe~

(YN): Hey now! Don't even think-

Nagatoro: Hehe, I'm kidding Senpai, chill.

(YN): Oh.

But suddenly...Nagatoro started to stare at (YN)'s (YN) covers his neck...

Nagatoro: Hey, can I try it?

(YN): No damn it! Don't even think about it!

Nagatoro: Oh come on now, let me try hitting your neck, I'm just gonna bite it, not suck it.

(YN): Eh?! You're giving up on being a human?! Who the hell you think you are, some buff blonde hair dude that rejects his humanity to become an immortal vampire?! *stares at the readers*

Nagatoro: ...I don't know where that come from, but no. Nothing like that dummy. Besides, it's just pretending, and look, *shows teeth* my canine teeth are pretty sharp. I'll just give it a prick. Hehe, now then~

Nagatoro got up, as she started to slowly approach to (YN) as (YN) started to back a way from her...

Nagatoro: Hehe, I feel like an actual vampire~

(YN): Cut it out! This ain't funny Nagatoro! This is weird and-

Nagatoro: Come here!

(YN): Oh fuck!

Nagatoro leaps on top of (YN), as he falls behind to the ground and Nagatoro being on top of him and giving him a smug funny smile look on her face...

(YN): O-Oi! Get off me damn it!

Nagatoro: Nope, you're my prey now Senpai~.

(YN): No serious! Get off from me! If someone comes in looking at us like this then they're gonna get the wrong idea idiot!

Nagatoro: Eh?? *giggles* What "wrong idea"~

(YN): You know what I mean damn it! So get off from-

Nagatoro soon unbuttons (YN)'s shirt on the top only, revealing his neck only as she soon gently grabs it and yet smoothing it as well...

Nagatoro: Senpai, you have a hard thin neck~

(YN) H-Hey! S-Stop it, idiot!

Nagatoro: Hehe, what's wrong~? Sounds like you're being...resistant~

(YN): I-I'm not!

Nagatoro: Then, relax, and let me take a bite off that neck of yours~

Nagatoro was getting closer to (YN)'s neck and take a bite off from it...

(YN): W-Wait moron!

As soon (YN) opened his mouth, Nagatoro smelled his breathe...and what she smelled from him...was horribly disgusting...she soon got off from him quickly ...

Nagatoro: Ew! Garlic breathe! Gross!

(YN): *Phew! That was close! I gotta get out of here and-

Nagatoro: Hehe! You're not getting away!

(YN): Ahh!!!

Nagatoro leaps again towards (YN) from behind, as they soon fall to the ground hard...Nagatoro was recovering herself from that fall...until she realizes that her hand...landed onto (YN)'s member, as she gave a soft sweeties onto his member as (YN) gave an embarrassing reaction to it and Nagatoro as well as she blush really hard from what she was holding....afterwards...the lights went out...soon Nagatoro was starting at her hand which she use to "accidentally" grab (YN)'s member as she smiles, blushing hard and says...

Nagatoro: Y-You got your wish, Senpai! You got the accidental luck! Hehe~!

(YN): Th-Thats not how it fucking works!!

Nagatoro laughs off about it...and for (YN)...he had a weird feeling after getting his member grabbed by a girl like Nagatoro...soon Nagatoro was still blushing as she grabbed her stuff and says to (YN)...

Nagatoro: Well, s-see ya, Senpai!

She then runs off as she leaves for (YN)...she left to his house as well after...later on that day, it was night as (YN) was reading the manga he bought...and as he got to the accidental luck wish page...he yet started to remember the moment he got that "accidental wish" from Nagatoro back at the school in the room...he suddenly started to get some dirty thoughts about it of Nagatoro close to him...and grabbing his member, he codify get rid of it...

(YN): ....Well shit...*blushes a little*


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