22. I don't want to fall in love

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I thought about it
I truly have and I've reached a

· I don't want to fall in love ·

Don't get me wrong,
Don't judge before understanding
The reasoning behind my decision.

Sure the idea of love is a bliss
Love in itself is a haven

Like kisses from the sun
Placed on rosy cheeks
As one basks in the warmth
Of its presence

But like the sun that love can set,
Set so far as it disappears
Across the horizon
Never to be seen again.

Like the sun that love can burn,
The kind of burn
That tears skin from skin
Leaving you scared and damaged

The kind that makes you wonder
Why standing in the presence
Of that sun seemed a good idea
In the first place.

· I don't want to fall in love ·

It's not love itself that frightens me
It's the fear of falling so far
That picking myself up
Seems impossible

Because when I love
I love wholeheartedly
I love with passion

· I don't want to fall in love ·

Only to lose your love to another
To see you no longer looking at me
The way you did before

To end up falling at your love
And have you control me like a puppet
Pulling at the strings of my heart
Tugging at my faith and loyalty

· I don't want to fall in love ·

To discover I'm the only one who fell
A royal game of pretense
A means to an end

Or that down the line
You no longer feel the same
An irreversible switch of the heart
Decision of the mind

· I don't want to fall in love ·


-It's not you, it's me.

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