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      Sora wasn't a very confrontational type of person. She hated being placed in situations where she's in the spotlight or where she has to make a decision. Hell, even with her ex boyfriend she managed to avoid him after the breakup, even when the dormitory that he lives in was two blocks away from her apartment.

      Without even hesitating the actress took Daejung's hand and led him away from Rosé's door. They didn't stop walking even with the singer's protests until they took the elevator to the lobby, somewhere far away from Rosé and the prying eyes of the the production crew and cast.

      "What are you doing here?" Sora panicked in her native tongue, rushed Korean words spilling past her lips as she tried to look out for Rosé and Tom. The last thing she needed was for more eyes on the situation. "You're supposed to be in Seoul, not Atlanta! Not fucking America! Oh my God the director is going to kill us. He's already mad about me landing the role for Cindy Moon and not being able to attend the shoot but now you, the fucking male lead, isn't there!"

      Daejung arched his eyebrows in amusement at the worry wrinkles on Sora's forehead. But he chuckled before he leaned forward and smoothed the wrinkled skin with his thumb. "Relax, Sora. I'm not here to do anything bad, I swear. And the director does know about this trip. Does he approve? Not really. But YG wanted me to go down and have me and my manager discuss things with Rosé and her manager. You know, get a better understanding of what to do and how to move on from the scandal."

      Sora licked her lips as she peeled the face mask off her face and threw it in the trash can behind him. "Look, Oppa, you're great, really. I appreciate a lot of things you've done for me. But that scandal is going to break Rosé more than it already has. You're an idol, and even though you didn't sign up for the backlash of the public and just signed up to a singer, it was expected. But not Rosé, she didn't sign up for any of this and — Fucking hell."

      Her eyes widened at the sight of something behind him. Before Sora could stop him Daejung turned around and his eyes narrowed at the guy walking towards them.

      Tom Holland.

      Sora tried to hide Daejung behind her which was a stupid idea considering the fact that Daejung is 6'2" and the actress herself was only 5'3". She then quickly considered the height difference and ran to her costar instead. She tried stopping him from walking any further, but Tom easily picked her up and set her aside.

      "Tom, Tom, Tom, stop!" Sora cried out repeatedly as she tried to stop Tom from walking any further. She cursed under her breath as Tom didn't slow down and the two finally met one another. She sucked in a deep breath before she told them both in the two different languages, "Behave or else."

      "You're Tom," Daejung spoke in English, his voice deep and his Korean accent hanging onto his words. He held his hand out for the actor to shake, but for the first time Tom refused to be the good guy. Realizing that Tom wasn't going to shake his hand Daejung withdraw his arm back.

      "If you stay here then the news about your scandal will only get worse," Tom warned him. He glanced at Sora to tell her to interpret for him. The actress tugged on her lower lip as she cowered underneath Tom's cold glare.

      "Tom said that it's great to see you here after the whole scandal blow up," Sora lied as she faked the translation. The last thing she needed was for the two to start a dispute, especially when Tom wasn't thinking straight.

      Daejung clicked his tongue as if he couldn't believe his fellow costar, but said nothing about it. "Tell Tom that he doesn't need to worry. As far as the media is concerned they all believe that I'm in Osaka with the rest of the group."

      "Tom, Daejung said Osaka is lovely at this time of year. Oh, and that you're really handsome in person."

      "Sora tell him that he can't see Rosie right now."

      "Yeah let's not do that to Sora, I mean me."

      "Tell him that now that I'm here he doesn't need to worry," Daejung interrupted before Tom could speak. As if sensing the tension in the room the singer slid his hands in the front pocket of his jeans. "He should really mind his own business."

      Sora sighed before she turned to her newest costar. "Tom, Daejung said that you should really stop stressing or that it'll ruin your handsome face. He said it in a very aggressive manner to emphasize it."

      Tom ignored her comment and couldn't help but glare at Daejung. "She's my best friend, I can't sit here and watch her get hurt. It may bother me that you guys are together, but I'll always value her happiness and mental health. This scandal is the last thing she needs right now, you of all people should know that."

      "Oppa, Tom said that your skin is so clear and asks what products you use. He says that next time he goes to South Korea you should show him around. Maybe Busan or Daegu — "

      "Oppa? Tom?" Rosé.

      Sora threw her hands up in the air as she thanked Rosé profusely. She didn't even hesitate to walk towards the elevator and towards Harrison who previously accompanied her roommate. Her blonde boyfriend arched his eyebrows in confusion and opened his mouth to question what had happened, but Sora quickly shook her head and led him back to the elevator he came out of.

      Harrison looked over his shoulder with a quizzical and worried look on his face, his concern for his best friend growing by the second. He recognized Rosé's boyfriend and felt a cold sweat grow. It couldn't be true, not when Rosé has liked Tom for almost a decade. The idea of her getting over him so quickly became a permanent thought in his head.

      When the boyfriend girlfriend pair walked into the elevator Harrison finally broke his silence. "Why is DJ here in Atlanta? For Rosé?"

      Sora sighed as she nodded grimly. She ran her fingers through her hair and leaned her head against his shoulder, his lips pressed against her right temple. "I think so. It doesn't matter anyways, Tom won't listen. He hasn't even given Rosé the chance to explain herself and for her to tell him that they're not dating."

      "Wait, they're not?"


♔ ♔ ♔

      Rosé greeted the Korean actor with a small smile, a greeting past her lips as she gave him a warm hug to which he returned. "It's good to see you, Oppa," she said to him sincerely. "Sorry, I didn't know you were coming. But why don't you head back to my room? Joonho's there waiting for you."

      Daejung nodded and smiled back at the screenwriter. "Got it. I'll see you up there, Chaewon. But it's really good to see you again."

      He nodded his head at Tom before he waved his hand at his fake girlfriend. The actor turned around and walked towards the elevator. When he got inside he looked at Rosé once more, but his eyes fell upon the way Tom looked at her, the sincerity and sadness inside of the man.

      The doors slowly began to close, his sight on Rosé fading.

      A swell of guilt grew inside the pit of his stomach, gnawing at his insides. Daejung wasn't the type of person to interfere in business, he hated getting involved if it wasn't directly related to him. And the look on Tom's face tore him apart, he felt bad for ruining what seemed to be Tom's healthy friendship with Rosé or whatever potential relationship they could've had.

      He hated homewreckers, he hated other people interfering when it comes to the development of a relationship. He grew up watching his father have women come right and left after his parents' divorce, he watched failed relationships all his life. And Daejung remembered how much he loathed those women who only used his father for his money and high socialite status.

      No, he told himself. No, don't think about him, forget about Tom. He had his chance, he had her, but he lost her. He had his chance. Now it's your chance, Daejung-ah. You can find out what love is, she's the one. She has to be.

♔ ♔ ♔

      Tom kicked at the bit of trash on the ground, his gaze hard and on the carpet. He shook his head as a bitter chuckle left him before he licked his lips. The actor glanced at her, not long enough to react or feel a certain type of way. 

      Was this the pain that she felt when he was with Camille?

      "You should probably go," he whispered to her, his eyes refusing to meet hers.

      Rosé nodded as she turned around, ready to walk away. But after her first step away from him she hesitated, almost as if she was contemplating about something. Tom heard her mutter fuck it under her voice before he felt her harshly lift his head up.

      Her other hand was on the back of his neck as she forced his face towards her. She kissed him and parted her lips in an attempt to get him to do the same. Tom stood frozen as she kissed him feverishly, her eyes closed shut as if to block him out and remember the familiar feeling.

      When she pulled away she finally opened her eyes. A small smile made way on her face as she brought her forehead against his. Rosé forced him to look at her before she leaned forward and pecked his lips.

      "It's you stupid, it'll always be you," she whispered to him.

      Rosé pulled away and stepped back from Tom, a shy smile blossoming on her lips. She turned around and walked towards the elevator.

      But all Tom could think was this: They're not dating. She still likes him.

♔ ♔ ♔


Finally an update for Fine Lines! I know it's not as good as the first book which I'm deeply sorry about. I hope my writing will improve!

But thank you to all who have read and kept up with the series! It means a lot to me.

Dedicated to starIord because I love her and she's a babe!

Much Love Guys.

( written: october 26, 2017 )
( published: october 26, 2017 )

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