Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


"Let's have the talk." Jungkook's rut had stopped about three days ago, but it was the first time that Jungkook and Taehyung were alone again, since Jimin had insisted on them both taking care of post rut Jungkook. Not that Jungkook had had any complains about that.

"Let's have the talk." Jungkook repeated, sitting down opposite of Taehyung, who was relaxing on their small couch. They were back at their shared apartment, no longer at the home of Jungkook's parents.

Taehyung crossed his legs. "Sooo... you said you wanted to talk to me before that whole kiss thing happened."

Jungkook nodded. "I'm kind of glad the kiss happened though... I think I might have avoided it for, like, another year... maybe longer." He pushed his hair out of his eyes. "Anyways, uhm... I-" Jungkook cleared his throat. "This is so weird..."

Chuckling Taehyung reached out his hand and ran it through Jungkook's hair. "It's not. Come on, tell me whatever you wanna say."

"But you already kind of said you wouldn't reject me... do I still have to say it?" Jungkook frowned, pulling one of his legs up on the couch and playing with his toes.

"I said I'd probably not reject you. But I have no idea what kind of weird ideas you might have, so please say what you wanna say." To some extent he was teasing, but that wasn't all there was to it. He wanted to know what Jungkook actually wanted, not just jump to conclusions.

"Aaaah I hate you." Jungkook groaned, rubbing his eyes. After taking a few deep breaths he looked back up again, for the first time making proper eye contact with Taehyung.

"What I wanted to say is... I have a huge crush on you. No clue at what time exactly I developed it, but I realized about... I don't know, a year or two ago." He glanced to the floor of the living room. "But not just you... if whatever I feel towards you is a crush then I have a crush on Jimin too. Which is so weird, because shouldn't you usually have one person you like... not two?" He frowned, once again playing with his toes. "I don't wanna choose. I want to have both of you and I know it's selfish... but even if it's just friendship... the most important thing for me is having you and Jimin around forever and always. I don't care about anything else."

Taehyung could feel his heart melt at the honesty in Jungkook's words. He knew exactly how Jungkook felt. While kissing Jungkook sure had been... an experience, it wasn't something he would risk his friendship for. Both Jungkook and Jimin were parts of his heart and he couldn't stand the thought of one of them leaving. He knew he would lose that part of his heart with them.

Still, he wasn't sure how they were supposed to do this. Taehyung certainly was down for dating Jungkook. They already had evidence that the sexual attraction was there, even though Taehyung had really forced himself to restrain his thoughts and hold back. Starting a relationship in the middle of a rut was never a good idea... aside from the fact that it was hard to properly consent for both parties.

"Do you intend on telling Jimin?" Taehyung asked curiously.

Jungkook hesitated. "If you're okay with it... I know that it's weird."

For a moment Taehyung thought about it. Then he shook his head. "I don't think it will be weird. No idea how we'll do this, but if you want both Jiminie and me that's okay... at least if it's okay for him too."

"Am I weird for wanting that?" Jungkook asked, pulling both of his legs up and hugging them to his chest. "I know it's a lot to ask for... I mean, both of you are so perfect and I wanna put a claim on both of you." He chuckled weakly and Taehyung couldn't help but smile at Jungkook's phrasing.

"I totally get why you want to claim Jimin too... I mean, have you seen him? I certainly have."

Jungkook watched him with attentive eyes. "How about you... how do you feel about Jiminie hyung?"

At that Taehyung had to pause. How did he feel about Jimin? They were undoubtedly soulmates... inseparable and way too touchy. But that wasn't what Jungkook was asking him. He was asking if Taehyung had feelings for Jimin too. And Taehyung really didn't have an answer to that... just as with Jungkook, the thought of Jimin finding a boyfriend he really cared about outside of their little group really hurt... but did that mean he had feelings for him?

"I-" He hesitated. "I'm not so sure... I really care about him." Jungkook's gaze felt heavy on him.

"Imagine kissing him... what would you feel? Would you want to hold him... be held by him as you two..." Jungkook hesitated, forcing down a smile. " each other very much."

Taehyung rolled his eyes, but nevertheless tried imagining kissing Jimin. Feeling his plush lips against his... holding him close. He swallowed hard. Maybe he really wanted to try that.

"I think I could see myself... liking him like that." That was about as good of an answer as he could give. Years of friendship had made it hard to say which parts of his feelings towards Jimin were not of platonic nature. They had always just been so close that there really wasn't much of a difference anymore.

Jungkook nodded, looking almost content. "I... uhm spent a bit of time on the internet because I was really confused about liking both of you and I found this thing that's called polyamory. It basically says that you can date more than one person at a time, like a small group. If Jimin says yes, do you think we all could..." Jungkook blushed, back to staring at the floor.

Although he really wasn't sure how Jimin was going to react, it certainly was worth a try. Especially if it made Jungkook happy. "I mean... sure. Although it might be a bit weird in the beginning."

"Was kissing me weird?" Jungkook asked, genuinely curious. "When I kissed you for the first time."

Taehyung shook his head. It really hadn't been. Although Jungkook had always been, and in a way was probably going to forever stay, his baby, it had felt so right. Kissing Jungkook. Holding him in his arms. Taking care of him. "No."

Apparently forgetting the point he was trying to make Jungkook swallowed hard, suddenly seemingly no longer awkward as he leant a bit closer. "Could we kiss again?"

Taehyung didn't hesitate. "Come here."

Jungkook did, as quickly as he could without seeming too desperate. When he reached Taehyung, who was still sitting on the couch, he put both of his knees on either side of him, that way straddling him, before cupping Taehyung's jaw and staring at him with those familiar, big eyes. Taehyung couldn't help but smile.

"I can't believe I'm allowed to kiss you... just like that." Jungkook murmured, running his thumb over Taehyung's lips. "I was really jealous, you know... I was jealous of all those guys that were allowed to take you on dates, because even though nothing ever actually happened, at least they got a chance..." Their noses brushed and Taehyung could feel his body relaxing because of Jungkook's wooden scent. "Even though we were so close I always felt like there was no way you would ever... see me like that. Because I'm a child to you." Jungkook stated.

Taehyung shook his head. "You're not a child to me... you're my baby, but there's a huge difference in meaning." He leaned forward pecking Jungkook's cheek. "It just means I want to take good care of you and protect you from everything bad in the world. And sorry, but that's how things will always be. That's not going to change, no matter how much more muscle you gain and how much hotter you'll get."

There was a soft spike in Jungkook's scent at the praise. "You like the way I look?"

"Of course I do! Have you seen yourself?" Taehyung gasped. "How could I not?"

"I need more compliments... I'm still traumatised from the fact that you suddenly started avoiding me when I got bigger." Jungkook complained, rubbing his head against Taehyung's shoulder.

"And that's more important than kissing?" To Taehyung's surprise Jungkook nodded, a soft frown playing around his lips. "It is."

"Alright." Taehyung breathed out, taking a close look at Jungkook's features. "Can I just say everything is perfect because honestly... everything about the way you look is perfect. It's like someone carved you out of stone and then some god decided that it was a good time to let you roam the earth."

For a couple of seconds Jungkook said absolutely nothing, then he sat up and crossed his arms over his chest. "That was so corny." He grimaced.

Taehyung gasped. "Alright then. If that's what you think then you don't deserve any of my compliments."

Jungkook giggled. "I think I like compliments you make just because you wanna make them more than ones I ask for." He leaned back in again. "I will just have to give you a reason to compliment me." A cheeky grin made its way onto Jungkook's face and then he was kissing Taehyung, and it was nothing like their first two kisses. This time Jungkook seemed a lot more self confident, moving his lips against Taehyung's as he cupped his jaw.

Jungkook's scent got stronger but Taehyung really didn't mind, instead enjoying the feeling of Jungkook's hands on him,the proximity. Taehyung let all those feelings wash over him as Jungkook took the lead, angling Taehyung's jaw a bit upwards to be able to kiss him even deeper, and while Taehyung was certain he would have felt anxious with anyone else right now, he really didn't with Jungkook. Because the boy was familiar. Because he was like family to him. Why would Taehyung worry when it was just Jungkook?


I love those two<3

I love this<3

I love everything<3

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