Chapter 19: Alice's Accident

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Ash and Alice have started to leave the city as they are heading to Fuchsia City for Ash's tenth badge. Alice says, "So can you tell me again how you get Muk?"

"Didn't I tell you yesterday when Akira was with us?" Ash asks in confusion. "Why are you asking this again?"

"I want to learn more details." Alice says with an innocent smile, and Ash sighs and says, "Okay. I'll tell you more details. As you can see, when we come to Gringey City, we met a power failure, and Pikachu's health was critical, so we decide to clean the Grimer and Muk in the factory.

"And you defeat them all and capture Muk, right?" Alice asks. Ash says, "Well, not exactly. We did have some help from the Magnemite and Magneton in the factory."

"Oh, right. You said that Pikachu has a fever and that's how you met Magneton." Alice says as she continues to hear how they stop the Grimer and Muk, Alice giggles a little when Ash tells her that he immediately sends Muk to the Professor's Lab since its stench and then he starts to gain affection by hugging them.

Alice also scans the Pokedex and says, "It smells so awful, it can cause fainting. Through degeneration, it lost its sense of your Muk is degenerated?"

"I guess so, I barely smell its stench in these years." Ash says.

Just then, they notice a Pokemon that is passing by. Alice notices that the Pokemon is a duck and it holds a leek, she says, "What do you know, it is a Farfetch'd."

"Yeah, maybe I should capture this Pokemon." Ash says as Pikachu is ready to battle.

"But your Pokedex says that you already have a Farfetch'd, why do you need to capture this Pokemon again?" Alice asks in confusion.

Ash sighs and says, "Alice, if you press into the Pokedex, you'll notice that the Pokemon I had is a Galarian form, which means that I haven't got a Kantonian Form Farfetch'd."

"Oh." Alice says, and Ash has an idea as he uses the portable teleporter to teleport himself away, much to Alice's confusion. But then he gets back as he has a Pokeball. "I went to get this Pokemon." Ash says as he throws the Pokeball, and a Sirfetch'd comes out.

"A Sirfetch'd?" Alice asks in confusion. "I remember that it is the evolution of Farfetch'd...But only in Galarian Form..."

Ash commands Sirfetch'd to use the move Meteor Assault on the Farfetch'd, and it deals quite a lot of damage on it. Farfetch'd tries to Air Slash, and it is super effective.

"Oops, I forgot that Sirfetch'd is a Fighting Type." Ash says with a sigh as he uses Brave Bird to knock out the Farfetch'd and Alice uses the chance to capture it.

"Nice work, Alice." Ash and Alice high-five as they manage to capture another new Pokemon.

"Yeah." Alice says as she looks at the Pokedex. "So the leek is its weapon...and I wonder if there are other purposes."

"There is one that said that it is used to build a nest." Ash says while looking at the Pokedex. "But it also says that Farfetch'd is actually rare, I didn't know about that..."

"So are we lucky or what?" Alice says while blinking her eyes at the sight of the entry.

"I guess so. We have not only one but two with the same species..." Ash says as they decide to continue forward.

Now they are at the Cycling Road as they ride their own bikes as they move forward, they notice some bird Pokemon who are also running beside them. Alice is a little terrified that some of them have two heads while some of them have three heads.

"What the..." Alice was a little scared at the sight as Ash notices her bike is shaking. "Alice! Watch out!" Ash yells, but in vain, Alice falls off the bike and she stumbles on the ground.

"Alice!" Ash yells as he stops his bike as he rushes to her, "Are you alright?"

But Alice can't speak as she is in pain, and Ash notices that Fuchsia City is just up ahead. He looks around and sees a Dodrio, who looks worried at both of them. Ash says, "Dodrio, I know it is just a sudden, but can you give us a ride so that we can quickly get her to the Pokemon Center?"

The Dodrio squawks and the three heads all agree in unison. Then Ash hugs Alice as they ride on the Pokemon, and then they start to run. Pikachu asks, "Why didn't you call Rapidash or Charizard? Won't they be faster?"

"I didn't have them by my side, I changed my Charizard for Sirfetch'd a few minutes ago, remember?" Ash says as Pikachu rubs his head with embarrassment.

After they manage to arrive at the Pokemon Center, they decide to call Nurse Joy to help, but much to their surprise is that Brock is also there.

"Ash? Is that you?" Brock asks in surprise, and Ash says, "No time for talking, my girlfriend just fell off the bike and she is in pain. I need to get Nurse Joy."

This causes Brock to be serious as he says, "Let me help you, I am a doctor and it will be faster if I help out."

Ash realizes that Brock is actually a doctor and he agrees to let him help Nurse Joy as they go heal Alice. Ash is waiting outside the emergency room until Brock walks out. Ash asks, "How is she? Is she okay?"

Brock says, "She broke her arm, but it is not that serious. It will heal, but during the healing time, she can't do any intense exercise." Ash nods with a sigh of relief, and Brock asks, "By the way, is this Dodrio your new Pokemon?"

"Huh?" Ash turns around and he is surprised that the Dodrio is still there. "No, he is just a wild Pokemon. But what are you doing here? Shouldn't you go back to the wild after sending us here to Fuchsia City?"

The Dodrio just nuzzles Ash and Brock says, "I think it wants to come with you. Do you have a Dodrio for your quest?"

Ash says, "Come to think of it, I didn't. But are you sure you want to come with me? Dodrio?" The three heads all agree in union, and Brock says, "Usually the three heads might fight with each other, but since they all agree to come with you, I think they are really serious."

Ash nods as he takes out a Pokeball and captures the Pokemon. Then as Alice needs to do some wound wrapping as Ash decides to talk with Brock about what happened.

"So you said that you already had 9 Badges and you are going to the Fuchsia City Gym?" Brock asks.

"Yeah. I can't wait to face Koga again." Ash says, but Brock coughs and says, "Well, the Fuchsia City's Gym Leader is not Koga."

"Wait, it isn't? Don't tell me it is his sister Aya." Ash says, Brock says, "It is not her either. It is Koga's daughter Janine the leader."

"What? Then where is Koga?" Ash asks in confusion.

"From what I heard, he was asked by Lance to become a member of the Johto Elite 4." Brock says. "And from what I know, Janine is actually as beautiful as the other girls as well."

Ash sighs as he knows that Brock's perverted mind is happening again. Ash says, "I don't care if she is beautiful or not, I mean...I already have Alice, and for me, she is more beautiful than any other girl that I met."

Brock is surprised that Ash is really loyal to a girl like that. He smiles and says, "Sounds like you really care about Alice. She is really lucky to have a boyfriend like you."

"I know." Ash says as he notices the television, and he widens his eyes to see that there is a Contest held in the same city where Ash is in. Brock also notices it and says, "By the way, you are also entering the contests as well, right? I heard from Misty that you performed really well in the Cerulean City Contest."

"Yeah. One of the challenges is to win a Grand Festival, so I decide to challenge the Contests, and it seems like I am quite enjoying it a lot." Ash says with a small smile.

"How many ribbons do you have?" Brock asks with a curious question, and Ash says, "I got three already. Though one of them I got is from Lavender Town..."

"Oh, I heard about it, there are only two people in the Contest as there are no performance rounds." Brock says, "So you are one of them?"

"The other one is a Gym Leader." Ash sighs. Then Alice comes out as Ash rushes to her, he asks, "Alice, are you sure you are okay with this? I mean...are you still hurt?"

Alice smiles at Ash and says, "Relax, Ash. I am fine now. You don't need to worry about me anymore." But then she turns into fear, "But what about the Dodrio..."

"Oh, I caught a Dodrio, and he feels guilty to make you fall." Ash says.

"It's fine, I was just surprised at Pokemon with three heads." Alice says, "And thank you for saving me as well, Brock."

"No problem. I was just doing what a doctor should do." Brock says.

When they get out of the Pokemon Center, they are surprised to see Delia at the shore feeding some Seel and Dewgong. Ash says "Mom? Is that you?"

Delia is surprised to hear the sound as she turns around, she sees Ash, Alice, and Brock together as she asks, "Ash? What are you guys doing here?"

Ash says, "Are you serious, Mom? There is a Contest in this city as well as a gym. Why shouldn't I be here?"

Delia says, "Oh, I almost forget about that. And it is good to see you again, Brock, Alice." But as she notices Alice's arm, she asks, "What happened to your arm, Alice?"

"I fell off the bike, it is lucky that we managed to find Brock here so that I got my arms treated very soon." Alice says as Delia nods.

"I see, I am glad that you are safe." Delia says as Ash asks, "So why are you here, Mom?"

Delia says, "Well, Mr. Contesta is having a break for today's contest, so I was asked to be the substitute judge."

"I never knew you would do judges as well." Ash says, and Delia says, "You wouldn't know about it, I was the judge before I retired."

"Are you serious about that?" Alice asks, and Delia says, "Yeah. When the contest was found, I was asked to be the judge along with Nurse Joy and the other two. But because I was pregnant with Ash, I decide to retire and become a housewife instead."

"Wow...I never know about that." Ash says, then they notice some Dewgong, and Delia says, "Why don't you capture them? I don't think you have a Dewgong yet, right?"

Ash says, "We haven't, and we just wanted to capture this Pokemon as well." Ash then throws the Pokeball and captures the Pokemon immediately, and Alice is the joyful one as she likes Ice Type Pokemon.

Here is a new chapter, and oops, Alice breaks her arm. But it leads to Brock being in the story again as well as Delia, who is asked to be the judge for the contest. The next chapter will be the Gym and the Contest.

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