Chapter 7: Mt. Moon

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After leaving Rota Kingdom, Ash and Alice are now inside Mt. Moon. Ash says, "It sure has been a while since I stayed in this place."

"Well, we are heading to the Cerulean City, and the only way to get there is to get through the cave." Alice says. "But I heard that there are a lot of great Pokemon around as well."

"You are not kidding." Ash says as they spot a Sandslash. "A Sandslash, you know, I always want to capture one back when we are in this cave."

"Really? Then why didn't you catch it?" Alice asks in confusion.

"Because they were dried out because of Team Rocket, they put lights inside the cave." Ash says with annoyance. Just then, the Sandslash notices the two of them as he signals them to follow him. Once they did, they find three different fossils on the ground and Ash says, "What do you know, they are Helix Fossil, Dome Fossil, and Old Amber."

"Do you know these fossils? Ash?" Alice asks.

"I remember that they can become Omanyte, Kabuto, and Aerodactyl." This causes the girl to get surprised. Sandslash then gives each fossil to them and Ash asks, "Are you sure we can take these?"

The Sandslash nods, saying that he remembers that Ash and his other travel companions are the ones that stop Team Rocket back in the cave. Not only that, it wants to join them as both Ash and Alice agree. They toss the Dusk Ball and then capture the Pokemon.

As they continue further, they see two Pokemon showing affection to each other. Alice asks, "What are those? They sure look tough."

"The blue one over there is Nidoqueen, and the purple one is Nidoking. They both evolve from Nidoran and the difference is their gender." Ash says.

"The two Pokemon notice the two trainers as they prepare to battle, Ash says, "Wait, we don't mean any harm. We are sorry that we interrupt your mating, but we just want to get through this cave as soon as possible."

The two Pokemon just glare at them and the Nidoqueen says, "Why should we believe you? Human?"

Pikachu and Eevee want to show them that both Ash and Alice aren't bad, but they are blasted by the Aura Sphere and Sand Tomb.

"Pikachu!""Eevee, are you alright?" Ash and Alice yell in concern, as they all nod to show that they are fine. Ash says, "Alice, we should battle them. It is a good thing we learn Aura, so we can battle them without sending our Pokemon."

"Right. Let's do it." The two of them take out their guns and ropes, and both Nido Pokemon fire Poison Jab at them, but Ash uses the Gun to block it and then uses Flash Cannon. As for Alice, she uses the rope to make Earthquake, causing them to fall down.

"How are you able to use Pokemon moves? You are just mere humans." The Nidoking is surprised.

"We are both Aura users, what you saw is the power of aura, which makes us able to use Pokemon moves." This causes the two Pokemon to stop in surprise as they want forgiveness. Apparently, they know everything about the Aura users.

"We forgive you, but can you tell us why you attack us?" Ash asks.

"We were captured by a human, and it has abused our powers. It is after the fact that a trainer manages to stop him and his group that we are able to escape." Nidoqueen says.

Ash looks at their heart and says, "Don't tell me, is that person the leader of Team Rocket, Giovanni?"

The Pokemon are surprised to know that this trainer knows the name. Pikachu says, "He sends some idiots to capture me for almost ten years, we know about him. But don't worry about them, Team Rocket is disbanded, you don't need to attack us as well."

After telling them that they are the ones that stop Team Rocket, they are amazed as they want to join Ash and Alice's team. The two of them of course agree to capture them, and they are happy to have some strong Pokemon with them.

As they are about to reach the exit, they notice some Clefairy bouncing around with some stones in their hands. Alice asks, "Ash, what are those Clefairy doing?"

"They are preparing their Moon Stone festival, I almost forget that today is the day." Ash says. "You see, the way to have them evolve is to hold the Moon Stone. And we can see them all evolve at the same time in this festival."

"That sounds interesting. I want to check it out." Alice says as they all head to the basement. They follow them and watch the Pokémon perform their ritual dance around the Moon Stone, instantly putting a smile on everyone's faces.

After one Clefable notices them, she asks to join the team as she remembers how Ash stopped Team Rocket from taking away the Moon Stone. After capturing, Alice says, "Seeing how those Pokemon are thanking you for your efforts, I think that I really miss a lot in your journey."

"Don't worry, now we are together and I am willing to make some new memories with you." Ash says with a smile as Alice feels warm by his words.

Now that they are in Cerulean City, they hear that there is a Pokemon Contest that is going to be held. Ash says, "This Contest is the Double Contest, which means that I will need to use two Pokemon at the same time."

Alice says, "So who are you going to choose?"

Ash looks at Pikachu and Eevee, who have been closer day after day, he says, "In the appeal round, I am going to use both Pikachu and Eevee, is that okay with you?"

Eevee hears that she is going to partake in her first contest, and she is starting to get nervous. Pikachu assures her that it is fine, and with Alice cheering her, she also plucks up her courage and is willing to try it out.

"And then in the second round, I am going to use both Nidoqueen and Nidoking. Since they are traumatized by battling because of Giovanni, I want to show them another way of performing." Ash says.

"Well, just so you know I am going to cheer you on no matter what." Alice says with a smile.

In the Cerulean City Gym, the Gym Leader Misty is having guests in the house, namely May, Max, and Dawn. The three of them are taking a break as they decide to visit their own friends.

May says, "Did you guys hear that there is a Contest held in Cerulean City today?"

"Of course." Dawn says. "Do you want to check it out?"

Misty says, "As much as I want to, I need to work on my Gym duties."

May says, "That can wait. Why don't we go check it out? I am sure that it will be interesting."

Misty sighs as she is out of options, so she agrees to come along. As they take a seat in the crowd, they see a lot of new coordinators performing in the appeal round.

"And for now, we have our final contestant of this Cerulean Contest. Please welcome Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town."

This causes the four of them to get surprised. May says, "There is no way that he is taking part in this Contest...right?"

But it proves them wrong as Ash enters the stage, even though the suit is formal, but with the hairstyle and the hat it shows that it is Ash himself. Ash smiles and says, "Alright, Pikachu, Eevee. Let's start our performance."

Pikachu and Eevee jump into the stage as the crowd is cheering. Ash says, "Now Pikachu, let's start with the Grass Knot, make them into circles so that Eevee can gracefully jump over it."

Pikachu nods and he does so. Eevee is a little nervous at first, but with the cheering, she starts to use Quick Attack to jump, roll, and even Iron Tail over them. The graceful steps of Eevee have caught the attention of everyone.

"Pikachu, dance with Eevee, and let's attract the crowd with your moves." Ash says with a smile as the two of them start their performances. In the crowd, Alice smiles at the dance since she has secretly trained them back in the Rota while Ash is training its aura abilities.

As for Misty and the others, May says, "Did Ash just pull that out of nowhere?" Dawn says, "First of all, his partaking in contests is shocking, and second of all, how did he think of those moves?"

After that, Ash finishes by telling Pikachu and Eevee to use Iron Tail at each other, creating sparkles just by rubbing and it amazes the crowd. And of course, Ash gets the high score and advances into the next round.

In the next round, Ash uses Nidoqueen and Nidoking. both of them are a little confused about the concept of Contests, but with Ash's help, their combination moves cause them to win against their opponents in the head into the final round.

"Now, Nidoqueen, use Ice Beam, Nidoking, use Surf." Both Pokemon create a giant ice sculpture, causing the opponent's Gengar and Alakazam to faint in the end.

"Both Gengar and Alakazam are unable to battle. This means that the one who wins the Cerulean Contest is no other than Ash Ketchum!"

Ash smiles at the two powerhouse Pokemon and he hugs them, then he is awarded his second ribbon.

Once it is over, Ash, Pikachu, and Eevee head outside and find Alice waiting for them at the contest hall. Eevee rushes up to Alice and nuzzles her. Alice says, "I know, Eevee, you have done a good job. I am very proud of you."

Ash says, "Indeed. She and Pikachu are a great pair, and I am glad that Nidoking and Nidoqueen open up to me after all that performance."

Alice says, "But now you have two ribbons, three more and you are able to enter the Grand Festival. I can't wait to see the time when you win the Contest as well as become a Top Coordinator."

Ash says, "Why thank you. But first, how about we find something to eat? All that performance kinda making me hungry and I am too tired to cook."

Alice giggles and says, "Of course, I am also hungry after seeing you battle like that." Then she unconsciously grabs Ash's arm and leans on it. "Alice? What are you doing?"

"What? We are a couple, but if you are uncomfortable, I can stop it..." Alice says. "No, I was just surprised, it feels kinda nice somehow."

Then the two of them walk away from the Contest Hall. At the same time, the four people also arrive and May asks, "Who is that girl? And why is she holding Ash like that?"

Dawn says, "It couldn't be his girlfriend, right? He is as dense as a brick, he probably doesn't know what love is, right?"

Misty says, "But still, it is kinda getting on our nerves. Maybe we should go check it out in case something awkward is going to happen."

The three girls nod, ignoring Max's protests of wanting to head back to the Gym. After they are leaving, Max can only sigh as he rushes up to them.

Here is a new chapter, Ash not only captures 4 new Pokemon, but he also wins the second ribbon. As for Dawn and May, as well as Max, they aren't going to be rivals for Ash just yet. I want to make them in their respective regions, namely Hoenn and Sinnoh. I hope you like it and the next one is the Gym Battle.

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