Chapter 26: Princess Festival Gym Battle

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The next day, the Princess Festival is held and they can see a lot of dolls on display, Alice says, "Wow, look at those dolls, they are so pretty."

"I know, but to me, they are not as pretty as you are." Ash says in a flirty tone, and Alice smirks, "Are you flattering me? That won't let you escape from going shopping with me."

"So that was what Brock told you last night, huh?" Ash says, "Ignore him, what he said about me in the past is not going to stay."

Alice says, "And besides, my arm was just recovered and I will need you to carry some of my bags as well." Alice says.

Behind them, Terry, Leaf, and Brock are watching them as Terry asks, "Is Ash this sweet to Alice since they are together?"

Brock says with a sigh, "They are, exactly."

Leaf notices that Brock is holding a pen and a notebook and she asks, "What are you doing, Brock?"

"I was just taking notes from Ash, so I can find a girlfriend of my own." Brock says.

"Okay, I am not going to know what you write in it." Leaf says, "Terry, how about we walk together, I want to see the stands over there."

"Sorry, Brock. But I have to go with Leaf." After Terry leaves with Leaf, Brock is in anime tears as he mutters, "Am I the only one who couldn't get a girlfriend..."

As Ash and Alice are walking around, they notice a stage in front of them and they are surprised to see a man singing with a woman, and the man is no other than the Neon Town Gym Leader Solati.

"Hey, what is Mr. Solati doing here?" Ash asks, and Alice replies, "I am not sure, but it seems like he is having a performance with the girl."

After the show is over, the two of them decide to greet them, and Solati says, "Ash, Alice. It sure is nice to see you again."

"Likewise, are you here for a singing performance?" Ash asks, and Solati says, "Well, we are visiting the Princess Festival. This is my wife Doremi, Doremi, this is Ash and Alice. Ash defeated me in my gym a few days ago. He is a strong trainer."

"I see. It is nice to meet you." Doremi says with a smile, and Alice says, "So are you a vocal teacher just like Mr. Solati?"

"You can say so." Doremi says, "And I also help out his choir with the occasions for performances. Since you manage to defeat my husband, how about I have a gym battle with you?"

"So you are the gym leader of this town?" Ash asks, "And I will like to battle you."

Doremi claps and says, "That will be great." Then she takes Ash to the stage and she says, "As you can see, the officials of the Pokemon League has offered to have a building for a gym, but I refused, as this stage makes a perfect gym."

"That sure is something new." Ash says. "What are the rules?"

Doremi says, "Like my husband, I will like to do four-on-four double battles."

At the same time, Brock manages to find Alice and says, "There you are...Mr. Solati? What are you doing here?"

"It is nice to see you as well, Brock. I am here to see my wife, that's all." Solati says as they see the gym match is about to begin.

Doremi sends out two Pokemon, there are Clefable and Wigglytuff. Ash says, "Weezing, Arbok. I choose you."

As both Pokemon appear on the field, Doremi says, "I see, you are going to use Poison Type Pokemon... You know, you can have your first move."

"Thank you." Ash says. "Arbok, let's start with Poison Tail. Weezing, you use Sludge."

Both Pokemon fire their attacks at Clefable and Wigglytuff, but Doremi says, "Jigglypuff, stop the Arbok using Hyper Voice, and Clefable, use Moonblast to negate the Sludge!"

Both Pokemon manage to negate the attacks, and Solati says, "My wife likes to play defensive, but when it goes offensive, let's say that she is going to get serious."

Alice says, "That sure sounds a little terrible."

Ash says, "Let's try Paralyzing Clefable, use Glare!" Arbok nods and it glares at Clefable, causing it to get paralyzed. "That is nice."

"Not if I do something to stop it. Aromatherapy." Doremi says as Clefable manages to recover its Health points.

"Damn, it...she even counters my tactic..." Ash says. "Weezing, use Heat Wave."

Both Pokemon are damaged a lot by the Fire attack, and Doremi says, "Life Dew."

Wigglytuff uses the move to make all their Pokemon recover. "Now let's see what we will do with Metronome!"

Ash widens his eyes as they see how the two Pokemon starting to wave their fingers, and in the end, Wigglytuff uses the Move Earthquake and Clefable uses Focus Blast, and it hits both Pokemon, causing serious damage.

"It is a good thing Weezing has Levitate...but both Pokemon can't withstand any more hits..." Ash thinks.

Doremi asks, "What's wrong? Am I getting you in a corner?"

Ash says, "You are right about that, I think I won't be able to win if the rest of your attacks hit my Pokemon."

Alice is start to get worried about Ash and she mutters, "Ash..."

"But that doesn't mean I am going to let you beat my Pokemon. There was something special about the past me, and that is being reckless to go through any dire situation."

"And what are you going to do then?" Doremi asks in confusion.

"Weezing, use Explosion." This causes everyone to widen their eyes in surprise. The Pokemon explodes and then all three Pokemon are blasted by the attack. In the end, all four Pokemon are fainted.

"That sure is reckless indeed." Solati says with a sweat drop. "I mean...Explosion? That move is a little overpowered if you ask me."

"I know." Alice says.

On the stage, Doremi says, "I admit, I have a little caught off guard about what you were doing, but I am sure that I am going to win the battle in the end."

"We'll see about that." Ash says as he sees her sending out a Mr. Mime and a Sylveon. Ash sends out Pikachu and Kangaskhan to battle.

"A Pikachu and a sure is an odd combination." Brock says.

"But I have a feeling it will work somehow." They turn around and see Leaf and Terry also come and watch the match. Alice asks, "How long have you two been here?"

"We just come and we noticed the explosion, it sure is a way to beat two of the gym leader's Pokemon." Leaf says.

"Let's start with the Fairy Wind and Moonblast." Doremi says as she starts to go offensive, and Ash says, "Pikachu, dodge with Quick Attack, and Kangaskhan, Block the attack."

Both Pokemon try their best to go defensive, and Pikachu manages to hit Sylveon, but it is grabbed by the feelers.

"Sylveon, Disarming Voice." Doremi yells as Pikachu is being blasted by the attack as it falls down to the ground. "Pikachu, are you okay?"

Pikachu nods and Ash says, "Kangaskhan, Focus your energy and then use Mega Punch on Mr. Mime."

"Mr. Mime, use Reflect." Doremi yells as Mr. Mime manages to lower the damage taken from the Pokemon. "Now use Teeter Dance."

Mr. Mime starts to dance and then it makes Kangaskhan confused. "Oh no..." Ash groans a little. "Pikachu, use Iron Tail on Sylveon."

Pikachu tries to do the attack, but Sylveon uses Attract to make Pikachu fall in love with it.

"Oh boy..." Ash mutters, and Solati says, "Well, that is when my wife goes offensive..."

"Yeah..." Alice says, but the Eevee on her lap is angry as she keeps yelling at Pikachu, no one is going to take Pikachu away from her and not even that Sylveon.

Much to Ash's relief, Pikachu manages to respond to Eevee and it lands the Thunderbolt on both Pokemon, much to Doremi's surprise. "What?"

"Now let me turn the tide as well, use Last Resort!" Ash yells as Kangaskhan charges at Mr. Mime, causing it to fly towards Sylveon and they crash each other.

"Now let's end this battle with both of your Iron Tail!" Ash says as both Pokemon rush towards the two Pokemon and gives them a tail smack, causing both of them to faint in the end.

Everyone starts to cheer for Ash's victory, and some of them are cheering for a good match. Doremi says, "You really are strong just like what my husband said. And you also make the crowd enjoy the match."

"It is because of our bond that we can do this." Ash says with a smile as Pikachu, who is in the pocket with the baby Kangaskhan, nods in agreement.

"Well, here is your badge, the Stage Badge. It is yours." Doremi takes out the badge that looks like a round stage and Ash takes it, admiring his thirteenth badge.

After getting down from the stage, Ash is greeted by Alice and Alice says, "Congratulations, Ash. You won your next badge."

"Yeah, three more badges, and I can challenge the Elite 4 without any problem." Ash says.

Terry says, "So you are also challenging the gyms as well?"

"Yeah, I have 13 of them to tell you the truth." Ash takes out the gym badge case and shows them, and Leaf asks, "But I thought that you could enter the league when you have 8 badges...why are you entering more gyms?"

Brock says, "There is another rule in the league that if a trainer gains 16 badges, they won't need to attend the League as they can face the Elite 4 immediately."

"So you want to challenge the Elite 4?" Terry asks, and Ash says, "Yeah, besides, I already challenged the League here once. But I was only able to get to the Top 16."

"Why is that?" Leaf asks, and Ash tells them about how Charizard falls asleep during the match and it causes him to get disqualified. They are pity for the trainer, but Ash doesn't mind as Charizard manages to listen to him in the end.

"So which gym you are going to next?" Terry asks, and Ash says, "Of course, it will be the Cinnabar Island."

This causes them to be surprised as Solati says, "Well, Ash. You might want to know this, there is no gym in the Cinnabar Island anymore."

"Wait, what?" Ash asks in surprise. Doremi says, "Due to the Volcano eruption a year ago, Blaine was forced to relocate the gym and the people there to the Seafoam Islands, so you will have to go there next."

"I see...then we are going there to challenge Blaine." Ash says. Solati says, "If you want to go there, there is a ship located near here that will take you to the Seafoam Islands. It will depart after two hours."

"Then we must go there fast." Alice says, "Besides, we already found what we need to find, so there is no reason for us to stay here longer."

"That might be true." Ash says, and then they bid farewell to the two couples after getting on the ship and setting sail to the Seafoam Islands.

Here is a new chapter, and Ash got his thirteenth badge from the Fairy Type Gym Leader. I decide to go with the Gold and Silver Kanto Plot, where Blaine has his gym in the Seafoam Islands, I will let Ash, Alice, and Brock go there so that Ash can get his Fire Type Gym Badge. I hope you like this chapter and the next one will be more Pokemon capturing and more stories.

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