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Silence. The cabin was full of nothing but silence. No one dared to speak or confess. Tory closely watched everyone just waiting for someone to slip up or show any sign of nervousness. They were all stoic and didn't make a single move. It didn't matter how long it took or how tired she got, there was no way Tory was going to let her guard down. She was going to figure out who this killer was and when she did, she wasn't going to hesitate to give them a piece of her mind. They were going to wish that they had never messed with Tory Nichols and her friends. Tory had high hopes that she would catch the killer, and after what seemed like hours, she finally managed to figure it out. It made perfect sense and she couldn't wait to share her theory with the rest of the group.

But first, she just had to get them to stop fighting. Yet again, Demetri and Hawk were in the middle of an argument. Demetri was accusing Hawk of being the killer, but Hawk wasn't having it.

"I can't vouch for Robby, but I was in the shower when Tory was attacked," Hawk said. "This entire thing is making me stress sweat and I couldn't stand smelling myself for another second."

Tory looked at his hair. She wasn't sure how she hadn't noticed it before, but it was standing up straighter than it had been before. His mohawk was no longer falling flat. If what he was saying was true and he was in the shower and had enough time to fix his mohawk, then there was no way he was the killer. That didn't matter, because if she was correct, then Hawk wasn't the killer.

"Robby," Tory said. "Anything you wanna say? Or maybe confess?"

"What?" Robby asked. "I didn't leave the cabin."

"Sam, Miguel and I were together the entire time and if he was in the shower then that just leaves you," Demetri said.

"Why are you so sure that it's one of us?" Robby asked.

"Because it's the only thing that makes sense and right now, all signs are pointing to you," Tory answered.

Robby shook his head. "You seriously think I'd murder people? My own father?"

"Think about it. It all makes sense," Tory said to the group. "When Doug and Mikey died, who was the person who went with them?"

Everyone turned to look at Robby. What Tory was saying made sense. They weren't sure how they hadn't realized that at first. If it really was one of them, then it made sense for it to be Robby. He had been the only one who wasn't in the cabin when Doug and Mikey were murdered. But Robby had been attacked. How could he be the killer if he also got hurt?

"I was literally attacked," Robby said.

"Or you wanted it to appear that way," Tory said. "You did it to yourself."

"And Stingray?" Miguel asked. "If Robby was at the gas station when he died, then who killed him?"

"He had plenty of time to walk back to the camp, somehow lure him out giving him the perfect opportunity to kill him before banging on the door pretending to be a victim, hoping that no one would suspect him," Tory responded.

"That's insane," Robby said, rolling his eyes at her.

Everyone had to agree with her. What Tory was made sense. It made perfect sense. Considering that she had so much knowledge about horror movies, her theory was believable. The group was convinced that Robby was the killer, but he refused to admit it. There was just one issue with Tory's theory. There were plot holes that didn't add up or make sense—certain elements missing that couldn't make Robby the only killer. Tory didn't just have one theory about who the killer was. She had two and pretty soon, it was about to make even more sense, but also less sense at the same time. 

"That's just one theory," Tory said.

"What's the other one?" Hawk asked.

"In either theory, Robby is guilty, but he's not working alone," Tory said. "While Robby was at the gas station, his accomplice stayed back and killed Stingray right under all of our noses."

"And who do you think the accomplice is?" Miguel asked.

"That's what I wasn't able to figure out, but then I started piecing it together," Tory said. "Based on behaviors, all signs point to Hawk."

"What the hell? Are you kidding me?" Hawk shouted at her.

"Let me finish," Tory said. "But of course, that'd be the obvious choice and it's never, ever the obvious choice."

"And who isn't the obvious choice?" Demetri asked.

"The one person who has been by Robby's side this entire time that we all overlooked," Tory said before turning to look at Sam. "Samantha LaRusso."

"You can't be serious," Sam said.

"Oh, princess, I'm very serious," Tory responded. "When Bert was killed, who was with Robby? Sam. When Nathaniel, Chris, and Mitch were killed who conveniently had to use the bathroom? Sam! Let's not forget that argument I saw you and Robby having earlier."

"Tory, that's insane," Miguel said, refusing to believe that Sam could be one of the killers.

No one could believe it. Sam didn't seem like the type of person that would go around murdering people. She was the type of person who couldn't even hurt a fly. Did Tory seriously think that she was capable of gutting people and slicing their throats open as if it were nothing? The theory about Robby had made sense, but this one didn't seem to want to stick in their minds. No one wanted to think that Sam could ever be capable of murdering her friends in cold blood without giving it a second thought. But the more they thought about it, the more it didn't seem so crazy. Tory was right. Sam had almost always been at Robby's side. The two were always paired up together. Sam had been with Robby when Bert was killed. If Robby was the killer, either Tory was right and Sam was his accomplice or she knew Robby was the killer, but kept it a secret.

"I don't think it's insane," Demetri said. "She's right..."

"Come on, do you guys seriously think I would murder people?" Sam asked. "Last time I watched a horror movie, I spent the entire night in the bathroom throwing up."

"And do you have any proof of that?" Tory asked.


"No, you don't," Tory interrupted her before she could respond. "So just admit it. This entire time it was you and Robby."

"What motive would I even have?" Sam asked.

"We all have motive, Sam," Tory said.

"This is stupid!" Sam shouted. "I can't believe you actually think it's me."

"I don't think it's you," Tory said, walking closer to her. "I know it's you."

Sam folded her arms across her chest. She stared Tory directly in the eyes. Tory stared back at her just waiting for her to admit the truth. Everyone believed her. No one thought that Sam or Robby were innocent. But of course, neither of them wanted to admit the truth. The game was over. Tory had figured them out and there was nothing they could do about it. The only option left was to finally admit the truth and have this entire thing be over with once and for all. At least, they thought there was no other option. Turns out, there were plenty more options left and all the cards were about to be out on the table. No one could have ever suspected what was going to come next. Tory certainly didn't.

"You want it to be me so bad? Then fine!" Sam said. "You're right! I was the killer all along. Happy?"

Tory furrowed her eyebrows at her. "Is that your way of telling me what I want to hear?"

Sam shrugged. "Isn't that what you wanted to hear? That I killed Stingray while Robby was at the gas station killing Doug and Mikey? That the entire time, I knew Robby was the killer and sat back and did nothing while he killed Bert? That the entire thing was Robby's doing and I's doing?"

"That's exactly what I wanted to hear," Tory said.

Sam sighed. "Well, I'm afraid what you wanted to hear is wrong."

"Really?" Tory asked. "Then please, enlighten me."

"Robby didn't kill Bert," Sam said. "I did and I'm so sorry to have to do this."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Tory asked.

Before anyone knew what was happening or could react, Sam lifted up her shirt, revealing a knife tucked in the waistband of her jeans. Everyone froze in place. Tory tried to step back, but as if it were some sort of cliché in a horror movie, Tory tripped and fell backwards onto the floor. Sam walked up to her and grabbed her shirt, pulling her up. Tory grabbed her arm and tried to twist it around, but it was no use. Sam grabbed her by the hair and twisted her body around so that she could place the knife onto Tory's throat.

"Sam, what the fuck?" Miguel asked. "Let her go."

Tory tried to wiggle her way free, but Sam had a surprisingly tight grip. Just one wrong movement would send the knife pressing into her throat. It didn't matter how much Tory tried to break free, Sam's tight grip on her hair and the knife up against her throat were making it impossible.

"Surprise!" Sam said. "Tory was right."

"Sam, just let her go, okay?" Miguel said. "You don't have to do this. Just put the knife down and let her go."

Sam shook her head. "There you go again taking the lead. Don't you ever get tired of constantly trying to be the good guy? Trying to make everyone like you?"

"That isn't what this is about," Miguel said. "I just don't want to see anyone else get hurt. So please, just let her go."

"I'm afraid I can't do that," Sam responded.

"Fuck this," Hawk said as he started to walk out the door.

"No!" Sam yelled, causing him to jump. "Get back in the cabin right now or poor Tory gets cut."

Hawk looked at Tory. He had never seen her look so terrified. There were tears starting to form in her eyes. He wanted to get the hell out of there and try to save himself, but he didn't want to see Tory die. Sure, he thought she could be a major bitch and quite honestly, didn't really care for her all that much, but he didn't want to see her get brutally murdered. She didn't deserve that. No one that had died deserved it. As much he wanted to leave, he didn't. It was probably a bad decision, but Hawk walked back to his spot next to Demetri. He just wished that he wouldn't end up regretting it, but with the way this weekend was going, he had a strong feeling that he was going to.

"Thank you," Sam said to him. "Now, does anyone have any last words they'd like to share with Tory?"

"I'd like to say something," Tory said.

"Better make it good then because it'll be your last," Sam responded.

"Rot in hell, bitch," Tory said as she stomped on Sam's foot causing Sam to loosen her grip.

Tory managed to wiggle out of Sam's grasp and before Sam had the chance to grab her again, Tory punched her in the face. Sam stumbled backwards and Tory extended her leg forward, sweeping Sam to the ground. Tory told everyone to run and they didn't hesitate to bolt out of the door. Tory ran for the door, but Robby grabbed her arm and pulled her back, she kneed him where no guy wants to be kneed, causing him to fall to the ground and groan in pain. Sam grabbed Tory's leg, trying to pull her down to the ground. Tory fell to the ground and hit her chin on the hardwood floor. She kicked Sam in the face and she let go of her leg. Tory stood up and ran out of the door before Sam or Robby had the chance to get back up.

Tory had no idea where anyone else had gone. There were nowhere in sight, but she didn't care. She just ran. She didn't know where she was going, but she didn't stop running. All she had to do was find everyone else. They needed to stick together. As long as they were together, then there was less of a chance that they would all end up dead. As long as they were together, then there was no way that Sam and Robby would be able to get to them. That's what Tory told herself. If only she had known just how wrong she was. In just two more hours, only one person would be left alive.

so um...yeah...did anyone suspect sam?

also currently trying to decide who i want to live...i'm stuck between two characters

- emilia

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