Chapter 31 Fossil Revival

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On their way to Viridian City, Alice is a little uncomfortable since so many people are traveling with them. But Ash assures her that it won't be a problem as they continue forward.

"So Alice, do you have some new Pokemon that you want to capture?" Ash asks his girlfriend, and Alice says, "Well, there is something I find pretty weird. I think my Eevee is unable to evolve."

"Eevee can't evolve? What do you mean by that?" Ash asks.

"Well, last night, I found a Thunder Stone and I decide to give it to Eevee, after Eevee touches it, it just doesn't evolve." Alice says.

"That is strange...perhaps it is a Special Eevee? I remember that Chloe also has an Eevee that she can't evolve as well." Ash says.

"Yeah. But what are we going to do with the Eeveelutions?" Alice asks.

"Well, how about we try to find some of them?" Ash says as he takes out the Teleportation Device, "Don't forget we have this."

"You're right. But won't Brock, Misty, and Tracy be angry at us for being missing?" Alice asks.

"If it really happens, I will protect you." Ash says as he turns around to the three traveling companions. "Hey guys, I am sorry. But Alice and I have to go since we have something to do."

"What is that about?" Misty asks, and Alice says, "It's a secret. But we'll see you soon."

Just then, they disappear from thin air, and Tracy asks, "What just happened?"

Brock says, "It happens a lot, Ash and Alice got the Teleportation Device from Professor Cerise, and they are probably going to get some new Pokemon for their team."

"But why didn't he take us as well?" Misty says. "I will want to have some new Pokemon as well!"

Brock says, "I can understand since Ash and Alice need some alone time as they are in a relationship."

Back at Ash and Alice, they get to Decolore Island's treasure island, and they find a Vaporeon, Jolteon, and Flareon. The three of them are happy to see Ash and Pikachu again, and they get to be friends with the Eevee, and eventually, they agree to join their team. And then they visit Akira in Gringey City and also get a Porygon since it is already finished.

Once they are teleported back, Tracy asks, "So what Pokemon did you find?"

Ash and Alice send out the Flareon, Jolteon, and Vaporeon. Ash says, "They are my friends that I met in Decolore Islands, we were searching for treasures and they helped us along the way."

"That sounds like an interesting story." Brock says. "But why didn't you just evolve your Eevee if you want to have an Eeveelution?"

"That's the problem. My Eevee can't evolve, I tried Water Stone, Thunder Stone, and Fire Stone, and none of them worked." Alice says, "But I really like it as an Eevee, and I am sure Pikachu likes it as well."

Pikachu blushes a little and he nods. Misty says, "That sure is weird, but I guess you have a Vaporeon that you wanted."

"And after we're finished, we also take a visit to Gringey City since the Gym Leader has finished the gift that we requested for." Alice says as she shows the Porygon.

"A Porygon?" Tracy says, "That sure is a rare gift."

"I know." Ash says, "He worked all day making this Pokemon for us, so we have to take good care of it." Ash says.

They are now at Pewter City, Ash says, "Since we are here, how about we go to the Pewter Museum of Science?"

"Why are we going there? If we stay here, we'll never reach Viridian City until dusk." Tracy says.

"Then forget about going to Viridian City for today." Ash says. "Because Alice and I have some training to do."

"Seriously? Are you going to infect your girlfriend with the thoughts of training?" Misty says with annoyance, and Alice says, "I like training as well. What's the matter with that?"

Brock says, "Don't worry, Misty is just having a high mood swing, sometimes she doesn't know how to control it."

"What is that supposed to mean, Brock?" Misty says with anger, and Ash coughs and says, "That's what he is talking about. Can you not always be angry like that? What's the purpose of making everyone unhappy?"

"You never understand." Misty says as she huffs.

As they enter the Pewter Museum of Science, they meet the Curator, who is happy to see Ash again, Ash is still a little uncomfortable with the man in front of them, and he says, "It is good to see you again as well. I am here because I want you to help me with something."

"And what can I do for help? You can just say so." The curator asks.

Ash takes out three fossils and says, "My Mother has given me these fossils as presents, I want to revive them into Pokemon."

The curator looks at the fossils and he widens his eyes, "Oh my! They are perfect specimens of Dome Fossils, Helix Fossils, and even Old Amber! I will be glad to help you revive those fossils."

After he leaves to do his work, Misty asks, "Where did you get those fossils?"

"I think I already said that my mom gave me. She found a large number of fossils near the castle grounds, so she gives me some of the fossils so that I can revive them."

"Castle grounds?" Tracy asks. "Are you implying that your mother is some sort of queen or something?"

"She is the Queen." Alice says. "She is the Queen of the Rota Kingdom."

"What?" This causes Misty and Tracy to be surprised, and Brock says, "I already knew that. Not to mention that Ms. Ketchum is also the Champion and a Top Coordinator of the Kanto as well."

"That sure is surprising." Misty mutters.

After a night, Ash manages to get the Omanyte, Kabutos, and Aerodactyl that he wants. And he decides to train Omanyte and Kabutos so that they evolve into their final forms.

For Omanyte, Ash uses Snorlax to train the Pokemon. Alice asks, "So how did you get a Snorlax? Ash?"

"During my travels in the Orange Islands, we get to a place known as Seven Grapefruit Islands. This guy is eating every food in its sight, and he is also a good swimmer. We tried to take down this Pokemon, but it proved to be a highly defensive and very powerful battler, taking out our Pokémon easily."

"Then how did you get it?" Alice asks.

Misty says, "Because of Jigglypuff's Sing attack, we stop it from doing anything so that Ash can capture the Pokemon."

"Or now it is Wigglytuff now." Ash says. "You can tell how long it has been following us."

After Omanyte evolves into Omastar, Ash decides to change into Kabuto and he asks Dragonite to do the training, but Dragonite just hugs Alice and Alice feels warm with the hug.

"I never knew you have a hugging Dragonite..." Alice says.

Misty says, "I am curious about the story as well."

"Well, Goh and I find it on a mysterious Dragonite Island, it has been nice to show us around the place, but as a Dragonair, it has trouble learning how to fly, so Pikachu and I have been trying to teach it to fly by having it learn Dragon Dance." Ash says.

"Well, that is very nice of you. And how did it evolve into a Dragonite?" Tracy asks.

"You can thank Team Rocket for that." Ash says, and the other three sighs, "Why am I not surprised?"

Brock says, "Let me guess, they try to capture Dragonite on the island, and then the Pokemon evolves and defeats them and sends them flying, and in the end you capture it."

"That's right." Ash says.

After Kabutos also evolves into Kabutops, they decide to leave the city and they bid farewell to the Curator.

But before they go to Viridian City, as everyone is resting at the Pokemon Center, Ash and Alice head to Victory Road alone. As they are going to find the final Pokemon: Moltres.

Once they find Moltres in its chamber, it bows and says, "I have been waiting for you, Ash Ketchum and Alice."

"I am glad that you still remember me, Moltres." Ash says with a smile. "How have you been?"

"Very good. I heard you capture both Articuno and Zapdos, but trust me, I will give you more of a challenge than those two are."

"We'll see about that." Ash says as they send out Articuno and Zapdos. Moltres says, "Using my siblings against me, how interesting."

Zapdos asks, "What is that supposed to mean? Do you think the two of us can't defeat you?"

"I didn't mean that, but I will like to see you try." Moltres says.

Moltres starts by using Heat Wave, which is super effective against Articuno. Ash yells, "Zapdos, use Thunder!"

Zapdos tries to attack with electricity, but Moltres manages to dodge the attack. "Articuno, use Ice Beam!"

Articuno fires a beam made of cold air as it shoots at Moltres, but even though Moltres gets hit, it uses Roost to recover its health. Alice says, "Then we'll be doing the same thing!"

After using the move, Articuno also gets back to its original health, and they continue to fight with each other, and Ash says, "I just hope that there won't be something about the world comes to an end appearing when they are fighting."

"Are you serious about that?" Alice asks. "I mean...they are just having a battle and you think the world is going to end?"

"It happened before in Orange Islands." Ash chuckles. And in the end, they see that Moltres is defeated and he says, "Very well, you two are as strong as always."

"I am glad to hear that, Moltres." Articuno says, "So are you going to join Ash and Alice's team?"

"Of course." Moltres says as it gives them the Cherish Ball, "Though I would not like to see you do something like jumping into the lava again."

"What does Moltres mean by that? Did you try to jump into the lava?" Alice asks with surprise as she looks at Ash.

"Well, thanks to Team Rocket, Moltres treated us as enemies, so I was forced to use Fletchinder to battle, and that was the time when it evolves into Talonflame, but the attack causes Talonflame to fall...and I just didn't think straight and..."

"And you jump into the volcano to save it? how reckless can you be? Talonflame is a Fire Type and it shouldn't be a problem for it." Alice scolds Ash.

"I know." Ash says. "But it is a good thing I have Frogadier with me to save me in the end."

After leaving Victory Road and they head back to Pokemon Center, Ash says, "I am really tired...I just hope that it is not going to affect me with tomorrow's final gym battle."

"I hope." Alice says as they decide to sleep together, and Ash tries to be careful not to damage Alice's arm, which is slowly recovering.

At the Viridian City Gym, Adam knocks at the door and Giovanni answers it. Giovanni says, "Adam, what a surprise."

"Hello, Giovanni. I hope I didn't come in a bad time, right?" Adam asks, and Giovanni says, "No, Ash told me that he changed the battle for tomorrow since he stayed at Pewter City for a night."

"I see. So he hasn't come yet." Adam says. Giovanni asks, "And how long are you going to hide the fact that you're his father to him?"

"I was planning to reveal it after the battle, but I think that it will be a perfect idea." Adam says.

"I just hope all will go smoothly." Giovanni says.

"Me too." Adam says. "Anyway, why don't we talk indoors? It is a bit tiring if we continue to stand outside."

"Of course." Giovanni says as they enter the gym.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, Ash finally gets the rest of the Pokemon. I hope you like this chapter and in the next chapter, we will be having the final Gym Battle against Giovanni, Ash's uncle and the former boss of Team Rocket.

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