Chapter 2 First Gym Battle

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Once they get back to the lab, Professor Oak says, "So Ash, are you happy to meet all the Pokemon?"

Ash says, "Well, it is kinda great, but you wouldn't believe what just happened."

Delia asks, "What do you mean by that?"

Ash shows them the list and they are surprised to see the first one of the list is changed. They also explain what happened outside. Goodshow says, "So even the god of Pokemon, Arceus, is trying to give you more challenge to become a Pokemon Master I see."

"But I don't think that the lab can hold on to THAT many Pokemon." Alice says. "What is he going to do?"

Professor Oak says, "Maybe there will be a way, right now, you just need to relax and do your work."

Ash and Alice nod, then they see Tracy walking inside the lab. "Ash, it has been a while."

"Hey, Tracy, I thought I didn't see you here before, where were you?" Ash asks after greeting the watcher.

"I was at my gym since I was just new to this whole Gym Leader business." Tracy says, much to their surprise. "Since when did Pallet Town have a gym?"

"It has been a while ago." Goodshow says, "Professor Oak and I have talked about it a lot and we decide to make one. Not to mention that Professor Oak suggests Tracy be the leader as he trusts his skills."

"Well, that is kinda true after all." Tracy says. "And who is this?" He points at Alice.

"This is Alice, she is my...girlfriend." Ash hesitates to say the last one because he is blushing very hard. As for Alice, she is blushing as Ash has confirmed that she is her boyfriend.

"Oh, I never thought about that. Congratulations on getting a girl I think." Tracy says with surprise. "Though I thought it was Misty or the others."

"There is a reason why I acted dense while we were traveling." Ash says with a little annoyance. Goodshow says, "By the way, I am going back to the headquarters, I'll be looking forward to your progress."

"Sure." Ash and the others bid farewell to the president. Delia and Valerie also leave as they decide to have a chat back at their house. As for Ash and Alice, Ash says, "Tracy, can you please take us to your gym? I will like to challenge it."

"Why of course. Though you already completed the league here, why challenge it again?" Tracy asks.

"I promised Mr. Goodshow that I am going to win all of them if I want to be a Pokemon Master. And a battle is what I need for now."

"I see." Tracy says as he shows them the way to the Gym. It is a small gallery where a lot of sketches are shown. Alice says, "Tracy, did you sketch all of these?"

"Of course. And Professor Oak is my idol, which makes me on this path." Tracy says as they walk to the battlefield. "So Ash, the rules are simple, two versus two."

"Sure." Ash says as he walks towards the field. Tracy's first Pokemon is a Venomoth. Ash says, "Your Venonat evolved..."

"Yeah, I have been training ever since I was elected to be a Gym Leader." Tracy says. "But I am not as good as you."

"Well, I like the challenge. Bulbasaur, I choose you." But the Pokemon that comes out of the Pokeball is not a Bulbasaur, but a Venusaur. "Wait, what's going on here? Why are you a Venusaur now?"

Venusaur says, "It was after you go back in the lab with your mate, Arceus made us evolve so that we can be stronger. I know I still like to be a Bulbasaur, but I can't learn more if I didn't evolve."

"That's reasonable." Ash says. "Well, I guess I am using Venusaur I guess."

Tracy says, "Bulbasaur evolving is quite a surprise to me, but I am not afraid of it. Venomoth use Psychic!"

"Venusaur, block the attack and use Synthesis." Ash says. Venusaur takes Super Effective damage, but the healing causes it to be better. "Now use Leech Seed."

Venomoth is planted with the seeds as its energy is absorbed. Tracy says, "Not bad, but let's power up with Quiver Dance."

Venomoth raises the Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed, Alice says, "This is very bad for Ash..."

"Use Psychic again." "Use your Frenzy Plant, block the attack." Ash yells.

Both Pokemon clash with their attacks, but they both get a lot of damage. "Now finish it with Stomping Tantrum."

Venusaur gets very angry and then it jumps at the Pokemon, stomping it until it faints.

"Venomoth is unable to battle." The referee says, Tracy recalls his Venomoth and says, "Wow, Ash. Venusaur sure becomes really strong."

"Thanks, I know he has been training well on his own after staying at the lab." Ash also recalls his Pokemon. Tracy sends out Scizor as his next Pokemon, and for Ash, he sends out Charizard.

"A Fire Type like Charizard, it sure is a true match for a Bug and Steel Type like my Scizor." Tracy says.

"Charizard, let's fight again like before, okay?" Charizard just gives him a Flamethrower, Alice says in horror, "Ash..."

"Don't worry." Pikachu says to her, "It is just the way how he shows his affection."

Charizard uses the Flamethrower at the Scizor first, Tracy says, "Use your Iron Defense." The iron body blocks the attack, Tracy says, "Now use Wing Attack."

"You do the same." Both Pokemon are using their wings to attack, but Scizor isn't taking too much damage. Tracy says, "Use X-Scissor."

Scizor gives the Charizard a slash, which causes it to fly into the wall. "Charizard, are you alright?"

Charizard gets back up with a mighty roar, Ash smiles and says, "Great, now use your Seismic Toss."

"Seismic Toss?" Alice is confused, not knowing that Charizard can do that. But the attack seems to be powerful as Scizor is slammed into the ground. "Finish it with Flare Blitz."

Then Charizard attacks the Scizor and it faints in the end. Tracy just blinks in surprise as he says, "Well, I know I can't win if my opponent is a Charizard as strong as yours. I know you didn't have the badge, right? This Cocoon Badge is yours."

Tracy gives him the badge which shapes like a cocoon to him. Ash takes the badge and says, "Thank you, Tracy, I know you can be a good Gym Leader just like Misty."

"No problem, good luck with your journey with your girlfriend." Tracy says, causing them to blush again.

Once they are outside the gym, Alice says, "You know, I am curious about how you meet those Pokemon, I mean, your Venusaur and Charizard are kinda cool back in the Gym Battle."

"You're right." Ash says, "It sure is a long story."

As they head back home, Delia says that Valerie has already left for Laverre City, but Alice is glad to stay a night with Ash. Now that they are in the Living room after having lunch, Ash is saying stories about his Venusaur and Charizard.

"You see, Venusaur was just a Bulbasaur back then, it lives in a hidden village to protect Pokemon from humans, even I. But after I captured this Pokemon, he has been a good help in the lab as a negotiator. Even Professor Oak is grateful for that."

"That is cool, but why didn't it want to evolve back then?" Alice asks.

"He was scared and nervous, back then, he was dragged by the other Ivysaurs and Venusaurs and they try to force him to evolve...I think that traumatizes him." Ash says with a little frown.

"But now that it evolves, which means that his fear is conquered?" Alice asks and he nods.

"Yeah." Ash says, "Now for the Charizard...let's say that it is not a good story."

"Why is that?" Alice asks with confusion.

"Charizard was a Charmander back then, and he was actually abandoned by a trainer and left to die in the rain." Ash says with a frown, Alice can't believe how cruel he has suffered. "I am glad that he finds a trainer like you to take care of."

"But once he evolves into Charmeleon, and then Charizard, it refuses to listen to me." Ash says, "Because of that, I lost my first League attempt..." Alice sees how Ash is sad about the loss, Ash continues, "But after my journey in the Orange Islands, I manage to get him to listen to me again, and we have quite a lot of adventures together, such as defeating the Blackthorn Gym in the Johto, or even battling an Articuno in the Battle Factory."

"That sounds nice, and you said an Articuno? I always want to meet one." Alice says with stars in her eyes. Ash laughs and says, "It seems like you really like it."

"My favorite type is Ice Type. Ice is both strong and fragile." Alice says. "Come to think of it, you have a Venusaur and a Charizard, does that mean you have a Blastoise as well?"

"Well...I had one, but it is not with me." Ash says, "I have him trained in the Fire Department of the Police, and he has been a great leader of it."

"That's new, so your Blastoise is a Fire Fighter?" Alice says. "Can I see it?"

"Well, just let me call for Officer Jenny." Ash says as he goes to the phone. And after a while of training, Officer Jenny brings the Blastoise to him.

"Hello, Blastoise, it is nice to see you again." Ash says as they hug each other. Officer Jenny also informs him that he has chosen a new leader so that he can go back to his team as his retirement from the Squad. Ash nods and he promises to train Blastoise well.

After some training with Blastoise, Alice also asks him about the story, Ash says, "Well, back as a Squirtle, he is the gang leader of the Squirtle Squad who likes to play pranks as revenge for their abandonment. But it is thanks to the help of the same Officer Jenny, they all join in the Fire Department while mine joined my team. But I decided to let Officer Jenny train him when I go to Johto."

"Cool." Alice says. "Then how did it evolve?"

"I am not sure, but when I was an assistant researcher back in Vermilion City, it has already evolved into a Blastoise." Ash says. "But it is not that I dislike it. It looks so strong."

"So you are going to use him in the next gym?" Alice asks.

"Sure, it is a Rock Type Gym in Pewter and I am sure that he will be likely to see him again." Ash says. "But right now we should rest for a day."

"You're right, we can't get to the next city today. But why don't you go to Viridian Gym next?" Alice asks.

"You see...the last time I go to the gym, the leader is vacant as the Elite 4 member Agatha is the temporary Gym Leader. I don't know if they find the new leader, but I want it to be the last one to face."

"I see...but there is a Contest tomorrow in Viridian City, you are going to participate, right?"

"Of course." Ash says. "I just hope that I can do it without any problem."

"I am sure you can do it." Alice smiles and Ash thanks her.

Here is a new chapter, Ash gets his first new Kanto Badge. 16 gyms mean that there will be OC gyms in this story and they are different types, I choose Tracy to be the gym leader because his team has two Bug Types and a Marill. I think he can do a great job. The next chapter will be the Contest and the Pokemon Capturing. I hope you like this chapter.

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