Chapter 10: Porta Vista

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As the two of them arrive at Porta Vista, all they can see is the beach and the small cities. Alice looks at the map and says, "So this place is divided into two is Acapulco, which is famous for its annual Beauty Contest."

"I remember the last time I went here, my mother won the cup." Ash says. "But it is quite different because of the fact that Team Rocket tried to ruin the contest back then."

"I never knew about that..." Alice mutters. "Not only that but there is also a city known as Hutber Port. Apparently, there is a famous hotel five years ago. It is built eco-friendly so that the Tentacools and Tentacruel won't be worrying about their habitats getting destroyed."

"Surely, I don't want to remember the last time, how one of the Totem Tentacruel tried to destroy this place..."

"You seem to have some crazy adventures, Ash." Alice says with a smile.

"Yeah." Ash says as they head to the beach, they see a lot of people gathering around the beach, they decide to check it out, and they see a girl riding a water ski with the Pidgeot pulling the rope. The girl manages to do a lot of tricks and they are stunned by the way they look.

"That was really amazing..." Ash says in awe at the sight of the performance, Alice says, "You are right..."

After the girl lands back at the shore, she waves at the crowd and says, "Thank you for watching my performance. I hope we can meet again." After the crowd disperses, the girl notices Ash and Alice and she says, "Are you two also fans of mine?"

Ash says, "Well, we are just heading towards the Gym until we saw the performance, that was quite great."

"Why thank you." The girl says, "So you are here to find the gym, that shouldn't be a problem. I should introduce myself, I am Glinda, and as you can see, I like to do some ski performances here."

"Wait, you are the Glinda? That one that won a lot of cups of skiing?" Alice asks in surprise and Ash has the same expression.

"Why yes." Glinda smiles, "And as you can see, I am also the gym leader of this place, I recently got the job thanks to Mr. Goodshow. By the way, I haven't learned your names."

"I am Ash, and this is my partner Pikachu." Ash says. "And I am Alice, and this is my partner Eevee." Alice says. Both Pokemon also greet the trainer and Glinda says, "No wonder you look familiar to me, Ash Ketchum, the Galar and Alola Champion, right?"

"Well, yeah..." Ash says. "You see, I got a challenge from Mr. Goodshow as I want to be a Pokemon Master, so I have to challenge the 16 gyms in Kanto."

"I see, then follow me, I'll show you my gym." Glinda says.

As they follow her, they are now inside the hotel and they take the elevator as they reach the top floor. The gym logo is there as the battlefield has a great view to look at the beautiful ocean and the beach.

"This sure is so high..." Ash mutters. "So I guess this is a Flying Type Gym?"

"That's correct." Glinda says as she stands at the other side of the battlefield, and a referee comes and he says, "The match between the Gym Leader Glinda and the Challenger Ash Ketchum is about to begin, each trainer will be using 3 Pokemon, and when one lost all the Pokemon, the other one wins."

Glinda says, "So let me show you my first Pokemon, let's go, Farfetch'd!" As the Pokemon appears on the field, it starts to show off by spinning the leek.

"A Farfetch'd...then I am going to use you, Wigglytuff." As the Pokemon appears, Wigglytuff jumps up and down before showing a serious face.

"Let the battle begin." The referee says as Ash says, "Wigglytuff, let's try to make it sleep with the Sing attack!"

Wigglytuff starts to sing the lullaby, causing Farfetch'd to sleep, Glinda says, "I see what you are up to, but that is not going to stop me, Farfetch'd. Use your leek to knock yourself awake."

As the leek hits the Pokemon's head, it wakes up and Ash is surprised. "You can do that?" Alice asks in surprise. "That sure is a think outside the box."

"Now use Brave Bird." The attack gives a lot of damage to the Balloon Pokemon. "Are you okay?" Ash asks as the Pokemon nods. "Good, then let's strengthen the defense by using Defense Curl."

Once the defense goes higher, Glinda says, "I see, but that is not going to stop me, use Leaf Blade." The attack gives a critical hit, but when Farfetch'd tries to use Slash, Ash yells, "Now, use Ice Beam."

The attack hits the Pokemon and causes it to be trapped, Glinda is surprised at the sudden Ice Type attack. "Get out of there quick!"

"It's too late, use Dazzling Gleam." In the end, Farfetch'd is hit by the move and it faints.

"Well, maybe I shouldn't get too close. But now my Pokemon is going to give you some damage. Butterfree!"

As the Pokemon appears, Ash recalls his Wigglytuff and sends out Ninetales, much to her surprise. Alice says, "Good, Ninetales is a Fire Type, which is perfect for Bug Type.

"That isn't going to stop me." Glinda says, "Let's start with the Sleep Powder." "Before you get hit, use Confuse Ray."

The two attacks hit each other as one is sleeping, while the other one is confused. "Butterfree, hang in there, you can still attack by using Gust."

But the attack doesn't do it as it hurts itself from confusion, as for Ash, he says, "Please wake up, Ninetales. I know you can do it."

After a while with the situation, Alice says, "Pikachu, Eevee, do you think this sure is trouble for the both of them?"

The two Pokemon nod in agreement and both Pokemon either wake up or break out of confusion. Then Butterfree uses Air Cutter, while Ninetales dodges and uses Extrasensory, causing both to get damaged. But in the end, the Flamethrower manages to give Butterfree some damage and a burn, and Ash manages to finish it with a Hex.

"It seems that I was too careless." Glinda says, "But then again, you are a Champion, I should expect a tough challenge."

"You are right." Ash says with a smile. "Now what are you going to do?"

"My final Pokemon is going to be Pidgeot." She sends out the Pokemon, and Ash notices that it has a Mega Stone. "Oh boy..." Ash says as he recalls Ninetales, sending out his trusty Pikachu to the field.

"Now Pidgeot, Mega Evolve!" Glinda presses the Key stone attached to the middle of her suit, and Pidgeot mega evolves. "Let's give them a Hurricane!"

The move proves so strong that Pikachu is almost being fall off the edge of the hotel. "Pikachu! Jump and use Quick Attack."

Pikachu jumps down the building and it climbs the walls using the Quick attack, much to the Gym Leader's surprise. "Use Thunderbolt!"

"Dodge it, and then use Dragon Breath!" Pidgeot dodges the upcoming electric attack and then it uses the dragon move, causing Pikachu to be hit onto the ground. Pikachu gets back up with a little struggle and then it uses Thunder Wave, causing the Mega Pidgeot to fall down to the ground and eventually get knocked out by the Iron Tail.

"Pidgeot is unable to battle, which means that Ash Ketchum is the winner of the match."

"Nice job, Pikachu." Ash hugs his partner and Pikachu nuzzles at him, Alice sighs in relief at the battle. Glinda smiles and says, "I know that you are strong, but this sure is the first time that I experience it." She turns to the referee and says, "This badge is the Cloud Badge. It is for you."

Ash takes the badge and smiles, he says, "Thank you, Glinda."

"No problem, by the way, you do know that this is not only my gym, but it is also a hotel that I owned, right?" Glinda gives a smile and Ash and Alice are surprised. "I didn't know about that, to be honest..."

"As you can see, this hotel has been having a contract with the Pokemon League, if you win against my gym, judging by how many Pokemon you still have on your team, we will provide you with different ranks of the room for a night. Since you beat me without any Pokemon loss, you are able to stay at the executive suite of this hotel, which is the best one."

Ash and Alice widen their eyes and Ash says, "Are you serious? You mean the kind of room which has a small living room and usually they have a great view of the beach?"

"Of course." Glinda says with a smile. "So what do you say? Do you want to rest here for a night?"

"I mean, we did get here from Cerulean City this whole day, it will be a great way to relax." Alice says as the Gym Leader smiles, then she leads the two of them to the lobby and they manage to check in, once they get inside the place, they are amazed at how big the room is, but the problem is that there is only one bed. Ash and Alice don't mind about it as they are already a couple.

The experience in the hotel is perfect for them, in dinner time, they head to the underwater buffet, where they can eat the food under the sea with a glass dome, Ash, of course, has got a lot of food and Alice is just giggling at how much a black hole Ash's stomach is. After they enjoy the food and the Water Pokemon swimming around them, they head to the game area and play a lot of ball games, such as billiards and table tennis, and then they also have some wine at the bar which is close to the gym grounds.

"Do you think it is too young for us to drink wine?" Ash asks Alice, Alice says, "We are already 18, there is no reason for us not to drink wine."

Ash drinks a little and he doesn't dislike the taste, as they drink together and also talk a lot about their future lives, eventually the two of them feel that they are drunk as they decide to go back to their room to rest.

After lying on the bed together, Alice asks, "Ash, can you promise me something?"

"What is it? Alice?" Ash asks. Alice leans on him and she asks, "Can you promise me that we will be together forever?"

Ash says, "If there are no obstacles that will separate us apart, then, of course, we will be together forever. After all, we promise that since birth."

"Yeah." Alice says, "Can you hug me? I am so cold..."

Ash sighs as he wraps his arms around her, then they are covered with sheets as they fall into slumber.

Here is a new chapter, and sorry for the late update, as you can see, it is very hard to come up with new Gym Leaders, first of all, you have to pick a name, and the name has to be corresponding to that type, and the second is the battle, the battle is very hard to think as you have to think of every move and every combination. And the final one is the story length, you have to try making the story longer and more impressive. Those are the reasons why I haven't updated this chapter for a while. I hope you like this chapter.

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