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The bonding trip had been Daniel's idea. One week prior, he and Johnny had finally decided to put their feud aside. The next step was getting their students to get along and leave it to Daniel to suggest a weekend trip camping in the woods as an attempt to get them to bond. Johnny thought it was a stupid idea and didn't hesitate to let that be known, but Daniel—the persistent idiot he was—was convinced it was a good idea. No matter how many times Johnny tried to tell him that a stupid camping trip wasn't going to be enough to make their students bond, Daniel wouldn't listen. The bonding trip was happening and Daniel didn't care who protested about it. He wasn't going to let anyone get out of him.

After thousands of groans and complaints, two day later Johnny, Daniel, and their students stood in front of the Cobra Kai dojo waiting for the bus that was supposed to take them wherever the hell it was they were going. No one said a word. They all just stood there staring at each other awkwardly. Tory glared at Sam and she glared back even harder. Robby kept glancing at Miguel, a look of both hatred and regret. He still had not had the chance to apologize for everything that had happened. Hawk and Demetri exchanged a quick glance. The look of pure anger on Hawk's face was enough for Demetri to leave him alone. Don't even get Bert and Nathaniel started. Those two were like two toddlers fighting back and forth, but they kept their distance from each other.

After what seemed like hours (but really had only been ten minutes), the bus finally arrived. Everyone's eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. The way Daniel had talked about the bus everyone had thought it was going to be one of those nice ones—like one of those Greyhound buses they saw in the movies, but it wasn't. Instead, it looked like it was from the eighties. It looked rundown, old, and like it had seen better days. Miguel was even sure he had saw rust, but he couldn't be sure. Daniel turned to look a Johnny, an unhappy look on his face. That's what he gets for trusting Johnny to book the bus. He should have figured something like this would happen, but Johnny had assured him he could handle it.

"That's not what it looked like in the pictures," Johnny said, staring at the bus with the same look of shock and disgust as everyone else.

"I sure hope not," Tory said as she up her backpack and slung it over her shoulder.

"Well, we don't have all day," Daniel finally said. "Everyone on the bus."

As much as they didn't want to, the teens began to board the bus. The inside was even worse than the outside. The seats were made from leather that was worn and looked tattered. There were several rips and some that even looked like scratch marks. Just the thought of having to sit down in those seats made them want to cringe. To make matters even worse, Robby was pretty sure one of the seats had a blood stain on it. He couldn't be too sure.

Sam stopped at the entrance to the bus and turned to look at Daniel. "Dad, I still don't understand why we have to do this. I mean, can't we just go to Applebee's and have a nice dinner or something? Why do we have to have a whole camping trip?"

"First of all, Johnny is banned from Applebee's," Daniel said, causing Sam to give him a confused look. "Second, an hour dinner is not going to give you the same bonding experience that an entire weekend will. Now, hurry up and get on the bus."

Sam sighed and climbed the steps to the bus, just as disgusted as everyone else had been. Tory shot her a dirty look as she walked past her, but Sam ignored it and took a seat next to Demetri. He gave her a small smile and Sam returned it before looking away.

The bus ride had been long and silent. The entire time, no one had said a thing. None of them wanted to be there. It was far too early in the morning for one and two, even the idea of having to bond seemed dumb. Just because Johnny and Daniel had decided to put their feud aside did not mean they had to, but they all knew how determined Daniel could be. When he had his mind set on something, there was nothing that could break him away from achieving his goal. He wasn't going to sleep until everyone in Cobra Kai and Miyagi-Do had bonded and at least somewhat become friends, but there was just no way that was going to happen in one weekend. Especially not when you're dealing with moody, grudge-holding teenagers. You'd think he'd know that better than anyone.

When they finally arrived at the campsite, they were surprised it didn't look half bad. It still looked rundown and old like it hadn't been occupied since the eighties, but it was in much better condition than bus had been. Tory's first impression was that it looked like the camps from all the eighties slasher movies she has watched. At any second, she expected a masked killer to just pop out of the woods and start slashing them all, but that sort of thing wasn't real. Teenagers did not go out into the woods and just suddenly get murdered by some knife-wielding maniac. Besides, were any of these losers actually capable of murder? Tory didn't think so. They could barely hold up their own in a fight.

"So, we have the whole campsite to ourselves for the entire weekend," Daniel said as soon as everyone was off the bus. "There are enough cabins for there to be four to a cabin. Boys will be with boys and girls will be with girls."

Hardly anyone was paying attention to him. They were staring off into space, staring down at the ground, or taking in their surroundings. It wasn't until he started calling their names that they finally paid him attention. There was just something about suddenly hearing your name get called that grasped your attention.

"Okay, first up the girls; Sam, Tory, and Aisha," Daniel said. "You three will be sharing a cabin. Next up is Miguel, Robby, Demetri, and Hawk."

Demetri and Hawk turned to look at each other, the same expression of disappointment on their faces. Miguel and Robby just quickly glanced at one another before looking away.

"And then we have Bert, Nathaniel, Mitch, and Chris," Daniel said. "And lastly, Stingray, Mikey, and Doug. To make matters fair, Johnny and I will also be sharing a cabin. After all, this is a bonding trip not only for you guys, but for us as well."

With that, they were dismissed to go to their cabins. Tory and Sam didn't even last ten seconds before they were fighting over which bunkbed they wanted. Aisha just sat back and watched them fight, knowing that getting involved wasn't going to do any good. The same applied to Hawk and Demetri except they were fighting over who was going to get the bed closest to the bathroom for whatever reason. Miguel and Robby just rolled their eyes and minded their own business. The last thing they wanted was to get involved and risk starting a fight of their own. Unlike most of the people here, they actually wanted to try and get along. There was just not telling how well that would work out.

It wasn't much longer before Bert, Nathaniel, Chris, and Mitch started fighting in the cabin next to them. Bert and Nathaniel were arguing back and forth, each comeback making even less sense than the other. Chris and Mitch's banter was a lot more personal and starting to reach the point where Mitch wanted to punch Chris in the face. Even Daniel and Johnny were arguing and they hadn't even gotten the chance to get into their cabin yet. Besides Miguel and Robby, it seemed like the only people who weren't fighting with each other were Stingray, Doug, and Mikey. They also didn't have to share a cabin with someone they hated.

The attempt to bond by the campfire after everyone had gotten settled had been an epic failure. Daniel wanted everyone to go around and compliment each other, but no one would cooperate and ended up just staring off into space like they didn't care. No one wanted to make an attempt to get along or seem like they wanted to for the sake of being seen as weak. It didn't seem to matter how much Daniel tried, no one wanted to even try and get along. They were either completely silent or continue to bicker back and forth with each other. This was proving to be much harder than Daniel had anticipated, but he wasn't going to give up. He was determined that by the end of this trip, everyone would be closer. But he had no idea what lied ahead. No one did.

It wasn't until later that night after they had all gone to bed that things took a turn for the worst. It wasn't until later that night that the first karate member had become victim to what Tory had thought could never happen. That night, someone had been murdered while they slept and their body wouldn't be discovered until morning. It was only going to get worse from there and by the time the weekend had come to an end, there would only be one person left to live to tell the tale of the karate bonding trip turned horribly wrong.

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