Chapter 62 -Second Chances

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(Liam's POV - Sun. 11 May 2014)

My head is so heavy and yet I am feeling so comfortable, wherever I may be. I just wish the pounding in my head would cease and things would be perfect. Have I gotten myself drunk or what? Keeping my eyes closed, I shift to my right side and realize that I don't feel sick, so this is at least one good thing. Actually, apart from this headache, I am feeling pretty good and there is even this soothing and comforting smell reaching my nostrils, a smell that I have missed dearly for the past few weeks. I crack an eye open and, despite the initial confusion of my brain, I immediately recognize the light-blue walls of Joshua's bedroom and realize that I am lying on his bed. Before I even have time to wonder what I am doing here, the memories of what happened last night flush back to my mind, making me shut my opened eye and cuss at myself.

Last Friday evening, when I understood that what I needed was a Dominant, I texted Ed saying that I was willing to go out on Saturday evening. Ed wanted to go to the Black Moon, but it didn't take much to make him change his mind and convince him to go to the Black Diamond instead. I was so determined to find myself a new Dominant at that moment! However, when I went shopping for a new outfit, I started to coward a little and opted for some leather trousers rather than the shorts and the rest of the day went on pretty similarly, oscillating between determination and cowardice. I remember having a couple of beer cans before I met Ed and the guys at the Diamond and it helped me feeling more confident in my preparation. I suddenly wanted to look sexy and I think that the open shirt did its job there, as well as the nice fitted pants I wore. I made sure to avoid Joshua's friends and shamefully enough, I didn't even go and greet them when three of the Big Four showed up in the room. I was quite surprised not to see the fourth one, but I just shrugged it off and continued to dance.

Our little group quickly had mingled among other Subs and a few Doms on the dance floor and I was really enjoying myself. Like my mates, I was wearing a white bracelet, meaning that I was clearly open for some new contacts and it wasn't long before some Dominants joined us. Mick was quickly taken away by a massive man - massive in the sense that he had tons of muscles, far too many for my taste - but then... then Stefan and Frank happened. I remembered O' too well the last time I interacted with them; it was at the beginning of my relationship with Joshua and they had reproached him with not having collared me. At that time, I had been offended by the word, but after a few months in the lifestyle, I would have given anything for Joshua to do it. Well, that never happened and that was one of the reasons I was there yesterday evening, lurking at some beautiful males, some of whom wouldn't mind getting into my pants obviously.

I must confess that the first moments of flirting with Stefan and feeling his hard-on against my butt made me regain some self-confidence; I felt desired. Okay, the two cocktails I had drank within only half an hour did help a lot and Aaron obviously didn't like it too much. It happened that he had eventually noticed my presence and he briefly took Stefan aside for a moment. A few minutes later, he came back and asked to talk to me. I was already quite light-headed but I still followed him to listen to what he had to say; it doesn't mean that I actually paid much attention and once he was done, forbidding me to get another drink for the rest of the evening. His interfering annoyed me and it became more of a personal challenge and some kind of defiance to continue my little game with Stefan. I wasn't particularly attracted to him, but I bitterly hoped that it would somehow reach Joshua's ears at some point.

The curb of my emotions took a weird pace when Joshua did show up, as beautiful and domineering as ever, even if he wasn't in his regular outfit. Seeing him there was a shock and despite my obvious state of dizziness, several emotions ran through me. I was shared between my love for him and the anger and bitterness that resulted from our break-up, but the two most important things that came to my realization were that one, I was acting completely stupid; I shouldn't have been flirting like I was after I drank too much; and two, his arms were where I belonged, not anyone else's. The feeling of shame that filled me at that moment completely turned down my resolve to find someone else and I was afraid that his disappointment might ruin any chance to get back to him.

That didn't last too long though. Once I had gone through another awkward moment and emptied my stomach in Aaron's restrooms, I felt empty and worn out. What happened next is quite blurry but I remember another shameful situation at Joshua's place with a pretty childish outburst and a certain cold shower that brought me back to my senses.

"Are you finally awake?" Joshua asks and despite the softness of his voice, I startle and flip around to find him sitting on the bed beside me and cross-legged, wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and a white tee-shirt. My heart thumps in my chest, not only at his presence, but also because everything haphazardly gets much clearer in my head and I suddenly feel a bit shameful of my behavior last night. My eyes drift from his sexy body to the alarm clock on the bedside table. Past noon!! Jeez, that was a long night! I move to sit against the headboard and rub my face vigorously to clear my mind. "How are you feeling?"

"Apart from a headache... I'm okay..." I reply in a hoarse voice. Joshua hands me a glass of orange juice and a pill that I swallow immediately. "Thanks..." We both remain silent for a couple of minutes. Being here again feels weird. The last time I was in this room, it was just after our argument and I remember watching him through the window, frozen on the terrace beneath; I was very angry at him back then and some of that anger still lingers within me. However, despite our separation, I never ceased to respect Joshua though, and the embarrassing memories of last night make me feel slightly uncomfortable. "Hmm... I'm sorry for... what happened yesterday..." I eventually murmur, breaking the silence.

"You know how you don't do very well with alcohol, Liam," he sighs, making me cast my eyes down. "It was rather irresponsible. I'm sorry I forced you to stay here, but I certainly couldn't let you go in that state of mind. Besides, I think we need to talk. Seriously. I'd really appreciate if you give me a chance to explain some things," he says, his voice filled with intensity. I briefly think it over but I guess that I owe him this much after all.

"Alright..." I whisper shyly. My stomach chooses this precise moment to rumble loudly, making me press my hand to the treacherous organ and blush.

"Let's go have breakfast first ..." he chuckles. Joshua unfolds his tall frame to get up from the bed and I follow suit.

"Are you limping?" I ask as I tag along him in the corridor and notice that his walk is not as firm as it usually is.

"Just a little; my ankle must be stiff from sitting cross legged for two hours I guess..." he jokes but I don't buy it.

"What happened to your ankle?" I insist. If it were due to his sitting position, he would be suffering from both ankles, but I can tell that the right one has a problem.

"Just a bad fall... a few weeks ago..." he replies a bit uneasily, but he quickly regains his usual confidence. "It's nothing serious but it remains a bit painful at times; and someone gave me a few kicks last night," he then adds with a smirk.

"Hmm... sorry about that..." I mutter.

Joshua chuckles and leads the way down the stairs, leaning on the banister for support. He must have been up early this morning because when we reach the kitchen, the counter is already fully dressed with food and dishes. We eat in a relatively comfortable silence and I wonder if I should be the one starting this conversation, but...

"I owe you some apologies, Liam," Joshua finally says in a deep and tense voice that catches my attention. My eyes rise from my plate to meet his intense blue orbs and I truly like what I see in them: there is nervousness and uncertainty, but his expression displays plain sincerity. Joshua pushes his plate to the side to rest his forearms on the counter where he laces his long fingers together, trying to find his words. I can clearly feel how hard it seems to be for him to decide on the right words. "I'm really sorry for what happened... three weeks ago. I was expecting this to happen at some point, but not so soon; I was hoping that our relationship was enough for you. Love... is something I have rejected for years and..."

"So things are still the same?" I interrupt him rather harshly, noisily dropping my fork on my plate.

"No!! Please let me finish. Some things have changed! Well, to be honest, I believe that they are the same, but the difference is that I am now accepting this..." he tries to explain, only making me more confused.

"I don't understand... What is so different now?" I ask bitterly.

"Just let me explain. Your outburst on that Sunday really caught me by surprise. I was in total denial of my feelings for you back then. Your sudden anger was completely understandable, but it froze me. Your reaction was so intense that I didn't know what to say anymore. I wasn't ready for love; I wanted to explain the reasons why I couldn't return the feelings, but words wouldn't come out and your... fierceness petrified me," he sighs heavily. "I apologize for letting you go that day but I owe you an even bigger apology... because I wasn't fully honest with you. There are things I should have told you a long time ago; things that I kept to myself and this was a huge mistake because you might have understood me better if you had known... You might have been less angry..."

"I'm still angry..." I mutter.

"I know you are, Liam, but my biggest hope is that you'll understand... at least a little..." He pauses for a long minute, obviously trying to find the right words and I wait patiently. "When I started college, finally far enough from my family, I started dating more openly and had a few boyfriends; it was never anything serious or lasted for too long; until I met someone toward the end of my third year. Our relationship survived two summer breaks and by the time we started our fifth year, I was completely head over heels for him. I guess you don't need all the details, but we really loved each other, or at least this is what I thought. I had planned to propose to him; had even bought a ring..." he chuckles bitterly. "Despite my obvious maturity in certain domains, I was quite the naïve fool at that time. Having witnessed a few embarrassing moments with my mother and her lovers, I thought that this kind of things only happened in heterosexual couples. I was completely stupid but I was a dreamer.

"And all my dreams crashed and burnt the day I caught him cheating on me. I just walked in on him being fucked by another man and that was the biggest slap in my face ever. I not only realized that I could be cheated upon too but also learnt how painful love can be. I was ready to marry him; I was ready to come out to my parents and fight them for him." Joshua pauses for a long minute, his eyes fixed on the counter. I can tell how remembering this looks painful to him and how it must have affected him at the time. I have swirled my stool to face him beside me and right now, I feel like reaching out a hand to show him my own affection, but I remain still, allowing him the time to gather his thoughts. I am actually touched by what he said and I guess that few persons must know about this story. I don't even understand how someone would cheat on a boyfriend like Joshua...

"What happened then?" I encourage him softly after a while.

"I broke up with him of course; right away. That first evening was a bit hectic in the sense that I lost all hopes on love that night. Allan was my roommate on the campus and he was the one to endure my sorrow of one evening. But I was already someone with a strong personality then and by the following morning, I had taken new resolutions. My ex came knocking at the door quite a few times, begged me to give him a second chance, but once deceived, there was no way I would. He never accepted our separation and the bastard took his little revenge..."

"What did he do?" I breathe out, fearing for what I was about to hear. I suddenly remember that conversation we had during our week-end in New York end of November. I remember Joshua told me that his father found out about his son's homosexuality around his twenty-second birthday, which must have been at about the same time...

"He sent all our pictures in a big envelope to my father," Joshua replies bitterly, tilting his head to finally look at me. "He had his revenge with a disgusting little note that said Thank you Sir for gifting your gay son with a big dick. I love it up my ass." Joshua says, disgust darkening his eyes. "That fucker knew I hadn't come out to my parents yet and he used it as revenge. And you already know what happened next..."

Joshua takes another pause in his explanation and I allow him some time to breathe because he is clearly affected by this story that seems to bring up some real bad memories. I do remember indeed how his homophobic father decided to disown him and to never see him again but died in his sleep the following night from a ruptured aneurysm. I also remember that Joshua had to give up on his studies to take over his father's company and face his mother's wrath.

"I'm sorry... It must have been a difficult period for you..." I whisper softly, feeling goose bumps raise on my arms.

"It was, but it made me stronger too," he replies with a small smile.

"Yeah I guess..." I sigh. "What does it have to do with us, though?" I then ask after a few more seconds of silence.

"It has to do that after that, I promised myself that I would never ever fall in love again. And I swear that I kept that promise; until... until you happened" he replies, staring at me with such intensity that my eyes lock to his.

"What... What do you mean?"

"After this break-up, I never had another boyfriend. I only had one night stands; that's until I joined Aaron and Mark in Chicago and discovered the BDSM lifestyle. It was exactly what I needed... Relationships absolutely devoid of feelings, with people I could order, dominate and fuck without burdening myself with feelings. As cold-hearted as it may sound to you, all my previous Subs were just sex partners you could say," he honestly replies. "Sex partners, Liam, but not sex toys. Subs are human beings and even if I never had feelings for them, I always treated them with utter respect, not as objects."

"Is this how you saw me in the beginning?" I exclaim, ignoring his meaningful words.

"You? No! Never! From the moment I saw you, I knew that our relationship would be different and special. Beyond the physical attraction, there was something... more... something that I never felt with anyone, not even with... my ex-lover. I considered you like I never considered any other Sub before you. I told you things I never told anyone else before. I shared so much more with you! Even if it wasn't enough for you, I swear that no one ever got a hundredth of what I gave you, Liam... I was in love with you already..."

"Why didn't you tell me then?" I ask warily.

"Because I wasn't ready... because I refused to see the truth back then. Even after you left, I didn't want to admit it. It took me a lot of time and quite a few blows to... understand, and now... I just hope that it's not too late... and that you will forgive me..." Joshua lingers remorsefully.

My heart constricts at the pain on his face. For a long moment, I remain silent. I am a bit lost and confused about my feelings because I wasn't expecting that. Now that he has told me about his past, I imagine how he must have felt after his ex-lover's deceit and I can understand his consequent reasoning. It was a way to protect himself from hurting again, but how much can I trust him? How can I be sure that he has really changed and that he sincerely loves me? Why would I be different than the other Subs he had in the past?

"I do love you, Liam... I don't know how I can prove it to you and I have entrenched myself so deep behind my opinions that I no longer know what love really is, but I will learn to express my feelings for you. I can see that you have doubts, but... I just wish you could feel how sincere I am," Joshua finally says in front of my silence.

"I do have doubts, but I can feel your sincerity... It's just... I'm scared to suffer again. I didn't know what love was before you, and... it hurt when I realized that you might never reciprocate my feelings..." I whisper, casting my eyes down to my lap.

"My feelings did reciprocate, Liam... That's what I want you to understand. I always loved you. The day you walked into that meeting room and crossed my eyes for the briefest second, you turned my world upside down. I just didn't recognize the signs, but it was there. Every time I suffocated you with overprotection; every minute I spent with you; the way I broke my personal rules to never choose someone who worked with me; the way your presence brightened my life; the way I worried and suffered every moment you were away from me; and I could go on like this for hours. I was a total jerk not to see it, but I never cared for anybody else like I cared for you. I just didn't want to accept it at that time, but now I do... I love you like I never loved anyone else before and... I'm even ready to show it off... if that's what you need... I need it too!"

"Wh...what? What do you mean?"

"I mean that I'm ready to proclaim it from the rooftops. I want to show off our love. I don't want to hide it anymore; I want people to know; everywhere and even at work... I don't want to hide anymore and..."

"Wait, wait, wait... I need a bit of time... I'd rather we take things slowly..." I interrupt him

"Why...?" he exclaims, fear arising in his eyes.

"I need time to get over all this..." I reply in a small voice. Joshua stands up from his stool and closes the distance between us as he walks to stand in front of me.

"I'll give you some time if you need it," he says, cupping my face in his hands. Feeling the warmth of his palms against my cheeks sends shivers down my spine. "I can give you some time, but I just don't want to hide anymore. I love you and I don't care what people may think about it. Just give me a second chance and I'll prove you that we can be happy together; please..."

I am suddenly overwhelmed by the intensity of his voice and his eyes; I grab his tee-shirt and pull him down until his lips meet mine and wrap my other hand around his neck. I'm still confused about my emotions but I can't deny the pleasure from our tongues entwining as we are rediscovering each other's mouths. I have missed that so much... the warmth of his tongue in my mouth; the sweetness of his saliva; his dominance in our kisses. Before I know it, I find myself straddling his lap on the couch in the family room, with my groin pressed to his, so I slightly pull away from him, thus breaking the kiss but leaving my hands on each side of his neck.

"Shall I take that as a yes?" Joshua asks through heavy panting as we both stare at each other intensely.

"Yes..." I reply shyly. "Just give me some time to process all this..."

"I will," he says with a warm smile. "Just whatever you want!" Oh really? Then now is a good time to tease him a bit more I guess.

"What about your lifestyle?" I ask defiantly, but I think that he sees through me.

"Isn't it your lifestyle too?" he replies, arching his eyebrows.

"It is... but would you be ready to give up on it if I asked you to?"

"Is that what you want?" he asks seriously though.

"No... I'm just asking..."

"If I really had to... I would try. But honestly, I think I was raised a Dominant... I need to be in control; I need you to surrender to me. It worked in the past between us; the only thing you lacked was my assurance that I loved you, but you have it now. I am certain that we can combine both the 'normal' relationship and our lifestyle... Don't you think?"

"I think I agree..." I reply, putting an end to his torture.

"That's good then. I want you to be my Submissive as much as my lover because I love you," he says, pulling me back to him for another sweet kiss.

After our conversation, we spend the rest of the afternoon cuddling on the couch in the family room, talking about the last three weeks. I am not surprised to find out that he already knows quite a few things, like the fact that I wanted to resign at first - he was thankful to Allan for rejecting it. After all, he is the big boss and I guess Allan had to tell him. When I reach the part about the guy I met two weeks ago at the Lost Paradise and discover that he knows about that too, I am mostly relieved that he doesn't get angry about it. It wasn't anything serious and we had broken up, but I remember feeling a bit guilty when it happened.

On the other side, I am quite surprised that Joshua hasn't done much apart from work and having to deal with everybody being against him. As he explains, the first couple of weeks might forever remain the darkest period of his life. He spent two days drinking himself to sleep - which now explains Ally's worries on the Tuesday when I got back to the office - to the point that he even got sick and injured his ankle in a fall. What surprises me the most is that he isolated himself from all his closest friends and stupidly rejected their support and opinions.

"They all sided with you..." he chuckles, running his fingers in my back as we are both lying on the long couch. "My three best friends tried to open my eyes but I refused to see the truth. My jaw still remembers Aaron's fist and I had some serious arguments with the three of them..."

"Aaron punched you??" I exclaim, propping myself on my elbow to look at him.

"He did, but I deserved it... I was such a jerk; not only to you, but to everyone. Even Tony was angry at me and sulked until very recently..."

"So you didn't see your friends all this time?"

"I didn't until about a week ago. After one week of stupid stubbornness, I realized that I was painfully missing you and with a little help of Liz and... when I learned what happened at the Lost Paradize, I eventually came to the realization that I was about to lose you for good. I first tried to sort things out on my own, but I finally understood that I needed help and that's when I got back to my friends. I was lost and I didn't know what to do anymore. Like I said, love and emotions had become so unfamiliar to me that everything I could think of to get you back sounded awkward or stupid to me. I was about to lose you and I was also about to lose my three childhood friends..."


"Don't be sorry," he says softly. "It wasn't your fault and they were all right actually. I was just a fool not to admit my love for you..."

"Still it can't have been easy for you..." I insist, imagining how he must have been lonely all this time when I thought he already had a new Sub.

"It wasn't but at least it opened my eyes," he comments, leaning up to kiss the tip of nose and then my lips.

I lean my head back on his chest and for a long moment we remain silent, lost in our respective thoughts. His fingers running all over my back soothe my emotions and I just relish in the comfort of his arms. I may have been lonely too for the last two weeks and sure Joshua somehow brought this on him, but at least I didn't have to face the anger of my closest friends and family. It takes a strong man to survive in adversity, especially when it comes from very close relations, but it takes an even stronger man to question himself, admit his mistakes and apologize; I sincerely admire him for that and for finally opening up to me. I understand his reservations about his past and I truly feel grateful for these revelations which allow me to figure him out better. My love for him is still intact; if anything, I think it only grew stronger. I already loved him as he was; I was only missing the little plus in feelings and emotions, so if I can get the whole package including the Dominant and the Lover, what else could I ask for?

"It's getting late..." I whisper after a long while. "I should head back home..."

"Why...? Don't you want to stay?" he exclaims as he tenses beneath me. He rolls us on the couch until he hovers over me, his face only a couple of inches above mine. I trail my fingers on his two-day stubble; I like the sensation. I also love that of his firm body over me and it arises some pleasurable tingles within me, but I am not sure that I am ready for something further today.

"I need some clothes for tomorrow..." I whisper.

"You still have some here," he argues.

"I need my laptop and it's at home..." I insist shyly.

"We can stop by your place before we go to the office tomorrow morning." Damn! He has a solution for every problem.

"I need to do some cleaning..." I sigh.

"Are you trying to find an excuse for not staying here because you really have things to do or is it because you don't want to stay here tonight?" he then asks playfully, rubbing the tip of his nose against my jawline.

"No... I don't have anything really urgent to do... And Shannon is out of town for two months anyway..." I finally admit. There is a little tension at the mention of my friend; some things just don't change, but it is only brief and I might have misinterpreted his reaction. I will definitely need to do something about that though. I would really like my lover and my best friend to get along at some point.

"So that means you can stay here..." he insists as he plunges his deep blue eyes into mine. "We don't have to do anything... but I'd like to sleep with you in my arms..." he then says intensely, somehow guessing about my worries. As much as I am ready to give us another chance, I am not ready to have sex just today. After three weeks of abstinence, I already know that my ass is going to feel it nicely the first time his monster gets in and I am keener on waiting for another day for that despite how horny I am. However, I am more than willing to spend the night in his arms so I accept his offer.

* * *

Joshua kept his promise. When we went to sleep last night, we just cuddled in bed until we both passed out and the following morning, I wake up happy and serene, to the sound of my phone going off which is weird since I hadn't set the alarm. It is 6:30 and Joshua's side is empty except for a piece of paper on his pillow.

Good morning Beautiful,
Hope you slept well. I forgot that I have an early meeting and needed to leave at six this morning. I didn't want to wake you up so early and thought you might need some space...
Tony will come and pick you up at 7:30. He'll stop by your place so that you can get what you need there.
I'll see you later. I love you. Josh

Argh... Now that Joshua is not by my side, I wish he would have been. For the first time in three weeks, I have been able to sleep well and peacefully, which comforts me in thinking there must be a reason for our being together. What concerns me a bit more though is that I will have to drive with Tony. I don't really like that he has to drive all the way back here to take me to the office, but do I have a choice? After sending a quick text to Joshua to let him know that I am awake - good habits kick back in quickly - I go shower and shave - good habits again - before I hurry to the guest room to dress up, smiling at the delicious smell of toasts and coffee coming from downstairs.

"Good morning, Sweetie!!" Liz squeals cheerfully when I enter the kitchen, reaching out to hug me. "It's so good to see you here again!!!"

"Good morning, Liz... It's good to see you again too..." I reply shyly when she pulls away and returns to preparing some toasts.

"Take a seat, breakfast is ready!" she says putting a mug of coffee and a plate of toasts on the counter, with butter and marmalade, as well as a glass of orange juice, scrambled eggs and bacon.

"Thank you..." I whisper.

Did she think I haven't eaten at all in three weeks or what? I will never be able to swallow all this food... While I pick a bit of everything and drink my coffee, Liz and I make small talk about nothing and everything, but mostly about what I have done these past three weeks - which isn't much. I also apologize for unwillingly interrupting their dinner on Saturday evening but she brushes it off, saying that they were too happy if that meant Joshua and I could mend things up. When I see 7:30 coming, I stand up and thank her for the breakfast.

"You're welcome, Liam," she says warmly, hugging me again. "I've missed you so much, sweetie!"

"I've missed you too... and your cooking..." I chuckle.

"Yeah, I see that I'll need to look after your food for some time," she scolds me, frowning her eyes. "You've lost some weight..."

"You're exaggerating..." I mutter. I may have lost a couple of pounds, but nothing so blatant.

"I know I shouldn't be saying that, but... I am really happy to have you back here. I can only imagine how things have been difficult for you, but I think that Joshua deserves a second chance. He was never a bad guy and you have changed him so much. You have revealed the good man in him. Please keep this to yourself... but I had never seen him in such a miserable state before... It took him some time to admit it, but he really loves you... Believe me, he sincerely loves you..."

"Was it that bad...?" I ask.

"Pretty much... yes... Joshua is not really the kind to let himself go and get depressive, you know. The last time I saw him shed tears dates way back when he was a that tells you..." she explains with a lot of emotion in her voice. "He already looked better this morning and I hope that you two can sort this out," she then adds more cheerfully.

"I'm sure we will..." I reply, giving her another long hug before I quickly go back upstairs to brush my teeth and head out to meet a smirking Tony outside. I don't think I ever saw him in such a good mood! I am tempted to tease him and jump in on the front seat but he must have seen through me and his scowl puts me off as he opens to back seat door and motions for me to slip in.

As we head South toward Chicago, Liz's words seep back into my mind. She spoke about depression and tears... I wasn't expecting that much. Joshua did tell me yesterday that the last three weeks have been difficult for him, especially the first two days, but he didn't go into that many details. Not sure I want to hear details anyway. Liz has known Joshua since he was a kid so I trust her judgment. Time will tell, but I am pretty sure too that we can sort this out. He already admitted his love to me, and even if I feel that a little something is still missing to fully convince me, I am willing to try.

Published on 24 Nov 2016

This chapter had only 3000 words in the initial draft and it now has over 6000 which explains the delay in publishing it today. Sorry about that... I worked so much on it that I just can't read it anymore, so if you see mistakes or missing words, feel free to comment and I'll make corrections. Thanks!!

So there wasn't much action here but I think that some explanations were in order and things will accelerate from the next chapter on. Of course there will be some make up sssss and before we end the third part of Joshua and Liam's story, there is still one big event to happen as you know if you read the first story of the series.

Also, I will try my best to publish a new chapter on Saturday but I can't promise anything and that will only happen if I have time to start reviewing the next one tonight because I am going on a week-end in the West of France and I am not taking my laptop :)

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