Chapter 6: Mew and Gym Battle

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Ash has been training with Adam for the whole week, his Pokemon have improved during these days and his physical abilities and aura abilities are also improved as well. Ash can now battle with his Pokemon and he is happy about it, the Pokemon he owned are feeling the same as well, since Pikachu really wants to battle against Ash for a long time and it comes true.

As for Alice, she will also help out with the training as it also improves herself as well. She can also fight with Ash as she is also trained with Aura, and it makes the two of them very happy to do so.

On the final day of training, Ash and Alice are in front of the Tree of Beginning along with Adam. Ash asks, "Sir, why are we here at the Tree of Beginning?"

"It is simple, I heard from your majesty that one of your tasks of becoming a Pokemon master is to capture all the Pokemon. And this is where Mew lives and I am sure that she will be likely to meet you."

"But I don't feel like getting into the tree due to what happened in the past..." Ash says as he remembers the red blobs that act like blood cells and how they devoured him back when he comes.

"If you are worried about the blood cells of the tree, then do not worry, Mew promised that she won't do it on you two." Adam says.

"If you say so." Ash says as they all head inside. Alice is amazed to see how the extinct Pokemon live here and how beautiful the place is. Ash says, "It sure is beautiful, but the last time I come here, it was near its destruction because Mew is having a fever."

"But how did you cure it?" Alice asks.

"I didn't. Sir Aaron's Lucario did, but he sacrificed the same way as Sir Aaron." Ash frowns as he remembers the memory.

Adam says, "Maybe it is a better choice, after all, Sir Aaron's Lucario will like to be with Sir Aaron in the end."

"You're right." Ash says as they find the heart of the Tree of Beginning, and they are surprised to see how many toys are there. "Are those the toys from the castle?" Alice asks in surprise. "There are so many."

"Well, Mew will often visit the castle and we will offer her the toys so that she can play." Adam says.

Just then, a Pidgeot flies down from above and it changes into Mew. It floats near Ash and nuzzles at him. "Long time no see, Mew."

Mew just says, "I miss you, Ash. Pikachu as well." The mouse also greets the Pokemon as they start to play with each other.

"Who knows Mew is such a playful Pokemon." Alice says.

"She is. Arceus is the one that creates Pokemon, but Mew is the one that offers the Pokemon moves." Adam says. "And that is why she can use any move she wants."

"That sounds so cool." Alice says to Ash. Ash smiles and says, "Mew, can I have a talk with you?"

Mew tilts her head and floats towards him, "What is it?"

"My dream is to become a Pokemon Master, and Arceus wants me to capture all of the Pokemon. So I want to ask if I can capture you to become one of my Pokemon?"

"Father told you to do it?" Mew says as she thinks for a while. "Then I want to battle first. If you can beat me, I will consider it."

Ash smiles and he decides to battle her himself. Ash starts with the Dark Pulse using the Dark Rod, but Mew just uses the Barrier to block it, then it uses Hyper Beam, but Ash uses the Ghost knives to block it.

"Take this." He uses the Shadow Ball, which almost hits Mew, but Mew just giggles and then it uses Ancient Power, hitting Ash as he is slammed to the wall.

"Ash!" Alice tries to find him, but Adam stops her. "This is Ash's battle, we can't interfere."

"But..." Alice says. And they see Ash uses X Scissor to hit Mew when it goes for Zen Headbutt. In the end, Mew is taking a lot of damage and so does Ash. But in the end, Ash uses Double Team and then hits the Pokemon with the Draco Meteor.

"Wow, I never knew you can do that..." Alice says.

"Well, Double Team and Draco Meteor...that is a kinda odd way to finish the battle." Adam says as they each have a wand in their hands. Mew shakes off the black soot of her body and she nuzzles at Ash.

"So what do you think? Mew? Am I a good trainer to you?" Ash asks and the Mew nods. But then it starts to glow as the others are confused. "What is it doing?" Alice asks.

"There is something cool about the Legendary Pokemon and the Mythical Pokemon. If they are captured, they will create another one in order to keep the balance of its duty." Sir Adam says.

After the second Mew appears, both Mew starts to fly around Ash and Ash takes out the Cherish Ball. "Okay, Mew. Welcome to the team."

Then Mew gets sucked into the Pokeball and after three shakes, it is captured. Once it is done, the new Mew decides to teleport them back to the castle as they don't need to get tired.

After having lunch, they all tell Delia about what happened back in the tree, and Delia is a little mad at Ash for being reckless, but Ash just rubs his head in embarrassment.

"So Ash, I think it is time that we have our Gym Battle, don't you think?" Adam asks. Ash nods and says, "Of course, I have been wanting to battle you ever since you have me as your student."

Delia says, "If that's the case, this castle is also served as the Gym." Delia says. "And the battlefield will be the one that you battled before, is that fine?"

"Of course, Mother." As they all head to the battlefield, they are surprised to see everyone in the present. Alice asks Delia, "Why are there so many people?"

"The Gym battle in the Rota Kingdom is a favorite of the townspeople, everyone will want to see how Adam battles. Due to the fact that Ash is my son, the tickets are already sold out without any problem."

Adam says, "My gym is specializing in Fighting Types, and we will have a two on two battle, is that fine with you?"

"Of course." Ash says. Then Adam sends out his first Pokemon, a Hitmonlee, Ash sends out Fearow as he is aiming for the Type advantage.

"Hitmonlee, let's start with the Mind Reader." Hitmonlee looks at Fearow with a glare, but Fearow doesn't seem to mind it. "Use Drill Peck." Ash says as the Pokemon charges at the Hitmonlee, causing it to get knocked backward.

"Use High Jump Kick." Adam says. Ash knows that if he misses the move, then Hitmonlee will take damage. Ash says, "Use Agility to dodge the attack."

But much to his surprise, Hitmonlee manages to kneel at the Fearow, sending it down to the ground.

"What? But how?" Alice asks in confusion. Delia replies, "Mind Reader makes the next move hit without fail, and that is how the High Jump Kick hits the Pokemon."

Ash grits his teeth as Fearow takes a lot of damage. "Use Blaze Kick."

"Sand Attack." Ash says as Fearow manages to kick up the sand and lands it in Hitmonlee's eyes. "Now finish it with Drill Run."

The move manages to contact Hitmonlee and it is knocked out. "Hitmonlee is unable to battle, Fearow wins."

Adam says, "Well done, Ash. You manage to defeat my Hitmonlee." He recalls his Pokemon and says, "But can you battle my last Pokemon? Go, Hitmonchan."

As the Pokemon appears, Ash is confused, "Aren't you going to use Lucario to battle?"

Adam says, "I could have done it, but you have been training with my Lucario during the week. You already know its weakness and it won't be fair for me to use it for this Gym Battle, where I want to test your strength."

"That is true." Ash says, "Then Fearow, return." Ash recalls his bird Pokemon and says, "Pikachu, I choose you."

Pikachu runs up to the field and Alice's Eevee is cheering for it. "I see. Your first Pokemon against my Hitmonchan. What better way to end this battle? Hitmonchan, let's start with the Ice Punch."

Pikachu is hit by the attack as it is frozen. "Pikachu, thwart out with your Iron Tail."

Pikachu is out of the ice and then it uses the move, but Hitmonchan just grabs its tail and then throws it to the wall. "Pikachu, hang in there, use Thunderbolt."

Pikachu fires the electricity and Hitmonchan just blocks it. Ash grits his teeth at how strong Hitmonchan is. "Are you going to give up?" Adam asks.

"Of course not." Ash yells back. "The battle is just beginning and I am not giving up until it is over."

"Very well." Adam says. "Use Close Combat."

"Dig yourself away." Ash says as Pikachu hides underground and then Hitmonchan misses, in the end, Hitmonchan is struck in the air and Pikachu uses Quick Attack to send him back to the ground.

"Finish it with the Thunderbolt." Ash yells. Hitmonchan is about to get up, but he fails as he is struck by Pikachu's electric attack.

"Hitmonchan is unable to battle, Pikachu wins, which means the victory goes to Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town." The referee says as the crowd cheers for an amazing battle. Adam goes towards Ash and they shake hands.

"Well done, Ash. I am very proud of you to come this far. Therefore, I present you the Sphere Badge." Adam says as he hands out the badge that looks like Aura Sphere. Ash gets the badge and raises it in the air, causing everyone to be proud.

In the end, Ash and Alice decide to bid farewell to Delia and Adam as they are now heading toward Cerulean City. Once the two adults see them leave, Delia asks, "So what do you think about Ash after staying with him these days?"

Adam says, "He reminds me of the same age as him, so young and passionate about Pokemon. He also made me remember what I lost when I was around with you guys..."

Delia smiles as she leans on Adam, causing him to blush. "Sir Adam Ketchum, don't you think that he also grows into a fine man who has a girl by his side? Do you think we should plan a marriage for those two in the future?"

Adam pets her head and says, "My Queen, as much as I agree with you, it should depend on how they want. They should be the ones that open their future."

"That is so true." Delia giggles. "By the way, the next time you meet him will be at the Johto Region, right?"

"You're right. After all, I am the only one that has a gym in each region. I will like to see how he will grow in this quest." Adam says. "But for now, why don't we enjoy each other?"

Delia blushes at the seductive tone Adam gives her and they leave the balcony to their bedroom.

I see that a lot of you have guessed that Adam is Ash's father, but Ash doesn't know about it as he still thinks that he is his sensei. But Adam will appear in the future in different disguises and different gym leaders. Will Ash finally recognize his father in the future? Find out in the next chapters.

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