Chp.5 Rainy Day With Senpai

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One day, (YN) was already done drawing another portrait, but as he was done and school just ended...he realizes that it was raining, and yet he had to walk on a rainy day, or better yet, run for it. As he soon left the school, he started running down the sidewalk and getting wet on a rainy day..

(YN) Mind: Damn it! Why does it have to rain today?! I was planning to go to the restaurant today!

Suddenly, he heard footsteps behind, and yet to notices Nagatoro running as well as she passes him by...

(YN): Nagatoro!

Nagatoro: Hurry it up, Senpai!

(YN): I'm going! I'm going!

Nagatoro: Hey look! There's a little cabinet with some benches, let's go under it!

(YN): Okay!

Nagatoro and (YN) both ran in the cabinet as they sat down at the benches, soon drying themselves up...

Nagatoro: Phew. Oh man, what a rainy day.

(YN): Tch. Tell me about.

Nagatoro: Man I thought the forecast said it would been clear by now.

(YN): It's what they call a passing shower, I guess. It should be clear later on.

Nagatoro: True.

Suddenly, as Nagatoro was almost dry up, she realizes her white uniform was wet and yet...the water caused it to see through it...and that made her smile and tease (YN) about...

Nagatoro: Hehe, hey Senpai.

(YN): Yeah-Oof!

Nagatoro places her hand onto (YN)'s face...

(YN): Hey! The hell you're doing?!

Nagatoro: Hehe, sorry Senpai but...don't look this way.

(YN): Okay first of all, get your damn hand off my face. And second of all, why don't you want me to look your way?

Nagatoro: Hehe, cause my uniform's really see through right now~

(YN): S-See through?!?

Nagatoro: Hehe, you must be dying to see me like this, you closeted perv.

(YN): It's not like that you moron!

Nagatoro: Heh, Are you sure???

(YN): Yes! And stop calling me a perv!

Nagatoro: Hehe, sorry Senpai, but I got the feeling you might take a glance to try look at me and my see through uniform. Oh my! He's going to violate me with his eyes! Hahaha~!

(YN): Shut up will ya! *Nrrrgh. She just won't shut up with that virgin bullshit, and why she thinks I'm gonna see her see through uniform!? ...Wait a tick...if I remember, earlier she tricked me to thinking that she was naked under her uniform, but yet it was nothing but her swimsuit that she uses in her swimming club classes...that's gotta be it!* Ho Ho, now I know, Nagatoro.

Nagatoro: Eh?

(YN): By see through, you mean by your swimsuit!!!

And as he turns around and sees Nagatoro...he did not expect nothing less but her swimsuit...but expected to see nothing but her blue bra...

(YN) Mind: O-Oh fuck! She wasn't joking then!

Nagatoro: *blushes* I-I told you!

(YN): Sh-Shit! Sorry! My bad! I-I didn't knew! Really!

Nagatoro: I-It's nothing really!

The two turned around, blushing and being embarrassed about it...but later on...Nagatoro went back teasing him as she wanted to forget about it...

Nagatoro: H-Hehe, see? I knew you were a closeted perv.

(YN): Hey I didn't know you had your swimsuit on! Besides you had it on earlier damn it!

Nagatoro: Suuuuure. Haha. Besides, I've always take off my swimsuit after swimming class and put it on my locker. Hehe, why? Does me being on my swimsuit makes you have kinky thoughts?

(YN): No! It's not like that idiot!

Nagatoro: Hehe, and you even took long to see my see through uniform as well.

(YN): I-It was a mistake, that's all.

Nagatoro got closer to (YN)...

Nagatoro: Say what now? I couldn't hear you, speak up sen-

Suddenly, a gust of win started to make a huge impact, as Nagatoro and (YN) can feel the cold breezing wind hitting towards them...

(YN): W-Woah! That's a big one!

Nagatoro: Yeah! But..that's what she said!

(YN): Eh??

Nagatoro: Nothing! Hehe-A-Achoo!

(YN): Bless you.

Nagatoro: Thank you.

(YN): Damn, it's getting kinda cold, and it's coming down hard. Guess we gotta make a run for it to our houses.

Nagatoro: Yeah, by the way Senpai, where do you live?

(YN): I take a turn at the intersection and the go through the tunnel.

Nagatoro: Oh man. That's pretty far.

(YN): Yeah, what about you?

Nagatoro: Past by that convenience store there.

(YN): Huh, pretty close. Lucky you.

As Nagatoro heard that (YN) lives pretty far away, she started to have a thought about something that she is shy to tell (YN), but she'll say it anyways and won't be a big of a deal, so she says...

Nagatoro: H-Hey, Senpai?

(YN): Whats up?

Nagatoro: *smiles a little and blushing* Do you...Do you wanna come over to my place? Y-You know...for the rain to go away until it's clear and well...for you to head home easier with no problem walking on the rain.

(YN): Oh...Yeah, sure...That's nice of you.

Nagatoro: *blushing* Y-Yeah, well, come on then.

And so, Nagatoro and (YN) soon we're making a run for to Nagatoro's house. Minutes later, they arrive as they rush in the house...

Nagatoro: Phew, finally. Home at last.

(YN): Yeah, hey again, thanks for letting stay here for a while.

Nagatoro: N-Not at all. Hey, you can make yourself useful, I'm gonna go and dry myself up.

(YN): Okay.

As Nagatoro walks upstairs to get herself dry up and put in some clothes, (YN) then walks around the house and starts observing her living room...soon, he then started to think about her for some reason....

(YN) Mind: You know...for a annoying cheeky hag like Nagatoro...she has a heart...heh, what the hell am I even saying? Feels like I'm starting to like her or some shit. Tch. Not gonna happen....

Soon, he then started to have little memories back then...when he used to be in relationships...of how it always goes, being used, dumped, and just being nothing but an idiot who wasted his time just for a girl that doesn't even care for nor like you at all...

(YN) Mind: I said it before and I'll say it again, I'm done with relationships. And it won't happen, never.

Suddenly, Nagatoro appeared in the living room...

Nagatoro: Hey Senpai, you good?

(YN): O-Oh, you're back. Yeah...I'm fine.

Nagatoro: Really? Cause you're being kinda edgy.

(YN): O-Oh, no, I'm not really. Anyways...where's your family?

Nagatoro: No ones home right now, my whole family is out and come very late.

(YN): Hm. I see.

Nagatoro: Anyways, come, I'll give you some spare clothes for you to use.

(YN): Eh??

Nagatoro: Yeah, you're gonna catch a cold if you don't dry off. Follow me.

(YN): O-Oh, right then.

Nagatoro soon leads (YN) to the laundry room as she then gives him some spare clothes, a red shirt and some black sweatpants...

Nagatoro: Those are my big brother's, so they will fit you right.

(YN): Right.

Nagatoro: Yup, so just leave you're wet clothes there. I'll run the dryer on.

(YN): Got it.

Nagatoro soon leaves (YN) alone for him to change, until she realizes that she didn't leave a towel for him to dry up, so she goes back and gives him the towel she dried up with...

Nagatoro: O-Oh hey Senpai! I forgot to give you the tow-

But as soon she enters the room, she then catches (YN) already having his uniform shirt off, as she then sees (YN)'s chisel body, his abs, decent muscles, and yet a very good chest as she soon blush really hard..

(YN): Hm?? You said something?

Nagatoro: *blushing* I-I forgot...I-I forgot to give you the towel to dry yourself up! Hehe! Here! S-Sorry to interfere!

Nagatoro tosses the towel at (YN) as she quickly shuts the door and runs...she then stop for a bit, as she was still blushing hard, covering her mouth as says...

Nagatoro mind: H-He...He has..a good body...!?! O-Oh my can he have such body like that?!*blushing* Mmmmmmmmmm!!!! I'm nerve gonna lol get this image out of my head!

Back with (YN), he soon was already drying himself up and yet had putter on the clothes...

(YN): Finally, feels more comfortable.

He grabs the towel, and before he tosses to the dryer, he then observes it...knowing that this towel is Nagatoro's...he then notice it smelled...good....

(YN): Smells good...wait. This the one she used to dry...o-oh fuck! *blushes a little* the hell am I even saying! I'm being such a weirdo!


Later, it was still raining as (YN) and Nagatoro were in Nagatoro's room, as the two were enjoying sitting down drinking some hot chocolate...

(YN): Hey, thanks for the hot chocolate again, I appreciate.

Nagatoro: Hehe, no worries Senpai. Glad you like it.

(YN): Hm.

While drinking their chocolate, Nagatoro still couldn't get the image off from her head from what she saw from (YN), and as for (YN), he couldn't get rid off an image from his head from what she imagined Nagatoro using the towel she gave him....until Nagatoro suddenly gives (YN) a funny look...

(YN): What?

Nagatoro: Hehe, say Senpai, is this your first time being in a girls room?

(YN): Yea, it is. Why?

Nagatoro: Hehe, then let me ask you this...what thing fo boys do when their in a girl's place?

(YN): *chokes on the hot chocolate* What thing?!

Nagatoro: Hehe, you know what I'm talking about. Like say...

Suddenly, Nagatoro got close to (YN), as she places her hand onto his hand...

(YN): O-Oi! What are you-

Nagatoro: Like you using your fingers to prod and parry~

(YN): W-Wait a damn minute!

Nagatoro: Hehe, and then you become vigorously intertwined~

(YN): Woah there! Nope! No! Don't even think about it! I am not gonna do that! Especially with you! And you're being to fats about this as well! Besides, if you don't know, I am NOT into relation-

Nagatoro: Eh? I mean this.

Nagatoro soon pulls out a video game box disk about a fighting game....

(YN): ....Oh.

Nagatoro: What do you think I meant?

(YN): ...U-Uh...nothing!

Nagatoro: Yeesh, you're such a perv! So nasty~hahaha!

(YN): Hmph! Whatever!

Nagatoro: Hehe, anyways, let's play!

(YN): Okay.

And so, Nagatoro puts the gaming disk in the system, the game is called Fighter Z...soon their in the main menu..

(YN): Fighter Z?

Nagatoro: It's my brothers. Do you know how to play it?

(YN): Yeah, juts a little.

Nagatoro: Hehe, just to let you know, I'm good at this game.

(YN) Mind: Hehe, you don't say.

And so, the two chose their character as they were in the battle stage and soon the fight started...

Nagatoro: Take this! And have a little of these!

Nagatoro started using her characterful rush against (YN)'s character as he started blocking her punches...

Nagatoro: Take this my finishing move!

Nagatoro use a finishing blast love against (YN)'s character, but misses as (YN) controls his character to attack Nagatoro's with some rapid punches, kicks and yet to finish her off with a big Kamehameha finishing move...and wins the first round of the fight...

(YN) Mind: Ho Ho! I win!

Suddenly, he then felt an aura that is so bad, that he notices that Nagatoro was upset on losing against (YN)....

(YN) Mind: Oh shit! I took the game way too seriously against an obvious beginner! But then a sense way, this is the kind of what Nagatoro's been doing to me this whole time. Hehe, so I shall not give her mercy at all!

And so, round two started, as Nagatoro tried to beat up (YN)'s character, but then again, (YN) was taking the advantage as she started to struggle, (YN) was winning as he is this close to beat Nagatoro again in round two in the game...

(YN) Mind: Hehe! You and your character...shall feel the wrath of my pain! Now suffer and-

Suddenly, Nagatoro soon gave a soft blow to (YN)'s ear, which made him sensitive and lose focus as he fail to defeat Nagatoro's character and lose a giant her as she beat him with an ultimate finishing move...

Nagatoro: Ha! You scrub! Senpai is a scrub!

(YN): What?! No way! That was cheating!

Nagatoro: No it wasn't! Hehe! That's just the battle strategy! Now come on! Let's play some more!

(YN): Oh you're going down!

And so, the two started having fun playing on the video game, during the whole rainy day, they were enjoying themselves, laughing and making fun of each other, (YN) has never felt this much fun for Nagatoro, seeing (YN) smile and enjoying spending time with her makes her happy as well, and yet blushing about it as well...
Later on, the rain has stopped as the clouds has already cleared the way, and it was sunset too...(YN) went to put back in his uniform as it was already dry up, the two were outside....

(YN): Hey, thanks again for having me stay at your place.

Nagatoro: Hehe, anytime Senpai.

(YN) suddenly felt some weird feeling inside his body...and yet he hasn't felt this kind of feeling before, it was more like...this feeling made him happy and enjoying being with Nagatoro he then says...

(YN): You know...we can hang out again like this. If you want.

Nagatoro blush as she was getting a bit flustered as she replies with a smile...

Nagatoro: O-Oh! Yeah sure! That sounds...good to me!

(YN): Hehe, well okay then. See ya tomorrow then at school.

Nagatoro: Y-Yeah, see ya!

And so, (YN) starts to walk his way he started to thought about today with Nagatoro...

(YN) Mind: You know...I don't know what happen felt...weird's like..I had a lot of fun having fun with Nagatoro. Even though she can be annoying as hell...hehe, she can be pretty fun will be with and

Back with Nagatoro as she enter her house, shew as blushing as she then says...

Nagatoro Mind: I don't know why...but today...with felt...great, and I've never seen him smile before...I don't know but...Today...

(YN) Mind: Today...

Nagatoro/(YN): Today was a good day.


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